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Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

Shoting down the intruder jet is not the first thing to do without any warning. If it was so, you wouldn't mind if we shot down the Israeli jet which violated our airspace a month ago over Hatay province instead of forcing it out of Turkish airspace, would you?

... do not bother to tell her somthing, her motivation is far more different than you think.


How about mass murders of Sunni Muslims? It is legitimate for Turkey to care about them because you obviously dont care enough. And since there is a dictatorship in Syria,then there is no terrorism. People have a right to overthrow a dictator by any means.

... do not bother to tell her somthing, her motivation is far more different than you think.

i agree on point that, syria should of contacted jet and demanded it leave its airspace.. they probably should of scrambled its own jet too...

if they did contact it, and got refusal or no respone, then it was rightfully shot down.
i m looking at western media and they seem very happy in this situation it is very intersting:whistle:
I wonder what the reaction of the turkish govt would have been if a syrian jet was to do the same thing ......obviously before this incident took place.

There is no need to wonder so much. A month ago, an Israeli fighter jet violated our airspace over Hatay province and two Turkish fighter jets immediately took off and forced the Israeli pilot to get out of Turkish airspace. They didn't use any missile or shot the plane down although they were fully loaded. This would have been the Turkish reaction to the any Syrian intruder fighter jet. Syrians must have done the same or at least gave a warning to the pilot.
Look at all these nonsense idiotic comments without knowledge talking about Turkey must attack back must do this must do that.. You noobs we must wake our self up first and get rid off that retard akp goverment. You guys dont see that they pushing Turkey to get in to a conflict with Syria or Iran??

Look this is the plan on Turkey since 2003:

1. Brainwash people by fals economic numbers and give them a bit money for next 15 year so they will keep voting for AKP.
2. Fully support the PKK (financial and weaponize). In 2000 PKK was almost zero but now its again at his highest.
3. Creating new laws without any democratic ways. Fooling the people to vote for the new constitution so they have the power over the Board of Judges and Prosecutors, so they can later on devide the people with so called right for kurds politics.
4. Creating huge lies about the Turkish millitary and taking all important commandants and the generals that know what kind of games going on in Turkey inside jail.
5. Securing Israel for Iran missiles.
6. Creating conflicts between Turkey - Syria and Iran.
7. Pushing Turkey in to war.
8. Creating chaos in Turkey between Turks and kurd (while Turkey is in war)
9. USA, NATO, UN falls in, fighting agains Syria, Turkey and Iran.
10. Conclusion: Devided grounds. Stabilishing a kurdish state inside Turkey and Iraq and Syria.
11. Over some several years, destroying kurdish state and replace it with great-israel.

Wake up salaklasmayin.
This would not have happened if Erdogan was not taking orders from Tel Aviv and D.C. :disagree:

I dont know if the Turkish people want war, but the ones i know from Turkey do not want war and they oppose Erdogan foreign policy against Syria.

A military spokesman issued the following statement: At 11:40 AM on 22/6/2012, an unidentified aerial target violated Syrian airspace, coming from the west at a very low altitude and at high speed over territorial waters, so the Syrian anti-air defenses counteracted with anti-aircraft artillery, hitting it directly as it was 1 kilometer away from land, causing it to crash into Syrian territorial waters west of Om al-Tuyour village in Lattakia province, 10 kilometers from the beach.

The spokesman added that the target turned out to be a Turkish military plane that entered Syrian airspace and was dealt with according to laws observed in such cases.

The spokesman also said that the two countries' naval forces' commands have established contact, and Syrian naval ships along with the Turkish side are searching for the two missing pilots.

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::
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IF and when we do respond Suriyan All *** Moron supporters will be crying over their "fate" just as the moronic and equally bankrupt/corrupt Cypriots have been for the past 40 odd years. Remember the idiotic little nation of Cyprus also gambled on the protection of a foreign power who they believed would protect them from the Turks (when they started killing Turks or people who we believe we have a natural bond with).

Yes I am drawing parallels between Suriye/Cyprus and Russia/Greece respectively & if anyone thinks Russia is going to invade a major almost equally armed (on parallel - conventional weapons) NATO state just to protect a crumbling Suriye then they need to take their tin foil hats of and have a real good hard look at the situation.

Sigh... Arabs on pay of AssHats have been blaming their little civil war on the Turks for some time now, I guess these former subjects of ours truly miss the Turkish slap.

Note: The aircraft was shot down over Turkish territory, however the SAM fired from Syrian sovereign territory less then 12km away which gives an almost non existent time for the pilot to get away. It's clear from my POV that the AssHat cronies operating the SAM waited for the opportune moment to fire & even if the aircraft was over Suriyan territory the norm is to lock the invading aircraft into the computers of the SAM and not actually pull the trigger unless the invading aircraft ignores such warnings and continues to "penetrate" your territory <- This is a norm for a very good reason and even the bankrupt/corrupt Greeks follow this since if all nations had a shoot first, ask questions later policy then I would have been fried in the cold war in a nuclear exchange between 2 superpowers and many of you I suspect would have never had the chance at being born into this world.
This would not have happened if Erdogan was not taking orders from Tel Aviv and D.C. :disagree:

I dont know if the Turkish people want war, but the ones i know from Turkey do not want war and they oppose Erdogan foreign policy against Syria.

Completly right. Its a internal case of Syria we dont have to interfere. There is no reason to have a war agains another muslims country. Even thinking about this is crazy. Erdogan goes to Obama, they talk and suddenly next day boom. Dirty politics. The leaders, always the leaders..

If Erdogan think so much about innocent lives, we he didnt say anything to his uncles in USA that slaughtered more than million innocent lives in Iraq??
Newly-supplied Russian Buk-M2 anti-air missile used to down Turkish warplane

To ambush the Turkish Air Force F-4 Super Phantom Friday June 22, over Latakia, Syria used Russian-made self-propelled medium range anti-air Buk-M2 missiles (NATO codenamed SA-11) recently supplied by Moscow. The SA-11 can down aircraft flying at altitudes up to 14 kilometers and Mach 3 speed.
Since the sophisticated weapons were delivered to the Assad regime in recent weeks, it must be assumed that local missile crews had not finished training in their use and would have had to rely on help from their Russian instructors to fire one.
This would be the first instance in the 15-month Syrian uprising of an advanced Russian-supplied weapon hitting the military target of a NATO member. Hence the comment from Washington by US State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland who said: &#8220;We&#8217;ve seen the reports&#8230; We have obviously been in contact with our Turkish ally&#8230;. To my knowledge, they haven&#8217;t raised this at NATO at this point.&#8221;
Ankara has repeatedly threatened to ask NATO to invoke the pact&#8217;s article 5 obligating members to come to the aid of a fellow member coming under attack. In this case, however, the Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan&#8217;s rhetoric was relatively restrained. He vowed to &#8220;determinedly take necessary steps&#8221; in response &#8220;once the incident is fully clarified,&#8221; leaving Ankara&#8217;s response deliberately vague.
President Abdullah Gul spoke out more strongly: &#8220;It is impossible to ignore our fighter jet being shot down by Syria,&#8221; he said after Damascus admitted to shooting down the plane, claiming its air defenses acted according to standard procedure before realizing it was a Turkish air force jet. Both are searching for the two missing pilots.
debkafile&#8217;s military experts add: This was also the first time in five years any weapons system with Israeli manufacturing input had faced a Russian weapon acquired by Syria.
The first time was September 6, 2007, when Israeli fighter-bombers demolished the Iranian-North Korean-built nuclear reactor in the northern Syrian town of Al-Kibar. Airspace over the reactor was guarded by Russian Pantsyr-S1 anti-air missiles capable of reaching aircraft flying at altitudes of up 12 kilometers as well as cruise missiles. Israeli bombers got through by disabling the Russian missiles&#8217; radar so that Damascus never realized its reactor was being bombed until it had been smashed and Israeli bombers were home.

Five years later, Turkey lost a Super Phantom which had undergone partial upgrading by the Israeli Aerospace Industry. However, two years ago, Ankara broke off its security and military ties with Jerusalem after a clash at sea between Turkish Mavi Marmara and Israel troops wich intercepted the vessel on its way to break Israel&#8217;s Gaza blockade, leaving nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists dead.
By severing those ties, the Erdogan government left Israel&#8217;s improvements unfinished and the Turkish air force&#8217;s F-4 short of counter-measures for evading or attacking the latest Russian-made air defense weapons fired by Syria.
According to, debkafile&#8217;s military sources waylaying a Turkish military plane over the sea was therefore a simple matter for the new SA-11.
Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan admitted Saturday that the jet was shot down over the Mediterranean around 13 kilometers west of the Syrian port of Latakia. He did not explain what a Turkish bomber fighter was doing over Syrian territorial waters, but the suggestion, which Western military sources have confirmed, was that Turkish military jets have lately been carrying out almost daily reconnaissance flights over the Syrian coast. Moscow and Damascus apparently decided it was time to stop the missions which among other things spied on the Russian arms supplies transiting Russian bases at the Syrian ports of Tartus and Latakia.

Newly-supplied Russian Buk-M2 anti-air missile used to down Turkish warplane
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Dü&#351;en Jet, kaybolan Pilotlar, ve Güvenlik Kurulu Aç&#305;klamas&#305;= TUZAK!

Bir sava&#351; uça&#287;&#305; Suriye hava sahas&#305;n&#305; ihlal ediyor. Uçaksavarlarla dü&#351;ürülüyor. Pilotlar kurtar&#305;l&#305;p götürülüyor.Güvenlik kurulu toplant&#305;dan 1 buçuk saat sonra yaz&#305;l&#305; aç&#305;klama yap&#305;yor! 4 paragraf! &#350;aka gibi...

Aç&#305;klama ba&#351;tan sona tek kelimeyle TUHAF! Kendi içinde çeli&#351;kili ve hükümetin 'limboda' kald&#305;&#287;&#305;n&#305; gösteren bir belge!

"&#304;lgili kurumlar&#305;m&#305;z&#305;n sa&#287;lad&#305;&#287;&#305; verilerin de&#287;erlendirilmesi ve Suriye ile yürütülen ortak arama kurtarma faaliyetleri çerçevesinde elde edilen bilgiler neticesinde uça&#287;&#305;m&#305;z&#305;n Suriye taraf&#305;ndan dü&#351;ürüldü&#287;ü anla&#351;&#305;lm&#305;&#351;t&#305;r.

Hem Suriye taraf&#305;ndan vuruluyor hem de Suriye ile birlikte arama kurtarma faaliyeti yap&#305;yoruz!

'Pilotlar&#305;m&#305;z dahil arama kurtarma çal&#305;&#351;malar&#305; hâlen devam etmektedir'.

Ve bir babalanma ile aç&#305;klama bitiyor!

'Türkiye olay&#305;n tam olarak ayd&#305;nlat&#305;lmas&#305;n&#305;n ard&#305;ndan, nihai tavr&#305;n&#305; ortaya koyacak, at&#305;lmas&#305; gereken ad&#305;mlar&#305; kararl&#305;l&#305;kla atacakt&#305;r."

O uçaklara Suriye hava sahas&#305;nda kara sular&#305;nda uçu&#351; yapma emrini kim verdi?

Hangi görevle o bölgedeydiler?

Ba&#351;bakan, Genel Kurmay Ba&#351;kan&#305; ve hava kuvvetleri komutan&#305; pilotlar&#305;n akîbeti hakk&#305;nda neden aç&#305;klama yapm&#305;yor?

Türkiye'yi yönetemeyenler BATININ DEL&#304; GÖMLE&#286;&#304;NDE!

2. bir Muavenet olay&#305; gözümüzün önünde!!!

Banu AVAR, 23 Haziran 2012
Russian S300

Turkish SOM :bunny: = Dead Russian S300PMU/OSA systems


Our plane was shot down within 12kms = With the F-4 no matter how many upgrades it has human reaction + the aerodynamics of the F-4 (even if a so called MiG recycler ) will sadly result in a downed jet.
Shoting down the intruder jet is not the first thing to do without any warning. If it was so, you wouldn't mind if we shot down the Israeli jet which violated our airspace a month ago over Hatay province instead of forcing it out of Turkish airspace, would you?

I really wouldnt mind...

There is no need to wonder so much. A month ago, an Israeli fighter jet violated our airspace over Hatay province and two Turkish fighter jets immediately took off and forced the Israeli pilot to get out of Turkish airspace. They didn't use any missile or shot the plane down although they were fully loaded. This would have been the Turkish reaction to the any Syrian intruder fighter jet. Syrians must have done the same or at least gave a warning to the pilot.

Are you delusional?
can't fight your own wars buddy? need us to save your *** after provoking a war?

Look at this American trash.. Was it american people that fought alone agains 7 other nations while had no ammunation no weapons during first world war and after it? You guys still cry about it balless c**ts that only can do something with technology without it little crying babys.

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