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Syed Ali Shah Geelani praises militants who killed Colonel MN Rai

We liberated 13,297 km² with handful razakars. Lets see.
nobody gives a fuk about mountainous northern areas.

we still control your jugular veins (rivers) generating electricity etc. and you live on our mercy as what would happen we stop the flow of rivers ,you have large population depend on agriculture or remember the floods.

Its worse than W.M.D or nukes


Pakistan to raise objections over four Indian power projects in Kashmir – The Express Tribune

and its India being generous
New Delhi: Separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani triggered a new controversy by praising two Kashmiri militants who were killed in a recent encounter that also cost the life of gallantry award recipient Colonel MN Rai.

The Tuesday encounter that took place in South Kashmir’s Tral area also cost the life of head constable Sanjeev Kumar Singh.

The chairman of the hardline Hurriyat group, Geelani said that their “sacred blood” would not go in vain and India must accept the ground realities. He also sent a high-level party delegation to meet the families of the two Kashmiri youths.

Blaming the Indian government for the insurgency in the region Geelani said, “Due to the rigid and stubborn approach of the Indian government, the youth are opting for gun instead of pen and this policy is costing precious human lives in the region.”

The 84 year old hardliner e-mailed his statement from Delhi, where he is receiving medical treatment.

His statement further read, “The violent path adopted by Kashmiri youth is not any act of hobby nor is it the result of unemployment. They are the students of different colleges and universities who are fully aware about the historical perspective and the tragedy of Kashmir.”

Geelani further added, “These children have witnessed the people’s revolutions in which millions of people came out on the roads and demanded their right to self- determination and reminded India about forgotten promises,” referring to the 2008 and 2010 street agitations in Kashmir.

It is also worth a mention that one of the two militants, killed in encounter was the son of a head constable with J&K police. A leading daily’s carried out a report that said that Khan’s maternal uncle was also a militant. His cousin, Ishfaq Ahmad Khan, was arrested last year after he stabbed a policeman in an attempt to snatch his rifle.

Chairman of Azad Kashmir based United Jihad Council, Syed Salahuddin also joined Geelani in paying tributes to the dead militants. “The two fighters fought bravely and demonstrate the fact that every Mujahid (warrior) of Hizb is committed to the Kashmir cause and is ready to sacrifice his precious life,” he was quoted as saying by a leading daily.

Syed Ali Shah Geelani praises militants who killed Colonel MN Rai

Hurriyat leader Ali Shah Geelani calls terrorists who were killed in J&K encounter 'martyrs' - The Economic Times

Watch Shiv Aroor's Vine "The 2/9 Gorkha war cry. By 11-year-old Alka. As she salutes her father Colonel MN Rai's mortal remains."

Sometimes I feel Terror should be dealt with terror . How Can U talk love with pigs who want to himself along with you? Need to learn lesson pakistan operation on TTP . no questions on human rights violation just kill every single pigs
You didnt do jack$hit. You fought a local maharaja and defeated him. Its like a country fighting a local warlord and feeling great.

The second Indian Army came, you started losing. That is why we hold the majority of J&K today.
That is why you lost East Pakistan.

A local maharaja :nono: He recruited Gurkhas(Midget faces) units to take away azad poonch.But failed.:pakistan:

Yea, started an operation to capture enemy territory, ended up defending your own. Bravo!

Only Pakistan army has the shamelessness to boast about such a feat.

Won't happen, he won't leave the comfort of his basement and go to the LoC. PDF warriors live long.
I told you Giberalter operation is not finished.

nobody gives a fuk about mountainous northern areas.

we still control your jugular veins (rivers) generating electricity etc. and you live on our mercy as what would happen we stop the flow of rivers ,you have large population depend on agriculture or remember the floods.

Its worse than W.M.D or nukes


Pakistan to raise objections over four Indian power projects in Kashmir – The Express Tribune

and its India being generous
Just block supplies. :D Who cares.
A local maharaja :nono: He recruited Gurkhas(Midget faces) units to take away azad poonch.But failed.:pakistan:

I told you Giberalter operation is not finished.

Just block supplies. :D Who cares.

Look what a gurkha 'midget' can do
Gurkha who beheaded Taliban soldier in Afghanistan battle cleared to return to duty | Daily Mail Online

A local maharaja :nono: He recruited Gurkhas(Midget faces) units to take away azad poonch.But failed.:pakistan:

I told you Giberalter operation is not finished.

Just block supplies. :D Who cares.
your 50% population cares don't you remember the recent flood
Sometimes I feel Terror should be dealt with terror . How Can U talk love with pigs who want to himself along with you? Need to learn lesson pakistan operation on TTP . no questions on human rights violation just kill every single pigs
the problem is that, some misguided youth will think opposite, and will go against us, and this process will never end then,
look how we deal with naxals.
As far as operation of TTP is concerned thats their matter, we should not follow that.
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