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Syed Ali Shah Geelani praises militants who killed Colonel MN Rai

Its seems like donors(pakistan) have order him to go active. As their all tactics flops....wait till BJP and PDP Form Government in JK. My First Comment Yeaa.. :-)
Geelani should be killed by some patriotic, nationalist Indians who need to take the law and justice into their own hands. The fact that this guy gets treatment in Delhi, lives a comfortbale life and get to spew shit while living in India.....is testament to the weak will and identity of India/Indians. Indians should do a million man march in front of the hosptial where this fukker is getting treatment. Videotape it and put it on the web for all to see. Kashmir can never get the same amount of ppl to march if all Indians unite and march!
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What you label them who were killed by army in Kashmir, Terrorists or freedom fighters?

I said Kashmir was the enemies' land for the Colonel are you denying this?. And before I answer your question what do you label the people who are persecuted by your army in Kashmir the women of Kashmir the children are they terrorists?
Damn I clicked on the twitter link and saw Rai's young daughter. Its stated she as she cried, she yelled the Gorhka regiment's war cry. She is just like her dad, a true patriot.

Congress attempted to give Kahsmir away, I remember TOI and other media trying to convince ppl there was no need for Kashmir. I am here to say , the more blood we loose in Kashmir, will only force Indians to make sure Kashmir is NEVER GIVEN UP.

The day is coming when Kashmiri's will force India to act. We will open the floodgates, give free land, money and allow Indians from all over to settle in Kashmir. After that we will allow voting. Whatever agreements we had, we will find "evidence" of corruptio, manipulation, foriegn interference, etc and get rid of the original agreement and make a new one in our favor.

Keep pushing us ......

It was not. But it should have been. I myself feel embarrassed.

Time for Indians to develop a tough exterior and attitude towards Pakistan. Glad Modi is at the Helm. If it was Congress, they would have approached Pakistan and given an apology.
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RIP peshawar Mujahedeen.... Rot in hell ---------------.
you can fill in the blank
There is Lot of difference between killing kids and killing a Colonel of oppressing force. It’s expected from citizens of peace loving supa pawa bharat.
Damn I clicked on the twitter link and saw Rai's young daughter. Its stated she as she cried, she yelled the Gorhka regiment's war cry. She is just like her dad, a true patriot.

Congress attempted to give Kahsmir away, I remember TOI and other media trying to convince ppl there was need for Kashmir. I am here to say , the mmore blood we loose in Kashmir, will only force Indians to make sure Kashmir is NEVER GIVEN UP.

The day is coming when Kashmiri's will force India to act. We will open the floodgates, give free land, money and allow Indians from all over to settle in Kashmir. After that we will allow voting. Whatever agreements we had, we will find "evidence" of corruptio, manipulation, foriegn interference, etc and get rid of the original agreement and make a new one in our favor.

Keep pushing us ......

Time for Indians to develop a tough exterior and attitude towards Pakistan. Glad Modi is at the Helm. If it was Congress, they would have approached Pakistan to apologize.

Pakistan is not the enemy. It is not even the problem. Pakistan is a symptom.
I said Kashmir was the enemies' land for the Colonel are you denying this?. And before I answer your question what do you label the people who are persecuted by your army in Kashmir the women of Kashmir the children are they terrorists?

How enemies land ....? Its our land, can you deny this ?
I don't support any sort of atrocities to innocent even when it is done in war fetched zone by our own army ....... In a very recent cases Army court has punished soldiers in fake encounter case of jnk.....if you required I will share the details of that thread where every Indian applauded the judgement .......
Someone should really thank him for indirectly helping in the fertilization of the soil of the valley.
??? Don't get it? Oh wait LOL....I got it
Pakistan is our punching bag. We dump our frustration on them. Imagine another part of our country seceding. 20 years down the line they will cook up some reason to hate our existence. This is a natural phenomenon. These are all symptoms.
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