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Sushma Swaraj likely to visit Israel in January

My last post on this thread
I understand full well that there is no such thing as permeant friends in international relations only permeant interests. All i am saying is that with Israel the situation is slightly different and India should allow itself to get as close as possible to her because it is truly beneficial to both sides and Israel is not as inclined as others to screw India over.

Israel is rather an anomaly and India's interests align with Israel almost perfectly.
That is not what you said in this post
India needs to cozy up to Israel as much as possible- she is the one true friend out there that won't screw over India (for a multitude of reasons) and has a HUGE amount to give to India and vice versa.
Obviously proven wrong. Israel is a sovereign nation like India and like India is bound to look after its own interests which is not wrong by any means. In the preservation of its interests it is surely capable of screwing over India and as such does not deserve to be called 'friend'. This one-sided love affair that Indians have with Israel is quite frankly embarrassing. Our interests as you call - specifically in the arena of Counter-Terrorism align with pretty much all of the developed world (pretty much all of the world except some self-styled mullah nation to the west). Its just that the rest of the world doesn't have MOSSAD.

Right you are friends!

Both in the civil and military domain, just a few examples where Israel can and has shown genuine interest in assisting India with:

Clean water tech (cleaning India's rivers)
Agriculture (Israel has already helped states develop state of the art "model farms" in India)
Border Security
Homeland defence (training of regular and special police units)
Intelligence sharing/co-operation

As I said embarrassing:mad:. These areas see Israeli involvement via their corporates i.e they have commercial interests in this field ( not a surprise considering that they are the market leaders in this field). It isn't being done by Israeli people or Israeli NGO's or even Israeli government - simply their companies (i.e profit8-)).

And as you will see, upon the use of google; Israeli military help to India isn't any special either, they help plenty of countries - some even more than us. The highly visible co-operation in Indian military stems from the fact that we are their biggest market - they find a bigger market (guess who!), their attention will shift to them.

All in all, simply put India is a big market, Israel has stuff to sell. That's all that this relation is about, few minor corporate JV's notwithstanding.

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