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LOL. That is something you have just made up. What has this to do with KSA? Did you not like that I exposed your hypocrisy or what? Seems so.

All of the people in KSA are Arabs. We are not occupying land that is not ours. Besides there are no tribal wars or anything. What are you talking about? This is not Africa or Latin America. This dynastic/regional rivalries ended a long time ago.

Shias make up less than 10% of the population and they are a minority in the Eastern Province so which country should they have? What are you talking about? They have never called for their own country.

There is no need to divide Arabs based on regions when they have been united for nearly 100 years and have a common culture now. If we occupied territory where non-Arabs lived in the majority like Iran for example does then we could talk about any historical/sane base for a possible break up of the country. The rest is just fairytales.

You can quote me on that in 50 years if we both are still here and this forum exists.

Not gonna bother with anymore replies to you (this'll be my last on this subject) because you're too much in your head.

Hypocrite my rear-end. I support equal rights (that does not necessarily mean state). Both in Palestine, and for Kurds in the respective states they live in. You havent pointed anything out, but your own stupidity.

Nor are we ockupying land that is not ours. We have several different minority groups, but most of those minority groups, if not nearly all, are an Iranic people/tribe. Iran is not an ethnicity but a nationality. We are a very stable state. Even with sanctions, do you ever hear of significant separatist movements in Iran? Cant remember the last time there was a conflict. Oh wait, there hasnt been any in modern age.

I did not say KSA will break off. Just that it has more potential to do so, because it is in nature a feudal and tribal society, held together by one family. It does not matter if its all Arabs. Do you comprehend simple English? Its a tribal society.
I repeat, KSA is an artificial state. Most states in Middle East are created by the French and Brits (Syqes-Piquot), after the fall of Ottoman Empire.
After that fall, KSA it became a mandate for the Brits, then to be replaced by Americans. It is now an American mandate, and had Al Saud not had support from US for regime survival, I would see huge potential and danger of KSA being split to several tribal enclaves.
Especially in Shia Eastern partwhere all the oil is, where people are treated as not a part of the Saudi state, but agents of Iran. LOL how pathetic is that? You accuse 10 % of your own population of being a 5th column agents of Iran. Thats how weak and insecure Saudi Arabia is.
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Not gonna bother with anymore replies to you (this'll be my last on this subject) because you're too much in your head.

Hypocrite my rear-end. I support equal rights (that does not necessarily mean state). Both in Palestine, and for Kurds in the respective states they live in. You havent pointed anything out, but your own stupidity.

Nor are we ockupying land that is not ours. We have several different minority groups, but most of those minority groups, if not nearly all, are an Iranic people/tribe. Iran is not an ethnicity but a nationality. We are a very stable state. Even with sanctions, do you ever hear of significant separatist movements in Iran? Cant remember the last time there was a conflict. Oh wait, there hasnt been any in modern age.

I did not say KSA will break off. Just that it has more potential to do so, because it is in nature a feudal and tribal society, held together by one family. It does not matter if its all Arabs. Do you comprehend simple English? Its a tribal society.
I repeat, KSA is an artificial state. Most states in Middle East are created by the French and Brits (Syqes-Piquot), after the fall of Ottoman Empire.
After that fall, KSA it became a mandate for the Brits, then to be replaced by Americans. It is now an American mandate, and had Al Saud not had support from US for regime survival, I would see huge potential and danger of KSA being split to several tribal enclaves.

Oh, of course you don't when it is better to run away as usual when ones arguments are picked apart as I am doing right now!

Of course your hypocrisy was shown. You wholeheartedly support the Palestinians, who like the Kurds have just as much a right for their own country (in fact they are much more numerous than the Palestinians) and who are Muslims too.

You support the Palestinians fully but only the Kurds "as long as it does not impact your nationalistic interests" (those of Iran). If that is not hypocrisy then what is it then?

Yes, so I guess in your logic the Jews can occupy the Palestinian Arabs since both people are Semitic? You should not have mentioned stupidity because I can quickly use that in my favor much more powerfully than your pathetic attempt of doing the same just because you became angry, LOL.

Last time I checked there are several seperatistic minorities living in Iran. In fact 40% of the population are non-Persians. Ever heard about the Kurds, Baluch and in smaller doses the Arabs and Azeris? You are telling me that there have not been talk of separatism or autonomy from those 4 groups. YEAH, RIGH.:lol:

Yeah, you did not fight with your own Kurds until very recently. Sure, LOL.

So what if KSA is ruled by one family? Your own country is ruled by a few clerical families as well. You are a theocracy. Same potential for falling apart and unlike KSA there is a real danger of that happening.

Once again there have been no regional groups or people in KSA that have even REMOTELY voiced any desire for autonomy LET alone their own countries, LOL. You are grasping at straws. A comparison with Iran is laughable.

Sorry to burst your bubble but KSA was not created by any outsiders and all of KSA's territory lies on the Arabian Peninsula. Ever heard about which people live there?

Nice try but KSA was never colonized nor were our borders, like your country, taken by outsiders or lost in wars.

You are one funny guy. Have to give you that. For a supposed atheist and anti-Mullah poster you sure follow the party line. I wonder when you will receive your medal or order from the Grand Ayatollah and Supreme Leader. Don't the Islamic Republic have a embassy in Copenhagen? You can try to get one there if you show them your work on this forum.

Next time open a book if you want a serious discussion or to be taken seriously. Just a friendly advice. I know that there will come a angry reply with more historical lies and nonsense but I am used to that so just come with it.
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Kurds have right to their own culture and language in Iran. Not to mention they have proportionate representation in the central government, just like other minority groups. They have been a natural part of Iranian states, since milleniums back.
So I dont see much danger of compromising Irans territory. Maybe Iraq, but definately not Iran. Probably not Turkey either.
These are very stable states

If anything I see more potential for KSA being carved off into several emirates/tribal enclaves, in the longer term. A state formation in Hijaz, state formation in Shia east, and the rest to be divided along the different tribes. Dont throw stones, when you live in a glass house. Because KSA is an artificial state.

Mate, I think you should stop lying to yourself. Kurds, just like Ahwazis and Balochs and Azeris, are not able to be taught in their mother tongue in schools in Iran. That is a fact that not even you can deny. So what rights do Kurds have to '' their own culture and language''?

And so what if they have a proportionate representation in the central government? If they start promoting Kurdish language and culture they will get imprisoned and the possibility of being hanged for '' emnity against God'' or '' trying to seperate Iran'' is rather high. We have seen numerous cases of this both with Kurds but likewise with Ahwazis and Balochs.

There is going to be a federal Iran and there is going to be a federal Turkey aswell. Power can only be centralized for a certain amount of time until it has to be distributed locally. Every single conflict in Middle East is a very good indication of this premise.

And no, I am not supporting seperation of Iran. I am simply telling you what to do if you really and truly support an unified Iran. If you really love the borders of your country and if you really do not want it to fall apart. The solution is very simple; grant minorities their elemental and basic human rights. It really is no more than that.
in kurdish areas, children should be offered to learn their mother language. And if they are a significant population, turkey should even accept it at national level.
that is how you bring separatist to your side.
There are allready Kurdish teaching classes in schools in Turkey everyone is free to visit.

Kurds are the most numerous ethnic group in the world without their own country.
Kurds have KRG which will become a independent state in Future.
But dont talk about Autonomy or Indenpence on Turkish territory, this is a very serious issue for us!

There is going to be a federal Iran and there is going to be a federal Turkey aswell.
Never, the people of Turkey will never accept any initial development towards separation.
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