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Surgical strikes now part of standard response to terror strikes

Just a glimpse of what actually happened...if something ever happened there.
Why don't you get yourself a tape measure and check it out yourself.
Thanks for the intelligent suggestion. This must be the way in which things happen in communist nations - but in civilized countries, usually when you make a claim you need to back it up with sources.

Holder of the burden
When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim especially when it challenges a perceived status quo.
While certain kinds of arguments, such as logical syllogisms, require mathematical or strictly logical proofs, the standard for evidence to meet the burden of proof is usually determined by context and community standards and conventions.

Agreed. There is more onus on India.

But this has been an opportunity for Pakistan to pull a Gary Powers type of PR coup on India. Sometime in the 60s, he was in an American spy plane shot down by Soviets and Americans thinking he was dead mentioned some weather operation - much to US embarrassment after a few months he was presented to the world as a pilot caught spying.
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But this has been an opportunity for Pakistan to pull a Gary Powers type of PR coup on India.

Despite of your well-fitted example. Sir i don't think its "Good" to show Video Footage of strategic locations on border to world.

Still, Pakistan did it's Part and took Journalists (both national and international) to those Places which (India claimed) to conduct Surgical Strikes on. that's all they could have done and they did so.

See video in Post # 47.
Despite of your well-fitted example. Sir i don't think its "Good" to show Video Footage of strategic locations on border to world.

Still, Pakistan did it's Part and took Journalists (both national and international) to those Places which (India claimed) to conduct Surgical Strikes on. that's all they could have done and they did so.

See video in Post # 47.
I know :) When it comes to India and Pakistan, the truth always lies somewhere in between. Both sides drum up whatever narrative they need to feed to their frenzied chest thumping populations. And this is not particularly native to India-Pak either - all countries would want to believe whatever patriotic drivel that their leadership force feeds them. I mean, they elected Trump, voted for Brexit and now Le Pen is the front runner in France. I am pretty certain a few hundred years down the line the future generations would look at our times and say - "wow - what a bunch of idiots."
Good. Surgical Strikes should be the response to any terrorist attacks in India. Just once is not enough, we need such strikes multiple times to teach enemy a lesson.
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Its good to see that surgical strikes have now been codified as standard response to terrorism. Its part of the IA Standard Operating Procedure.

This way the next time the IA wants, it does not have to take political permission. It can go with its SOP.

Better still it will force the IA to develop strategics, tactics and develop units specialized in this form of strikes.
Is "failure to produce shred of evidence" also part of new Indian doctrine? Some of its undisclosed points might include;
  • "... and a claim of surgical strike is enough, no evidence will be ever produced."
  • "... Indian president will award 100 soldiers every time we claim a surgical strike."
  • "... and you better believe our claims or you are anti-India".
Indian fellows, ghosts of NO EVIDENCE SURGICAL STRIKE will always haunt you. :smitten:
Walk the talk Indians....this is what's called surgical strike in essence....executed and displayed.
Pakistani troops going into Indian territory and blowing up an Indian bunker....Do notice the Taranga getting blown away. :D

Anyways top US General has endorsed surgical strikes happened:


The General never said the words "surgical strike".

Seems someone at dawn was quite eager to conclude the words "responding militraily" as "endorsement of surgical strike", despite there being no solid evidence of the supposed surgical strike in the first place.

One might intrepret this extraordinary compulsion to be indicative of something else; a compromised media outlet perhaps. Though I do not condone this.
Dear Indians
If indian army did surgical strike i m 100 % sure india make a video and show it to world, how we did it and how many so called terrorist blah blah blah.... !!
1000+ of indian youtube channel follow najam sethi beacuse najam sethi speaks a truth, he loves only truth.

Look what he said about surgical strikes
I am continually disappointed by how the Indian Military continues to insist on their own interpretation of what a surgical strike is. Even if I accept their unsubstantiated farcical fairy tale, the whole thing would be called an incursion rather than a surgical strike.
I am continually disappointed by how the Indian Military continues to insist on their own interpretation of what a surgical strike is. Even if I accept their unsubstantiated farcical fairy tale, the whole thing would be called an incursion rather than a surgical strike.

IA has stopped being a professional army long ago. They have become what Punjab police is to Sharif family.
Thanks for the intelligent suggestion. This must be the way in which things happen in communist nations - but in civilized countries, usually when you make a claim you need to back it up with sources.

Agreed. There is more onus on India.

But this has been an opportunity for Pakistan to pull a Gary Powers type of PR coup on India. Sometime in the 60s, he was in an American spy plane shot down by Soviets and Americans thinking he was dead mentioned some weather operation - much to US embarrassment after a few months he was presented to the world as a pilot caught spying.

The point is that India did cross the border, shoot their guns, went right back and call it surgical strike. It's more of a cross border shooting.

Because India come up with exaggerated names such as surgical strike to describe a shallow cross border incursion, there is no need to discuss forther as we all agree with the facts, if not the name.

Good. Surgical Strikes should be the response to any terrorist attacks in India. Just once is not enough, we need to multiple such strikes to teach enemy a lesson.

So what is the difference between a border incursion vs surgical strike in India? Outside of India, What India did was an incursion. What US did with OBL was a surgical strike.
Surgical strikes now part of standard response to terror strikes


Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee and Navy Chief releases the Joint Doctrine Indian Armed Forces-2017 in the presence of Army Chief Bipin Rawat (right) and Chief of the Air Staff Birender Singh Dhanoa. | Photo Credit: @adgpi


Navy Chief and Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee Admiral Sunil Lanba releases second oint doctrine Indian armed forces.

India’s latest military doctrine has added surgical strikes, including across the border, among India’s possible responses to terrorist attacks.

The ‘joint doctrine Indian armed forces’ prepared by the Headquarters, Integrated Defence Staff was released by Admiral Sunil Lanba, Chairman, Chiefs of Staff Committee and Navy Chief in the South Block on Tuesday. The first joint military doctrine was released in 2006.

“The response to terror provocations could be in the form of ‘surgical strikes’ and these would be subsumed in the sub-conventional portion of the spectrum of armed conflict,” the doctrine states.

The reclassification of surgical strikes, officials said, shows that they are not a one-off event any more but part of several options that would be considered. In the last two years, the Army had carried out surgical strikes across the border with Myanmar and Line of Control (LoC) Pakistan, targeting terrorist camps.

The doctrine will serve as a cornerstone document for application of military power in a “synergised manner leading to enhanced efficiency, optimum utilisation of resources and financial savings,” the Navy said in a statement.

The revised doctrine was formulated in a record time of nine months, a senior officer said. Last year’s event of surgical strikes and increased tensions on the border gave further impetus to it.

“Doctrines are always works in progress and keep evolving from time to time. A colligate approach was adopted and all three service Headquarters actively participated in the formulation of this capstone document,” a senior officer told The Hindu.

In the past decade or so, a lot of integration has taken place in the Indian armed forces which is highlighted in this doctrine, especially integration in the field of operations, training, management, and perspective planning. The officer stated that this will be followed by formulation of other keystone doctrines like information warfare, training and so on in due course.

“It speaks of the threat posed by radicalisation of youth and also lays emphasis on a proactive philosophy of the Indian armed forces,” the officer added, highlighting the key points in the document.

That is great. Who soever think that they will do mischief and will get away will have to pay the price and heavy price.

Now Indian army has lot more to their discretion to use against cross border strike including Guided Pinaka with 75 KM range which can wipe whole area out in one stroke and precision artillery shelling in chopper based operations.
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