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Supreme Court rejects pleas against Hafiz Saeed's release

26/11: India gives detailed dossier to Pak

"India on Saturday handed over a “detailed” dossier of evidence on the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai to Pakistan"

Your just Wrong....India did send evidence...but as usual you people will blame everyone else except yourself for your own problems and others problems..

'FBI hands over 26/11 attacks evidence to Pak' - Express India

"The FBI has given to Pakistan evidence amassed by it on involvement of elements based in that country in the Mumbai strikes"

I guess the FBI is lying too ?

There is enough evidence...but for you people anyone who kills Indians are always innocents victims of Indian imperialism or freedom fighters ?

anyway...i know am talking to deaf ears and blind eyes...

Again, there is nothing in your post or in the links that mentions any sort of strong credible evidence against Hafiz Saeed.

India did provide evidence against the direct handlers of Kasab and the other attackers, that is why Lakhvi, Shah and five others are in custody and undergoing trial. India has also mentioned that it has the voice samples of at least two individuals (suspected to be Shah and Lakhvi) communicating with the attackers. That speaks of credible evidence.

India has not provided anything incriminating Hafiz Saeed.
Mr Hafiz Saeed is the Terror master mind protected by ISI Army and Pak political establishments. He is free man in [MOD EDITED] Pakistan

What is the evidence indicating he is the terror mastermind of Mumbai?
Again, there is nothing in your post or in the links that mentions any sort of strong credible evidence against Hafiz Saeed.

India did provide evidence against the direct handlers of Kasab and the other attackers, that is why Lakhvi, Shah and five others are in custody and undergoing trial. India has also mentioned that it has the voice samples of at least two individuals (suspected to be Shah and Lakhvi) communicating with the attackers. That speaks of credible evidence.

India has not provided anything incriminating Hafiz Saeed.

First you say Dossier is not evidence, then you say there is not enough evidence ?


are you saying even after FBI and India giving you ample evidence of his involvement its not enough ?

Interpol issues Red Corner notice against Hafiz Saeed - India - The Times of India

and yeah..did i forget Interpol

Pakistan was duty bound to arrest Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist Hafiz Saeed after the Interpol warrant against him for allegedly masterminding the Mumbai terror attack[B/]
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Mr Hafiz Saeed is the Terror master mind protected by ISI Army and Pak political establishments.

He is free man in Terroristan

tell your [MOD EDITED] Government to give proof against hafiz or shut up and ship out:pakistan:
First you say Dossier is not evidence, then you say there is not enough evidence ?

Pakistan ‘obliged’ to nab Saeed after Interpol warrant: CBI

are you saying even after FBI and India giving you ample evidence of his involvement its not enough ?

Interpol issues Red Corner notice against Hafiz Saeed - India - The Times of India

and yeah..did i forget Interpol

Pakistan was duty bound to arrest Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist Hafiz Saeed after the Interpol warrant against him for allegedly masterminding the Mumbai terror attack[B/]

A dossier is not evidence, what is contained in the dossier may be evidence, may be insufficient evidence, may by unrelated evidence, may be no evidence.

And you continue to post the interpol red notice link which again highlights how the Indian media feeds Indians garbage - an Interpol warrant does not establish guilt. From Interpol's own site:

An Interpol Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant.

These Interpol 'Red Notices' represent only a tiny fraction of the number of red notices issued by Interpol.

The persons concerned are wanted by national jurisdictions (or the International Criminal Tribunals, where appropriate) and Interpol's role is to assist the national police forces in identifying or locating those persons with a view to their arrest and extradition.

These red notices allow the warrant to be circulated worldwide with the request that the wanted person be arrested with a view to extradition.

A distinction is drawn between two types of red notice: the first type is based on an arrest warrant and is issued for a person wanted for prosecution; the second type is based on a court decision for a person wanted to serve a sentence.

Warning: The person should be considered innocent until proven guilty.

If any member of the public has any information about one of the wanted persons, they should not contact the General Secretariat directly, but contact the police in the place where the person has been located or identified.

An official Interpol Wanted Fugitives list is maintained on the Interpol website. This information may be copied and distributed. However, it must be clearly stated that this list represents a very small proportion of the full list - only those notices approved for public dissemination appear on the web site. Any unauthorised alteration of any portion of Interpol Wanted Fugitives notices is considered as a violation and subject to legal prosecution.

Interpol - Wanted

So again, where and what is the evidence India claims it has against Hafiz Saeed? There is none.

And even if India had provided evidence, the Pakistani courts obviously found it insufficient, which happens all the time. So what else should we do about it? The court has rendered a verdict.
A dossier is not proof - you can send 10000 dossiers but if they are the same as the ones given to Pakistan so far, lacking in strong incriminating evidence, then they won't make a lick of difference.

For some reason Indians are confusing a 'dossier' with evidence. While I have heard about some of the evidence against Lakhvi and Shah (intercepted messages to the Mumbai attackers that can be matched to the suspects), I have not heard of any strong, credible evidence linking HS to the Mumbai attacks, even from India.

I can show a dozen videos on youtube where Hafiz is addressing a large gathering and demanding for Jehad against India from water issue to what not. Is this legal in your country to collect money in the name of Jehad and kick up dirt in support of violence. Is this within the law?
Well as most people already know that our Judiciary is fiercely independent so unless solid proof is presented conviction will be difficult for Hafiz Saeed.
I can show a dozen videos on youtube where Hafiz is addressing a large gathering and demanding for Jehad against India from water issue to what not. Is this legal in your country to collect money in the name of Jehad and kick up dirt in support of violence. Is this within the law?

Is it illegal?

It is just speech. One would have to establish guilt through actions or support for actions.

And finally, none of those speeches relate to accepting responsibility for the Mumbai attacks do they?
Pak Govt. does not have the commitment to act against terrorists and their supporters acting against India. Its all excuses, We dont even know what kind solicitor was represtenting GOP, Wheather there was any real pressure on him to really win the case.

India should take out a leaf out of Israeli Anti Terrorist book and Knock those Damn terrorists (oops Sorry "Freedom Fighters" ) on their own soil.
Is it illegal?

It is just speech. One would have to establish guilt through actions or support for actions.

And finally, none of those speeches relate to accepting responsibility for the Mumbai attacks do they?

Yes in a modern society this is a crime. India and Pakistan have an illiterate class that can agitate and follow the footsteps of fanatics with ease.

The organisation to which HS is a leader is a front for the LeT. The organisation may have done several noble acts to curtail the inner intentions but can't the investigators in Pakistan dig deeper? The person who was the founder of LeT is free sends a wrong signal to India in its efforts to normalize relations with Pakistan.

P.S: Jamad-ul-dawa is the front end of LeT is not information given by India. It is provided by UN and US. Is that not enough proof?

It is not about Mumbai. First arrest him and interrogate him in judicial custody and then the truth will trickle out. I know south Asian policemen are good at getting to the bottom of the story. Why not give it a sincere try?

India should take out a leaf out of Israeli Anti Terrorist book and Knock those Damn terrorists (oops Sorry "Freedom Fighters" ) on their own soil.

Not a good idea IMO. He will be a martyr and a 1000 deluded minds will follow on his foot steps in search of women in the after life.
Pakistan has a long history of first arresting and then later releasing militant leaders when it feels they can be of use to its strategic aims, according to many analysts. But Tuesday’s decision was probably sound from a legal point of view, according to legal experts here.

Ahmed Bilal Soofi, a Supreme Court advocate and expert on international law, says the verdict comes as “no surprise,” as the prosecution was hampered by a lack of admissible evidence.

“Transnational crime prosecution between two countries is a very challenging assignment. Regrettably, in Pakistan as well as in India, there is no effective legislation for Mutual Legal Assistance, and the ultimate beneficiaries are the terrorists,” he says, referring to formal legal agreements between countries that govern how they will cooperate in criminal and public cases.

Pakistani courts deemed reams of documents and photographs handed over by the Indian government as inadmissible, on the basis that Indian authorities had failed to follow their India's legal procedures for confirming the veracity of that evidence.

The prosecution’s case was further complicated by the fact that a confession by Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone surviving gunman from the Mumbai attacks, which implicated Hafiz Saeed, was later withdrawn. An Indian court sentenced Kasab to death earlier this month.

Mr. Soofi foresees similar difficulties in prosecuting Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, a founding member of LeT, who is currently undergoing trial at an antiterror court along with six other suspects for his alleged role in the Mumbai attacks.

Pakistan's Supreme Court OKs release of militant linked to Mumbai attacks - CSMonitor.com
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Yes in a modern society this is a crime. India and Pakistan have an illiterate class that can agitate and follow the footsteps of fanatics with ease.

I am not asking for your philosophical perspective on inflammatory speech - is speech, even inflammatory, a crime, and is this particular brand of speech a crime in Pakistan?

The organisation to which HS is a leader is a front for the LeT. The organisation may have done several noble acts to curtail the inner intentions but can't the investigators in Pakistan dig deeper? The person who was the founder of LeT is free sends a wrong signal to India in its efforts to normalize relations with Pakistan.

P.S: Jamad-ul-dawa is the front end of LeT is not information given by India. It is provided by UN and US. Is that not enough proof?
The JuD has challenged the UN designation, courts in Pakistan have found no evidence to support the UN designation, and as I have pointed out in the past, even the EU has had issues with the opaque and unfair manner in which the UN terrorist designations are made.
It is not about Mumbai. First arrest him and interrogate him in judicial custody and then the truth will trickle out. I know south Asian policemen are good at getting to the bottom of the story. Why not give it a sincere try?
I personally don't support that 'method' of interrogation and determining guilt in any case, and secondly, even if I did support sch interrogation 'methods', I would not support torturing a Pakistani on India's say so.
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