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SUPARCO is sleeping! Can someone wake it up?

SUPARCO is not a civilian organisation. It is part SPD so it is almost impossible for them to go public and everybody cares for his job. Except for NESCOM, KRL and PAEC most of the organisations have a military person heading them and even these three commissions are under SPD again header by a sitting general. The only person who had the stature to talk and say "No" to generals was Dr AQ Khan and do you see what they did to him after all his years of service and favour to the nation?.After him I really don't see anyone taking an independent approach.

that is the problem.. being security state we see every institution from strategic point of view.. SUPARCO must be pure civilian organization! a big hurdle in Pakistan's inclusion in NSG is that there is no private partnership, i.e., civilian.. our generals must know that this appoach is hurting Pakistan in long run.. we are already lagging behind..

Look at the talent SpaceX has. Can pakistan attract and retain that kind of talent ? Talent makes things possible not generals in command of an organisation.

there is a talent but ... it has been made freakin startegic and security issue in Pakistan.. money is not the problem.. it is lack of vision..
that is the problem.. being security state we see every institution from strategic point of view.. SUPARCO must be pure civilian organization! a big hurdle in Pakistan's inclusion in NSG is that there is no private partnership, i.e., civilian.. our generals must know that this appoach is hurting Pakistan in long run.. we are already lagging behind..
For that you need a civilian leadership with impeccable character so that it cannot be manipulated and has the ability to take independent decisions...like ZAB. He was the most independent elected PM of Pakistan and he did not have any corruption charges against, autocrat may be, but corrupt no.. . He was competent and visionary and thus army with support of uncle sam took care of him under a flimsy pretext. Of course his has been hurting Pakistan a lot. Who do you think is responsible for such an abyss? All the contracts are awarded to foreigners and local industries are never allowed to develop beyond a certain point. The recent example is STEM winning the contract for upgradation of Agosta-90B which was acquired from France with ToT but one must ask PN, where did the team go...why can't they upgrade the system.
Sorry but I don't think any one from IITs have joined ISRO in past two decades! I'm myself in IITM and no one joins isro. Most of them work for MNCs in Bangalore,Hyderabad or Chennai.or better take up CAT and get enrolled in IIMs only to mint more money

Quite possible. After all, I'm talking 1973 and 1974 for the two examples I cited. But I wonder what a check would reveal.....
I have already posted a lot of patents in my other comments in various threads,i think you would have to take the pain of reading them,dont you think you should read them?If you want to dig more,kindly pay a visit to DRDO's site and look for their research publications-unlike pakistan,they make everything transparent! And just for the records what is your background in research?
Now just to give you a glimpse,here is a link of LRDE's patent on the design of T/R module-one of the fundamental building blocks of an AESA radar.This revolutionary design has 8 distinct T/R modules embedded on a single IC.

PS- LRDE is one of DRDO's labs working in the field of radars and has filed so many patents in recent years. They have designed a lot of AESA radars as well


Here is another link
I'm nobody or i can claim to be a scientist that doesn't matter and you can fool all the people with your jargon as you like but it ain't gonna impress me. The patent you pulled out of thin air is nothing more than method for solid state housing and packaging i.e aesthetics of the system not it's design and specifications. Regardless of what it is, I would like to bring your attention to my specific question about your understanding of patents which you have deliberately ignored.
A patent is filed by a patentee to safeguard the commercial interest of it's innovation (for twenty years or so) and solidify the claim over the invention. Each patent organization which grants them has certain geographical jurisdiction where it can safeguard that interest mostly associated with country where it's situated in. A patent filed in USA can't safeguard it's property rights elsewhere and number of patents is not a metric to measure research and development of a country especially in military applications. Military R&D is the spearhead of research and development in all sectors around the globe and many of them later on find their use in civil sectors as well like for instance the internet which billions use today to connect themselves was derived from a communication system and it's protocols developed for military applications in US. Most of the work done in military organizations towards research and development of cutting edge technologies is top-secret and funded by public money to safeguard the security needs of their nation. A patent serves no purpose for the innovations happening in those organizations due to the nature of the work and risks involved.
I'm nobody or i can claim to be a scientist that doesn't matter and you can fool all the people with your jargon as you like but it ain't gonna impress me. The patent you pulled out of thin air is nothing more than method for solid state housing and packaging i.e aesthetics of the system not it's design and specifications. Regardless of what it is, I would like to bring your attention to my specific question about your understanding of patents which you have deliberately ignored.
A patent is filed by a patentee to safeguard the commercial interest of it's innovation (for twenty years or so) and solidify the claim over the invention. Each patent organization which grants them has certain geographical jurisdiction where it can safeguard that interest mostly associated with country where it's situated in. A patent filed in USA can't safeguard it's property rights elsewhere and number of patents is not a metric to measure research and development of a country especially in military applications. Military R&D is the spearhead of research and development in all sectors around the globe and many of them later on find their use in civil sectors as well like for instance the internet which billions use today to connect themselves was derived from a communication system and it's protocols developed for military applications in US. Most of the work done in military organizations towards research and development of cutting edge technologies is top-secret and funded by public money to safeguard the security needs of their nation. A patent serves no purpose for the innovations happening in those organizations due to the nature of the work and risks involved.

The guy is a retard - this has been evident if anyone has been reading his previous posts. He only impresses the gullible indian fanboys.
Iran has good space program in spite of the sanctions. So, there is no reason why Pakistan cannot have one, but Pakistan priorities are elsewhere. Even on education, Pakistan is the lowest spender in South Asia.

Why in God's name should India or Pakistan have a space program? It's so stupid, we both have major problems and spending cash on useless space tech won't fix them. Oh and I doubt we spend less on education than Afghanistan or Bangladesh. Even if we may be the lowest spender on education, what percentage is it in comparison to our neighbours?
The patent you pulled out of thin air is nothing more than method for solid state housing and packaging i.e aesthetics of the system not it's design and specifications.
Hi dear @ssethii
I did not pull anything out of thin air,DO you even understand what is "packaging" of ICs to begin with?A patent always has "detailed design" of the invention with all the components.So your assertion that it doesnt have design and specs is patently false.I am sure you would not have taken the pain to go through the research publication of LRDE,or else you wouldnt have really claimed such a thing.

THis is the detailed text on indian designed TRMM,it contains abstract,full text and invention claim.Kindly go through it thoroughly before making any statement.

Now coming to the jurisdiction part,yes the patent protects the invention in the country or the geographical region where it is granted.

number of patents is not a metric to measure research and development of a country especially in military applications.Most of the work done in military organizations towards research and development of cutting edge technologies is top-secret and funded by public money to safeguard the security needs of their nation. A patent serves no purpose for the innovations happening in those organizations due to the nature of the work and risks involved.
Oh,my friend what according to you are the "metrics" to gauge "research productivity" of any research organization?Please elaborate. US has invention secrecy act that prevents the disclosure of new inventions and also filing it in foreign POs. Kindly note that the patent is still filed in USPTO-also note that the number of such patents is very small vis-a-vis total patents filed in USPTO.
Yes I agree,there are sensitive technologies that perhaps never get patented but their number is abysmally small compared to total patents filed and Commercial firms do file A LOT of patents regularly that too with immense military potential.I mean if what you are saying were really true then US would have never filed a patent on something as important as "telescopic aerospike" that find usage in America's top notch SLBMs i.e trident D5s

Lastly various networking protocols like TCP/UDP IP etc were never patented because no one back then saw the commercial potential in them. Internet was indeed a US military invention and the famous "TCP-protocol" that ensure packet transmission even when some of the nodes have been destroyed was the hallmark of internet. Whereas if you see now the wireless protocols like LTE etc are all patented because it is a hot research subject these days and still evolving.I myself have written various python codes using TCP protocol to instantly transfer sensor data between my linux laptop and my raspberry pi

And lastly I am still waiting to hear from you,your academic credentials and your research experience in general and military research in particular
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here is a talent but ... it has been made freakin startegic and security issue in Pakistan.. money is not the problem.. it is lack of vision..

More like tunnel vision. Education and economy is the key. Everything comes later, the sooner you realise this the better.

Why in God's name should India or Pakistan have a space program? It's so stupid, we both have major problems and spending cash on useless space tech won't fix them. Oh and I doubt we spend less on education than Afghanistan or Bangladesh. Even if we may be the lowest spender on education, what percentage is it in comparison to our neighbours?

A leader has to combine both "realism" and "aspirations" in proper proportion. Spending on space acts as a motivator for scientific community and benefits percolate to other less technology intensive fields as well. Success of ISRO is a matter of pride for us and you cannot put a price on pride, but thats just me.
Space tech is not useless btw. We have put NAVIC in place. We earn foreign currency by launching foreign satellites. We are also one of the few nations that have this prestigious capability to design and launch satellites. The benefits are immense.
The another main reason why we are lagging behind in this sector is because there are only few universities offering courses in this field

Institute of Space Technology, as the name suggest, is degree awarding in the same field, also ranked among top 5 (by HEC) it's performing well and comes under SUPARCO, but SUPARCO is losing this institute too.
It is such dismal situation that SUPARCO which was set up well before ISRO .. is lost like all other good things happened to Pakistan viz., BECO, Pakistan Steel Mills and PIA etc..

While India launches twenty satellites in one go and China also sends its rocket in space ... what we see in newspapers are tender notices from SUPARCO to buy tables, chairs, and multi-meters..

In the current fiscal years not a signle penny has been allocated for space program!.. Weren't we supposed to lead in the region in space program..

Dr. Abdus Slalam was founding father of Pakistan Atomic and Space program.. and because of his efforts Neil Armstrong and the whole Appolo team visited Pakistan.. but Alas we left him to die declaring him Non Muslims.. Anyways, Right now is there anything we can do to wake incompetent Parliament to focus on this area also?

Incompetent Noon League is busy in giving fake advertisements and planning (reinventing the wheel) those projects which have been planned in Beijing for Pakistan..

what an utter shame.. no university in top 100 and we are at the bottom of innovation..

Wake up Suparco Wake up! In my opinion the taking over of SUPARCO by military has also played arole in ruining it! Wake up Suparco .. reclaim your lost ground!

If you do something sufficiently advanced in your own profession that would be equivalent to SUPARCO launching satellites. Most Pakistanis would languish at the primitive stages of their professions throughout their lives but except national organizations to achieve cutting edge results. These organizations are manned by people just like you. If you cant beat the world then so cant they.
Recently i came across a news of Pakistans Finanace Minster meeting SUPARCO officials.. look at the picture.. looks like suparco is run by military generals rather than Scientists and Engineers.

View attachment 313842
Why are bottles and plates kept round the table when it is hardly occupied?????? Are people absconding from the meeting?
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