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SUPARCO is sleeping! Can someone wake it up?

Yeah :undecided:


Our space program running by uniforms :unsure:

But in your nations you have a strong authority to control those uniforms .
As far as I know in Iran ,you have a leadership and your military is just obeying the orders of that leadership.
Cant say same about Pakistan .
You know the reason .
if SpaceX can develop Falcon 9 1.0 for $300 million I don't see why Pakistan couldn't.

if SpaceX can develop Falcon 9 1.0 for $300 million I don't see why Pakistan couldn't.

yes, if pakistan can get the talent pool that SpaceX has( country that has made impressive strides in space exploration has enough talent to pick from)... its like saying america can build a world class cricket team because pakistan can, just by putting money.. well pakistan has been playing for ages and has the depth of talent in that department and necessary infra that nurtures the talent.
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No it's not late !

We can help each other to fill the gap !

We have a promising program in Iran & we need a partner to make things a little faster !



85 tons little monster :unsure:

:) No offence mate, but you can't really help each other. The weaker of you two will drag the other down. You indeed have a promising program in Iran therefore you need a partner with more experience to accelerate your pace. Associating with Suparco will bring no value addition or tech to your own program that you probably don't have already.

See, in a high tech field like space, there are three aspects to any successful organisation.
1. Qualified human resource, motivation and support from government.
2. Collaboration with more successful organisations.
3. Funding.

Lets take each point on its own merit.
1. I have no reason to doubt the competence of the personal manning this organisation, but then they haven't exactly inspired confidence lately. Where are the research publications. What are its recent success stories.
Space tech is sophisticated and serious business. Also run won't count in this race.

2. Collaboration is the point you have raised and rightly so. Perhaps the seriousness of your efforts when combined with pakistan's will get results. But the process will be painstakingly slow in the initial years and I really see no benefit in the short term.

3. Funding. Throw in the money and forget about the results early on. Can pakistan do that. ?

On their own, suparco doesn't have a shot in hell to match up the already established powers in space industry. The success of ISRO isn't an overnight phenomenon and still we are decades behind the tech sophistication achieved by west. IF suparco is to start now without the initial feed by more advanced agencies they will take eons to reinvent the wheel. Hence my reasoning.
Space programs are not cheap and no country with the population and economy the size of pakistan has a space program. Besides Pakistan does not have very good launch sites like the U.S, china or india. India might have the best geographic location in tamil nadu to launch rockets into space. It is close to the equator and has the arabian sea on one side and the bay of bengal on the other.
The other national companies performing poorly is entirely on the government
Launch capability is not the problem, we had launched many satellites in past and recently with help of china. But the thing is its trend is fading away. Many space scientist got retired and we dont have others to replace them.

Pakistan hasn't launched any satellites yet, those were launched from China.
Suparco hasn't launched any satellite by its own.
all pak institutes are in tatters. corruption is the rule every where and when some one asks about the poor performance everyone blames lack of funds.

Sorry but there hasn't been a single case that has come to light regarding corruption in Suparco.
Its the lack of funds and vision by the gov. And Suparco and SPD higher management.
Problem is polititions who won't let work anyone on their fields they intefear their work and they induct stupid people in high demanding posts

Example I challenge you and commissioner of any city don't even know the traffic rules

Just ask those stupids a basic question every guy who run city should know what are the road layouts they can't answer

This is a issue without any further knowledge and research they become commisioners

Deputy commissioner and commissioners are man of repute selected on merit after clearing CSS.
Don't pass on generalize statements.
Money makes the mare go...SUPARCO cannot do anything if the govt fails to provide it sufficient funds for R&D

there is a saying in Punjabi which goes like, A child got to cry in order to get milk even from mother... same is applicable here.. never heard of SUPARCO crying for funds.. they have a thing or two to learn from Madrassa Haqqania.. this is one aspect secondly it shows the screwed up priorities of incompetent PMLN.. they have money to renovaate freaking washrooms of PM and president houses but not for SUPARCO..

We have potential to lead in the field of space and technology which needs to be exploited.. but government is sleeping and so is SUPARCO.. they are busy in taking credit of those projects which were/ are decided in Beijing.. not in Islamabad..

I have a theory. Since you are acquainted with actual people on ground, you may be able to tell whether I am right or wrong.

I think some country’s intelligence agencies are doing this with the populace of Pakistan and Kashmir.

Searching, identifying and then literally killing the brightest (most intelligent) of the populace and sparing the rest.

That means filter out the best genes and leave out the lesser ones.

If you keep doing this for decades, the chances of the victim country producing scientists will certainly reduce and it sabotages the economy.

Has this really happened? Did any intelligence agency really do this?

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/why-pak-cannot-launch-their-own-sattelite.432131/page-5#ixzz4ClxGPwzv

this is just a theory... in Pakistan it is myopia and tunnel vision of our leadership.. the planning division in Pakistan is being head by Ahsan Iqbal who lacks vision.. in PPP regime there used to be funds allocated for the space program but since the PMLN govt this has been put on a back burner..
there is a saying in Punjabi which goes like, A child got to cry in order to get milk even from mother... same is applicable here.. never heard of SUPARCO crying for funds.. they have a thing or two to learn from Madrassa Haqqania.. this is one aspect secondly it shows the screwed up priorities of incompetent PMLN.. they have money to renovaate freaking washrooms of PM and president houses but not for SUPARCO..

We have potential to lead in the field of space and technology which needs to be exploited.. but government is sleeping and so is SUPARCO.. they are busy in taking credit of those projects which were/ are decided in Beijing.. not in Islamabad..
I think they have been crying but of course that is not made public, I mean it is not a political party...they go through official channels and SPD has a big say in the allocation of resources. Govt provides limited fund due to abysmal economic performance and then SPD is left with limited options and it is always SUPARCO that gets the hit.
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I don't have a problem with Faujis. My father is a fauji my Chacha is a PAF aeronautical engineer and Maj Gen Raza exchairman SUPARCO is my mother's cousin. Many of my teachers at IST are Fauji.

You need to read what I wrote once again:
under qualified faujis being bosses of over qualified civilians.

The point is the head just HAS to be a fauji and there goes your merit. The head should be someone who is a talented engineer. I have seen so many instances (and I am seeing right now too) where a fauji is put incharge who although is an engineer but has numerous subordinates who are much more qualified and much more talented to lead the organizations.

You want to name all the Faujis at IST please go ahead. And then I'll list all the nonfaujis at IST. Let's not argue about my alma matter with me. I have had the honour of studying from teachers from all backgrounds. There are excellent teachers that are faujis and that are civilians. There are excellent fauji and nonfauji engineers. That problem is the head shouldn't be the head because he is an engineer and a fauji. He should be the head purely because he is a great manager and an excellent engineer. Period.

Pakistan is a security sate and in security state Faujis take care of every matter.. from corn flakes till real estate.. till industry till agriculture.. in other countries the National Security adviser a civilian while in pakistan it is different.. same is for SUPARCO.. why is a general required to head such institutions?

I think they have been crying but of course that is not made public, I mean it is not a political party...they go through official channels and SPD has a big say in the allocation of resources. Govt provides limited fund due to abysmal economic performance and then SPD is left with limited options and it always SUPARCO that gets a hit.

cries are always public.. otherwise it is not a cry.. the board of directors of SUPARCO need to take a stand like we hear in case of Railways, PIA etc.. a new addition is madrassa Haqqania.. for me they are just sleeping ... last time they launched a satellite was from chinese soil.. why it cannot be done from Pakistan... this subservience and parasitic approach towards china approach needs to end now..

As per Official website of SUPARCO:

"On 10 December 2000, the Cabinet Division issued an Office Order No. 564, through its Notification No. 5/11/2000-Admin.II., whereby, in pursuance of the order of the Chief Executive of Pakistan, SUPARCO Commission was transferred from Cabinet Division to the National Command Authority (NCA); the Space Research Council and Executive Committee of Space Research Council were dissolved and were replaced with Development Control Committee (DCC) of NCA."

What i know is that SPD itself is part of NCA and am not sure if SUPARCO was sanctioned as subsidiary of SPD or was given directly under NCA. Nonetheless officially it is under NCA.

this answers the very question of hibernation of SUPARCO... shouldn't it be an independent body?
Pakistan is a security sate and in security state Faujis take care of every matter.. from corn flakes till real estate.. till industry till agriculture.. in other countries the National Security adviser a civilian while in pakistan it is different.. same is for SUPARCO.. why is a general required to head such institutions?

cries are always public.. otherwise it is not a cry.. the board of directors of SUPARCO need to take a stand like we hear in case of Railways, PIA etc.. a new addition is madrassa Haqqania.. for me they are just sleeping ... last time they launched a satellite was from chinese soil.. why it cannot be done from Pakistan... this subservience and parasitic approach towards china approach needs to end now..
SUPARCO is not a civilian organisation. It is a part of SPD so it is almost impossible for them to go public and everybody cares for his job. Except for NESCOM, KRL and PAEC most of the organisations have a military person heading them and even these three commissions are under SPD in turn is headed by a sitting general. The only person who had the stature to talk and say "No" to generals was Dr AQ Khan and do you see what they did to him after all his years of service and favour to the nation? After him I really don't see anyone taking an independent approach.
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if SpaceX can develop Falcon 9 1.0 for $300 million I don't see why Pakistan couldn't.

Look at the talent SpaceX has. Can pakistan attract and retain that kind of talent ? Talent makes things possible not generals in command of an organisation.
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