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SUPARCO is sleeping! Can someone wake it up?

Any idea where is Hamid Zaid Now ?? In Youtube still 2012 some achievement video is there ??:coffee:
The life of such a design will be severely limited because a huge fraction of satellite mass is usually fuel that is used to adjust the attitude of satellite throughout its life. Did you know the only factor determining the life of satellite is the amount of fuel it carries for corrective maneuvers!
And lastly I couldn't find a link to ofeq satellite, maybe you can help?

I got the link of ofeq and As I predicted the life was 1-3 years!

Yeah :undecided:

N. Korea is a bold statement...


Dont know about China or Pakistan .

But ISRO in India is totally under the control of PMO like that of DAE .
Totally governed by civilian institution .Some products and services have dual use but ISRO would always keep a distance from military and always reluctant in military use. .That is why you cant see a uniform in live telecast of our missions .They are not welcomed in there as one from military .

Our space program running by uniforms :unsure:
Pakistani Military Generals already run the place, perhaps they are the ones who are incompetent?

Previously there were retired guys who were in SUPARCO because they were trained in the field and are running the place with whatever they have. But recently it has been headed by Maj General and that is why we had seen some movement in there post 2010. Problem is not with SUPARCO but with those financing it. If we dont fund them then how can we expect any miracle from them? Nonetheless here is the official hierarchy or SUPARCO.

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@amardeep mishra you brought up the patent discussion again. Last time in the same discussion I asked you to share with us the list of all the patents filed under any xtz defence project in India but haven't got any response from you. I'll try again, this time with a much simpler query, what do you think is the purpose of a patent?
1) Pakistan defence programs are for most part much advanced than they are published while Indian media has tendency of publishing many things that do not get operational for decades since the news is first heard

2) Many key military technologies are never published (Patenting = Publishing). This is not just limited to Pakistan but many countries in the West too. Unfortunately, Indians have tendency to publish the minutest details to score political / brownie points while being totally oblivious of the repercussions.

It can not be denied, that the Pakistani solid fuel rockets Ghaznavi and Shaheen-1 are similar to the Chinese DF-11 missile type.
On photos is recognizable, that the Chinese DF-11 and DF-11A by set of some solid fuel segments are built. The DF-11 uses two segments. For the DF-11A is a third segment added.
For the Pakistani Shaheen-1 is a further half segment added. All rocket types have the same diameter of 0.88 m. The Shaheen-1 have however a striking extended skirt in the nozzle area, because the missile has another control system and a larger nozzle (?).

On photos is clearly recognizable, that also the Chinese DF-15 and DF-15A by set of several short solid fuel segments are built. Four segments uses the DF-15, and the extended DF-15A uses five segments. All rockets have a diameter of ~1.10 m. The DF-15 missile type is obviously not exported.

Unknown are the Chinese rocket variants M-9 and M-18. They are referred as export variants. So is suspected that the Pakistani Shaheen-1 corresponds to the M-9. The M-18 probably corresponds to the Pakistani Shaheen-2. The Chinese M-18 was allegedly shown at the 1987 Beijing air show. Now I have found Photos of the M-18 missile ! (see below)

The Shaheen-2 is totally different to the DF-11 and DF-15 missile types. The diameter is significantly 1.40 m. China Hexi Chemical & Mechanical Company presents solid motors for first stages with the name L-SpaB. Very capable for the Shaheen-2 is the motor L-SpaB-140B with 1.40 m in diameter and a length of 7.15 m. For the second stage is a shorter solid motor SpaB-140 capable. A candidate for the M-18 is the completely unknown DF-25.



It is also not known whether the Iran from China have bought M-9 or M-18 missiles. This is unlikely. The new Iranian Sejil (syn. Ashura, Ghadr 110) missile is not of Chinese origin. It is not known that China have builded solid rockets with a diameter of 1.25 m.


Nozzle comparison

A very typical example of butt-printed pseudo facts....any credible source...of course not....how are you referring to diameters ...is there any official source?
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