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Sunni Insurgents Step Up Attacks in Iran

'تبادل آتش میان ایران و پاکستان در مناطق مرزی بلوچستان'
به گفته منابع خبری در پاکستان، نیروهای پاکستان و ایران در منطقه مرز بلوچستان به تبادل آتش خمپاره پرداخته‌اند.

یک مقام پاکستانی گفته است که طرف ایرانی شش گلوله خمپاره شلیک کرده و نیروهای پاکستانی به آن جواب دادند.

بنابر این گزارش، تبادل آتش در مناطق غیرمسکونی رخ داده و تلفات و خساراتی در پی نداشته است.

این تازه‌ترین درگیری از رشته درگیری‌ها در مناطق مرزی جنوب غرب پاکستان است.

هفته گذشته، پاکستان گفت در حمله مرزبانان ایران، یکی از سربازان آن کشور کشته و سه نفر دیگر مجروح شده‌اند.

ایران پاکستان را متهم می‌کند که قادر به توقف حملات مرزی پیکارجویان سنی تندرو نیست.

@KingMamba A new tension has happened in your border.

Idk why Iranian border forces are firing random mortars but looks like they have calmed down after return fire.
If India or any hostile nation is supporting the terrorist separatists actions.

Then I can tell, it all makes sense that someone is trying to make misunderstanding between us as @The SC stated.
Latest Jeash al-Adl propaganda video, claming to show its attack on Iranian border forces this month.

If India or any hostile nation is supporting the terrorist separatists actions.

Then I can tell, it all makes sense that someone is trying to make misunderstanding between us as @The SC stated.
I knew that someone will find an India link ... lolz
Why is everyone blaming Pakistan for terrorism - Iran, India, Afghanistan and now China? Because there's no smoke without fire! Deniability has its limits.
2 Killed in Terrorist Attack in Iran’s Southeast
January 02, 2015 - 12:22

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Unknown assailants killed 2 people in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan on Thursday evening.

Provincial police chief General Hossein Rahimi told the Tasnim News Agency that unknown gunmen have shot dead 2 people in the village of Nasirabad, near the town of Qasr-e Qand.

One of the victims was a teacher in the village, named Issa Shahraki.

The terrorist attack also claimed the life of Adham Sabouri, a staffer at the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) office in the village.

The development comes less than a week after the IRGC lost three personnel in an attack launched by armed outlaws in the same province.

The three were martyred during a mission to assist the local people and ensure security in the region, the Quds Base of the IRGC Ground Force announced in a statement at the time.

Also in December 2013, three other IRGC members were killed in the southeastern province after their vehicle was detonated by a booby trap bomb planted by outlaws and drug-traffickers.

Iran arrests ‘terror’ cell in southeast
By AFP | Tehran
Monday, 5 January 2015

Iran arrested a “terrorist cell” accused of killing teachers in a flashpoint border area and detained in a separate incident three Afghans planning to fight in Iraq, media reported Monday.

An undisclosed number of cell members were caught near Sarbaz in the southeast, said a statement from Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) published by the official IRNA news agency.

The report did not give the date of the operation but said those detained had “committed a series of terrorist attacks, including the killing of teachers and Basij (Islamic militia volunteers).”

Sarbaz is in Sistan-Baluchistan province, which borders Pakistan and has a large Sunni community. It is plagued by violence involving Sunni extremists and drug smugglers.

Iran accuses members of the Sunni militant group Jaish-ul Adl (Army of Justice) of carrying out frequent raids.

Three Iranian soldiers were killed last week in Sistan-Baluchistan in an ambush by rebels who then fled into Pakistan.

In a separate incident, three Afghan nationals carrying explosives were arrested by border police close to Iraq, said the semi-official Fars news agency, considered close to the IRGC.

They crossed into Iran and intended to join the Islamic State group in Iraq when they were detained, Brigadier General Qassem Rezayee of the Border Force told Fars.

Some more insight into Jeash al-Adl safe havens and supporters in Pakistan: The Dangerous Drug-Funded Secret War Between Iran and Pakistan - The Daily Beast
This is a good report all Iranians here should read.

The development comes less than a week after the IRGC lost three personnel in an attack launched by armed outlaws in the same province

This video by Jeash al-Adl claims to show the result of this attack, they released it last week (not graphic):

this secret war is the war between Iran and West and the Arab regimes
not with Pakistan

same sectarian terrorists are also spilling the blood of civilians in Balochistan and attacking its security forces.
It may not be a war between the two states, but there are of course many Pakistani actors involved in this war, such as the Pakistani drug traffickers which have political connections and protection from Pakistani politicians in your Balochestan and the Pakistani sectarian groups (Sipah e Sahaba and Lashkar e Jhangvi) who have had past links to Pakistani agents. In this regard, Pakistanis are very much involved in this "war" Iran is waging against terrorists and criminals on Pakistani soil because these Pakistani criminals and sectarian groups are supporting and sheltering Jeash al-Adl and other anti-Iran fugtives. Some of these Pakistani criminals and sectarians have connections to your officials and intelligence agency, even if your government does not approve of such connections and anti-Iran activity.
Why is everyone blaming Pakistan for terrorism - Iran, India, Afghanistan and now China? Because there's no smoke without fire! Deniability has its limits.

Why is everyone blaming India for terrorism - Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and now Sri Lanka? Because there's no smoke without fire! Deniability has its limits
It may not be a war between the two states, but there are of course many Pakistani actors involved in this war, such as the Pakistani drug traffickers which have political connections and protection from Pakistani politicians in your Balochestan and the Pakistani sectarian groups (Sipah e Sahaba and Lashkar e Jhangvi) who have had past links to Pakistani agents. In this regard, Pakistanis are very much involved in this "war" Iran is waging against terrorists and criminals on Pakistani soil because these Pakistani criminals and sectarian groups are supporting and sheltering Jeash al-Adl and other anti-Iran fugtives. Some of these Pakistani criminals and sectarians have connections to your officials and intelligence agency, even if your government does not approve of such connections and anti-Iran activity.

These leeches are weakening Pakistan too. When we were not in the current crisis situation there was no jaish al adl. Now in our time of crisis these bastards are taking advantage but as soon as we regain control of the situation these groups will evaporate. And no, they don't have connections with intelligence agencies, some corrupt local leaders(same people supporting baloch insurgency in Pakistan) may be but not the intelligence agency.

I know him very well :D

Seriously? He is a Pakistani?
It may not be a war between the two states, but there are of course many Pakistani actors involved in this war, such as the Pakistani drug traffickers which have political connections and protection from Pakistani politicians in your Balochestan and the Pakistani sectarian groups (Sipah e Sahaba and Lashkar e Jhangvi) who have had past links to Pakistani agents. In this regard, Pakistanis are very much involved in this "war" Iran is waging against terrorists and criminals on Pakistani soil because these Pakistani criminals and sectarian groups are supporting and sheltering Jeash al-Adl and other anti-Iran fugtives. Some of these Pakistani criminals and sectarians have connections to your officials and intelligence agency, even if your government does not approve of such connections and anti-Iran activity.

let me list out for everyone's benefit

most of these Actors are baloch Natives (who use the Nationalistic victim card when they are caught)

  • human traffickers (slaves to Arab states)
  • child traffickers to gulf states for camel racing
  • drug traffickers
  • weapons and ore/ gems smugglers
  • Wahabi terrorists funded and supported by Arab regimes (Jundullah Taliban, Laskher Jhangiv)
  • western and Israeli black ops & or their proxies executing Iranian scientists and engineers
  • sectarian terrorists using Baloch/ Sunni card to kill Pakistanis and Iranians.
the reason for their success is that our justice system is tainted, ineffective and greatly skewed in favour of terrorists. in Pakistan the terrorists openly threaten the prosecution, the witnesses and even judges and walk free being showered in flowers.

In Iran they hanged after swift trial. is Pakistani establishment (read ISI, Army) involved in any support of such groups?

NO way. not today not tomorrow and not even in the Past. even during the time of General Zia we stayed away from getting inolved in iran-Iraq war despite the pressure from Saudis etc. and actually sided with Iranian stance. hence we faced the wrath of Iraqi intelligence that funded and supported terrorism back in the days of Sadam @Icarus please add

Why is everyone blaming India for terrorism - Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and now Sri Lanka? Because there's no smoke without fire! Deniability has its limits
even the Bangladeshi villagers blame BSF for shooting them and hanging their corpses on the fence

Only China is not Blaming India because it can repeat 1962 event whenever it wants.
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let me list out for everyone's benefit

most of these Actors are baloch Natives (who use the Nationalistic victim card when they are caught)

  • human traffickers (slaves to Arab states)
  • child traffickers to gulf states for camel racing
  • drug traffickers
  • weapons and ore/ gems smugglers
  • Wahabi terrorists funded and supported by Arab regimes (Jundullah Taliban, Laskher Jhangiv)
  • western and Israeli black ops & or their proxies executing Iranian scientists and engineers
  • sectarian terrorists using Baloch/ Sunni card to kill Pakistanis and Iranians.
the reason for their success is that our justice system is tainted, ineffective and greatly skewed in favour of terrorists. in Pakistan the terrorists openly threaten the prosecution, the witnesses and even judges and walk free being showered in flowers.

In Iran they hanged after swift trial. is Pakistani establishment (read ISI, Army) involved in any support of such groups?

NO way. not today not tomorrow and not even in the Past. even during the time of General Zia we stayed away and actually sided with Iran hence we faced the wrath of Iraqi intelligence that funded and supported terrorism back in the days of Sadam @Icarus please add
By having connections to Pakistani intelligence does not necessarily mean that the ISI or Pakistani army as institutions are supporting anti-Iran terrorist groups as their policy, it just means that Pakistani agents have had contacts with these groups in the past but have not taken any action against them so long as they did not pose any threat to Pakistan. They have left them alone to carry out cross-border attacks and crime, which Iran obviously holds the Pakistan government responsible for only insofar as these terrorists and criminals are operating from bases and safe havens in your country.

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