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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

Because it is not the final test, and will be higher. Do not forget that test planes even overly heavy.

it does not matter, they should have no clue to what PAK FA is capable of , let them think PAK FA is junk underestimation only works in our favor.

it does not matter, they should have no clue to what PAK FA is capable of , let them think PAK FA is junk underestimation only works in our favor.
Yet most of indian members underestimating lot of chinese stuffs including jf17..

People are going to die of dehydration from drooling and waiting

No Rafale ' no pak fa ..:mad:
Should've painted it matters black, almost like this.

Anyways, waiting to see what changes will be done on the 6th prototype.
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Apologies if already posted:

A Nice snap, PAK-FA(T-50-054) being followed by Su-35 :tup::tup:

Another similar photo from MAKS(SU 34 - T50 PAK FA - SU 35):
SU 34 - T50 PAK FA - SU 35.jpg
continuing on from the post : China may export J-10B fighters with Russian AL31FN-S3 engines to Pakistan | Page 45

what is going on with the t-50? tell me if im wrong.

  • the Russian t-50 is a single seat 5th gen fighter with is being mass produced (or getting certified) next year [2017]
  • the Indian variant of the t-50 is a dual seat variant.which is to be inducted 2022-2025
  • and your now looking at inducting 60 ish.
The rise in costs is due to a new configuration for FGFA, like the new ROFAR. The composites were always planned. Due to the devaluation of rupee(35%) and ruble(250%) since 2012, the cost of the PAK FA/FGFA program has reduced in dollar terms, but has risen significantly in local currencies. Cost of R&D in India has been matched with reduction to $3.7T. But cost in Russia has increased funds for PAK FA by a large amount, 2.5 times after money from India is infused into the program compared to earlier.

With the 2.5 times devaluation, the Russians can afford a much larger scale of R&D with Indian money.

@Picdelamirand-oil We were discussing this before IDF was attacked(I think).
what IDF? theres a [ d*f*i] ignore the asterisks
continuing on from the post : China may export J-10B fighters with Russian AL31FN-S3 engines to Pakistan | Page 45

what is going on with the t-50? tell me if im wrong.

  • the Russian t-50 is a single seat 5th gen fighter with is being mass produced (or getting certified) next year [2017]
This is the first phase of the program. Except for 12 LRIP models, the RuAF has not yet decided to induct this variant yet.
  • the Indian variant of the t-50 is a dual seat variant.which is to be inducted 2022-2025
There are four known variants. The first one is the variant you keep hearing in the news. The second, third and fourth are similar, but one is Russia specific and the other two are India specific.

The other three variants are yet to be seen.

PAK FA program: Variant 1: Single seat. What you see today.
PAK FA/PMI program: Variant 2: Single seat. Russian version that will come out of the Indo-Russian JV. Yet to fly.

PMI program: Variant 3: Single seat. Indian version that will be modified from Russian Variant 2.
PMI program: Variant 4: The two seat Variant 3.

The first variant may not be inducted beyond one or two squadrons in Russia, maybe not even that much. The second, third and fourth variants will be the standard production models. They will have new engines, new radars etc.

The Variant 2 first prototype is yet to see first flight, possibly in 2018 or 2019. But the basic technologies will continue being developed on older prototypes.

People don't know about this phased development of the PAK FA/FGFA, that's why there is so much confusion.

and your now looking at inducting 60 ish.

In order to control IAF's dwindling squadron numbers, they plan on inducting 60 Variant 2s directly from Russia. This is still being worked out. Whether they will go for it or not is yet to be seen. There will be a 3 year delay between development of Russian Variant 2 and Indian Variant 3, so we can buy 60 Variant 2s in that time. These will be made in Russia.

The main plan is to buy 154 Variant 3s. The Variant 4 contract will come at a later date for 50+ more. These will be made in India.

Of course, more variants are planned. There's the Mark 2 models, the navy model and the unmanned model. Maybe even a strike model.

what IDF? theres a [ d*f*i] ignore the asterisks


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