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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

But you said FGFA will use composites instead of Titanium, so it will result in rise of cost doesn't matter who develops it.

The rise in costs is due to a new configuration for FGFA, like the new ROFAR. The composites were always planned. Due to the devaluation of rupee(35%) and ruble(250%) since 2012, the cost of the PAK FA/FGFA program has reduced in dollar terms, but has risen significantly in local currencies. Cost of R&D in India has been matched with reduction to $3.7T. But cost in Russia has increased funds for PAK FA by a large amount, 2.5 times after money from India is infused into the program compared to earlier.

With the 2.5 times devaluation, the Russians can afford a much larger scale of R&D with Indian money.

@Picdelamirand-oil We were discussing this before IDF was attacked(I think).
T-50-5R in sunlight; amazing!



Thanks to gadeshi
Try and Beat This! Russian PAK FA Stealth Fighter Sets a New Record
Published February 20, 2016


The PAK FA (T-50), Russia’s new fifth-generation fighter, sets new standards of excellence during a routine test flight.During testing the aircraft managed to achieve a 384 meters per second climbing rate. According to Russian newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta, such a climbing speed would’ve allowed the warplane to reach an altitude equal to the peak of Mount Everest, the highest mountain on Earth, in a mere 23 seconds.

The aircraft is currently undergoing a serious of tests, some of them involving the use of live weapons. According to Russian Aerospace Forces Commander Col. Gen. Viktor Bondarev, the final aircraft of the test batch will be completed this year.

In addition to its already-impressive characteristics and stealth capability, the new warplane will also be outfitted with a host of cutting-edge weaponry, such as the advanced X-74M2 cruise missile, X-58USHK anti-radar missile and tactical X-35UE anti-ship missile. The aircraft is also equipped with advanced avionics and a cutting-edge phased array radar system.

The T-50 is a single-seat, twin-engine jet fighter, and the first operational aircraft in Russian service to use stealth technology. The warplane is due to enter service by the end of 2016.

Meanwhile, several foreign powers have already expressed an interest in the new warplane, and the serial manufacturing of an export version of PAK FA is scheduled to begin in 2020
In addition to its already-impressive characteristics and stealth capability, the new warplane will also be outfitted with a host of cutting-edge weaponry, such as the advanced X-74M2 cruise missile, X-58USHK anti-radar missile and tactical X-35UE anti-ship missile.

X-74M2 (or K-74M/M2) is not a cruise missile. It's the NG version of the R-73 IR-guided WVRAAM. The PAK-FA/FGFA is going to get a whole new range of AAMs;

^^ Thanks to @randomradio for the pic.

K-30 (Izdeliye 300)

The K-77M (Iz. 180) is the next-gen R-77 Adder with an AESA seeker-head. K-77ME (Iz. 180-PD) is it's supposed Ramjet version with extended range. The 180-PD is thought to be cancelled and superseded by a new Ramjet AAM project. I don't think pictures of the missile itself are not available, but it's supposed prototype seeker has been shown :

Again thanks to randomradio ^^ for the pic.


Kh-35U/UE (already produced)

X-38M ASM (successor to old Kh-25)

and don't forget...the X-59Mk2 ASM


Found this;


They say it's the 810. This is from 2008 so I guess the design we're seeing now is updated (no forward fins).

Either way it's a lot of info. Can't be sure if it's official though.

Found this;


They say it's the 810. This is from 2008 so I guess the design we're seeing now is updated (no forward fins).

Either way it's a lot of info. Can't be sure if it's official though.

I don't know if this image is true, but it could be the 610M, not the 810. The RVV-BD is the export version.


Nothing about the 810 has been revealed so far.
Crossposting from other forums, thanks to gadeshi for the post.

Supersonic burning Detonated Resonating afterburner
Another property of the Izdeliye-30 engine

Supersonic burning process gives us rather higher gas pressure in afterburner and thus rather higher afterburning thrust especially on high altitudes.
Detonative resonated burning process gives us the highest possible fuel efficiency due to full fuel burning without Serum remainings. And this type of burning is rather more stable and laminar than usual subsonic one.
This is in fact a technological revolution that makes us much closer to G6 engines.
Why on Earth would they disclose this information? o_O
Because it is not the final test, and will be higher. Do not forget that test planes even overly heavy.

Crossposting from other forums, thanks to gadeshi for the post.

Supersonic burning Detonated Resonating afterburner
Another property of the Izdeliye-30 engine
On the Russian thematic forums more restrained comments on this engine, but what he will surpass all there is at the moment, a fact.
By the way, 384 m / minute it turns supersonic climb :) thrust-weight ratio is greater than 1.

Jim Goodall - Cover Photos | Facebook

Very interesting comment by Bill Sweetman (Jane's editor and Aviation Week)
People who think the Russians have to copy everything get my goat. The configuration (flight control, weapon integration) is so totally unlike the YF-23 or the F-22 that it's not funny. And they avoided the giant flappy h-tails and Big Ears vertical stabs of the F-22, and they got three-axis vectoring with single-axis nozzles, which is a pretty good trick in my book.
Whether they have the money to make it all work well in reasonable time (we did not!) Is another question.
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