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just how many prototypes does Pak-Fa need

Stronger steel: how to create innovative technology for glazing aircraft T-50

New manufacturing techniques of glazing cabins military and civilian aircraft from silicate glass developed in Russia. Such products are lighter and stronger than if they were made of the previously used organic materials. Silicate glass is used in other areas -. From Space to housing among the explorers that's more than a year has been simmering dispute over the evaluation of the safety and operation of the International Space Station. The fact that in the Russian segment of the ISS installed 13 windows. During the joint discussion of the work of the ISS proposed to close the windows in the Russian segment of the blind plugs because of the risk of defects in the glass due to the impacts of micrometeorites - say, the safety of the plant can be improved. But the representative of the Russian side - the director of the Scientific and Technical Research Institute of Glass (INTN), Honored Worker of Science, Vice-President of the Academy of Engineering Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Solinov stands on its - for many years the residual strength after impact of space microparticles preserved and a variety of radiation and other space threat had no effect on the security created by the Institute of the windows, as well as the crew, therefore, reason to restrict observation of our planet, "dimming" the work of the astronauts in the Russian modules of the space station there. The portholes for the space station - only one of the few products manufactured in INTN. The main part of the work of scientists and the Institute of Technology, located in the south-west of Moscow, of course, connected with the creation of products of constructional optics, glass, or as they say here "transparent complex optical systems" for combat aircraft fourth and fifth generations, produced KLA plants. And it becomes much more every year for aviation work.

Silicate or organic


Photo: blank windshield T-50 in the tape for hardening. Silicate glass - a material with unique properties. Its transparency, high optical, heat resistance, strength, ability to use different coatings - make it indispensable for glazing aircraft. But why in the cockpit glazing abroad and we have the advantage given to organics? Only for one reason - it is easier. They also say that the silica glass is too fragile. In the last few years the development of materials scientists INTN allowed radically change the perception of silicate glass as a brittle material. Modern methods allow to give hardening glazing for modern combat aircraft strength sufficient to withstand a bird weighing about two kilograms at a speed of 900 km / h. "Today, a method of hardening the surface layer has exhausted itself. It is time to change the internal structure of the glass, its deficiency ", - says Vladimir Solinov. This is not strange, contribute to the sanctions imposed by the West. The fact is that even in the "dosanktsionnye" for foreign firms in NATO decision not available in Russia improved quality silicate glass used there for special purposes. This forced INTN use architectural and building glass. Although Russian manufacturers produce millions of square meters of glass of the glass, the quality is not suitable for use in aviation. To help it import substitution: Moscow launched a new project to conduct research and development and design of fundamentally new for the glass industry equipment. It and will work out all the processes of synthesis glass with Russia a priority. to carry out the project is entrusted to a young scientist Tatiana Kiseleva. 26-year-old graduate of the Russian Chemical-Technological University. Mendeleev headed the laboratory, in 2015 she defended her thesis. On the glass department at "Mendeleevke" Tatiana studied the properties of transparent armor. One of her professional challenges - to develop a glass that is superior in its properties to one of the best world analogues - glass "Herkulit" that Russia is not yet released. The project is based on a new original method of melting glass.Already today, glass samples obtained in the laboratory, in which structural strength of three times the analogues obtained by traditional method. Add to this available hardening methods, and receive the glass, the strength of which is several times the many varieties of stainless steel. Of the more resistant glass produced lighter products. However, it should be noted that the developers plexiglass constantly improve the technical performance of its products, the debate about what the glass is better, is not over. Lantern T-50 Photo:. Aircraft glazing kit T-50 - the front hood and the folding of the Imagine package several plates of silicate glass, which is necessary to give a streamlined shape of the front visor high-speed aircraft. More about forty years ago, has developed a technology INTN deep bending.In a special furnace laid several layers of glass. Within several hours at high temperature under the glass is bent by its own weight, getting the desired shape and curvature. If necessary, special arrangements are pushing the workpiece, causing it to flex special plan. For the first time in the world in this technology in the MiG-29 replaced the lamp, consisting of three glasses per besperepletnoe glass silicate. From the growth rate increased requirements for heat resistance of glazing with organic glass which could no longer cope. At the same time we tightened the optical requirements and visibility requirements. Several years ago, in collaboration with the Company "Sukhoi" United Aircraft Corporation of new technology for the production of glass has been developed for the T-50. The development was funded by aircraft manufacturers, in part - by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Substantial assistance was provided to conduct the re-equipment of the enterprise, the director of the Technology Centre KLA Yury Tarasov. As a result, the aircraft T-50 windshield size almost twice the size of the canopy of the MiG-29, and the shape of the product of the classic cylinder evolved into a complex 3D format. The result - the first time in the world is made of silica glass and frontal flap of the aircraft T-50 lamp (made "Sukhoi" company) in 3D. The weight of these parts turned out to be lower than if they were made of organic glass. The achieved results gave rise to equip such aircraft glazing other plants and design bureaus belonging to the KLA. Immediately there was a need to modernize, replace the glazing on the organic silicate, such as the Yak-130 aircraft, the Su-35, MiG-31, MiG-35. After this change (ie. E. Improve the strength characteristics of glazing) MiG-35, for example, for the first time has a top speed of up to 2000 km / h, that is able to fly faster on average 40% higher than any other aircraft in the world. In recent years, serious I change the work style of the Moscow scientists. About three hundred INTN professionals perform a complete cycle - from specification to small-scale production. . Here and technology development, and selection of key materials using glass, and a large cycle of tests on all the influencing factors of aircraft both on the ground and in the air By modern glass impose several key requirements, including, in addition to high strength, - Optical transparency, high light transmission, increasing sight range, anti-glare properties, protection from solar radiation and other radiation, anti-icing properties, providing a uniform resistivity of the electric heating. All this is achieved by applying a spray coating, or vacuum magnetron process. Powerful and sophisticated equipment, volatile metal and deposited it on the surface of the glass, allow INTN apply any coating, including protecting against spetsfaktorov. This set of features allows you to talk about the product glazing as a complex optical system and high strength glass quality, which forms part of the cab aircraft, have created a new field of science and technology and coined the term "products of constructional optics" (PPI). New technologies photo:. loading the glass sheet for further processing when the product - the hinged part of the canopy for T-50 - discharged from the furnace for further processing, it bears little resemblance to the future of the product. When the bending edge of the glass blanks are deformed, and remove them from the large-sized workpiece, and even having a complex geometric shape, diamond tool impossible. I come to the aid of a laser. The laser beam robot has not only cuts the workpiece in accordance with laid down in his program, but also melted edge increases edge strength of the product, preventing the cracks. Laser cutting products of large 3D form first used in Moscow. This method received a patent in March 2012. Laser light is also used for applying a cutoff conductive layer on the glass surface, creating a heating zone. After the laser treatment the preform increasingly becoming like a lantern T-50.After cutting each preform subjected to the five-axis machine. The unique cradle allows her initial zero voltage installation. Chief Technologist Institute Alexander Sitkin told about the prospects of complex use for grinding and polishing glass surfaces: work that is carried out by hand if necessary. Developed technology - pride of the institute. More recently finished glass block using sealant mounted in a metal frame. Daylight INTN composite materials has allowed the development of products to reduce weight by 25%, increase ptitsestoykost glazing and glazing resource to the resource level glider. Replacement glass has become possible to carry out in the field. All PPI production cycle lasts about one and a half months. Most of the products are factory-KLA, part - to repair factories to upgrade, and some - in the Air Force airfields in the so-called kits. The main part of INTN production is performed in the framework of the state defense order. In INTN reluctant to share information about the characteristics of the glazing for aircraft. But it is clear that glass, designed for booths of domestic civil aircraft on a number of parameters are superior to imports. For example, as can be seen on the website INTN, glass thickness on the Tu-204 - 17 mm, glass thickness, with the same properties in the Boeing 787 - 45 mm . the V generation of the last few years the Institute Director Vladimir Solinov managed to significantly rejuvenate the team. At the Moscow production, noted the recent 60th anniversary are now working and young people, and experienced professionals. These senior students' Mendeleevki "reluctant.When he came to practice in the Institute, and knew that here pay 70 thousand. Rubles, first arranged ordinary workers, then quickly grow to technologists. Lots and experienced workers. One of them, Nikolai Yakunin, processes glass for helicopters. "I came here immediately after the army, forty years ago. But if not for the high level of automation, probably would not have survived. I was even in good physical shape with a product weight of 30 kg to work the whole day heavy "-. Said Yakunin People and nails in the world designed for aircraft manufacturing technology to produce glass required strength, used in many other sectors of the economy. A few years back to prove high strength silica glass, the institute made ... glass nails. Clog hammer. They could be used in products with anti-magnetic properties. Also, these nails were tested during construction, instead of clamps when gluing yacht hulls. But the nails were only exotic. Now no need to prove the high performance strength of glass - all works INTN - evidence of the high quality of this ancient and, at the same time, a completely new material. Institute director Vladimir Solinov do its best in order to prove the need to ensure a high strength of glass, including architecture -. construction It is a member of the Russian-American Commission on security in space, which was discussed earlier in this article, as well as Urban Development Commission of the State Duma - for the construction of modern buildings of all most of the material - glass. This means that technology developed for aviation and materials in the near future will make the lives of millions of people more comfortable and safe.



CHAUDA RANGE (Russia) (Sputnik) — The Russian Aerospace Forces will receive first units of the Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA) fifth-generation fighter aircraft in 2017, Col. Gen. Viktor Bondarev, the Russian Aerospace Forces commander, said Saturday.

"There are five [T-50 fighters] at the [Russian] Chkalov's State Flight Testing Center, they are being tested, and beginning in 2017 they will be arriving to our service," Bondarev told reporters.

The commander stressed that there were no delays and the development of the aircraft had been carried out ahead of the schedule.

"The aircraft is truly amazing by piloting, navigation and other characteristics, it detects other aircraft at a very large distance, it has no equal in this. We have much to be proud of, and we are delighted to receive such an aircraft," he added.

The T-50 was presented at the Crimea's eastern Chauda practive range earlier in the day.

From Sputnic News .
(Sorry , New here . So cant post links )
T50 ready for serial production.
Next prototype that will apparently fly on June 20th will be the first fighter to be executed in a technical form for combat units.
T-50 is ready for serial production Published June 19, 2016 SOURCE: Izvestia WITH INPUTS FROM IDRW NEWS NETWORK United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) is preparing a preliminary report on the production of the initial batch of the latest fifth-generation fighter T-50 for supply of air and space forces of Russia. According to “Izvestia”, June 20, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, would rise into the air eighth car series, almost fully meets the requirements of the military’s combat capabilities to the fifth-generation fighter. Unlike previous aircraft eighth aircraft is fully equipped with equipment and systems prescribed in the specifications to create a promising aviation complex tactical – he said “Izvestia” a source close to the KLA. – It is with the advent of the fighters can say that the T-50 as a combat unit has found a real person and is ready for mass production in favor of videoconferencing. According to the source, currently in the workshops of Komsomolsk-on-Amur aviation plant (KnAAZ) in various stages of readiness are four T-50. The machine under the number 9 will join the flight test complex in September. The next two, 10th and 11th, are on the stocks: in the first docked fuselage center section from the second collected. Until the end, both will take to the stage of flight tests. In the fall of the KLA is ready to sign a contract with the Ministry of Defence for the supply of the installation of fighter games. Deliveries of machines, according to the commander of VKS Viktor Bondarev, due to begin in 2017. Mounting the party – is no less than 12 cars, that is, one squadron, – says head of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST), Ruslan Pukhov. – The number does not include fighter jets, test phase is now taking place. That is, in 2017 in the interests of videoconferencing will be built and delivered a completely new, meet the requirements of technical specifications fighting machines, who will pass the stage of military trials, after which it will be possible to talk about the expansion of purchases. However, as the expert said, glad that the T-50 will be a massive fighter, it is not worth it. PAK FA is positioned as the main rival to the US F-22 Raptor. The cost of the program creating a Raptor is estimated at $ 74 billion per aircraft cost -.. US $ 146 million bought 187 of these aircraft, and then shut down the program in general. Our T-50 program and its development of much cheaper, but the Deputy Minister of Defence for Armaments Yuri Borisov has said that the military can buy a smaller number of fifth generation fighter aircraft than planned in the state program of armaments to 2020. Military contracts is 12 pieces and after their commissioning will determine how many aircraft of this type will be able to afford. – Everything new is very expensive, and it is necessary to understand that the first machines will be very far from the common notion that with the advent of videoconferencing will have some sverhvozmozhnosti – says Pukhov. – The process of fine-tuning the aircraft even after adopting take years. Suffice it to recall that between the prototype of the Su-27 – T-10, appeared in 1977 – and the final product has been so many changes in design and on-board fighter equipment that only the last modification – Su-35S, adopting two years ago – It can be considered final. A similar fate seems to be waiting and T-50. Although, if only because of the fifth-generation engines, known today as the “Type 30”, or the engines of the second stage, in the development stage. Series T-50 will go into service with the motors 117C, the same, which are on the Su-35. Though they provide the necessary total thrust sufficient to achieve supersonic cruising speed, but does not meet the requirements of the fifth generation of the ratio of weight and traction as well as fuel consumption. Technical complexity of the debugging engine requires a very long bench and flight tests, which will affect the overall timing of the development of the T-50. According to various estimates, the power plants of the second stage of the Russian fighters T-50 will receive only the years 2025-2027. Actually, only then we can say that the T-50 became a true fifth-generation aircraft. – I think that today it is necessary to go ahead of the curve, not only by developing the T-50 as part of FGFA program (export name of the PAK FA – Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft) with our strategic partner in the field of military-technical cooperation – India, but also offering its Algeria and Vietnam, – said Pukhov. – Both countries are independent of the military-technical policy, and have their own funds to buy modern weapons. Through an alliance with them, you can “cheapen” the creation of the T-50, making it a massive fighter.


United Aircraft Corporation is gearing up to start serial production of the Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA fifth-generation stealth fighter according to Russian media reports. The eighth prototype T-50—which is nearly compliant with Moscow’s requirements for a next-generation fighter—is set to make its first flight on June 20.
“Unlike the previous aircraft, the eighth airframe is fully equipped with the equipment and systems prescribed in the specifications to create a prospective frontline aviation system,” a defense industry source told the Russian-language daily Izvestia. “With the advent of the new fighter, it can be said that the T-50 has reached a stage where it’s combat capable and ready for mass production and for use by the Russian Aerospace Forces.”
A total of four additional T-50 aircraft are in various stages of final assembly at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association plant in the Russian Far East. A ninth aircraft is set to joint the T-50 flight test program in September. But while flight-testing is not yet complete, UAC expects to sign a contract with the Russian Aerospace Forces to begin serial production of the T-50 in the fall of this year, according to Izvestia’s source. Deliveries of the new stealth fighter are set to begin in 2017.
The Russian Defense Ministry is expected to make an initial purchase of only a dozen operational T-50 aircraft. The Russian Aerospace Forces are expected to use those initial twelve production jets for operational testing before Moscow commits to buying more of the expensive new stealth fighters. Indeed, according to Russian sources, there is a lively debate within the Russian military as to whether or not stealth aircraft like the T-50 are worth the money. That debate—in addition to Moscow’s economic woes—is among the several reasons the Vozdushno-Kosmicheskiye Silyis taking a wait-and-see approach towards the new jet.
The other major concern for the Russian Aerospace Forces is the aircraft’s propulsion system. Initially, the T-50 will go into limited service powered by a pair of Saturn Izdeliye 117—also known as the AL-41F1—afterburning turbofans capable of producing 31,967lb (142kN) of thrust. The AL-41F1 is an extensively modernized version of the AL-31FP—found on older Su-27 and Su-30 Flanker variants—that was developed for the latest Su-35S Flanker-E.
While the AL-41F1 is a suitable motor for the new Flanker-E, it has proven to be less than satisfactory for use onboard a fifth-generation fighter. According to Russian sources, though the AL-41F1 provides enough thrust for sustained supersonic cruise capability, it does not meet the Russian Aerospace Forces requirements for thrust-to-weight ratio or fuel efficiency.
However, the Russians had only intended to use the AL-41F1 as an interim engine. Saturn is currently developing a 40,000lbs-class engine called the Izdeliye 30, which is intended to be the definitive powerplant for the new Russian fighter. However, Russia faces a challenging road ahead with developing the Izdeliye 30. Indeed, Izvestia reports that the T-50 will only receive the new engine between 2025 and 2027. Much of the problem stems from Russia’s post-Soviet malaise in the 1990s when technology development effectively ground to a halt as funding all but evaporated.
However, engine development is by far the most complex and technically challenging aspect of developing a new combat aircraft. That’s a lesson the United States learned during the development of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) F-15 Eagle during the 1970s. To remedy the problem, the Pentagon started development work on the F119 and its General Electric YF120 competitor years before embarking on the development of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.
But as recent experience has shown, even relatively mature engine designs can encounter teething problems when being adapted for a different application. One example of that was when the Pratt & Whitney F135—which was derived from the F-22’s nearly flawless F119—encountered problems after being modified for use on the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The F135 had issues with afterburner screech and turbine blades rubbing against the casing—resulting in the loss of one aircraft.
Because engine development is so difficult, both the Air Force and Navy have embarked on developing advanced adaptive-cycle engine technologies well ahead of either service’s combat aircraft program had entered into even an analysis of alternatives phase. Both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy are starting preliminary work on next-generation fighters with thePenetrating Counterair program and the Next Generation Air Dominance program, respectively.
However, the Pentagon is well aware that propulsion is will be the most challenging and expensive aspect of any new aircraft program. Indeed, the Air Force might borrow from the Russian playbook and use an interim engine on its new fighter when the time comes. “The engine is a long pole if everything must be new, but we can always build something with an existing engine,” said one Air Force official familiar with the service’s next-generation combat aircraft efforts. “Mission systems and interconnectivity are the most critical aspect of building capability in the future.”


United Aircraft Corporation is gearing up to start serial production of the Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA fifth-generation stealth fighter according to Russian media reports. The eighth prototype T-50—which is nearly compliant with Moscow’s requirements for a next-generation fighter—is set to make its first flight on June 20.
“Unlike the previous aircraft, the eighth airframe is fully equipped with the equipment and systems prescribed in the specifications to create a prospective frontline aviation system,” a defense industry source told the Russian-language daily Izvestia. “With the advent of the new fighter, it can be said that the T-50 has reached a stage where it’s combat capable and ready for mass production and for use by the Russian Aerospace Forces.”
A total of four additional T-50 aircraft are in various stages of final assembly at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association plant in the Russian Far East. A ninth aircraft is set to joint the T-50 flight test program in September. But while flight-testing is not yet complete, UAC expects to sign a contract with the Russian Aerospace Forces to begin serial production of the T-50 in the fall of this year, according to Izvestia’s source. Deliveries of the new stealth fighter are set to begin in 2017.
The Russian Defense Ministry is expected to make an initial purchase of only a dozen operational T-50 aircraft. The Russian Aerospace Forces are expected to use those initial twelve production jets for operational testing before Moscow commits to buying more of the expensive new stealth fighters. Indeed, according to Russian sources, there is a lively debate within the Russian military as to whether or not stealth aircraft like the T-50 are worth the money. That debate—in addition to Moscow’s economic woes—is among the several reasons the Vozdushno-Kosmicheskiye Silyis taking a wait-and-see approach towards the new jet.
The other major concern for the Russian Aerospace Forces is the aircraft’s propulsion system. Initially, the T-50 will go into limited service powered by a pair of Saturn Izdeliye 117—also known as the AL-41F1—afterburning turbofans capable of producing 31,967lb (142kN) of thrust. The AL-41F1 is an extensively modernized version of the AL-31FP—found on older Su-27 and Su-30 Flanker variants—that was developed for the latest Su-35S Flanker-E.
While the AL-41F1 is a suitable motor for the new Flanker-E, it has proven to be less than satisfactory for use onboard a fifth-generation fighter. According to Russian sources, though the AL-41F1 provides enough thrust for sustained supersonic cruise capability, it does not meet the Russian Aerospace Forces requirements for thrust-to-weight ratio or fuel efficiency.
However, the Russians had only intended to use the AL-41F1 as an interim engine. Saturn is currently developing a 40,000lbs-class engine called the Izdeliye 30, which is intended to be the definitive powerplant for the new Russian fighter. However, Russia faces a challenging road ahead with developing the Izdeliye 30. Indeed, Izvestia reports that the T-50 will only receive the new engine between 2025 and 2027. Much of the problem stems from Russia’s post-Soviet malaise in the 1990s when technology development effectively ground to a halt as funding all but evaporated.
However, engine development is by far the most complex and technically challenging aspect of developing a new combat aircraft. That’s a lesson the United States learned during the development of the Grumman F-14 Tomcat and McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) F-15 Eagle during the 1970s. To remedy the problem, the Pentagon started development work on the F119 and its General Electric YF120 competitor years before embarking on the development of the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.
But as recent experience has shown, even relatively mature engine designs can encounter teething problems when being adapted for a different application. One example of that was when the Pratt & Whitney F135—which was derived from the F-22’s nearly flawless F119—encountered problems after being modified for use on the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The F135 had issues with afterburner screech and turbine blades rubbing against the casing—resulting in the loss of one aircraft.
Because engine development is so difficult, both the Air Force and Navy have embarked on developing advanced adaptive-cycle engine technologies well ahead of either service’s combat aircraft program had entered into even an analysis of alternatives phase. Both the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy are starting preliminary work on next-generation fighters with thePenetrating Counterair program and the Next Generation Air Dominance program, respectively.
However, the Pentagon is well aware that propulsion is will be the most challenging and expensive aspect of any new aircraft program. Indeed, the Air Force might borrow from the Russian playbook and use an interim engine on its new fighter when the time comes. “The engine is a long pole if everything must be new, but we can always build something with an existing engine,” said one Air Force official familiar with the service’s next-generation combat aircraft efforts. “Mission systems and interconnectivity are the most critical aspect of building capability in the future.”

Means we too start work on our new engine for amca now itself.
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