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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions

TOT of what? Engine? top secret coating? alloys? Nah you aint getting it. You will get basic physical design of the aircraft including aerodynamics, RCS, and the blue print to how to assemble the aircraft. Thats called TOT ;). You can even get this from toy stores which sells T-50 replica. :)
Brilliant post, it absolutely reflect your knowledge on how ToT works...
India is offered with premiere price as it contributed at the development stage and committed to the number of aircraft it will buy. Thats where it ends besides some of the assembling going to take place in India (probably).

TOT of what? Engine? top secret coating? alloys? Nah you aint getting it. You will get basic physical design of the aircraft including aerodynamics, RCS, and the blue print to how to assemble the aircraft. Thats called TOT ;). You can even get this from toy stores which sells T-50 replica. :)

You don't know shit about the deal neither are you a citizen of Russia or India,you are just a dumb troll from BD nothing else

Russia and India have completed the creation of conceptual design of the export version of the fifth generation fighter,
Regional Director for International Cooperation of the United Aircraft Corporation Andrew Marshankin.

MOSCOW, January 10 - RIA Novosti. Russia and India have completed the creation of conceptual design of the export version of the fifth generation fighter (Sukhoi PAK FA), said on Saturday in a radio broadcast "General Staff" (Russian News Service) Regional Director for International Cooperation of the United Aircraft Corporation Andrew Marshankin.

"At the moment we are with our Indian colleagues have completed the creation of an export version of the PAK FA, known in India as FGFA (fifth generation fighter aircraft). There are already documentation and understanding of the scope of the next phase of design, scale of future production", - he said.

Marshankin noted that while the Russian version of the fifth generation fighter aircraft operated by a single pilot, the Indian Air Force traditionally prefer aircraft operated by two pilots.

"In severe conditions of modern warfare is extremely difficult to simultaneously maneuver and fire on the enemy. While the Indian side suggests that the Indian version of the fifth generation fighter will still be for the two pilots," - he said.

PAK FA - Russia's fifth-generation multi-role fighter. The use of composite materials and innovative technologies, aerodynamic design aircraft, the characteristics of the engine provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared signature.

According to plans of the Russian Air Force, serial deliveries of the T-50 will begin in 2016; last winter Air Force received the first T-50 test. So far, only one country in the world is armed with fifth-generation fighter - US aircraft F-22 and F-35.

РИА Новости http://ria.ru/world/20150110/1041999677.html#ixzz3OU9TiA8T
Indian version of the fifth generation fighter will still be for the two pilots

Five facts for T-50

Fifth-generation fighter T-50
Source: militaryrussia.ru

Russian fifth-generation aircraft T-50 (PAK FA), which supply the troops will begin in the coming year, no less fantastic than the space fighters from "Star Wars." It has a super-maneuverability, invisible to radar - although he sees everything - is able to fight equally effective at any range, hitting the target in the sky and on the ground.

Invisible Glider

All amazing T-50 is hidden from view. 70 percent of its skin made of composite materials to reduce the visibility. The effective area of scattering T-50 - a key parameter in the radar - 0.5 square meters. This means that on the radar screen it will look like the subject of the size of a balloon.

The geometry of the airframe and wings designed so that the T-50 could be flown at high angles of attack. It is necessary for super-maneuverability, which provide the PAK FA

Rotary nozzle

The aircraft is equipped with engines with thrust vector control (item 117). As the rotary engine aft motor boats, deflected nozzles allow the PAK FA unfold virtually on the spot.

To overcome enemy air defenses engines can go from round to flat nozzles. This is inefficient - loss of traction reach 5-7 percent - but it is necessary to hide the massive red-hot turbine from radar and infrared sensors.

Article 117 allows you to accelerate to supersonic speeds without using afterburner and is equipped with a digital control system. However, this is only the first stage - in 2020 to replace the current motors come new, with an increase of 25-30 per cent of traction.

Smart Cabin

At the T-50 are six radars. Their antennas are distributed over the casing, providing all-round visibility. Right before the canopy is an optoelectronic sensor system to detect targets, behind the cab - infrared sensor, which allows to see "behind".

Electronic warfare station "Himalayas" makes the T-50 to become invisible to enemy radar, while allowing you to see enemy stealth aircraft. Its equipment is also scattered over the surface of the PAK FA.

- We make no separate units and aircraft parts from the built-in electronic devices, - explained the CEO of Concern "Radio-electronic technology," Nikolai Kolesov.

Cold reason

T-50 - very clever plane. His two multiprocessor computer connected to the fiber interface bandwidth gigabit per second. Electronic intelligence system collects information from radio, radar, optical and other sensors, it forms a coherent picture of what is happening in heaven and on earth and where to apply for transfers.

PAK FA is able to fight both alone and as part of the concept of "unified field", where each combat vehicle is the eyes, ears and impact strength of the whole army. T-50 can transmit data to other aircraft and ground-based air defense systems, or receive targeting them. Airborne weapon control system allows up to 60 accompany goals while firing 16 of them.

The navigation system of the aircraft combined: GPS, GLONASS, both standard and without any satellites. The last case has inertial navigation, as in ballistic missiles. Gyroscopes and accelerometers to measure the angular velocity of flight, and electronics, knowing the coordinates of the take-off, and calculates the current location of the T-50.

Fundamentally new control system can take some of the load on piloting, allowing the pilot to concentrate on combat missions. Pilot receives information in the form of images on multifunction displays three. There are display on the windshield, helmet-mounted target designation system and voice informant. He says a pleasant female voice: "Start resolved."

Long arms

PAK FA is able to dogfight at any distance, and is armed with rockets for this large, medium and short range. Long-range R-37 set a world record by hitting a target at a distance of 304 kilometers. Medium-range missiles RVV-SD NATO was given the name "Viper". Its warhead is armed with metal rods with miniature cumulative elements. The rods are connected to each other and form an expanding ring blasting, cutting target.

Short-range missiles K-MD can be used for missile defense. To protect the aircraft and operate "Himalaya" - they are trying to fool the enemy homing missiles.

Because T-50 is not "pure" fighter, and multi-purpose aircraft, he has weapons and to work on the ground. For example, the supersonic missile "BrahMos" Russian-Indian production, anti-X-35, or "killer radar" P-58.
Пять секретов Т-50 - ВПК.name

p.s The translate is not accurate IMO
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Lool but Russia won't ever agree to transfer their latest/best tech to you or any country for that matter bro.

Well to be honest, no power will ever do that, so it applies not only to Russia, but even our governments in the West/U.S. So India has to accept what Russia offers, while investing more in its own R&D,so it can produce such critical weapons on its own. That's the only way out for India. Expecting other countries/foreign powers to give you everything/all their latest tech on a plate is all but laughable to be honest. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU PAY FOR IT , there are things that can't be transfered/shared. So India will have to accept what Russia offers, which I don't think is a bad deal by the way.

LoL is that why India is Manufacturing Su 30 MKI from radars to Engine ? :lol:...... or help India make a Nuclear Submarine ? or help India in canister launched missiles ? ..or a cryogenic engine ?
To whom Mikhail Pogosyan leave UAC

The answer to this question lies beyond the corporation itself

Mikhail Pogosyan
Photo by Artem Zhitenev / RIA Novosti
Mikhail Pogosyan stepping down as head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). The contract was designed to February 2016, but already January 16 Board of Directors may send Poghosyan resigned. As a result, the balance of power in the Russian defense industry will change significantly.

Joint anti-crisis Corporation
Mikhail Pogosyan, head of the holding "dry", in 2011, took over as president of the United Aircraft Corporation Alexei Fedorov, former head of the Corporation "Irkut". Thirty years later historians popular domestic aircraft industry for sure, without going into details, can easily give a phrase like "the struggle interest groups and business interests behind these two figures, determined the whole complexion of the Russian aircraft industry at the turn of the century" - and not much pogreshat against the truth .

In any case, it was necessary to recommend to treat age with respect, because, no matter how trite sounds, it literally decided to leave. As they say industry sources, this decision initiated by Pogosyan, though not without the pressure of external circumstances.

United Aircraft Corporation, founded in 2006, initially seen as integrators of post-Soviet aircraft industry, due to the collapse of the USSR were not "leading and guiding force", a role which until 1991 was fulfilled by the aviation industry. The main task of the new corporation was pulling stalled aircraft factories, mainly civilians, due to more successful colleagues, especially the holding company "Dry" and Corporation "Irkut", managed to swim through the export of aircraft Su-27 / Su-30.

Pogosyan, which grew out of the team of the late head of Sukhoi Mikhail Simonov, known in the industry as a project manager with difficult aligned cooperation. On his account protaschenny through difficult years and irregular financing project Su-35s launched from the ground up project cars of the fifth generation PAK FA, as well as a civil regional airliner Sukhoi Superjet.


Sukhoi SuperJet 100
Photo: Superjet International
The last two projects are particularly noteworthy. At the start, they looked the same unrealizable and advance were covered with labels at best "cuts" in the worst - Manilovism. However, we have over the years? Serial construction of dozens of "Superjet" Komsomolsk and flying fighter T-50, built by the PAK FA program. This success in the aircraft can not boast of one only "Irkut" with their mass production of the Su-30MKI (Su-30cm) and light Yak-130 has no background on the project Pogosyan pale appearance.

Also it should be noted that it was under KLA Poghosyan lost its former loose form, where "business units" were established with 90s feudal fiefdoms Directorate, and went on to transparent management, when the plants are built and design in the Directorate for ongoing projects machines.

The main complaint against the KLA in recent years, in addition to financial distress (associated with the recovery of lying on the side of enterprises and start-up capital program development and production), is a policy in the field of civil aviation. All the forces in it were thrown on two projects: "Superjet" and medium-range airliner MS-21, which makes the "Irkut".

The project "SuperJet" strongly involved in co-operation with foreign suppliers, in the current environment will experience more risks than previously given, quite frankly, is small and not very rhythmic demand for liner. (In contrast to the mass production of Komsomolsk, which is just a very good schedule.)


Stand UAC on Aviation and Space Salon "Farnborough 2014"
Photo: Alex Kudenko / RIA Novosti
It is in the very near future will certainly cause another surge model gloating about "pogosyanovskogo cuckoo", which pushed out of the nest civil aviation industry a lot of "unique, unparalleled" domestic projects (some of them, like the Tu-334, conceptually obsolete already at the time of the first rise in air). Worth the wait and related proposals back on the wave of "import substitution" to the autarkic development of civil aircraft.

But these small lobbying attempts to profit at the expense of budget financing special irrelevant. The value is a much more serious, quiet and expensive process under way in the domestic defense industry. It was there that should look for an answer to the question about the future of the KLA.

Corporation "MinVseobscheMash"
We are talking about the planned expansion of the influence of the state corporation "Rostec", which already owning 40 percent of the Russian defense enterprises with total output only military production in excess of 600 billion rubles (in 2013), as well as monitoring of up to 90 percent of Russian arms exports, on essentially a shadow Ministry of Defense Industry.

When you create a state corporation "Russian Technologies", later changed to "Rostec 'main tasks were similar to those that were the creation of the KLA. By the proceeds of "Rosoboronexport", which became the main asset of the new corporation, and a number of other companies whose equipment by means of the same ROE has found its market, expected to breathe life into other assets. A few years later the continuous growth of military spending, coupled with the Russian export of military equipment will make "Rostec" giant with a turnover of over one trillion rubles.

Of the largest Russian defense holdings not retract one way or another in the sphere of influence "Rostec", in fact, there were only the KLA and the United Shipbuilding Corporation. Such as self-giant "Almaz-Antey" fell last year on its base began forming a new group of aerospace defense, and the task is assigned directly to the head "Rostec" Sergey Chemezov, who headed the board of directors.

We must understand that we are not talking about a campaign of public business in private, and the gradual coalescence of state defense assets into a giant business conglomerate, which is equal to the degree of centralization was not in the Soviet times. Then below supervising state authorities (Department of Defense and the Central Military-Industrial Commission Council of Ministers) began the "nine" defense ministries, managed independently. How to behave in a similar pattern in terms of increased attention to the government's defense order (and also increased funding), particularly in terms of cost efficiency, yet to understand.

About the lack of coordination between the KLA and rostehovskimi holdings producing equipment for the aviation industry, say for a long time. Judge who is to blame, not so easy, but according to media reports is already known that the new head of the KLA will be a separate item tasked to coordinate with the "Rostec" (whatever that meant no).

Thus, the most interesting thing in the story itself is not Pogosyan, who, as has long been an independent figure, ruled despotically Russian aviation industry and should remain serious. What he has achieved, what failed, and what he should not have done - let versed professionals in a few years, when it becomes clear real impact on the decisions of Michael Aslanovich industry (whatever it was).

The first question that must be asked in this section with respect to shape the new head of the KLA, is very simple: how this person would be affiliated with the "Rostec"? This will tell about the situation with the change of leadership the penultimate major defense of monopoly, not included in rostehovskuyu matrix, more than any other speculation.

Although in any case, the new head of the KLA will have to deal with the same machines that are already unwound flywheel development and production. Machines that made him Poghosyan.

At the time of delivery of the material it became known that the government approved a directive on the appointment to the post of deputy head of the KLA Minpromtorga Yuri Slyusarev, who was in charge at the Ministry of the aviation industry. Mikhail Pogosyan, will take over as general designer of the corporation.

Konstantin Bogdanov
Статьи: Lenta.ru: Силовые структуры: Оборонка: На кого Михаил Погосян оставляет ОАК

^^ why dont the russian recruit ex DRDO chief Avinash chander
he is also dynamic & expert in marketing PR like pogosyan:sarcastic: :haha:


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