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Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

Here we go again...Thanks Mir Bajwa
he is gone, cursing him wont get us anywhere.
we are a confused and fragmented nation. a considerable size of population supports TTP, providing refuge and money as well as explaining its ideology. Pakistan army has already lost this fight because the tumor regrows after its surgical operations since the politicians or the society doesn't heal and fix the scars left by TTP.

Gen Tariq Khan during his part in the big scale COIN operations in Waziristan questioned the point of making rehabilitation center for lower tier captured TTP operatives. he said over a 6 months or so program they were deradicalized, taught skills and crafts to make an honest and peaceful living and sent back to the society that is by an large radicalized. yes we don't allow TTP supporters o this forum and rest of the social media is not that strict, not sure bout you but I remember people celebrating APS attack and giving Islamic references justifying these attacks,
I, myself have come across a scumbag in my university whatsapp group who actually enjoyed and taunted me that TTP killed kids in APS which is very well justified because (according to him ) army killed TTP kids and molested students of jamiah Hafsah Lal Masjid female students during Lal masjid operation. I left that group in protest because the admins of that group agreed with him and refused to censor him.,

GHQ and ISI has a lot to share the blame but not everything, GHQ and ISI are not gods, we as public are confused and aimless, all parties PPP, PML including PTI failed in providing the sense of direction and a front against this radicalization and had been engaged in political scoring and victimization . they all been engaging in similar corruption, intimidation and mismanagement while teaching us the virtues of state of Medina.
BLA and TTP are polar opposites in their ideologies but have united due to their hatred of Pakistan.

TTP has also made overtures and recruitment attempts in Balochistan. They have successfully penetrated Pashtun areas which has never been done before.

Now they are making stuff in Balochi language and recruiting Baloch.

Most Baloch don't sympathise with the BLA afaik, but the problem comes when they refuse to speak against them and their activities. The TTP resorting to recruitment in Balochistan is an obvious show of desperation, the Baloch don't indulge in such activities.

12-15 Kg explosive used in the PBIED.

There was only one terrorist. No woman was present. The car was a taxi and the driver was most likely just hired for taxi-ride.

12-15 Kg explosive used in the PBIED.

There was only one terrorist. No woman was present. The car was a taxi and the driver was most likely just hired for taxi-ride.
Reminds me of a 2007 report where the man laden with explosives while getting off from taxi told the driver you were lucky we didn’t pass by any military vehicle in Islamabad as I would have detonated this jacket.
No woman was present.

Probably used this as decoy on the front seat. Cheeky bastards.

No Shabashi or Sympathy from my end sorry Till Elections are called

Islamabad is not Golden Goose where JANRAIL have settled down in posh greenry filled areas owning Property worth Millions , complete with Golf course

Hoga koi Angry citizen unable to pay his rent or able earn a living

DO YOUR JOB and patrol the border can't even do 1 simple job

Ek dhamaka howa , to Islamabad Police ki "*****" Dheeli go gai

Bari Nangi Video bana rahe the G****

Hum Se na Hamdardi rakhana G*** islamand police walo
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All you internet warriors who can't think or write beyond, Bashing Bajwa, Army, ISI and now Hafiz, spare a moment for the Shaheed Head Constable Adeel Hussain, who sacrificed his life and saved a major disaster.

View attachment 907379

Shaheed constibale my foot

On May 25th a Pakistani was thrown over the bridge and these police in Islamabad beat up own citizen of courntry you expect me to have sympathy for these folks........... Nah

Yeh bhi choor hoga who beats own people of country on May 25th whole Islamabad Police was involve and continues to make nangi video

All those mother f of Islamabad police are not Pakistani since May 25th as far as I am concerned

His remaining buddies should put 100,000 more containers around and block more roads to serve the Devils
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-----------------------------------GROUND REALITY-------------------

I still remember every image from May 25th



Wah ji Wah , kis mo se , Citizen se Bheek mang rahe ho that we respect these bastards


Mujhe to bohat Khushi howai when I found it was Islamabad Police that got f over

Ay Lo , Hero Police beating up own people

Now want to call themselves shaheed

Providing support to Kala Mafia in Islamabad

Qoum remembers every act you did since Toppling of Imran Khan's government

Jesi Karni Wesi Bharni
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I still remember every image from May 25th

All this was done ont he orders of Mir Barwa, Dirty Harry Faisal, Faheem Raza but if this was
an BSF soldier they will pat him on the back and release him. Even Abhinandhan was given
special treatment and handed over.

They only oppress the poor awaam who raise up against the corrupt Generals and the
politicians that have been forced done their throats.
Shaheed constibale my foot

On May 25th a Pakistani was thrown over the bridge and these police in Islamabad beat up own citizen of courntry you expect me to have sympathy for these folks........... Nah

Yeh bhi choor hoga who beats own people of country on May 25th whole Islamabad Police was involve and continues to make nangi video

All those mother f of Islamabad police are not Pakistani since May 25th as far as I am concerned

His remaining buddies should put 100,000 more containers around and block more roads to serve the Devils
That's between him and his maker.
Who are we to judge his actions.
If any of these policeman refuses orders and gets fired from his job, I highly doubt that you or others laughing at his death will put hand in your pocket to dish out 5 Rupees to support him.
Observation from afar

Pakistanis done this . No need to blame India or anyone else , Afghanistan’s a lawless shithole which can’t organise children to go to school safely let control these ttp terrorists .

Sorry to say guys your leadership are a bunch of pansies who have no say in any decision in your country , your military establishment is to be squarely blamed for all the ills your countries been through the blame lies squarely at your army’s doors .

Doesn’t matter who’s your PM it’s a game set up by your military to divide and rule yous
Straight out of the British text book .

Innalillahi wainalahi rajioun police man .
That's between him and his maker.
Who are we to judge his actions.
If any of these policeman refuses orders and gets fired from his job, I highly doubt that you or others laughing at his death will put hand in your pocket to dish out 5 Rupees to support him.

Nope no $ will be sent for police constable because he serves the devil in Islamabd

When the Government is not of People

When police is beating people and making torture video

This Police force is not of / for people!!!

Ye Constible Meri (Citizen) ki nahi apne bap ki hifazat kar raha hai who have Money !!! and they Live in Islamabad
he is gone, cursing him wont get us anywhere
Why just why ??
We wasted 75 years since independence repeating that silly sentence. General niazi is gone forget him, musharaff did something wrong forget him , kayani and his brothers did corruption forget them. Now bajwa destroyed the country he is gone dont curse him.
You know to treat a cancer first you have to diagnose it. We as a nation never diagnosed our real cancer. We never punished any general to make a example out of him so never ever again any general in future dares to repeat that.
The legacy continues, after amassing millions in wealth by corruption, destroying the economy ,putting national security at risk, wasting blood of our martyrs we should not curse bajwa because he is gone.
I think you are another fauji on this forum who is biased. Heck why i am even arguing with you.
What a coincidence! All these terrorist attacks in Pakistan,started again after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan. And after the incompetent PML-N government took power in Pakistan...

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