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Suicide bomb blast reported at 1-10 area of Islamabad at around 10:45 am

Taliban Khan is a national security risk just like the baldies Sharifs and transgender Bhuttos.

We need someone entirely new that doesn't suck Afghani cock
Aur Gussao Afghano ko apni G@nd mai, Just because they share culture with one ethnicity the whole Pakistan is suffering. And our Army is busy in making P0rn and politicians are busy in gutter chap Politics and Awam has no idea how to fight and take their country back.

..... And Mir Hafiz.
There is a thing called diplomacy for peace and IK government excelled at that. Ever since these bastards came to power in April with everything that went downhill now we are back to old days of suicide bombings. Old fear of not visiting public places is back. Foreign investors will run away with no foreign tourists of the country.
Taliban Khan is a national security risk just like the baldies Sharifs and transgender Bhuttos.

We need someone entirely new that doesn't suck Afghani cock

Yes, only American co*k sucking please ...

Btw, it was Taliban Khan that gave the orders to give India a befitting response and finished the fencing project between the Afghan Pak border
Now here comes the scary part. Going by past experience, the GHQ will play political games amidst carnage. PDM is going to shed crocodile tears.

Nothing will happen as we are back to purana Pakistan.

Listen to your FM. He is cosying up with brother Taliban. India has found a new ally, the Afghan Taliban.

Exactly. Frankly, nothing really changed in Naya Pakistan either. Till the Establishment is this powerful and outside the ambit of the law (and not serving the people), we are doomed.
Goodbye tourism, goodbye visiting anywhere outside of AJK. I'm so glad i had the opportunity to travel to the Northern areas last summer and i spent some time in Islamabad. It was something i wanted to do for 20 years. Who knows, it might be another 20 before it's safe to do again.
Your suggestions demonstrate your lack of understanding. NATO failed and our already-stretched military should have another Ukraine in Afghanistan?

First, please get this through your head: ALL security policy is made at GHQ. It doesn't matter what the F a planted PM or one hanging by the thread of a tenuous coalition says.

Second: Terrorism in Pak is essentially a cross-border issue. Without sanctuary for leadership in neighboring countries, terror movements would have a very hard time sustaining themselves.

Third: The Gens are therefore responsible for deterring such activity. The strategic dimwits helming national security have failed to raise the cost for Afg, India, or anybody else wanting to harm Pakistan. You can keep killing as many terrorists as you want, but you cannot win this type of war without introducing consequences for their backers. But they don't have the sophistication or will to do that.

Conclusion: the blame might be shared, but the lion's share goes to the Army, since everything is in their control: they can bully the courts, they can pick up and torture politicians, they can make and break governments, etc. So, even if it's "civilian failure," it's failure that GHQ either enabled or allowed.

Back on topic: peace only comes through strength. Improvement only comes through deep dissatisfaction with the status quo. Our establishment is the opposite. They love the status quo and pat themselves on the back for the current "achievements."

@SIPRA @SaadH @Riz

Like GHQ, busy with political games.

And you are essentially a policy maker with this utter crap written in this post? I think a child in Pakistan is aware that the GHQ makes the security policy. You didn't need to come across as a "strategic specialist" to announce that. Where you lack basic common sense is that the GHQ comprises of military administrative officials. They make policies as a function of their job :lol: . You clearly didn't understand a thing and linking to cross border "surgical raids" with Russia-Ukraine war is dumb as hell.

The policies made, can't be implemented by the military alone. The policy calls out for an entire chain of law enforcement and intelligence to work together so blaming it on GHQ is pure dumb. This isn't just a cross border issue. We need serious operation inside KPK (yet against) to eliminate terrorists strong holds that have become active again. Just a little while ago, multiple PTI members openly called for separation of Pakistan and symphetizers with Afghanistan. These scums need to be dealt with. If they are so against Pakistan, take their terrorist friends and go to hell called Afghanistan. There are terrorist symphatizers inside KPK there is NO doubt in this and I am stating a fact.

CTD regional HQ taken over by people they arrested is PURE stupid and shows gross incompetence. The KPK government who takes majority of the anti-terrorism funds and then spend them on ghost projects, needed to make sure these people in CTD are professionally trained and not PTI hires for their political allegiance. The SAME CTD in Punjab and Sindh has extremely high success rate, why? because there is much less influence through politics into CTD.

Lastly, there is political bullshit around "KPK police and reforms". The MOST smuggling of drugs, weapons (and terrorists) happens through paying bribe to KPK. The time has come to take out these internal rats as well as rats across the fence.

If you are going to shed more stupidity on a national security related thread, I suggest you don't respond to my post.
Where is the ministry of interior?
MOI must have woken up to a rude shock.

ICT Policeman has at least managed to stop the terrorists at the outer boundary of city, the ones in Bannu made their way inside the compound unchecked and created chaos leading to a SSG operation. This poor policeman on duty has saved Islamabadis and Government from destruction.
Useless face saving measures now that he doesn't sit in the government.

Imagine taking this much of a U-turn...

It was him talking about the Afghans have freed the shackles of slavery (IEA), him calling terrorists naraz brothers, him negotiating with TTP, him wanting citizenship for Afghans (worse than Indians tbh). Him freeing already captured terrorists in custody! And it was him who opposed the border fencing 😹😹😹😹

He is going back on his own words, probably temporarily, after realising he sounded retarded and naive. He lives in his own imaginary world just like the other corrupt alternatives.
It has nothing to do with Bajwa. Talibs want dollar smuggling and we are not allowing it. Bs yei masla chal raha hai.
Nice excuse you found to protect that swine bajwa.Everything bad started after the regime change.
Bajwa is the main character behind regime change and for bringing PDM to power. He wasted all the blood of those 75000 Pakistani's who died during the war on terror. Their blood brought peace and now suddenly bajwa pushed us back to those suicide bombing days.
We don't need any enemy when we have generals like bajwa.
Nice excuse you found to protect that swine bajwa.Everything bad started after the regime change.
Bajwa is the main character behind regime change and for bringing PDM to power. He wasted all the blood of those 75000 Pakistani's who died during the war on terror. Their blood brought peace and now suddenly bajwa pushed us back to those suicide bombing days.
We don't need any enemy when we have generals like bajwa.
No doubt Bajwa is a bastard but to blame one man is foolish.

Not everything is even connected to GHQ - there is external influence and other factors which go into it.

The issue has always been Afghanistan and Afghans since day 1. You castrate them, 80% of your problems will become managable in the terrorism domain.
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