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Sufism/ Tasawuf (Islamic mysticism)

Something that is not right at "some and traditional" Sufi teaching is bowing to much on Sufi Master and visiting famous Sufi Tomb


Which sufi branches exist in Indonesia ?
Which sufi branches exist in Indonesia ?

There are two largest Muslim organisation in Indonesia which is Nahdatul Ulama which practice Sufism

Nahdlatul Ulama (also Nahdatul Ulama or NU) is a traditionalist Sunni Islam group in Indonesia.

The NU was established on January 31, 1926 as a reaction to the modernist Muhammadiyah organization. The NU is one of the largest independent Islamic organizations in the world. Some estimates of its membership range as high as 30 million, although it is hard to account for this number. NU acts as a charitable body, helping to fill in many of the shortcomings of the Indonesian government in society; it funds schools, hospitals, and organizes communities or kampungs into more coherent groups in order to help combat poverty.

Nahdlatul Ulama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And other is Muhammadiyah that is influence by Wahhabism

Muhammadiyah (Arabic: محمدية, followers of Muhammad. full name: Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah) is an Islamic organization inIndonesia. The organization was founded in 1912 by Ahmad Dahlan in the city of Yogyakarta as a reformist socioreligious movement, advocating ijtihad - individual interpretation of Qur'an and sunnah, as opposed to taqlid - the acceptance of the traditional interpretations propounded by the ulama.[1]

At the moment, Muhammadiyah is the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia with 29 million members.[1] Although Muhammadiyah leaders and members are often actively involved in shaping the politics in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah is not a political party. It has devoted itself to social and educational activities.

Muhammadiyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually I come from Muhammadiyah family, and being taught at Muhammadiyah schools, but I study Sufism trough classic books since my father has so many religious book at home, starting when I was still at college, and later I learn more by buying books by myself and my uncle is also a professor with Tasawuf specialization, so I learn from him as well from scholar perspective even though he is actually a Muhammadiyah himself.

So, practically I dont know much about Tasawuf practice in my country, but as I know NU people still like to go to Ulama tomb and bow too much to their Ulama which I really dont like.

One of Sufi teaching that I know quite well known in Jakarta is actually a branch from Hadramaut Yaman, with a lineage to prophet family.

In Jakarta, there are many classic book that we can get from bookstore, so we dont really have to find sufi master to practice Sufism.

One of prominent Muhammadiyah Chairman is Buya Hamka, he himself embrace Tasawuf but try to clean some teaching of traditional Tasawuf that dont have proper backing from Quran and Sunnah


Buya Hamka

Prof.Dr.HajiAbdul Malik Karim Amrullah, better known by the nickname Hamka (born in Batang River, Tanjung Raya, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, Dutch East Indies on February 17, 1908 and died in Jakarta, Indonesia on July 24, 1981 at the age of 73 years) was an Indonesian ulama, novelist, philosopher and political activist.

Hamka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


His book

So, our old Wahhabis Movement has been transformed and embrace Tasawuf as well with some boundaries
@Indos There was a sufi in pakistan who used to recite over 100,000 darood sharif daily. He recorded his spiritual experiences . If you are interested I will share english translation of his book. He belonged to Owaisiya: branch of sufisim
@Indos There was a sufi in pakistan who used to recite over 100,000 darood sharif daily. He recorded his spiritual experiences . If you are interested I will share english translation of his book. He belonged to Owaisiya: branch of sufisim

Thanks, Please share.

Yup the main idea behind reciting statement is to change our previous subconsciousness belief, just like practicing hypnotherapy into ourselves. Beside that refining our intention by resisting our worldly desire ( for a period of time) is the other important aspect of Sufism. Me, my self keep doing it in my heart, in daily basis, I prefer using the words from Quran, particularly after praying and just before sleeping (the best moment to put new belief/ strengthen a particular belief into our subconsciousness ).

No dispute about the true of this practice, many of True Sufi I believe keep holding secret about how exactly the spiritual experience that they have is since our prophet also don't reveal it himself. But words coming from Ibnu Qayim that I post in the first page can sum up that.

Me, my self will see me taking wudlu at dream after I do good heart purification, or having a bath if the purification is greater. Praying at the mosque at dream is also another sign.

( I never do this kind of dancing personally and no desire to do it either, but I put it here to show that a successful Sufi practitioner who can reach a good maqam (spiritual position in the heart) will have a joyful feeling, every day always experience a joyful feeling, so this kind of dancing has the relation from that, expressing their joy )

This is the part that is important and I am agree with at wikipedia which talks about Sufism:

Sufism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


While all Muslims believe that they are on the pathway to God and hope to become close to God in Paradise—after death and after the "Final Judgment"—Sufis also believe that it is possible to draw closer to God and to more fully embrace theDivine Presence in this life.[36] The chief aim of all Sufis is to seek the pleasing of God by working to restore within themselves the primordial state of fitra,[37]described in the Qur'an. In this state nothing one does defies God, and all is undertaken with the single motivation of love of Allah.

To Sufis, Sufism involves the study and ritual purification of traits deemed reprehensible while adding praiseworthy traits. This is independent of whether or not this process of religious cleansing and purifying leads to esoteric knowledge of God. This can be conceived in terms of two basic types of law (fiqh), an outer law concerned with actions, and an inner law concerned with one's own actions and qualities.[citation needed] The outer law consists of rules pertaining to worship, transactions, marriage, judicial rulings, and criminal law—what is often referred to, broadly, as qanun. The inner law of Sufism consists of rules about repentance from sin, the purging of contemptible qualities and evil traits of character, and adornment with virtues and good character.[38]

The typical early Sufi lived in a cell of a mosque and taught a small band of disciples. The extent to which Sufism was influenced by Buddhist and Hindu mysticism, and by the example of Christian hermits and monks, is disputed, but self-discipline and concentration on God quickly led to the belief that by quelling the self and through loving ardor for God it is possible to maintain a union with the divine in which the human self melts away.[39]

( I never do this kind of dancing personally and no desire to do it either, but I put it here to show that a successful Sufi practitioner who can reach a good maqam (spiritual position in the heart) will have a joyful feeling, every day always experience a joyful feeling, so this kind of dancing has the relation from that, expressing their joy )

This is the part that is important and I am agree with at wikipedia which talks about Sufism:

Sufism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


While all Muslims believe that they are on the pathway to God and hope to become close to God in Paradise—after death and after the "Final Judgment"—Sufis also believe that it is possible to draw closer to God and to more fully embrace theDivine Presence in this life.[36] The chief aim of all Sufis is to seek the pleasing of God by working to restore within themselves the primordial state of fitra,[37]described in the Qur'an. In this state nothing one does defies God, and all is undertaken with the single motivation of love of Allah.

To Sufis, Sufism involves the study and ritual purification of traits deemed reprehensible while adding praiseworthy traits. This is independent of whether or not this process of religious cleansing and purifying leads to esoteric knowledge of God. This can be conceived in terms of two basic types of law (fiqh), an outer law concerned with actions, and an inner law concerned with one's own actions and qualities.[citation needed] The outer law consists of rules pertaining to worship, transactions, marriage, judicial rulings, and criminal law—what is often referred to, broadly, as qanun. The inner law of Sufism consists of rules about repentance from sin, the purging of contemptible qualities and evil traits of character, and adornment with virtues and good character.[38]

The typical early Sufi lived in a cell of a mosque and taught a small band of disciples. The extent to which Sufism was influenced by Buddhist and Hindu mysticism, and by the example of Christian hermits and monks, is disputed, but self-discipline and concentration on God quickly led to the belief that by quelling the self and through loving ardor for God it is possible to maintain a union with the divine in which the human self melts away.[39]

Sadly what many people don't get about tasawuff is that to be a sufi one has to have a complete grip on Islam & fiqh not only in old days but even now. Like I posted in the other Pakistani Defence forum years ago in detail about this you cannot be a waliullah unless you are a complete muslim in action & spirit. Actual walis & sufis are like you & me, I know a few & all of them have day jobs as doctors, bakers, hakeems, CAs etc etc. Some however get exalted to such an extent that they (though not completely) cut themselves off from the world like the Late Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali who iirc had reached the rank of Abdal.
Also travelling the path of Tasawuff requires a teacher or a guide & multiples of them even as doing the wazaif without guidance or permission is self inviting hazard & Shaitan's involvement.
Also go to Biggest website for wazaif on the internet & if interested do the wazifa to find your spiritual mentor. Haven't done it myself as I found mine before but all the wazifas on that site are tried & tested ones (I've done a few myself) So follow the procedure given & may you guys find your teacher & grow in your Imaan.
Sadly what many people don't get about tasawuff is that to be a sufi one has to have a complete grip on Islam & fiqh not only in old days but even now. Like I posted in the other Pakistani Defence forum years ago in detail about this you cannot be a waliullah unless you are a complete muslim in action & spirit. Actual walis & sufis are like you & me, I know a few & all of them have day jobs as doctors, bakers, hakeems, CAs etc etc. Some however get exalted to such an extent that they (though not completely) cut themselves off from the world like the Late Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali who iirc had reached the rank of Abdal.
Also travelling the path of Tasawuff requires a teacher or a guide & multiples of them even as doing the wazaif without guidance or permission is self inviting hazard & Shaitan's involvement.
Also go to Biggest website for wazaif on the internet & if interested do the wazifa to find your spiritual mentor. Haven't done it myself as I found mine before but all the wazifas on that site are tried & tested ones (I've done a few myself) So follow the procedure given & may you guys find your teacher & grow in your Imaan.

Yup, bro, it is a must to complete reading Quran and many Al-Hadith before learning this path. And I suggest to all Sufi learner to also understand psychology theory, particularly Alfred Adler. In short, our perception and feeling will be the parameter about our Iman condition.

Yup, I am agree on you that we should not withdraw from life, it is a mistake to do that in this time, but rather we can implement self restrain effort by not being famous, rich, not getting close to any woman ( that makes us get emotionally attached to them) in the beginning of the training. If we can have superiority feeling inside based on Iman, having a heart that attached and prefer ALLAH than anything else during self restraining activity, so it is the time to come out and make huge contribution for the mankind, since our heart is already strong enough not to be corrupted and manipulated by dunya. Just like some one said, just grab dunya in our hand, not in our heart.

Thanks for the website information.
Sadly what many people don't get about tasawuff is that to be a sufi one has to have a complete grip on Islam & fiqh not only in old days but even now. Like I posted in the other Pakistani Defence forum years ago in detail about this you cannot be a waliullah unless you are a complete muslim in action & spirit. Actual walis & sufis are like you & me, I know a few & all of them have day jobs as doctors, bakers, hakeems, CAs etc etc. Some however get exalted to such an extent that they (though not completely) cut themselves off from the world like the Late Abu Anees Muhammad Barkat Ali who iirc had reached the rank of Abdal.
Also travelling the path of Tasawuff requires a teacher or a guide & multiples of them even as doing the wazaif without guidance or permission is self inviting hazard & Shaitan's involvement.
Also go to Biggest website for wazaif on the internet & if interested do the wazifa to find your spiritual mentor. Haven't done it myself as I found mine before but all the wazifas on that site are tried & tested ones (I've done a few myself) So follow the procedure given & may you guys find your teacher & grow in your Imaan.

It has to do with the overly romantic ideals preached through the spread of Qawali music rather than the ideals of Sama'a. Sufism has been reduced to coke studio and Nusrat Fateh Ali rather than the unbelievably tough path involved with Tasawwuf. I can testify that despite my not being the ideal Mureed, I dont think Shaitan ever made this much effort against me prior to my bayt as he almost constantly does now. Nor was life so difficult or sinusoidal nor did I think or utter so much kufr when things get tough.. almost uncontrollably.. . But at the same time, the way I have become to understand this whole life and its entirety...and the reality of our existence.. of understanding ideas of deen. It is probably perhaps why I feel more disheartened with the way events play out with Muslims all over.
I can only pray for maghfirat as I feel I have shirked my oath.. and the path that was chosen for me. Yet, I hope that I will be called back.

This is not an easy path, and nowhere as glorious(at least not in the way its portrayed in the media) as people think.
It has to do with the overly romantic ideals preached through the spread of Qawali music rather than the ideals of Sama'a. Sufism has been reduced to coke studio and Nusrat Fateh Ali rather than the unbelievably tough path involved with Tasawwuf. I can testify that despite my not being the ideal Mureed, I dont think Shaitan ever made this much effort against me prior to my bayt as he almost constantly does now. Nor was life so difficult or sinusoidal nor did I think or utter so much kufr when things get tough.. almost uncontrollably.. . But at the same time, the way I have become to understand this whole life and its entirety...and the reality of our existence.. of understanding ideas of deen. It is probably perhaps why I feel more disheartened with the way events play out with Muslims all over.
I can only pray for maghfirat as I feel I have shirked my oath.. and the path that was chosen for me. Yet, I hope that I will be called back.

This is not an easy path, and nowhere as glorious(at least not in the way its portrayed in the media) as people think.


Itni science parh ke bhi .. yeh tu ne kya kiya !

Ok, Fill this

Sufi is to Islam what _______ is to Judaism.

Itni science parh ke bhi .. yeh tu ne kya kiya !

Ok, Fill this

Sufi is to Islam what _______ is to Judaism.

Mere kiye pe itni pareshani kyun? Kya apni qabar mein roommate rakhna hai?
Mere kiye pe itni pareshani kyun? Kya apni qabar mein roommate rakhna hai?

Mujhe andaza nahi tha, aap roomate ka shouq bhi rakhtay hein ?

But on a serious note, the predicate was science.

My question is around disbelief that a person who has been a student of science can accept or adhere to such schools of thought.
It has to do with the overly romantic ideals preached through the spread of Qawali music rather than the ideals of Sama'a. Sufism has been reduced to coke studio and Nusrat Fateh Ali rather than the unbelievably tough path involved with Tasawwuf. I can testify that despite my not being the ideal Mureed, I dont think Shaitan ever made this much effort against me prior to my bayt as he almost constantly does now. Nor was life so difficult or sinusoidal nor did I think or utter so much kufr when things get tough.. almost uncontrollably.. . But at the same time, the way I have become to understand this whole life and its entirety...and the reality of our existence.. of understanding ideas of deen. It is probably perhaps why I feel more disheartened with the way events play out with Muslims all over.
I can only pray for maghfirat as I feel I have shirked my oath.. and the path that was chosen for me. Yet, I hope that I will be called back.

This is not an easy path, and nowhere as glorious(at least not in the way its portrayed in the media) as people think.
Don't blame everything on shaytaan. Seek refuge from your own laziness, cowardice, greed.
"O Allah! I seek refuge with You from helplessness, laziness, cowardice and feeble old age; I seek refuge with You from afflictions of life and death and seek refuge with You from the punishment in the grave." Sahih al-Bukhari
Mujhe andaza nahi tha, aap roomate ka shouq bhi rakhtay hein ?

But on a serious note, the predicate was science.

My question is around disbelief that a person who has been a student of science can accept or adhere to such schools of thought.

Easily can. Because the understanding of science has little to do with understanding of faith. The big mistake made these days in an attempt to reconcile theological concepts with those in existing science. Ironically, the very Muslim scientists celebrated by such modern "reconciliatory" champions were the first to propose a separation of experimental research from philosophy and metaphysics.

This holds true ironically in the basis of faith and religion itself, after all...if there is a creator who is the designer planner builder etc of this entire existence and system; which makes that being completely above all and immune to all laws of physics including the core concepts of time and space. Then clearly trying to prove the existence of such through a path of science which is bound at the end by all of these constraints is going to lead most nowhere.

Don't blame everything on shaytaan. Seek refuge from your own laziness, cowardice, greed.
"O Allah! I seek refuge with You from helplessness, laziness, cowardice and feeble old age; I seek refuge with You from afflictions of life and death and seek refuge with You from the punishment in the grave." Sahih al-Bukhari
kab howa?
Interesting thread but far from Tasawwuf!

A person heard of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi. He decided to become his disciple (mureed). He reached to him and decided to observe Hazrat Junaid's ways before formally accepting him as his Shaikh. One year passed by and he did not notice any supernatural activity (karamat) from Hazrat Junaid. Finally he sought permission from Hazrat Junaid to go back to his town. Hazrat Junaid asked him why he wanted to leave? The person replied "Sheikh, I actually came to become your disciple but noticed no karamat from you during the entire year I stayed so finally I decided to leave". Hazrat Junaid said... "Have you ever noticed Junaid doing anything against the Shariah Muhammadi (PBUH)"? He replied "No, I have never seen you doing anything against the Shariah". Hazrat Junaid waved his hand and said "this is Junaid's Karamat". The person suddenly realized his mistake and became Hazrat Junaid's disciple.

Those folks who are posting in this thread are perhaps aware of the position of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi in the field (I don't know if it is the correct word) of Tasawwauf. The Tasawwuf is not about being able able to demonstrate supernatural things, but about controlling one's 'nafs' and submitting himself totally to Allah. One does not have to listen to the music or seek support from external stimuli to gain that state as unfortunately it is assumed or popularly believed.
Easily can. Because the understanding of science has little to do with understanding of faith. The big mistake made these days in an attempt to reconcile theological concepts with those in existing science. Ironically, the very Muslim scientists celebrated by such modern "reconciliatory" champions were the first to propose a separation of experimental research from philosophy and metaphysics.

This holds true ironically in the basis of faith and religion itself, after all...if there is a creator who is the designer planner builder etc of this entire existence and system; which makes that being completely above all and immune to all laws of physics including the core concepts of time and space. Then clearly trying to prove the existence of such through a path of science which is bound at the end by all of these constraints is going to lead most nowhere.

kab howa?

Logic is Logic.
Be it science or religion, Logic can not be denied and reasoning is the only tool available.

Going by your statement, you are claiming that whoever teaches you sufi, doesn't use logically sound statements ?
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