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Sufi singers under assault in Bangladesh

Even Lalon himself was assaulted by this kind of fanatics in 19th century and this is not the first time. These same fanatics made the government to stop building statue of him near the airport. I am not aware of any anti social element involved in building some statue.

After all Lalon Shah Fokir could see in to all the hypocrites that populated Society then and now and he could speak about them (through his songs) in the most unambiguos and unrelenting fashion.
Nothing upsets frauds and hypocrites more than when they are forced to see their souls in the 'mirror' of truth!
The indians are being really hypocritical when they are taking a piss at this because we all know how oppressive the india is towards the minorities. This is a stray incident, and this is has been done due to AWAMI HOOLIGANISM not based of minorities oppression. This fact has be made crystal clear. Its really sad how people can't differentiate between the two. By calling this act racism or minority oppression, the word itself being devalued. Anyways, unlike some bordering countries, there has been no genocides or mass killings in the last 10 years.
Anyways, this act has to be condemned by any means and this prosecutors has to be jailed.

Aside from the unnecessary "potshot " at India.....
More or less a sensible post , we have stray incidents in India as well ....by and large Bangladesh is one of the most moderate and progressive , and irrespective of nationality this act ought to be condemned by all . Its good that the ones responsible were arrested.:agree:
What is sufi actually and what is their job. They do not work, beg to live, smoke ganja and sing around grave yard and engaged in all sorts of anti-social activites that is totally against the Islam.

There is no fancy kabor of our prophet(s.w.s), Khulafa-e-Rashideen and all the other sahaba e karam. No one is bigger than them so what is this activity around the big kabor or Mazar that we are seeing in subcontinent?

Those Islamic scholars who came to subcontinent from main land to spread divine message of Allah and teaching of Nabi(s.w.s) did not told no one to hang around their kabor and sing around like bunch of pagan. And after all they were also praying to all Mighty Allah and they can not help one. Only Allah can.

I hope you are aware that Wahabis consider prayers at Shrine and graves as unIslamic and those relating to pagan pre Islamic days.

This is a part of the ritual of Shab e Barat

It is customary to fast the whole day and before the night's events, Muslims put on dress clothes. They call or visit family and friends' homes to ask for forgiveness and pray for them. Then they visit their ancestors' graves and pray for peace for the deceased souls.
Shaban al-Moazzam, Shaaban, Sha'ban, Prophet Muhammad (saw), 15th Shaban, Shab-e-Barat, Wiladat Imam Hussain (as)

Therefore, it is all about interpretation.

One can be rabid and one can be human.

And one can be arrogant to feel his way of Islam is the only and true way of Islam!
Stop farting here for no reason, we all know how bangladeshis treat their minorities, Do you know the percentage of minorities left in your country? Well , they anyway have to bear with the poor wastleland that is your backward country , plus you people kill and drive them out anyway. No genocides in your country , really? Read that book by your author Tasleema Nasreen and then you'll know. Good she left your savage illiterate country or she would be in a graveyard by now.

Yeh I read a few books of hers but have you not read Arundhanti's Roy's books? Unlike Taslima, Arundhati is very matured and very literate and perhaps one of the best free thinkers I have come across. Anyways, Show me one incident of a genocide in the last 10 years, and I will retract my statement. And btw Taslima Nasreen has been trying to get into our country for the last god knows how many years.
What is fulty and stupid. Is it Urdu language it self or the way I speak the language. I can understand if I speak bad Urdu. Perhaps you can give me some proper Urdu langage as you are schlor.

At least 90% Pakistani doesn't speak proper Urdu and same 90% mother langue also not Urdu so what the hek are you talking about here. Urdu may be national laguge of Pakistan but they can not claim it as only belong to them.

Don't whine when exposed as to what you are and what you represent.

Who says that the Pakistanis cannot speak Urdu. It is their national language and is taught at school.

One may concede the illiterates who do not have education may speak broken Urdu.

The choice is yours as to whether you have an education or lack one.

To badmouth Pakistanis to prove that they are equally deficient in all manner as you would be rather unfair and downright churlish!

One also concedes that Urdu does not belong to Pakistanis alone.

Razakar, who ran for asylum, too can claim the privilege and I concede that since most of them are illiterates, they would not know correct Urdu.

Quite understandable.

A rootless, iliterate lot of people, forced by history, in a land where education is natural.
What is sufi actually and what is their job. They do not work, beg to live, smoke ganja and sing around grave yard and engaged in all sorts of anti-social activites that is totally against the Islam.

I rather have sufis then wahabis who only know how to bomb themselves killing others in the process. Sufism is great if you actually understand it.
Yeh I read a few books of hers but have you not read Arundhanti's Roy's books? Unlike Taslima, Arundhati is very matured and very literate and perhaps one of the best free thinkers I have come across. Anyways, Show me one incident of a genocide in the last 10 years, and I will retract my statement. And btw Taslima Nasreen has been trying to get into our country for the last god knows how many years.

Arunduti Roy is as matured as a fish fingerling.

She is a one book wonder and that hardly qualifies her to be a free thinker.

Lalon Mian is more than one song wonder and his verses are the most free thinking that one can ever hear.

But they are in Bengali.

Rootless Biharis will not understand his verses.
What is sufi actually and what is their job. They do not work, beg to live, smoke ganja and sing around grave yard and engaged in all sorts of anti-social activites that is totally against the Islam.

There is no fancy kabor of our prophet(s.w.s), Khulafa-e-Rashideen and all the other sahaba e karam. No one is bigger than them so what is this activity around the big kabor or Mazar that we are seeing in subcontinent?

Those Islamic scholars who came to subcontinent from main land to spread divine message of Allah and teaching of Nabi(s.w.s) did not told no one to hang around their kabor and sing around like bunch of pagan. And after all they were also praying to all Mighty Allah and they can not help one. Only Allah can.

The job of the sufis have historically been to " promote" the spread of Islam through peace , love and spiritualism , and they have millions of followers in India , Pakistan , BD - all over South Asia. They are intensely religious men who segregate from mainstream society to immerse themselves in prayers and revered as saints.If this is not a respected occupation then dont know what is ....

And till date we haven't heard of any fatwa , decree or edict issued against a sufi saint by any scholar of any denomination....not even the Deobandis of Lucknow , the most widely followed Muslim sect in the subcontinent. ( Taliban edicts dont count ).
I rather have sufis then wahabis who only know how to bomb themselves killing others in the process. Sufism is great if you actually understand it.

Sufism is all about an eternal and universal and unconfined "Truth". But human beings tend to be uncomfortable with any ideas which are "eternal" or "universal" or which is "unconfining".
Most of all; even any talk about "Truth" is disturbing.
I marvel at the manner in how Al Zakira exhibit the dexterous manner how the Artful Dodger could manoeuvre the alleys and by lanes.

It is extraordinary how he wants to justify his lack of knowledge of Urdu, by claiming that Pakistanis are equally illiterate and dumb as far as Urdu goes!!

My interaction with Pakistanis have been that they are fluent in Urdu. But then, maybe I will be blamed by people of Al Zakira's ilk, that I mixed with only the educated Pakistanis.

If so, it is my good fortune to have done so, or else I would be befuddled with the Urdu displayed by Al Zakira's ilk!

The mental meandering with no positive mooring as displayed by Al Zakir is a fit case of a drowning man clutching straws!!
Yeh I read a few books of hers but have you not read Arundhanti's Roy's books? Unlike Taslima, Arundhati is very matured and very literate and perhaps one of the best free thinkers I have come across. Anyways, Show me one incident of a genocide in the last 10 years, and I will retract my statement. And btw Taslima Nasreen has been trying to get into our country for the last god knows how many years.

Actually there weren't any genocide over here after after the war. We just don't practice riots over here. Anyways whats up with all the fuss suddenly? As if all of the Sufis were suddenly made mustache less.

By the way some people are confusing Lalons Folk song with some wannabe sufis. Lalon was a different case altogether. Back then Muslims and Hindu hated him equally for his simple take on life.
This poor man Al Zakira does not understand how many people visit the Dargah of Ajmer Sharif, irrespective of religion.

All Pakistani Presidents and Prime Ministers who visit India, makes it a point to visit this Dargah.

That leaves those who feel Sufism to be out of step, are the people who are the real ones out of step with the world, let alone with any religion!!
I hope you are aware that Wahabis consider prayers at Shrine and graves as unIslamic and those relating to pagan pre Islamic days.

This is a part of the ritual of Shab e Barat

leave Wahabis aside for minute. Can any one point out about Shab e Barat or lailatul Barat in Quran? By the way, Shab e Barat is a Farsi words.

Quran clearly mention about lailatul qadr and there is no controversy about laitul qadr unlike shab e barat.
Yeh I read a few books of hers but have you not read Arundhanti's Roy's books? Unlike Taslima, Arundhati is very matured and very literate and perhaps one of the best free thinkers I have come across. Anyways, Show me one incident of a genocide in the last 10 years, and I will retract my statement. And btw Taslima Nasreen has been trying to get into our country for the last god knows how many years.

Arundhuti Roy gains her fame from a single booker prize and numerous anti- govt and anti -industrialist stands.

After the Mumbai attacks she gained notoriety for linking the terrorist attacks with the Socio- economic conditions of the downtrodden in India , which lead to her criticism by even a free-thinker of the stature of Salman Rushdie .....Hardly the characteristics of a mature , literate personality.:tdown:
sufi singers under assualt i mean thats sad man everyone has a right to follow there religous ideology seriously

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