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Su-30MKI Production line.

I doubt... them to be anywhere near this.



We can't Match America,coz

1. America is 3 times bigger than India,
2. America has 3 times less population than India
3. America promote Intelligent migrants to settle in USA
4. India promote Illiterate BD muslims migrants ....

We are breeding like Pig and expecting life of a lion. To live a lion life, we have to act like lion, not Pigs..
We can't Match America,coz

1. America is 3 times bigger than India,
2. America has 3 times less population than India
3. America promote Intelligent migrants to settle in USA
4. India promote Illiterate BD muslims migrants ....

We are breeding like Pig and expecting life of a lion. To live a lion life, we have to act like lion, not Pigs..

Dude, what's up with racism and bashing everyone, even your own people! :blink:
We can't Match America,coz

1. America is 3 times bigger than India,
2. America has 3 times less population than India
3. America promote Intelligent migrants to settle in USA
4. India promote Illiterate BD muslims migrants ....

We are breeding like Pig and expecting life of a lion. To live a lion life, we have to act like lion, not Pigs..

Mate the US has a HUGE head-start over India and it will take decades to catch up but it will happen-Rome wasn't built in a day and all that. All that other BS about breeding and BD are cheap cop-outs fed to you by equally ignroant politicans who are trying to hide their own failures by blaming others.
We can't Match America,coz

1. America is 3 times bigger than India,
2. America has 3 times less population than India
3. America promote Intelligent migrants to settle in USA
4. India promote Illiterate BD muslims migrants ....

We are breeding like Pig and expecting life of a lion. To live a lion life, we have to act like lion, not Pigs..

There was no need to blast yourself.

Yeah I agree we are not at their level by certainly we can try and be near them... manufacturing methods have been modernizing to increase production rates and quality.

The Su30MKI lines also come under this process of modernization.

And its not only America even Europeans and Russian have far better production lines.
Frankly speaking, India cant be near the US for another 150 years in my opinion. What I mean is, to become like America is today, we would need atleast another 150 years. Reason being, if you check the Human Development Indexes for the past century, and the present you will find:

America 2012: 0.944 approx
India 2012: 0.540 approx

IF you check when America had India's present HDI, it was back in 1890. Thats how far back we are when it comes to development. Now combine this with the very healthy birth rates, the practice of getting married too early and getting pregnant too early in India (and in Pakistan for that matter, because of our culture which mandates that everyone should get married before 30 and have kids) India's population will touch around 2 billion by 2060.

There will be competition for resources, competition for space. Combine that with an industrializing economy such as ours, the increasing poverty due to urbanization, the socially conservative culture (that is resistant to change) we have a long long long way to go before we even dream about comparing ourselves with the United States.

From that perspective, India will not be a superpower, ever. Atleast not for the next 100 years. America will in my opinion transition to become a Hyperpower and maybe Russia will be the only other Superpower, given the fact that they have a very small population, enormous natural resources and a huge country and a huge army. All they have to do is liberalize their economy and grow. Which they have proven that they can, in the form of USSR.

China, will indeed become quite a big power, but I dont forsee that they will become a superpower themselves. Their very political framework is a hurdle. Unless they transition and become a democracy, alleviate their social issues in central china etc., get more political and economic freedom for their people, and improve their average age (they are getting older as a population), I dont see them becoming a superpower.

But both India and China will be global powers, thats for sure. China will surely be a little ahead of India as it is now (25 years or so), but still both India and China will be global powers. Superpowers....nope.
Dude, what's up with racism and bashing everyone, even your own people! :blink:

That is truth brother, We Indian don't have clean water, clean food, No toilets. We Indians are living in sub-human condition. I can not co-relate other animal (except Pigs) to present our dismal condition.
No matter how much we produce (We are highest Milk producer, one of the highest food grain producer) it is absorbed by growing population. If we Indian don't understand the risk now, then in next year we will be eating Human flesh. I am disappointed,,,,

Govt is paranoid to touch this population problem, they are scared of Mullas and Sadhus...

deleted : Offtopic

I will be happy to see some good assembly line..
Its because its a young country, ruled by old people my friend. These morons are so fuckin conservative, so inefficient that they simply do not have it in them to take the country forward into the 21st century. They are embroiled in their own political power hungry infighting, pulling each other down, swindling money from the people etc., They are not interested in being accountable to anyone, and have zero responsibility. We need to fix our political system and if we do, our social issues will automatically start getting fixed.
Frankly speaking, India cant be near the US for another 150 years in my opinion. What I mean is, to become like America is today, we would need atleast another 150 years. Reason being, if you check the Human Development Indexes for the past century, and the present you will find:

America 2012: 0.944 approx
India 2012: 0.540 approx

IF you check when America had India's present HDI, it was back in 1890. Thats how far back we are when it comes to development. Now combine this with the very healthy birth rates, the practice of getting married too early and getting pregnant too early in India (and in Pakistan for that matter, because of our culture which mandates that everyone should get married before 30 and have kids) India's population will touch around 2 billion by 2060.

There will be competition for resources, competition for space. Combine that with an industrializing economy such as ours, the increasing poverty due to urbanization, the socially conservative culture (that is resistant to change) we have a long long long way to go before we even dream about comparing ourselves with the United States.

From that perspective, India will not be a superpower, ever. Atleast not for the next 100 years. America will in my opinion transition to become a Hyperpower and maybe Russia will be the only other Superpower, given the fact that they have a very small population, enormous natural resources and a huge country and a huge army. All they have to do is liberalize their economy and grow. Which they have proven that they can, in the form of USSR.

China, will indeed become quite a big power, but I dont forsee that they will become a superpower themselves. Their very political framework is a hurdle. Unless they transition and become a democracy, alleviate their social issues in central china etc., get more political and economic freedom for their people, and improve their average age (they are getting older as a population), I dont see them becoming a superpower.

But both India and China will be global powers, thats for sure. China will surely be a little ahead of India as it is now (25 years or so), but still both India and China will be global powers. Superpowers....nope.

I'm sorry but this conclusion is illogical. Whatt the US has donw has been natrual progression through time meaining there have been false starts and failures through trail and error. India and other devloping nations don't need to go through the same trail and error process but instead can stick to the established path to prosperity. Addtionally this natural progression by the US has always been hampered by the technology of the day but now India and others can use technlogy of 2012/21st centuary to meet their poverty reduction needs ie UIAID/AADHAAR. India can simply skip out stages like it has done with technlogy ie broadband going to viliges and fibre optic cables being laid down off the bat rather than copper wiring. The rate at which the world is moving 150 years of natural devlopment as achieved by the US can be achieved by the devloping world in 1/4 of the time.

India can reduce poverty to near 0 within our life times, if current trends continue that should be the case.
Sure, but you are comparing two different timelines. Firstly if you see the 1950s when the US had a higher HDI than India has today, they certainly didnt have the technology we have today. So technology itself is not the only indicator of growth. How much that prosperity brought on by technology trickles down to all is what matters. Sure we can develop infrastructure really fast, but then our political and social framework and mindset needs to adapt as fast.

When would you consider a country to be developed?

In my opinion here are a few political,social and economic factors that I would say reflect a developed country:


1. A transparent democracy with no corruption.
2. Inclusive politics contrary to what we have today


A liberal society. Some features of a liberal society:

a) Social and economic freedom for all
b) A 100% literacy rate. And free education for all
c) A 100% healthcare coverage for all
d)Increased freedom for women
e) Abolition of the caste system
f) A very low infant mortality rate
g) A very low malnutrition rate especially amongst children
h) Abolition of social evils like child marriage, incest (which is one of the highest in the world)
i) Civil rights for all - irrespective of ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation (where we lack big time)


a)More economic freedom and an emphasis on private ownership
b)A not too interventionist economy, but within reason
c)Advancements in entrepreneurship - we lack big time here.
d)Low inflation

So yes, we can develop lots of infrastructure and sure we dont have to go through the same iterations of trial and error that countries like the US had to go through, but we have to take into account the advancements in technology during the same time and our bandwidth to adapt to those advancements, and the social and political changes needed to get there.

BTW this is just for becoming developed. To become a superpower, you need to be able to enforce your political will on other countries, all over the globe. Think about each of the above points and tell me where we stand. You will find that India lacks in just about everything.
Dude, what's up with racism and bashing everyone, even your own people! :blink:

population IS a big problem for our country. We're the horniest a$$holes you'll find...only we're miserly too..too miserly to buy protection. And illeterate BD migrants are another huge problem. The bsf tries to kill em off at the border, but it wont stop till corruption in the govt comes down
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