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Su 30 MKI crashes in Western India

My point is that Since We are replacing Mig 21 with SU 30
we have to use it for every thing whether it is shooting down balloons
Or enemy planes

And since that balloon came in Barmer ; we had only Su30 deployed there
So it had to do that task

And as far as Comparing JF 17 with Su 30 is concerned ;
Well Actually there is NO comparision ; everybody knows where both Planes stand

Indian fanboys like to believe that but those Indian pilots flying these Su30s in recent flair up, who were at the receiving end of profanities thrown at them from across the border over radio, with their RWR going bonkers, they chickened out each time they were challenged.

Meanwhile, across the border, southern Pakistan opposite to Indian Rajastan and Gujrat, thunders are on the prowl.


Pakistanis always claim things right from 1965 war to Kargil. They have this habit of claiming victories.

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Assumption that is all, Pakistan propaganda always try to increase the jazba and hosla because they are at a disadvantage of numbers.

Sunshine, there is no assumption here. I know what I am talking about, first hand information, question is, are you?
Sunshine, there is no assumption here. I know what I am talking about, first hand information, question is, are you?
Ignore the fanboys, they will drag out the name of every gadget incorporated in the SU-30.
Same fanboys christened the SU-30 as the Raptor of the East, but when a few of them ejected their pilots out the tone changed to ''so what, even the F-22 has crashed''.... it's another thing that in it's history it's only got a balloon kill to it's name.

Su-30 Jet Crashes Into House In Rajasthan, Pilots Eject, 3 Injured

JAIPUR: Three people were injured as a Sukhoi 30 plane of the Indian Air Force crashed near an air base in Rajasthan's Barmer. Both pilots had managed to eject to safety, sources said. This was the third crash of Sukhoi - a frontal aircraft of the Air Force - in Rajasthan.

The plane was on a routine sortie and was about to land at the Uttarlai Air Force Base, at a village called Devaniyon ki Dhani, when the crash took place around 2 pm. The fuselage of the aircraft landed on the hut of Narayan Ram, injuring him, his daughter-in-law Dalli and grandson Hanuman. The three, who sustained burn injuries, have been admitted in hospital.

Omji Ujjawal, a police officer from the area who was the first to reach the spot, said Narayan Ram's family suffered "burn injuries due to the explosion and cuts and bruises from the debris".

Altogether, half-a-dozen houses in the village and two motorcycles were destroyed. The villagers said livestock also came to harm - a buffalo was burnt alive and some goats were injured.
What about that lost in Arabian sea few months ago?
Let's compare the numbers.Also compare how many front line fighters we have..
Don't need to make such worthless generalizations.

Our first tier aircraft is F16 and we have a great record in flying and maintaining them. Also the JF17 Arabian crash was because of pilot medical issues as per the investigation.
This is very sad news.it might be a mechanical problem.this fighter is very costly and effective. Lots of MIGs crashes in the past as well.su-30 is the main front line fighter jet for iaf.I recommend investigation.looks like mechanical failure.
hahaha indian army the laughing stock of the world. how many more embarrassments are they going to go thru ?

from Chandu walking across the border because he was pissed at his seniors, to army men making videos about having no spices in their daal, to hackers leaking indian future submarine designs from Australia, to the navy ship at the dock turning upside down and now to IAF's premier front line jet crashing in the dessert, indian armed forces are the laughing stock of the world. :cheers::cheers:

no wonder the french are taking them to cleaners for the rafaels a 4.5 generation fighter, the french know how shit the current indian jets are so they can charge what they want for rafaels
Actually it is you guys who are the laughing stock.

As per data from aviation-safety.net & ejection.co.uk, since January 2012 till today there have 27 crashes of IAF fighter jets whereas PAF has seen 20 fighter jet crashes i.e. a ratio of 1.35:1.
Now taking into consideration the fact the IAF is 1.8 to 2.0x the size of PAF, PAFs crash rate is significantly worse than IAF's.

In helicopter department too, January 2012 onwards Indian military saw 13 write offs & 5 damaged whereas Pakistan whose helo fleet despite being atleast 1.8x smaller saw 9 write offs & 5 damaged in same period i.e. a crash ratio of 1.44:1 which means in this department too, Pakistan crash rate is much worse.



@Windjammer @Salman Zahidi @Taimoor Khan
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Actually it is you guys who are the laughing stock.

As per data from aviation-safety.net & ejection.co.uk, since January 2012 till today there have 27 crashes of IAF fighter jets whereas PAF has seen 20 fighter jet crashes i.e. a ratio of 1.35:1.
Now taking into consideration the fact the IAF is 1.8 to 2.0x the size of PAF, PAFs crash rate is significantly worse than IAF's.

In helicopter department too, January 2012 onwards Indian military saw 12 write offs & 5 damaged whereas Pakistan whose helo fleet despite being atleast 1.8x smaller saw 9 write offs & 5 damaged in same period i.e. a crash ratio of 1.44:1 which means in this department too, Pakistan crash rate is much worse.



@Windjammer @Salman Zahidi
They are not here to listen your logic braah :D
Ignore the fanboys, they will drag out the name of every gadget incorporated in the SU-30.
Same fanboys christened the SU-30 as the Raptor of the East, but when a few of them ejected their pilots out the tone changed to ''so what, even the F-22 has crashed''.... it's another thing that in it's history it's only got a balloon kill to it's name.

@bold .. HAHAHA

What these braindeads cant comprehend that when JF17s had the F15s in their pocket over the Arabian peninsula during the DACT last year, where does their Su30 stand comparitively?

@bold .. HAHAHA

What these braindeads cant comprehend that when JF17s had the F15s in their pocket over the Arabian peninsula during the DACT last year, where does their Su30 stand comparitively?

View attachment 384099
And a few other less publicised experiences the JF-17 gained over the period.;)

@bold .. HAHAHA

What these braindeads cant comprehend that when JF17s had the F15s in their pocket over the Arabian peninsula during the DACT last year, where does their Su30 stand comparitively?

View attachment 384099

So you have declared JF 17 is better than MKI..:P
Are you really aware about MKI's specification & it's capability?
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