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Stupid :Why China is progressed more than India according to Rahul Gandhi

Not at all - on the first one. On the second, maybe a little ironic, but not mocking, no.

I can see I have to work on my public image. :p:

People finding you intimidating must crimp your style. Although I'll have to disagree with you on Rahul sahib polishing his rough edges with some work- in his case the apple has fallen far from the tree.

Which one ?

The Playboy one ? :what:

The Cultured & Suave Gentleman one ? :undecided:

Or the two combined into one, one ? :D

How about my trashy, promiscuous, god hating image? You like? :D
Oh please you're neither in the Dawkin's camp nor the Carling's Camp - You're just a scrawny arsed gullible teen ! :kiss3:

I don't like camps...too many people. I told you, I am in the Sagan clique, we're sorta exclusive!

And what does that have to do with my promiscuity, no comment on that, that's my defining feature you lard bellied butt.
I don't like camps...too many people. I told you, I am in the Sagan clique, we're sorta exclusive!

And what does that have to do with my promiscuity, no comment on that, that's my defining feature you lard bellied butt.

What promiscuity could a 'minute' man bring to the table when you're facing off against me - Someone who took Don Juan & Casanova's forte & perfected it with an oriental touch ! :D
What promiscuity could a 'minute' man bring to the table when you're facing off against me - Someone who took Don Juan & Casanova's forte & perfected it with an oriental touch ! :D

Cough...so says the man who hasn't gotten any since baba adam's time..:whistle: If you were even half as much of a player as me @Hyperion would be doing a lungi dance in joy and relief. :omghaha:

Achcha waise, I like IK too- first fellow to openly talk about Haffiz janab and LeT. But many of the articles in Dawn and all say that he may be popular but he will not win. What's your take on that, he gonna win?
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Cough...so says the man who hasn't gotten any since baba adam's time..:whistle: If you were even half as much of a player as me @Hyperion would be doing a lungi dance in joy and relief. :omghaha:

I'm a sinner...a saintly sinner ! :cray:

Achcha waise, I like IK too- first fellow to openly talk about Haffiz janab and LeT. But many of the articles in Dawn and all say that he may be popular but he will not win. What's your take on that, he gonna win?

I dunno - He might ! But PPP sure as hell isn't...heck it won't even from a Provincial Government !

But if its PML N - We'd still move forward amidst stupid decisions & wastages but not much corruption I presume - A little like Indian Political Parties ! They'd done some good stuff too.

But if its PTI - We'd be heading in the right direction, as I want it to be & possibly its going to be tougher but we'd be investing in the future for years to come & that is whats gonna make all the difference !
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I'm a sinner...a saintly sinner ! :cray:

I dunno - He might ! But PPP sure as hell isn't...heck it won't even from a Provincial Government !

But if its PML N - We'd still move forward amidst stupid decisions & wastages but not much corruption I presume - A little like Indian Political Parties ! They'd done some good stuff too.

But if its PTI - We'd be heading in the right direction, as I want it to be & possibly its going to be tougher but we'd be investing in the future for years to come & that is whats gonna make all the difference !

Saintly sinner my a$$, you'd make the pope think twice about claiming divinity (and yes he does, pompous twerp, "papal infallibility" through "divinity":what:).

Achcha campaign for him man, next time maybe, use that loquacious tongue of yours for some good.
People finding you intimidating must crimp your style. Although I'll have to disagree with you on Rahul sahib polishing his rough edges with some work- in his case the apple has fallen far from the tree.

How about my trashy, promiscuous, god hating image? You like? :D

It does, it does, and I'm actually such a nice, loveable guy.
It does, it does, and I'm actually such a nice, loveable guy.

An old softie then? :azn:

btw I got labelled as a Christian for disagreeing with someone's political view- on that note, what are your views on eugenics?
I do not bother, let him try to do some real work. My only problem is that he might have ideas but no worth experience, there are many who have a better thought process and are much more reasonable like @Joe Shearer, @Bang Galore, @muse and many more and in the Congress itself, why Gandhi? Let him take say the home ministry and work for 5 years and we can all see how he implements his ideas which many say are guided by his team, you dig Digvijay Singh, read up on him.

See now this is something I respect....but when people constantly hate on him and bring his name into it, it gets me mad. Like give him a break! lol
@Dillinger and @Armstrong.....keep your useless convo off this thread...it's about RAHUL :smitten: ...mess this thread up and I will be mad :P

Saintly sinner my a$$, you'd make the pope think twice about claiming divinity (and yes he does, pompous twerp, "papal infallibility" through "divinity":what:).

Achcha campaign for him man, next time maybe, use that loquacious tongue of yours for some good.

:omghaha: :omghaha:
@Armstrong it's true you do uncle :P
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See now this is something I respect....but when people constantly hate on him and bring his name into it, it gets me mad. Like give him a break! lol
@Dillinger and @Armstrong.....keep your useless convo off this thread...it's about RAHUL :smitten: ...mess this thread up and I will be mad :P

:omghaha: :omghaha:
@Armstrong it's true you do uncle :P

So, the love for Rahul is of a different shade indeed. I took it differently my mistake :P

To come back to the topic, the problem and the hate for Rahul comes from exactly what i have stated; without any thing to show for he wants/ is pushed to become the PM candidate for India. Should it be so easy for an inexperienced prince to lead a country, are we the subjects of the Gandhi's empire?
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I agree with @samantk that a little work, rather than lallygagging around, would probably help to mature Baba.

I also agree with him that I'm probably a better prime ministerial candidate than Baba.

PS: I hope people noticed that brilliant little intervention by Muse, where he put the whole problem into perspective. I love his economical, terse style, and his disillusioned but not cynical point of view, although it may have been a little dry for one reader at least. Master class.


Had it been someone else except Rahul gandhi, would the question of " Let him give a chance" paraded around by Congress after playing nine years of smoke and mirrors arose?

A lot of people may not feel that way but when someone favor giving a chance to Rahul gandhi, i feel insulted as it is equivalent to telling me that inspite of having the merit to be one, i may never become a proper PM of India. I may have less chances of becoming Indian PM than chancellor of Germany but congress equivalent is disenfranchising everyone who is not born in a certain family from post of PM (except as rubber stamp ) statutorily.

@Joe Shearer

What are your opinion about replacing parliamentary system with presidential one.

As far as i see it , a presidential system would lead to moderation in Indian politics as any person trying to become president ( especially if it is run-off voting system like france ) would need to have broader appeal. Even in most polarized election, the vote differential would not be more than a couple of percentage as seen from the percentage of votes gathered by major parties. In this system only losers would be genuine minority, people who have less than 5% vote share.This could be rectified by providing reservation in seats or special interest seats for these minorities like those of anglo-indians, though not nominated but decided by communal electorate.( I am not using word separate electorate as i think that everyone including those minorities should have a vote in choosing normal MP's inaddition to 1-2 members specifically on communal vote).

I think this would lead to tempering of politics as for now most of the parties could manage to win on narrow appeal. Both congress and BJP, two largest parties have a vote share of less than 35%. It allows them to appeal to narrow interests. Any less is talked about regional parties, better it is.So while in US, independents are most valuable demography,they are useless to general political scenario in India.
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You might prefer to investigate proportional representation instead, which is entirely more wholesome for a polity in the process of change due to socio-economic developments like India than first-past-the-post elections of either a parliamentary or a presidential type.

My tuppence.
You might prefer to investigate proportional representation instead, which is entirely more wholesome for a polity in the process of change due to socio-economic developments like India than first-past-the-post elections of either a parliamentary or a presidential type.

My tuppence.


I have thought of that also but probably it would not be that be practical or best system for following reasons

1. A lot of people do not have genuine second and third choice and any choice except first one is bound to be based on heuristics.

2. A proportional representation system would require massive awareness campaign and even after that majority would be clueless as to how system works. Probably the reason why it has not been adopted in any major democracy.

3. A proportional representation system as in current form assumes weightage of first, second and subsequent choice as equal.

4. Proportional representation system is more prone to tactical voting manipulations than first past the poll.

If proportional representation system has to be adopted and accurately reflect popular will, i would advise some modifications to it. While a person's first choice be given a weightage of 1, when vote is transferred, subsequent choices instead of being treated as equal to first, should be given reduced weightage ie 0.5 for second, 0.33 for third and so on.

It could only work when India has high e-density and even then would require supercomputers to decide winners for national election.
So, the love for Rahul is of a different shade indeed. I took it differently my mistake :P

To come back to the topic, the problem and the hate for Rahul comes from exactly what i have stated; without any thing to show for he wants/ is pushed to become the PM candidate for India. Should it be so easy for an inexperienced prince to lead a country, are we the subjects of the Gandhi's empire?

LOLLOLOLOLOLOL it has been and will be only of one shade ;)

well here is your chance to give him experience though, don't you think? :D
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