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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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I love such videos- not the cows faling from truck- but the dash cam accident videos- specialy from Russia-

Btw did any one notice the driver out of the windsheild?-

Yeah I like the dash cam accident videos as well they are very interesting I became interested in them after I had my very own car accident, after you have your first you become interested in the physics of car accidents. Also look on Youtube for car accidents in snow, very stunning footage. Most car accident videos do seem to be from Russia because drivers there tend to mount cameras onto the dashboard more often than drivers from other countries.

Worst car accidents compilation - YouTube

Watch 1:10 head on collision, also watch 2:54 unbelievable stuff. I think I have only witnessed one car accident my self. Though one time I was driving back home, and in front of a major convention place at the entrance there were taxi cabs lined up waiting to pick people up, I saw this one guy in between the two taxi cabs he made a hand gesture and one of the taxi cab drivers (one right in front of him) accelerated and smashed the guy's leg into the other taxi cab (even though the taxi cab driver I think knew the guy was in front of his car he still instinctively reacted to the guy's hand gesture and accelerated), I couldn't believe I witnessed that happen to be honest I almost felt something bad was going to happen when I saw him standing in between those to taxi cabs.
********.com - Decorated House to the beat of Gangnam Style.
Watch this.

No one feels anything unless you connect them with a certain aspect of this story. Ruined many days of my hostel mates by simply saying one line. :D
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