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Strongest Army in Europe [ Turkish Army ]

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Turkey is fine, but on pdf and only in your threads.

Turkiye is bad in your anti-propaganda
attacks on Turkish currency wont change anything

Turkiye is economic power house and only industrialized country in the region

-- Turkiye has bigger GDP PPP than Egypt+İsrael+Greece+607 billion combined
-- Turkiye has bigger export rate than Egypt+İsrael+Greece combined
-- Turkiye has more military and technology projects than Egypt+İsrael+Greece combined
-- Turkey becomes 2nd-fastest growing economy in OECD

its reality , not dream on PDF
even nobody attacks on Egypt , İsrael ,Greece
Turkiye is bad in your anti-propaganda
attacks on Turkish currency wont change anything

Turkiye is economic power house and only industrialized country in the region

-- Turkiye has bigger GDP PPP than Egypt+İsrael+Greece+607 billion combined
-- Turkiye has bigger export rate than Egypt+İsrael+Greece combined
-- Turkiye has more military and technology projects than Egypt+İsrael+Greece combined
-- Turkey becomes 2nd-fastest growing economy in OECD

its reality , not dream on PDF
even nobody attacks on Egypt , İsrael ,Greece


"After the price of bread increased to 2.25 TL in Adana, long queues were observed in front of the municipality kiosks selling cheaper bread.”

It seems these people don't love their country as much as Mr mmme.
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Turkey on his posts is completely different from what everybody sees on the news and reads on the internet or books.
It aint that bad but far far far off from his GREAT TURK, 40000 YEARS old civilisation.
Turkey on his posts is completely different from what everybody sees on the news and reads on the internet or books.

he uses fake and biased GDP PPP figures because he knows that if he compares real GDP per capita Turkey is poorer than China per capita.

Turkey has 40% lower purchasing power than Chinese despite their lower prices and 70% lower wages.

Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax)6,728.85 ¥
(14,460.11 TL)
1,787.06 ¥
(3,840.34 TL)
-73.44 %

The audacity to talk shit about Chinese.
"After the price of bread increased to 2.25 TL in Adana, long queues were observed in front of the municipality kiosks selling cheaper bread.”

even super power USA hosts over 50 million poor population who can not find food to survive their live without government helping

its lie and dirty propaganda by FETO and CHP who so hate ERDOGAN

They always waiting for cheap bread because of huge refugee population in Turkey and HALK Ekmek is more healthy than bread

the cheap bread arrive to Kiosk in 2-3 hours later. and some people wait for hours for cheap bread
its dirty game of CHP who rules İstanbul,Ankara,Adana,etc

reality is
Turkish People is so rich enough to throw away 10 million of bread every day
3,6 billion bread in a year ( $600 million )
even super power USA hosts over 50 million poor population who can not find food to survive their live without government helping

its lie and dirty propaganda by FETO and CHP who so hate ERDOGAN

They always waiting for cheap bread because of huge refugee population in Turkey and HALK Ekmek is more healthy than bread

the cheap bread arrive to Kiosk in 2-3 hours later. and some people wait for hours for cheap bread
its dirty game of CHP who rules İstanbul,Ankara,Adana,etc

reality is
Turkish People is so rich enough to throw away 10 million of bread every day
3,6 billion bread in a year ( $600 million )

45% of food in Nigeria is wasted. By your logic that throwing food away = rich, Nigeria must be the richest country in the world.

he uses fake and biased GDP PPP figures because he knows that if he compares real GDP per capita Turkey is poorer than China per capita.

Turkey has 40% lower purchasing power than Chinese despite their lower prices and 70% lower wages.

Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax)6,728.85 ¥
(14,460.11 TL)
1,787.06 ¥
(3,840.34 TL)
-73.44 %

The audacity to talk shit about Chinese.
Why bothered, he will find some graph to demonstrate turkey is richer than xx, yy, zz combined.
Reality doesnt matter here, he is just making sure TURKEY is always great and better.
he uses fake and biased GDP PPP figures because he knows that if he compares real GDP per capita Turkey is poorer than China per capita.

you are so pathetic boys with your lies and cheap propaganda

GDP PPP is real power which often used to gauge global poverty thresholds and is used by the United Nations in constructing the human development index

GDP comparisons using PPP are more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in per capita income

GDP PPP per capita

Turkiye $32.278
China $18.931

Western AsiaAsia32,278202128,120202028,4242019

Eastern AsiaAsia18,931202117,312202016,1172019

Your China or İndia or Pakistan or İran have more bad situation than Turkiye if we are talking about GDP PPP per capita

Turkiye $32.278
China $18.931
İran $13.513
İndia $7.333
Pakistan $5.224

your countries are not even close to Turkiye
know your place and stop cheap propaganda
you are so pathetic boys with your lies and cheap propaganda

GDP PPP is real power which often used to gauge global poverty thresholds and is used by the United Nations in constructing the human development index

GDP comparisons using PPP are arguably more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in per capita income

nobody uses GDP PPP. You can't buy oil or computer chips in GDP PPP, only nominal.

Anyone can say their GDP PPP is anything they want with a biased multiplier. Nominal is provable, PPP is not.
you are so pathetic boys with your lies and cheap propaganda

GDP PPP is real powere which often used to gauge global poverty thresholds and is used by the United Nations in constructing the human development index

GDP comparisons using PPP are arguably more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in per capita income

GDP PPP per capita

Turkiye $32.278
China $18.931
Yes, and according to gdp ppp, China is already much ahead of USA, if it was you, you would be adding this to your list in full capital letters, but luckily we aint this stupid.
nobody uses GDP PPP. You can't buy oil or computer chips in GDP PPP, only nominal.

Anyone can say their GDP PPP is anything they want with a biased multiplier. Nominal is provable, PPP is not.

what an ignorance

Turkiye has no problem to buy oil or computer

You are talking about food , bread , etc
and GDP PPP is real power which often used to gauge global poverty thresholds and is used by the United Nations in constructing the human development index

Turks are so rich to pay even $200.000 for buying trash BMW 5.20
visit Turkiye and see how many BMW ,Audia,Mercedes,etc in all over Turkiye

Everything is so expencive in Turkiye because of high taxes
still over 10,5 million smart phones have been sold in Turkiye in 2020
Turks paid even $5 billion to buy smart phones

Turkish People is so rich
we dont care about millions of refugees in Turkiye and millions of poor uneducated Kurdish family who have 7-8 childs
Yes, and according to gdp ppp, China is already much ahead of USA, if it was you, you would be adding this to your list in full capital letters, but luckily we aint this stupid.

Your pathetic posts are so stupid

China has 4 times more population than USA

GDP PPP per capita

USA $68.309
Turkiye $32.278
China $18.931
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