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Strongest Army in Europe [ Turkish Army ]

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well done to Turkish brothers but the heading is very misleading by poster

Saddam also had the 4th largest army in the World and what happened ? size accounts for nothing in 2021 so size = 0

42 Commando of the Royal Marines is no more than 500 men

and yet they have be deployed and inserted anywhere in the World at a few hours notice in high threat environments

intelligence gathering, code breaking, eves dropping, electronic attack, jamming and situational awareness is what wins wars in 2021

and Turkey has a long road to go before it reaches the UK level of operations
@Foinikas is this normal? This is so cringy.
It's like that picture of the lion licking his own balls.
Saddam also had the 4th largest army in the World and what happened ? size accounts for nothing in 2021 so size = 0
Finally someone said it. I kept telling him about it and he mocked the Arabs.
well done to Turkish brothers but the heading is very misleading by poster

Saddam also had the 4th largest army in the World and what happened ? size accounts for nothing in 2021 so size = 0

42 Commando of the Royal Marines is no more than 500 men

and yet they have be deployed and inserted anywhere in the World at a few hours notice in high threat environments

intelligence gathering, code breaking, eves dropping, electronic attack, jamming and situational awareness is what wins wars in 2021

and Turkey has a long road to go before it reaches the UK level of operations

only ignorant boys can compare İraqi Army with the Turkish Army
to learn military and politics

1 -- USA-İsrael controlled KESNIZANI Organization which destroyed SADDAM's Army from inside
similar to traitor FETO Organization in Turkiye who seized the Turkish Armed Forces for American-İsraeli interests

Thanks to ERDOGAN who kicked USA backed all traitor FETO Generals-soldiers out of the Turkish Armed Forces
( in a conflict USA backed all traitor FETO Generals-soldiers never would fight against The UK and USA )

2-- Turkish Army has everything including Special Forces , mountain Commandos , intelligence gathering ,great technology electronic attack, jamming and situational awareness also great UCAV fleet

so funny
42 Commando of the Royal Marines ? Noob

Turkish Army is in real war zones since 1990s .. ( 4th gen warfare )
( İraq , Syria and Libya )

4th gen warfare capability is what wins wars in 2021

-- Special Forces
-- Intelligence
-- Proxies and decentralised forces
-- Tactics against Terrorism ( guerrilla tactics )
-- Non-national or transnational bases
-- Occurs in low-intensity conflict, involving actors from all networks
-- Small in size, spread out network of communication and financial support
-- UCAVs
-- Electronic Warfare Capability

and Turkish Army won in İraq , Syria and in Libya against multi-state powers and their proxies

The UK is not even close ... only in the movies
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only ignorant boys can compare İraqi Army with the Turkish Army
to learn military and politics

1 -- USA-İsrael controlled KESNIZANI Organization which destroyed SADDAM's Army from inside
similar to traitor FETO Organization in Turkiye who seized the Turkish Armed Forces for American-İsraeli interests

Thanks to ERDOGAN who kicked all traitor FETO Generals-soldiers out of the Turkish Armed Forces

2-- Turkish Army has everything including Special Forces , mountain Commandos , intelligence gathering ,great technology electronic attack, jamming and situational awareness also great UCAV fleet

so funny
42 Commando of the Royal Marines ? Noob

Turkish Army is in real war zones since 1990s .. ( 4th gen warfare )
( Turkiye , İraq , Syria and Libya )

4th gen warfare capability is what wins wars in 2021

-- Special Forces
-- Intelligence
-- Proxies and decentralised forces
-- Tactics against Terrorism ( guerrilla tactics )
-- A non-national or transnational base – highly decentralized
-- Occurs in low-intensity conflict, involving actors from all networks
-- Small in size, spread out network of communication and financial support
-- UCAVs
-- Electronic Warfare Capability

and Turkish Army won in Turkiye , İraq , Syria and in Libya against multi-state powers and their proxies

The UK is not even close ... only in the movies

ok you are clearly more deluded that I originally thought

I am a follower of Turkish military and I admire them but you are just a outright fanboy with no clue

back to the cave you go
ok you are clearly more deluded that I originally thought

I am a follower of Turkish military and I admire them but you are just a outright fanboy with no clue

back to the cave you go

You are real fanboy of the Royal Marines

42 Commando of the Royal Marines ? .... what a joke
go and send 42 Commando of the Royal Marines against the Turkish Army and see what will happen

I am saying again
Turkish Army won in İraq , Syria and in Libya against multi-state powers and their proxies
and its not a movie , its real 4th gen war in İraq,Syria and Libya

The UK is not even close ... only in the movies

back to the cave you go
Pakistanis are living in caves , not the Turks
know your place
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Saddam also had the 4th largest army in the World and what happened ? size accounts for nothing in 2021 so size = 0

not size you ignorant boys

Turkish Army has everything
Real war experienced Special Forces and mountain Commandos
intelligence gathering
great technology electronic attack, jamming and situational awareness
great UCAV fleet
Non-national or transnational bases
Defense Industry to produce all weapons for the Turkish Army

Only ignorant boys like you and Foinikas can say about SADDAM's Army
even you dont know what about KESNIZANI Organization which destroyed SADDAM's Army from inside
and dont compare pathetic Arab Armies with the Turkish Army
and Turkey has a long road to go before it reaches the UK level of operations

What a stupid post from so-called PDF Think Tank Analyst

go and search about Turkish military operation in Idlib against Russia-İran backed SAA+İRGC+Hezbolah

even Turkey’s extensive deployment of UCAVs in its fight against Syrian Regime , IRGC , Hezbolah Forces in Idlib province has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world

so-called super technology İsraeli Army sucked against Hezbolah in 2006
grow stop quoting me up get over it Turkish fanboy not interested

members like you give Turkey a bad name now disappear
grow stop quoting me up get over it Turkish fanboy not interested

members like you give Turkey a bad name now disappear

you are real fanboy of the UK who know nothing about military and politics

I showed you real military and politics
but you called me a fanboy and you said back to the cave you go

you have no knowledge about military and politics
ignorant fanboys who says Turkey has a long road to go before it reaches the UK level of operations

go and search about Turkish military operation in Idlib against Russia-İran backed SAA+İRGC+Hezbolah

even Turkey’s extensive deployment of UCAVs in its fight against Syrian Regime , IRGC , Hezbolah Forces in Idlib province has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world

so-called super technology İsraeli Army sucked against Hezbolah in 2006
you are real fanboy of the UK who know nothing about military and politics

I showed you real military and politics
but you called me a fanboy and you said back to the cave you go

you have no knowledge about military and politics
ignorant fanboys who says Turkey has a long road to go before it reaches the UK level of operations

go and search about Turkish military operation in Idlib against Russia-İran backed SAA+İRGC+Hezbolah

even Turkey’s extensive deployment of UCAVs in its fight against Syrian Regime , IRGC , Hezbolah Forces in Idlib province has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world

so-called super technology İsraeli Army sucked against Hezbolah in 2006


cry like a girl

you called me a fanboy of Turkish Army and I called you a fanboy of the Royal Marines
no any real military and politic analysis from you

I am saying again
you have no knowledge about military and politics who says Turkey has a long road to go before it reaches the UK level of operations

which operation ? James Bond in the movies ?

go and search about Turkish military operation in Idlib against Russia-İran backed SAA+İRGC+Hezbolah

even Turkey’s extensive deployment of UCAVs in its fight against Syrian Regime , IRGC , Hezbolah Forces in Idlib province has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world

so-called super technology İsraeli Army sucked against Hezbolah in 2006
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ok you are clearly more deluded that I originally thought

I am a follower of Turkish military and I admire them but you are just a outright fanboy with no clue

back to the cave you go
Now you see how deluded he is and how he acts like a child. Even you talked to him with sense and he mocked you.
Now you see how deluded he is and how he acts like a child. Even you talked to him with sense and he mocked you.

You are little boys without knowledge

I showed to him with sense and he mocked me .. ( he called me a fanboy but he is real fanboy of the Royal Marines )
He says 42 commandos of the Royal Navy vs 500 Turkish Army commandos .... what a stupid post

ignorant boys even dont know what about USA-İsrael backed KESNIZANI Organization which destroyed SADDAM's Army from inside

and only ignorant boys like you and aziqbal can compare Saddam's Army with the Turkish Army

Turkish Army has everything including technology , not only size
you ignorant boys
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