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Strongest Army in Europe [ Turkish Army ]

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Pakistani guy from the UK said me that back to the cave you go
and as a Turk I said to Pakistani guy know your place

btw you are crying like a girl ....
all of you provoke me and when I response to you in the same tone , then you are crying to Mods to ban me

you have inferior character

btw ignorant boy so-called PDF think tank analyst AZIQBAL is talking about Royal Navy ( Royal Marines )
while my thread is about the Army
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@MMM-E you should sell all of your poperty and buy as much lira as possible to stablised your currency and that is the best way to helped your country right now not typing on pdf.

Your fellow turkish are queing for cheaper bread and yet you are here talking about your 700 projects and superior master race, and NO, your race is no any superior than any others on this planet.
RIP Al-Arabiya TV presenter Najwa Kassem who was killed by secret services in Dubai
because of the last reportage with HAFTAR's loser General against Turkish Army in Libya

Al-Arabiya TV presenter Najwa Kassem = Mr MİSMARİ What is the problem you face in Tripoli?
because the conflict has gone too long

GENERAL = There's a Howitzer attacking us at Mitiga base which use by Turkish soldiers
Turkish soldiers are blocking us

Al-Arabiya TV presenter Najwa Kassem = Is a single Howitzer stopping you ?
GENERAL = I wanted to explain the situation to people in the best way possible

Al-Arabiya TV presenter Najwa Kassem = Ok I understood Turkish Howitzer hurt you so much

so pathetic
even Turkish soldiers with a single Howitzer stopped HAFTAR Forces at Mitiga base

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@MMM-E you should sell all of your poperty and buy as much lira as possible to stablised your currency and that is the best way to helped your country right now not typing on pdf.

Your fellow turkish are queing for cheaper bread and yet you are here talking about your 700 projects and superior master race, and NO, your race is no any superior than any others on this planet.

Our Government is doing good as well
no need to stablise our currency now ( because of more export and less import )

China was become world production base because of low currency and low labor

also Our Government has target to reduce interest rates not to pay hundreds of billions of Dollars to blood sucker international interest lobby

its a economic war and we will win in finally

btw every country has poor people
even super power USA hosts 50+ million poor people who can not survive their live without government helping

Turkish People is so rich enough to throw away 10 million of bread every day
3,6 billion bread in a year ( $600 million )

real power GDP PPP

9 .. France $3.231 trillion
10.. The UK $3.174 trillion
11 ..Turkey $2,749 trillion
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China was become world production base because of low currency and low labor
Our currency stood strong during the biggest trade war ever, but yours has shattered, that tells a lot about the economic policy of both nations.
Our currency stood strong during the biggest trade war ever, but yours has shattered, that tells a lot about the economic policy of both nations.

even in 2019 trade war against TRUMP
The Chinese Yuan fell to its lowest level in 11 years against the dollar

and talk about poor China in 1980s .. today China has trillion dollars of GDP
The UK-İsrael helped communist China to become capitalist China
Zionist American-British-İsraeli companies transfered technologies to China
otherwise China would be similar to Vietnam now

on the other hand USA-UK-İsrael attack Turkish Economy since 2013

Turkey has its own economic way
to reduce interest rates
and to become production-based economy with over 1.200 projects to reduce imports by $120 billion annually

$120 billion x 10 years = $1,2 trillion

Turkey needs more time to win the economic war
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even in 2019 trade war against TRUMP
The Chinese Yuan fell to its lowest level in 11 years against the dollar
Just a reminder, the trade war is still ongoing, nothing has been eased, so what you are saying does not stand.
The UK-İsrael helped communist China to become capitalist China
Zionist American-British-İsraeli companies transfered technologies to China
otherwise China would be similar to Vietnam now
@MMM-E you should sell all of your poperty and buy as much lira as possible to stablised your currency and that is the best way to helped your country right now not typing on pdf.

rich Turks have $225 billion in Turkish Banks ... ( not included Turkish TL , Euro and Gold )
anti-ERDOGAN Turks are buying Dollars to earn money
they dont care about Turkish economy and Turkish currency

Turkish people reduce the our currency by buying and selling dollars
they dont care about Turkish economy and Turkish currency
Dude, it is the country that should taken care of its people, commoners dont have the luxury to talked about great history or 700 projects, the only things they knows are prices are soaring and their hard earned lira is going down, thus running away seems to be the only logical choice.
Our Government is doing good as well
no need to stablise our currency now ( because of more export and less import )

China was become world production base because of low currency and low labor

also Our Government has target to reduce interest rates not to pay hundreds of billions of Dollars to blood sucker international interest lobby

its a economic war and we will win in finally

btw every country has poor people
even super power USA hosts 50+ million poor people who can not survive their live without government helping

Turkish People is so rich enough to throw away 10 million of bread every day
3,6 billion bread in a year ( $600 million )

real power GDP PPP

9 .. France $3.231 trillion
10.. The UK $3.174 trillion
11 ..Turkey $2,749 trillion

It looks like the Turkish lira needs to continue to fall in order to reduce Turkey's trade deficit 。
natureindex by country

Turkey needs to spend more money on research and development to be able to continue to devalue the lira, increase exports and earn more money so that it has the economic strength to engage in research and development
Dude, it is the country that should taken care of its people, commoners dont have the luxury to talked about great history or 700 projects, the only things they knows are prices are soaring and their hard earned lira is going down, thus running away seems to be the only logical choice.

Your China or İndia or Pakistan or İran have more bad situation than Turkiye if we are talking about GDP PPP per capita

Turkiye $32.278
China $18.931
İran $13.513
İndia $7.333
Pakistan $5.224

know your place and stop cheap propaganda

Turkish People is so rich to spend even $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries and over 3,6 million refugees in Turkiye

attacks on Turkish currency wont change the reality
its economic war and Turks will not give up from national interests in İraq , Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey needs to spend more money on research and development to be able to continue to devalue the lira, increase exports and earn more money so that it has the economic strength to engage in research and development

led by ERDOGAN Turkiye spend $100+ billion to develop weapons and technology projects
but needs more 10 years to finish all projects

700+ military projects will make Turkiye as real world military power
and 1.200+ technology projects will reduce imports by $120 billion annually

that means 120 billion x 10 years = $1,2 trillion

to spend $1,2 trillion for development of Turkiye and Turkish People instead of paying for imports in 10 years

also to reduce interest rates not to pay hundreds of billions of Dollars to blood sucker international interest lobby
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Are you saying Turkey's current economic status is better than China's?

China has more poor people than Turkiye to compare with population size

there is no economic crisis in Turkiye
but attacks on Turkish currency by The UK , USA and İsrael

Turkey becomes second-fastest growing economy in OECD

Turkey's economy grew 7.4%. in Q3 of 2021

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China has more poor people than Turkiye to compare with population size

there is no economic crisis in Turkiye
but attacks on Turkish currency by The UK , USA and İsrael

Turkey becomes second-fastest growing economy in OECD

Turkey's economy grew 7.4%.

View attachment 799079
Turkey is fine, but on pdf and only in your threads.
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