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Strategic patience VS Strategic jump

If Trump had balls..... he would have followed through with attacking Iran like he promissed, not backout life a pusssssy after Iran ploughed their airbase and CIA head quarter in Erbil.

Trump had way too many international cuisines for mains during his term. He can't stomach authentic Iranian HALVA for desserts :D
now What !!!!

will war start if Trump lost election ?
I think war would be very likely in period b/w Nov 3rd and Jan 20th if trump loss or two candidates claim victory simultaneously!!!
For that reason maybe Iran want to throw first punch.
When u don't throw first punch, for sure will get first punch.

When Iran understand war is inevitable, at that moment who hit first will be one step ahead.
I am not agree with Mr Marandi about timing and reasons of war, but clearly all sides with different ways of calculations and measuring can smell the chance of war is very high before 2020 end.

I understand what you mean by: if we attack first that will bring Yankees behind flag.
However I believe USA society and way of their thinking is changed since cold war era. You can not bring example from multi and bipolar world to these days. We are living in uni polar world. I believe American society reaction would be different from your paths. Again that is my assumption, and could be wrong.

In my understanding from today world and today USA, does not matter who start war !! those who want support it will support and those who want to oppose it will oppose.
bastards in Tehran deserve death for their failed policies especially gangs like Rouhani, Shamkhani, Larijani brothers ... .
both our economy and dignity are dead.

some say that changes in secretary of defence and other positions are a signs of possible conflict with Iran...he might want to revenge democrats with a war in ME.
I said if we attack first that will put us one step ahead.
With terror They are testing to find where is redline.
now What !!!!

When u don't throw first punch, for sure will get first punch.

bastards in Tehran deserve death for their failed policies especially gangs like Rouhani, Shamkhani, Larijani brothers ... .
both our economy and dignity are dead.

I said if we attack first that will put us one step ahead.
With terror They are testing to find where is redline.
Shamkhani is enjoying his girlfriends.. what policy ? What country ? what fight ? Haha.. go back to sleep brother. Nothing to see here.
Terms like "red line" are used in a vague manner, with shifting acceptions.

When some claim "there are no red lines", this necessarily implies Iran would remain completely passive in case of outright bombing raids against its nuclear infrastructure or in case of an all out invasion for example, i. e. things that really alter the geostrategic situation, as opposed to token assassinations with a limited impact in the grand scheme of things.

This shows how out of touch the authors of such claims are. For if their statements were accurate, then the enemy would not hesitate to proceed with such actions. But it is obviously deterred from doing so and will continue to be.
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