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Strange death of Sufism!

Salafis have only one thing correct - aqeeda. Aside from that everything they do say and practice is wrong. They destroy families. Cause divorces and generally make a family hell. They have hundreds of groups within salafism. And they are very elitist and look down at other. I know - I have family members who are salafis and they are totally heartless and claim to be Muslims. I can't judge as I am only a man but I know our Allah is kind loving merciful and he hates pride and arrogance.
That's exactly what's wrong with extreme pragmatism that Salafism preaches. It completely destroys tolerance and deteriorate one's mental health which is not what our Islam was sent to mankind for.

I think it describe it very well.
They are puritans only compared with some of the recent muslim practices that are syncretic or semi syncretic. But not compared to how Prophets Companions practised.

It has to do with time and space, which has evolved since The Prophets time (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the first few hundred year after he died. As islam politically grew out of Arabia, it evolved into a multi-ethnic and multicultural civilization. Attaining evolved interpretations, practices and sometimes costumes from the new lands it drew into its fold.

Islam isnt inherently against local practices, its only against local practices which contradicts main tenets of islam, especially the Oneness of God. That is exactly what Salafism is: trying to remove elements within Islam that THEY see as NOT in accordance with main tenets lf Islam, like forexample Saint worshipping. Most of them practice that privately in a tolerant manner, but some elements are more hostile and even violent, as you said.

That being said, I believe one of the challenges with Wahabism/Salafism is the tendency to overlook how pragmatic and progressive The Prophet and his companions were. In their own time, own society, they were more like radical revolutionaries. Trying to move their tribalistic society forward, make more just and fair for as many people as possible.
Very elegantly stated.
That's exactly what I have been saying...go above and read my posts...eg post #32
Be only Muslim...do not belong to any sect.
Along come sufis and salafis ...

i did already as i do not jump into a discussion picking one or two posts.

i feel you got offended by my reply, believe me i did not say anything against you. if i am wrong just ignore.

just read post #81 you'll find me there.
Hopefully strict treatment is dished out to those flaunting forum conventions.
i did already as i do not jump into a discussion picking one or two posts.

i feel you got offended by my reply, believe me i did not say anything against you. if i am wrong just ignore.

just read post #81 you'll find me there.
I did not get offended.
i dont know if some one will understand it or not but a wonderful song for those who love sufiisam

Ay Khuda nakhurdo me man bah shoma raseedam
Ya Rab Akhir z Gham e Eishq to dewana shodam

Let me Translate it

O God I've come to you without any drink
O God I've gone insane for your love ....
Exactly show me in Qur'an and Hadith where it says to practice Sufism or mystical rituals which have nothing to do with Islam.

Sufis are nothing but innovators. Bid'dah is a major sin in Islam.

Show me in Qur'an or the Sunnah where it is acceptable to practise, preach, and behave like this:
View attachment 844670

View attachment 844673
This is what you get after misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

These are heretics.

Just because some baboon with UK flags trying to misguide people on a Green Pakistani forum.

What are these people doing and why does it offend you?
Bingo. The obsession with mazars need to stop along with cringy yelling, screaming and dancing.
Bro these people are charlatans making a mockery of Islam. The awliya were buried and thier modern followers have buried thier teachings too.

I am what you would call barelwi, but what I see at some mazaar I would call idolatry.

Our awam is uneducated and manipulated by charlatans to make money.

This happened in our part of the world because of the lack of Islamic rules and regulations in society over the last 300 years. The mullah was given a free hand and has been corrupted. It is the same for all sects. You will find some good people too, but you will find some utter evil and so so many who refuse to condemn them.

Unfortunately this thread just exposes further the intellectual dishonesty in our country when it comes to religion and the huge under current of extremism.

People will attack sufism rather than call out individuals who do wrong.
There are sufi groups which are part of the Ahlus Sunnah Wa'al Jama. However, there are many that are involved in outright shirk al-akbar specially the grave worshipers. Other groups do ridiculous things in the name of Islam, such as dancing. These groups have nothing to do with Islam and will land the followers straight into the hellfire.

See below:

Sufi dancing

Grave worship - sujood of the grave

Tawaf of the grave - chanting Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik

Other groups do ridiculous things in the name of Islam, such as dancing.

Next you will say music is against Islam.

Some molvis say this

Yes they do. They are jaahil, no other ways of saying that. There are misinformed and misguided people who come under influence of the wrong but they can be guided to the right ways by proper information or the society changing through revolution. Music has always been present among humanity and it has served to convey emotions or create good vibes or be an ambassador. Music is language. Any person saying music should be banned is irrational and should be expelled from society.
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Next you will say music is against Islam.

Whatever is against Islam is against Islam and it's decided by the Quran and sunnah and by the ulama, not by a pig like you. In another thread you mentioned you have no problem Muslim women marrying non-Muslims even though the prohibition is clear in the Quran. Your opinion doesn't matter and no Muslim gives a flying fvck.
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Whatever is against Islam is against Islam and it's decided by the Quran and sunnagh and by the ulama, not by a pig like you. In another thread you mentioned you have no problem Muslim women marrying non-Muslims even though the prohibition is clearly in the Quran. Your opinion doesn't matter and no Muslim gives a flying fvck.

1. For your misinformed and misguided ideas about music read my previous post.

2. You are a literalist and ritualist Tableeghi who has no sense of context in text and the times and will not evolve and has no business being in kaafir Australia. Don't be a hypocrite so go to your "Islamic" Emirate of Afghanistan ruled by the "very Islam following" Taliban. There is no non-Muslim who will be impressed by you. You cannot be an ambassador of the cat-like nature of true Islam.
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I hope this thread is a joke.

I believe the mainstream Sunnism is Salafism, Ahle-E-Hadith, or the Deobandis.

Show me where it says in Qur'an and Sunnah to practice Sufism?

Sufism in the beginning form is the knowledge to understand our heart and the knowledge to clean it. It is in the essence of Islam faith which is "Niat ( real intention and in many time goes to subconscious level)," Ibadah depends on Niat, what ever perfect the action of Ibadah, if the real intention is not toward Allah, then our Ibadah will be rejected.

I dont talk about current Sufism branch with their own rituals like Dzikir in masses and others, that is like som Sufi master can reach closeness to God by using that kind of practice, but I dont do that despite I understand the intention cleaning heart in Sufism

I give one example, many great Sufis abandon their life in order to clean their heart. I mean when you have families, job, etc do you notice your life is actually intended to get ridho Allah or ridho of your wife ?

I dont recommended what Sufis is doing like in the past abandoning their jobs and others, but the motive is well acknowledge by me, but we can do cleaning of our heart in not extreme way and all of has already been there in Quran verses and Hadith.


While in other hand, Wahabism is also important, because it tries to make people who has been too much following Sufis rituals go back to mainstream Islam and make our religion more simple.

The best way is the combination of Wahhabism with their strict rule, and the stress of the important of niat ( intention ) in our life where in Quran it is said that whole of our life is Ibadah to Allah, not to Government, not to get respect from wife or siblings/ families

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