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Strange death of Sufism!

I will try to just say in few lines.

Concept of all the worships in Islam to invoke and create God consciousness with other qualities.

Rasool Allah taught that to sahaba and it carried on to rightly guided tabaeen and taba tabaeens. every action of worship is intended to create certain qualities in a practitioner. for example namaaz behayai aur munkiraat se rokti hai.
For very purpose a Muslim starts his day with worship prayer and keeps on doing it through out the day with the gap of few hours, this helps to remind and keep the thought of Allah alive within,
but is it working for majority of Muslims? or its just done just for the sake of fulfilling a ritual?

Concept of Sufism is same, to pray and worship to achieve the intended benefits, and not just for the sake of ritual.

So in my point of view actual and true Sufism is the way of Rasool Allah and Sahabas etc. now you can say that Sufi term is new or you can say that its taken from Ashaab e Suffa, its your choice, but concept is to perform worship to achieve taqwa and create continuous God Consciousness.

All that fight and division is because of ignorance.
Too much focus on actions and rituals, all theses wanna be right sects are consumed in and by rituals.
The regular Muslim is called a Sunni.

Show me where Salafis promote violence.

Oh wow, its this Greek guy on a Green Pakistani forum. lol.
Regular Muslim.... a shia or a wahabi will challenge. See how we spend our lives wasting time arguing over irrelevant matters because we refuse to think ourselves and follow what our patents and society teaches us. We are only grateful that by accident of birth we are Muslims.
always preferred sufism to wahabism......... but there needs to be reform in this sect. There are certain things that people do without having any knowledge about whether it is right or not
Bingo. The obsession with mazars need to stop along with cringy yelling, screaming and dancing.
Hey brother, sorry to hear about your experience but I have to reply here i do not understand what salafism can cause divorse, maybe you mixing up your personal experience with bigotry towards a group. I also cant relate your relatives showing of arrogance with following the Salaf, please do not judge anything by the followers and educate yourself what it is teaching and then can criticise them. If i say i saw 10 sufi followers drinking and commiting zena and shirk, does that make the whole sufi community kafir? No ryt?

Also as per my knowledge about islam let us not be the judge who is muslim and who is not, let Allah judge that.

Only if they say they are muslim but say our phophet (sm) not the last and final messenger and doubt Quran is not preserved, I will have no issue to call them out as kafir.

On following salafi way I have done my research and I am a person who will not just follow something that my forefathers have followed hope you have done the same as you will be questioned on the day of judgement and I believe answring I followed my forefathers may not be the best of the answers, as allah has given you the intelect and in this age it is so easy to Research on every thing or reach out to people who has elim.

May Allah guide us all and keep us away from any shirk as I have seen so much shirk happening around me without people understanding what they are doing. May Allah forgive us all and give us opportunity to study and understand quran and sunnah.

Beautifully put, won't find a better explaination than this
Sorry but I know literally hundreds of salfis.
Not one has a job...why...we will not going to pay taxes to the kaffir states but they live here and won't go and live in Muslims lands.
I have been on an Air France flight and 3 big salafis used their hands to dismiss an air hostess who offered them drinks from a trolley. You can choose juice but they were so rude that the hostess replied. Is this what Islam teaches u. I was so ashamed I wanted to die..
I have seen homes where wives refuse to wash husbands jeans because denim is haram and the dress of the kaffir.
In London I know of a case where a hard working brother who prayed but not always on time..his salafi wife went to the so called sheikh who told her to divorce the husband. The husband tried to reason with her as she had a small child but she refused and insisted on the divorce. Eventually she got her wish. A few months later this beautiful woman went to the same sheikh and said that's she was young had needs and wanted a husband and he replied....sister I am here and married her.
Bank accounts are haram but these salafis get benefits directly to their bank accounts.
I remember talking to one regarding Palestine and he replied that we have no unified leader so cannot do jihad in Palestine. Then salafi asses were kicked by houtis in Yemen and same person said to me the brothers in Yemen are fighting the shia (used swear words). I reminded him about his leadership statement as per Palestine. They speak with two tongues and no brain.

I could go on all day..so please keep you idealistic opinions to yourself. I know these people and trust me the biggest enemies of islam are these salafis. They manipulate and cherry pick what they like. The only spend their lives arguing on haram bidda and bs .

Have a nice day. If you are salafi....then u know what I have written is 100% correct so help me God.
I hope this doesn’t upset anyone.
Apologies upfront.

But I want to know why were the Wahabis allowed to destroy Sufism in South Asia and beyond.

Our forefathers and those who brought Islam to our shores were Sufis.

One of the most disgusting acts perpetrated under the last BNP government was the attack on Sufi shrines.

The Americans of course funded the jihadists and co-opted them to fight communism. Wahabis of course hate Sufis because they are enlightened and challenge backward thinking.

How can Sufism regain its primacy in South Asia and beat back the Wahabis?

you must not have started such a thread and i am not criticizing you.

i would request moderators to discourage such posts and don't let people debate on matters where sometimes a line is crossed, which must not, due to ignorance. even in those 6 pages same happened.

we Muslims love to read our own school of thought and even study other sects through the lens of our own and criticize others.
to where this criticism based on studying books will lead us ... Allah knows.

we very casually mix education to knowledge and based on our education, give lectures to everyone, what a shame.
either we must study other school of thoughts before we dare or avoid such discussion.

the thing which we must know and which cannot be changed is: Islam is same today as it was with Allah and when it was handed over to first human on earth and it was declared to be delivered by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). what we see that changed over time were the rules of social life which were made hard and fast with Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Islam is as modern and ancient in divine secrets simultaneously. it cannot be changed or lag behind due to given circumstances or with the passage of time in the world and modern science. it is not even philosophy as people relate it too in the west but that is another discussion.

the cause of this discussion is as i said above, the school of thought we follows and the way that particular thought process guide us about other schools.

Hence, books are delusional, they educate us to their own cause but does not bring knowledge. knowledge is from guidance through master with whom even books become knowledge. so gain knowledge don't just read books.
Sufism is still very prominent, in various parts of the Pakistan and the world, there is a big Naqshbandi following here. But More people are in favor of understanding Quran with science.

I don't know what exactly are the meanings of "Sufism" and the Naqshbandi school but in Iraq the famous Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, the closest adviser to Saddam, was the leader of the Naqshbandi Army :
I hope this doesn’t upset anyone.
Apologies upfront.

But I want to know why were the Wahabis allowed to destroy Sufism in South Asia and beyond.

Our forefathers and those who brought Islam to our shores were Sufis.

One of the most disgusting acts perpetrated under the last BNP government was the attack on Sufi shrines.

The Americans of course funded the jihadists and co-opted them to fight communism. Wahabis of course hate Sufis because they are enlightened and challenge backward thinking.

How can Sufism regain its primacy in South Asia and beat back the Wahabis?

Religious discussions are not allowed. Thanks however for the databank update.
Sorry but I know literally hundreds of salfis.
Not one has a job...why...we will not going to pay taxes to the kaffir states but they live here and won't go and live in Muslims lands.
I have been on an Air France flight and 3 big salafis used their hands to dismiss an air hostess who offered them drinks from a trolley. You can choose juice but they were so rude that the hostess replied. Is this what Islam teaches u. I was so ashamed I wanted to die..
I have seen homes where wives refuse to wash husbands jeans because denim is haram and the dress of the kaffir.
In London I know of a case where a hard working brother who prayed but not always on time..his salafi wife went to the so called sheikh who told her to divorce the husband. The husband tried to reason with her as she had a small child but she refused and insisted on the divorce. Eventually she got her wish. A few months later this beautiful woman went to the same sheikh and said that's she was young had needs and wanted a husband and he replied....sister I am here and married her.
Bank accounts are haram but these salafis get benefits directly to their bank accounts.
I remember talking to one regarding Palestine and he replied that we have no unified leader so cannot do jihad in Palestine. Then salafi asses were kicked by houtis in Yemen and same person said to me the brothers in Yemen are fighting the shia (used swear words). I reminded him about his leadership statement as per Palestine. They speak with two tongues and no brain.

I could go on all day..so please keep you idealistic opinions to yourself. I know these people and trust me the biggest enemies of islam are these salafis. They manipulate and cherry pick what they like. The only spend their lives arguing on haram bidda and bs .

Have a nice day. If you are salafi....then u know what I have written is 100% correct so help me God.
Brother keep an open mind, i understand that you have experienced something but do not make a judgement based on a one or two life experiences. Also keep in mind that there are conspiracies done by outsiders to destroy islam and break our unity. Even there are people sitting in high positions in our faith who are not even muslims but agents of enemies of our faith.

Thats why its very important for us to know our religion, allah has given us all intellect and i would suggest you to read and understand before you speak against fellow muslims. We all believe in Allah and his messenger (sm.). Please do not create devide because you follow a different teachers teaching.

Hope allah gives you peace in your mind:

“Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not be divided, remember the favor of Allah on you, you were enemies and He brought your hearts together...”

-(Qur’an 3:103)
Brother keep an open mind, i understand that you have experienced something but do not make a judgement based on a one or two life experiences. Also keep in mind that there are conspiracies done by outsiders to destroy islam and break our unity. Even there are people sitting in high positions in our faith who are not even muslims but agents of enemies of our faith.

Thats why its very important for us to know our religion, allah has given us all intellect and i would suggest you to read and understand before you speak against fellow muslims. We all believe in Allah and his messenger (sm.). Please do not create devide because you follow a different teachers teaching.

Hope allah gives you peace in your mind:

“Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not be divided, remember the favor of Allah on you, you were enemies and He brought your hearts together...”

-(Qur’an 3:103)
Open mind...no more.

I have known these jahils for 14 + years and nearly went along with then initially.
Now I firmly believe a good salafi is a dead salafi.

You talk of holding the rope together. Try that statement with a salafi who deem only salafi to be Muslims. So please don't waste your time convincing me. Go to the arrogant salafi
Sorry but I know literally hundreds of salfis.
Not one has a job...why...we will not going to pay taxes to the kaffir states but they live here and won't go and live in Muslims lands.
I have been on an Air France flight and 3 big salafis used their hands to dismiss an air hostess who offered them drinks from a trolley. You can choose juice but they were so rude that the hostess replied. Is this what Islam teaches u. I was so ashamed I wanted to die..
I have seen homes where wives refuse to wash husbands jeans because denim is haram and the dress of the kaffir.
In London I know of a case where a hard working brother who prayed but not always on time..his salafi wife went to the so called sheikh who told her to divorce the husband. The husband tried to reason with her as she had a small child but she refused and insisted on the divorce. Eventually she got her wish. A few months later this beautiful woman went to the same sheikh and said that's she was young had needs and wanted a husband and he replied....sister I am here and married her.
Bank accounts are haram but these salafis get benefits directly to their bank accounts.
I remember talking to one regarding Palestine and he replied that we have no unified leader so cannot do jihad in Palestine. Then salafi asses were kicked by houtis in Yemen and same person said to me the brothers in Yemen are fighting the shia (used swear words). I reminded him about his leadership statement as per Palestine. They speak with two tongues and no brain.

I could go on all day..so please keep you idealistic opinions to yourself. I know these people and trust me the biggest enemies of islam are these salafis. They manipulate and cherry pick what they like. The only spend their lives arguing on haram bidda and bs .

Have a nice day. If you are salafi....then u know what I have written is 100% correct so help me God.

general information in your post and i thank you for this. because this is what we need to care about but we talk big and lack such petty things at home.

that is why we need to gain knowledge and not just read books and become saints who are good for nothing and just trapped by sects and the scholars.
general information in your post and i thank you for this. because this is what we need to care about but we talk big and lack such petty things at home.

that is why we need to gain knowledge and not just read books and become saints who are good for nothing and just trapped by sects and the scholars.
That's exactly what I have been saying...go above and read my posts...eg post #32
Be only Muslim...do not belong to any sect.
Along come sufis and salafis ...
Brother keep an open mind, i understand that you have experienced something but do not make a judgement based on a one or two life experiences. Also keep in mind that there are conspiracies done by outsiders to destroy islam and break our unity. Even there are people sitting in high positions in our faith who are not even muslims but agents of enemies of our faith.

Thats why its very important for us to know our religion, allah has given us all intellect and i would suggest you to read and understand before you speak against fellow muslims. We all believe in Allah and his messenger (sm.). Please do not create devide because you follow a different teachers teaching.

Hope allah gives you peace in your mind:

“Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not be divided, remember the favor of Allah on you, you were enemies and He brought your hearts together...”

-(Qur’an 3:103)
Post #32.

Wahhabis are deaf dumb and blind

May God destroy their protestant neo Khawariji interpretation of Islam, which has brought misery to the Ummah in the form of Al Qaeda, ISIS.

Look , The heavens and the earth have come to bear witness , indeed, the Sufis are the beloved friends of God, his perfume in this world.
Wahhabis are deaf dumb and blind

May God destroy their protestant neo Khawariji interpretation of Islam, which has brought misery to the Ummah in the form of Al Qaeda, ISIS.

Look , The heavens and the earth have come to bear witness , indeed, the Sufis are the beloved friends of God, his perfume in this world.
You were doing so well re wahabis...

Then you showed you are brainwashed re sufi. Hate hate hate.
You are the other side of the same coin. Sectarian lunacy
With due respect to everyones opinion and madhabs in islam, with advancement of science sufi mysticism cant answer questions that Salafis can. If you look at religious debates between us and christian missionaries, athists or jews, you will see what kind of questions we face and it will be very difficult to answer with mysticism in this age of science.
I follow debates of Adnan Rashid, ustad Seikh Uthman on youtube, a great watch, both originated from pakistan but great debaters and scholars on comparative religion.

You will find salafie movement are more evidence based and try to follow the roots of islams as it tries to follow what sahabies did or noted that later saints or imams so appealing to masses. So with information availability to more people like me are moving towards the core.

Allah only gave us one religion and madhabs are openions of great imams and hope it all brings us to jannah.
Salafism can't be classified into a single school of thought due to the huge difference of opinion among Salafis and modern day Salafism is different from the original Salaf movement which is beautifully explained by our own Dr Yasir Qadhi. I view Salafism as an ideology that instills logical thinking which is great but as well as extreme pragmatism which is something I strongly disagree with. Extreme pragmatism breeds tyranny in us which is something that Mohammed Hijab, a prominent Salafi scholar from Britain accepts as well and the extreme pragmatism can also deviate a person from the path of logic. Despite my disagreements, I have nothing but immense respect for Mohammed Hijab and his work.

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