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Story of Sadia Khan a pakistani blogger

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In some cases.. Yes

And it is India's problem whether they want to take action against its citizens or not.

If blogger did anything illegal then they should be made subjected to lesson so in future no one ever think twice or thrice before doing such things.
why cant somebody speak against govt or their agencies? Why should people silently be victims of any abuse. Dont you think acting against such voice in cruel manner will push people towards extremism?
She has been trapped by Pakistani ISI, On ISI request Sri Lankan govt has declared this innocent blogger an Indian spy. She along with her family is in hiding. Please support this girl to save her life.

and you have come here? to get support of al places, i think you should gather sympathy from the india and the west thats more apt
What "big game" is being referred to here? Going to Sri Lanka to claim asylum, which is facing accusations of grave human rights violations of its own, is the equivalent of being a Muslim and trying to seek refuge in present day Myanmar.

If she was an opportunist, she certainly would've chosen a Western country.

If she was an opportunist but was low on funds to cough up even a one way ticket to the West, she would've aimed for India. If nothing else, Pakistan has zero influence here and there would've been at least a single sympathetic ear willing to listen to her story out here.

The only reason that I can think of as to why she wound up in Sri Lanka is because she probably had reasons to believe that she was being monitored by Pakistani authorities.
If she fled Pakistan out of fear of being killed then why choose Sri Lanka which is a friendly country of Pakistan? And what's the connection between claiming asylum and Sri Lanka's history of human rights violations? Many people have received asylum there. This doesn't make sense. Why would ISI act in such a silly way while wasting their resources to find a small blogger? I am sure they have bigger problems than this. By the way is she still hiding in Sri Lanka?
Brief summary
I was writing about very sensitive issues involving Pakistan security forces in Pakistan. Due to the threat to my life I fled to Sri Lanka along with my Mom and minor sister. I got registered with UNHCR. Overestimating the protection of UNHCR I started writing with my own name and disclosed my location.
Pakistani authorities contacted Sri Lankan Authorities and within days we were in detention camp. They confiscated everything including our passports.
I was told,
I am declared an Indian Spy
SIS head and special CID team was investigating about me
Our house was sealed
After one month of detention we fled on the 9th of April 2013.
We are in hiding for the last 7 months and it continues. WE kept begging UNHCR to give us asylum but to no avail.

On 14th October 2013 our mother exhausted with hiding left for UNHCR to beg them personally to give us asylum. Me and my minor sister left for another place due to the suspicious role of UNHCR in the past.
What happened next?

My mother begged UNHCR to come and check the building where an alleged spy of India (myself) A wanted criminal enlisted with all the police stations had lived in heart wrenching conditions for the almost 7 months. We were expecting Sri Lankan authorities and UNHCR to come running to find the truth about us but as soon as they found out that me and my sister have left the place. They lost the interest. Nobody came to check the place and talk to our owner and neighbors to find out about us. (Of course they knew I was innocent)
My mother was not offered asylum. My mother who did not have any money with her was forced to return to her place from where we had already left.
As a rule of law she should have been taken to a women in need center or to the detention camp as she had neither her passport nor UNHCR stay permit with her.
My mother went to the police station and requested them to take her to the detention camp because she neither had us in the house nor had any money. She was refused by the police Immigration and UNHCR to go to a place where she can at least get food. This is a dirty trick of UNHCR and Sri Lanka to force me to help my mother so that they can catch me.
While separating from her I did not give her any money hoping she will be taken care of.

Next day my mother was called for a so called interview with UNHCR. Violating, the basic rules of UNHCR she was further told,
“We cannot help you if you have problems with the state”
My mother was very disappointed with the interview and when she came out from the UNHCR building she was crying and screaming. UNHCR contacted Sri Lankan authorities and they contacted Pakistan Embassy. Soon a Pakistani official came to the place and stopped my mother from holding any kind of protest in a very strict way. He threatened her that if she will do so Sri Lankan authorities will break her bones……
Now we are separated from our mother. Our mother has lost everything including us.
Pakistan and Sri Lanka want to take my life and the saddest fact is UNHCR is helping them…
UNHCR wants its office in Sri Lanka to go on and is ready to sacrifice us.
Sadia Khan's website:
Mullah Military Militants and Judiciary reposted
This website has a large credibility and is the biggest source of its kind in Asia. We dont accept Blogs here....The Blogs only tell the visions and imaginations of the individuals.

The last we heard was that She along with her family have because Christians Ok and thats why they fled over Islamophobic Mentality that u see with people of such kind. The thing is the faith is an individual's choice and they r sensitive about that. If u pass insulting remarks over someones believes then u deserve to be punished anyways. But still it was a Big heart Shown by our authoritarians to let her go. But that must not be used as a propaganda tool.

Her Blog name 'Mullah Military Militants and Judiciary'' is in itself offending.
If she fled Pakistan out of fear of being killed then why choose Sri Lanka which is a friendly country of Pakistan? And what's the connection between claiming asylum and Sri Lanka's history of human rights violations? Many people have received asylum there. This doesn't make sense. Why would ISI act in such a silly way while wasting their resources to find a small blogger? I am sure they have bigger problems than this. By the way is she still hiding in Sri Lanka?

You tell me. I asked the "Why Sri Lanka?" question first. And it does make a difference as she is appealing for asylum from a country that stands accused for far graver crimes, her voice would be akin to dropping a needle in the haystack of appeals before her. As far as I understand, she is primarily asking for assistance from Western countries while being stranded in Sri Lanka.

Out of curiosity, does the "friendly country of Pakistan" have an extradition treaty in place with her?
Ok I am calling BS on this. I have been participating in this forum (and many other Pakistani forums) for a while now and I am very much against PA's indulgence in politics. I have never been harassed or threatened in any way by anyone.

Even on this forum there are many who are very vocal about strategic depth policy and Army dictatorships, yet no one has ever reported that he/ she was threatened or censored.

For the love of God JI chief just declared that Pakistani soldiers who died fighting TTP are not shaheed without any backlash on mainstream media yet this woman claims ISI is out gunning for her because of some posts in a blog?
You tell me. I asked the "Why Sri Lanka?" question first. And it does make a difference as she is appealing for asylum from a country that stands accused for far graver crimes, her voice would be akin to dropping a needle in the haystack of appeals before her. As far as I understand, she is primarily asking for assistance from Western countries while being stranded in Sri Lanka.

Out of curiosity, does the "friendly country of Pakistan" have an extradition treaty in place with her?

So in that case, India would've been a better destination than Sri Lanka if she really feared losing her life. Again I ask what's the connection between civil war human rights violation and seeking asylum? And what's the need to waste resources just to track down some blogger that nobody knows about?

Sorry I don't know about an extradition treaty
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So in that case, India would've been a better destination than Sri Lanka if she really feared losing her life. Again I ask what's the connection between civil war human rights violation and seeking asylum?

Sorry I don't know about an extradition treaty

It surely would've been if it weren't for our stringent visa norms when it comes to Pakistanis or the probability that it might have alerted Pakistani authorities.

Read my previous post. I certainly don't intend to keep repeating stuff till it satisfies your personal whims.

Of course, you have no idea about any extradition treaty. You probably assume "friendly nations" sort such things over a Skype meeting!!!

P.S. I just got through watching the hilarious video you posted. You do realize that those chicks are asylum seekers based on a UNHCR technicality on account of being minors, right? They aren't political dissents or war refugees. Being beaten up by Pakistani parents doesn't count and the only reason they are in Sri Lanka, as explicitly mentioned by them, is because of the visa requirements(or lack of)!!! :lol:
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Another cheap journalist Trying to earn fame through maligning the Name of Pakistan ( not happening First Time )

I Have no Sympathy towards her .. she is getting what she deserves .

that is if all this is not just cheap Publicity Stunt .. like Malala .
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Ok I am calling BS on this. I have been participating in this forum (and many other Pakistani forums) for a while now and I am very much against PA's indulgence in politics. I have never been harassed or threatened in any way by anyone.

Even on this forum there are many who are very vocal about strategic depth policy and Army dictatorships, yet no one has ever reported that he/ she was threatened or censored.

For the love of God JI chief just declared that Pakistani soldiers who died fighting TTP are not shaheed without any backlash on mainstream media yet this woman claims ISI is out gunning for her because of some posts in a blog?

It is fashion to criticize/blame/bash Military nowadays in Pakistan. Special thanks to Politicians, media & Judiciary of Pakistan.

This rubbish lady should be charged for being a traitor. Pakistan Army is not killing innocent people...it is fighting against terrorists supported/sponsored/funded by foreign countries(even the US exposed one recently) & responsible for butchering 64000 Pakistanis in the last 12 years.
The blog has nothing except the supposed persons bleeding involved. I write fairly critical views, I know people who are openly critical of Pakistan within Pakistan. Moreover, this seems to be more of a psychological case rather than grievance as there is no empirical proof to suggest that the person wrote anything more incriminating than what is already out there.

This forum is filled with many critical views of the Military and is also frequented by people who read it. The is well aware of threats and the lady is nowhere near the threat. 
P.S. I just got through watching the hilarious video you posted. You do realize that those chicks are asylum seekers based on a UNHCR technicality on account of being minors, right? They aren't political dissents or war refugees. Being beaten up by Pakistani parents doesn't count and the only reason they are in Sri Lanka, as explicitly mentioned by them, is because of the visa requirements(or lack of)!!! :lol:

There is a corruption extradition treaty between Pakistan and Sri Lanka but that is part of a larger group.
Still, it seem the lady doth protest too much over nothing.
lot of people write about issues that might look anti national but perfectly logical from a humanist point of view. Indian human right activists have openly criticized govt agencies, police and armed forces. Are you implying they should be victimized?

Hamid mir,asma jhangir,pervaiz hoodboi etc all write a billion times worse shyt... even accusing the army of terrorism in our own country.. lmao.. how many journos have been killed etc by ISI?

Now looking at this girls avatar one gets the impression... tht she is either retarded or a stupid person b...ching for attention... no wonder nobody knows abt her ... except the spamming trolls who posted this nonsense 2 in 1 day!
There is a corruption extradition treaty between Pakistan and Sri Lanka but that is part of a larger group.
Still, it seem the lady doth protest too much over nothing.

Is it bad that I laughed when I saw that video? Admit it, you did too!!! :lol:
Bashing Pakistani Armed forces can get anyone Fame and Incentives Internationally not to forget getting offers of citizenship from various so called civilized countries...Unfortunately such Beghairats are abundant in our society who can sell anything for their personal gains...

Whatever she is writing is nothing that others do not state. Moreover, there seems to be more trouble with the Sri Lankan services than with India. In addition, Sri Lanka has fairly good relations with India as well.. they would easily have sent them out. You want to sympathize with people but there is little basis for it. 
Is it bad that I laughed when I saw that video? Admit it, you did too!!! :lol:
I havent done that crime, doing that after I finish tea.. dont want to ruin my keyboard if I am to face a similar result as you.
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