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Stone Age Soanian Culture (Ancient Pakistan II)

maximum chances are you dont belong neither.
And you would know would you? If you are Australian of Indian extraction why is your flags not showing that? Why false flags for?

And look bizzare this disacussion is turning into. A Indian telling us our history and then telling us what we are and what we are not. Absurd. The thread is about Soanian Culture which existed when even the name India was not coined. So what gives a Gangadeshi leave to even talk about something that falls outside their country. I cannot with certainity my ancestors lived where we hail from 10,000 years but then most people can't but I can say with certidude that Soan culture was located within my country of origin. Which is something you can't. That is about enough time I am going to waste on you false flagger. Wondering why mods allow you fly false flags?

All the stuff you are citing is just Indian propaganda and I won't even bother taking the time to knock it out. You keep believing in your own rubbish. Even aboriginals are allowed to dream.
Asalamu Alaikum

Since when has any Punjabi claimed to be Iranic? At best, some of us only claim Iranic ancestry (because almost all of us have some, our Eurasian component didn't pop out of thin air).

We all recognise ourselves as Indo-Aryans, that means a mix of the invading Vedic Aryans and the local people of the Indus (by the way, we don't know if they were Dravidians or not).

Are you stupid? The Aryans originally came from the Caucasus like all other Europeans. Their original settlements in the sub-continent were along the Indus, specifically in the Punjab and Kashmir, which was where they composed the Rig Veda. It was also where they mixed with the natives to form the Indo-Aryans we know today. From there, they expanded to conquer the rest of the sub-continent.

As said before, we don't know the ethnicity/race of the people of IVC.

He's from the Indus, maximum chances are that he has ancestry from both groups.

Pakistani's racist minds have all been filled with gobar to be honest

indo aryan and vedic culture relates to gangetic plains, it has nothing to do with indus plains or Pakistan. the ancestors of indo aryans might have migrated from the north according to AMT, but vedic culture itself was founded in the gangetic plains, and vedic hymns were all composed in the gangetic plains, it has nothing to do with race and more to do with culture and civilization which arouse from there.

secondly AMT is a migration not invasion theory, i think some pakistanis like you need some mental check up and treatment to get rid of that racist notion :lol:
Pakistani's racist minds have all been filled with gobar to be honest

indo aryan and vedic culture relates to gangetic plains, it has nothing to do with indus plains or Pakistan. the ancestors of indo aryans might have migrated from the north according to AMT, but vedic culture itself was founded in the gangetic plains, and vedic hymns were all composed in the gangetic plains, it has nothing to do with race and more to do with culture and civilization which arouse from there.

secondly AMT is a migration not invasion theory, i think some pakistanis like you need some mental check up and treatment to get rid of that racist notion :lol:

Wrong, it started in Pakistan:


Migration, invasion, whatever. It's all the same, and none of it is racist at all. People don't mass migrate to an area totally alien to them culturally without some blood spilling, it's happened everywhere, e.g the European discovery of the America's.
if you claim to be indus valley according to AMT, you claim to belonging to dravida culture like south indian

There is problem with this assertion. Proto-South India never had a real copper or Bronze age like indus valley (or even gangetic plain did). South India went from neolithic straight to Iron age somewhere around 1000 BC (which mind you it did excellently with technology wise).

It is unlikely (at least with the archaeological evidence we have so far) that IVC people migrated to South India en masse given the fact they would have brought the bronze age tech and know how with them.

but vedic culture itself was founded in the gangetic plains, and vedic hymns were all composed in the gangetic plains, it has nothing to do with race and more to do with culture and civilization which arouse from there.

Not really, the transition from vedic to classical sanskrit (and derived prakrits) indeed did happen in the gangetic area...but original Vedic sanskrit (Esp Rg Vedic) has many references and connections to further west, even to what we call Persia (hence the connection to Zoroastrianism and Avestan language).

As for the broader culture and civilisation initiation and development points, that is a really complicated subject that is still being researched.
Wrong, it started in Pakistan:

Migration, invasion, whatever. It's all the same, and none of it is racist at all. People don't mass migrate to an area totally alien to them culturally without some blood spilling, it's happened everywhere, e.g the European discovery of the America's.

your map only shows migration, it doesnt show the vedic culture which is native to gangetic valley and nothing to do with Pakistan.

the migration theory has been changed since the invasion theory had to be proven false because of lack of evidence, invaion theory was initially made before the excavation of indus valley began in 1920s, after that, since archoloy found no invasion proofs, the theory was changed into migration.

again, no signs of migration have been proven through archeology, no massive amounts of horse bones or chariots have been discovered from any indo aryan migration sites.

There is problem with this assertion. Proto-South India never had a real copper or Bronze age like indus valley (or even gangetic plain did). South India went from neolithic straight to Iron age somewhere around 1000 BC (which mind you it did excellently with technology wise).

only disproves AMT.
There is NO evidence which supports your claims. Only dubious indian conjecture. You are knowingly lying and spreading disinformation and fairy tales. You are unknowingly destroying indian myths yourself with your fairy tales, NONE of which can be substantiated.

Told you to search for Rakhigarhi If you can't well thats not my pain inn arse.

The other guy is giving you links and you calling them fake, well I know you are in denial mode.
Not really, the transition from vedic to classical sanskrit (and derived prakrits) indeed did happen in the gangetic area...but original Vedic sanskrit (Esp Rg Vedic) has many references and connections to further west, even to what we call Persia (hence the connection to Zoroastrianism and Avestan language).

The largest city or town is in Haryana which is 1000 years older than Mohenjo daro which is considered as the biggest ever found. The Rig veda or Samveda were knowledge which were gained through meditation and transferred through oral recitation. Can't actually say where is the origin.

The connection to further west is because of people coming to Taxila and doing business with India in that era. The seal symbols of our civilisation was also found in Egypt and Denmark.

This means its clear people had diplomatic links just like today. Its not something very uncommon.
Gangadeshi's desperate for some civilization still trying to use Indus Pakistan to gain lustre. These aboriginals of Ganga are like Black Africans who try to use Egypt to derive some pride. They call that Afrocentrism. I call the Indian need to use us as way to polish their history "Gangacentrism".


Yeah that region was ancient India and people fought Mahabharat in Kurukshetra which is in Haryana. The largest relics are in Haryana not in Mohenjo daro.

More over it wouldnt matter much because every one of those who lived in that era believed in Vedas not in Quran. That's sufficient for me.

Since when has any Punjabi claimed to be Iranic?

One has quoted me that he is spreading his traditional values of Iran and turkey :P just go through the thread.
I am telling you, Pakistan is going through tremendous Identity Crisis.

Wrong, it started in Pakistan:


Migration, invasion, whatever. It's all the same, and none of it is racist at all. People don't mass migrate to an area totally alien to them culturally without some blood spilling, it's happened everywhere, e.g the European discovery of the America's.

This is a western propaganda

It's not possible for a tribe to come to India from west and start vedic culture. If it was so, there would have been some evidences of rituals like agni havan.

Yes there are rituals related to Agni Pooja in Zoroastrians but they are Zoroashtrians not Sanatan Dharmi . Neither Yogis.

More over the Ganga river is said to be requested to land on earth by Rishi Bhagirathi in Himalayas. Who was a rishi of vedic era.
Yeah that region was ancient India and people fought Mahabharat in Kurukshetra which is in Haryana. The largest relics are in Haryana not in Mohenjo daro.

More over it wouldnt matter much because every one of those who lived in that era believed in Vedas not in Quran. That's sufficient for me.

One has quoted me that he is spreading his traditional values of Iran and turkey :P just go through the thread.
I am telling you, Pakistan is going through tremendous Identity Crisis.

This is a western propaganda

It's not possible for a tribe to come to India from west and start vedic culture. If it was so, there would have been some evidences of rituals like agni havan.

Yes there are rituals related to Agni Pooja in Zoroastrians but they are Zoroashtrians not Sanatan Dharmi . Neither Yogis.

More over the Ganga river is said to be requested to land on earth by Rishi Bhagirathi in Himalayas. Who was a rishi of vedic era.

So what if someone says that Punjabi traditional values are similar to that of Iran's or Turkey's? That's his opinion and not at all an identity crisis. You guys throw around that term without even knowing what it is.

I'll tell you the biggest identity crisis, hating Pakistan to no end whilst naming your country after a Pakistani river, and then claiming Pakistani history just because you named yourself after said river.

It's not propoganda, it's well established fact everyone other than Hindustan has accepted.

your map only shows migration, it doesnt show the vedic culture which is native to gangetic valley and nothing to do with Pakistan.

the migration theory has been changed since the invasion theory had to be proven false because of lack of evidence, invaion theory was initially made before the excavation of indus valley began in 1920s, after that, since archoloy found no invasion proofs, the theory was changed into migration.

again, no signs of migration have been proven through archeology, no massive amounts of horse bones or chariots have been discovered from any indo aryan migration sites.

only disproves AMT.

No, the map literally shows where the early Indo-Aryans were situated, and it was Pakistan, not Hindustan.

No it hasn't, the theory has pretty much remained unchanged and has in fact been strengthened by archaeological, linguistic and genetic evidence. Everyone other than Hindustan believes in it, which should tell you something.

The theory has always been that large numbers of Aryans migrated, with some indigenous tribes mingling well with them, and others being forcefully assimilated/destroyed via warfare. The early Hindu scripture attests to the militarised nature of the Aryans, it contains many passages about warfare.
No, the map literally shows where the early Indo-Aryans were situated, and it was Pakistan, not Hindustan.

No, it doesn't, all vedic kingdoms were situated in gangetic valleys where the vedic literature was composed.

Told you to search for Rakhigarhi If you can't well thats not my pain inn arse.

The other guy is giving you links and you calling them fake, well I know you are in denial mode.

All the links are dubious and very questionable indian sources. Nothing makes sense. They need to be IRREFUTABLE, GENUINE, RELIABLE & HONEST ones. None of the above are. In fact they are from the same ilk that claimed indians invented cars, computers, aeroplanes, the internet and spaceships, 10,000 years ago. Go figure.
Good for you. Now stick with Gangadesh. This thread is on Soanian Culture which is not in Gangadesh but in Ancient Pakistan. End of discussion.

You don't even know that Haryana is situated near Yamuna basins not Ganga. And you are a PDF Think Tank :lol:

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