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Mehrgarh - Early farming in the Indus Valley (Ancient Pakistan III)

Revolutionizing farming techniques since 2018.
And doomed since then :lol:
Now trying to dig earth to claim your Agnipuja traditions long lost in small towns like Mohenjo of that era, but sustained by us :D. You stay happy with you Islamic tradition we will stay happy with our Vedic traditions.
By the way when you feel like returning back to Vedic and Dharmic way of life tell us, I will organize a Agni havan for you. :enjoy:

Doomed? Hardly, most Muslim countries are doing much better than Hindu ones.

IVC wan't Hindu, but I wouldn't expect an idiot like you to know that.
this whole subcontinent was known as india from last 3000 years .

How old are you kiddo?

India is the invention of colonial masters. As for you those who like to carry on colonial legacy and its name, your history started on 15th August 1947, that is how "ancient" you shitholes are.

On the topic. Mehrgarh is the granddaddy of all ancient sites in the world. This site also smashes the propaganda that Sanghi bastards have been propagating about Indus civilization and their attempts to hijack it. For Indus civilization to start on the "western" banks of Indus not "eastern" , kill all the theories and links, these Hindu terrorists are trying ever so hard.
Doomed? Hardly, most Muslim countries are doing much better than Hindu ones.

IVC wan't Hindu, but I wouldn't expect an idiot like you to know that.

Oh really?

Then you are forgetting the verse in Rig veda stutka 27, 3353, where Gautam rishi says on behalf , I am the kutsya son of arjuni, who destroyed 99 towns of Shambrasur.

You know who sambarasur was? He was a demon who abducted Pradyuman from dwarika who was son of Lord Krishna.

It's very much hinduism your fool!!!

@Indus Priest King, is that you ?

Looking real gangsta bruv.
Another verse in rig veda says, when the the falcon flew from Sudur pradesh to rigu marg to deliver the soma, which is neither in pakistan nor in Afghanistan LOL . Its compiled by rishi gautam. And most of the gautam rishis decendts live in india :D

This simply proves that Pakistan may have had some traces of Vedic civilisation s it was a once a dharmic state but most of the traditon following happend in current India
MehrGarh Vijaygarh mien thi takraar, VijayGrah ka tha jo raaj kumar Chandar Kanta se kerta tha payar....lolsss

We don't belong to that history or civilization, we belong to Islamic civilization hence don't need MehrGarh, Hadapa aor Mohinju Daru...
Another verse in rig veda says, when the the falcon flew from Sudur pradesh to rigu marg to deliver the soma, which is neither in pakistan nor in Afghanistan LOL . Its compiled by rishi gautam. And most of the gautam rishis decendts live in india :D

This simply proves that Pakistan may have had some traces of Vedic civilisation s it was a once a dharmic state but most of the traditon following happend in current India
But Pakistani women look better 'cause of Islam and all. In India, women do all sorts of weird stuff.
But Pakistani women look better 'cause of Islam and all. In India, women do weird stuff.

yes you can try to catch one :D and gift her karl marx book :P
yes you can try to catch one :D and gift her karl marx book :P
I'm more into African girls bruv, hood girls are the real deal.
Oh really?

Then you are forgetting the verse in Rig veda stutka 27, 3353, where Gautam rishi says on behalf , I am the kutsya son of arjuni, who destroyed 99 towns of Shambrasur.

You know who sambarasur was? He was a demon who abducted Pradyuman from dwarika who was son of Lord Krishna.

It's very much hinduism your fool!!!

How does that prove IVC was Hindu?

View attachment 484083

@Indus Priest King, is that you ?

Looking real gangsta bruv.


I like you, making fun of all sides involved.
MehrGarh Vijaygarh mien thi takraar, VijayGrah ka tha jo raaj kumar Chandar Kanta se kerta tha payar....lolsss

We don't belong to that history or civilization, we belong to Islamic civilization hence don't need MehrGarh, Hadapa aor Mohinju Daru...

One way or the other non Islamic civilizations were the ones whom were created way before islam was found ... Don't be idiotic .. And don't be intolerant of the truth.
North west India now Pakistan was also under Indian influence :D and consisted only small empires well within influence of greater civil society. Make whole Pakistan read Vedas and you see they will open borders ;)

Unfortunately Islamic traditions have destroyed our beloved north west India :(

There was nothing called "north west india" in the ancient text, there was just india, which ironically was a reference to the land of Indus, go figure where that is... Pose that question to your local shakha and watch them get fits of rage... would be quite an enjoyable scene...:D

and the ancient ideas and culture, they got destroyed/replaced as all primitive thoughts are always replaced by superior ones. Greeks don't worship zues anymore neither do Iraqis pray to Inki/Inlil and Ra, Horus and Osiris are nothing more than museum attraction... if you know what I mean...LOL
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One way or the other non Islamic civilizations were the ones whom were created way before islam was found ... Don't be idiotic .. And don't be intolerant of the truth.

Every Muslim country takes pride in its history. Accepting Islam does not mean one forget his background or identity. Pyramids are a national symbol in Egypt, Persepolis in Iran, Petra in Jordan. Unfortunately an intolerant attitude towards our background has allowed neighboring countries especially India to take over and claim our heritage, thereby giving the world the image that they are the original country and we the breakaway separatist state. India's soft power has multiplied over the decades whereas Pakistan's image abroad is self-explanatory. Even our brothers in the "Islamic civilisation" dont give two hoots about our supposed fraternity (with the exception of Turkey).
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