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STM to develop new covette project For Pak-Navy

A TF-100 would be big gain for PN indeed howevre we were previously linked with ada class. TF 100 will be a different class and wil a plug a gaping hole in our surface fleet, AAW capabilities!
lets wait and see.
there was one big ship noticed at that fleet tanker launch vids and pics which have not been confirmed as what it is!

You are right, ADA class was classified as Corvette whereby ship with additional weapons built for Turkish Navy will be classified as TF-100 Frigate so seems like a bit of confusion here.

If the TF-100 type is contracted then it is a major gain but we will be missing ADA Class type corvette between that configuration.

From Turkish Navy induction:-

TF-100 class frigate[edit]
Eight of the twelve MİLGEM project warships are classified as the Ada-class corvette, while four of them will be equipped with additional weapon systems and will be classified as the TF-100-class frigate.

The TF-100 class[19] will feature a slightly larger hull and will be equipped with the Mk.41 VLS, capable of firing RIM-66 Standard, RIM-162 ESSM and VL ASROCmissiles, along with other systems for improved multi-role combat capabilities. The experience and technological know-how gained with the MİLGEM project will play an important role in determining the design characteristics and the development process of the TF-2000 class frigates, as well as the selection of the systems and equipment which will be used on these significantly larger and more capable warships.


@Zarvan would be happy to see that we are having Mk.41 VLS if it is going to be TF-100 type ship.

However, w.r.t TF-2000, we were in talks with Turkey, to the some sources, back in 2013 or around that but then complete silence an no words.
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We need some strong ships and in no.s for our navy. If we are able to get these within small period of time and in no.s it will be good for the moral of PN. Our navy has been deprived of the attention for too long now its time to make amends:-0
Can anyone tell me what are the exact no.s we are looking for?
It was an Azmat FAC. What's there to confirm?

there were comparisions made to its size and how that caanot be the azmat class. the confusion continues so i wont state that it surely was Azmat class FAC. however based on current projects and my personal views it sure looked like Azmat but then people started saying how this was too big to be azmat class and i just walked out since i have not much to prove otherwise but my own views. :)

This is what is confusing...If you see the arrow you would say it is not Azmat class but ADA.

The ship should be at lease bigger or equal to OHP frigate to make a modest improvment in Navy
Also it would give NAVY a chance to compare the technology on OHP vs what Turkish Ships offer

400 Million Deal for 4 Ships would be a nice precedent

Since we were expecting to get at least 4 OHP in past , the 4 from Turkey should help fill that void

Turkey itself has committed to 8 Ships for its own Navy

At 7000 Tons , the TF-100 appears more heavier then OHP counter part
100% Much heavier ship then F22P

There was no length / width specified on the detail page for this ship

However if it is the TF-100 , it might take some time for us to get our ship as Turkey itself is awaiting induction of this particular ship 8 of them.

Unless the construction takes place in Pakistan

TF100 is not 7000t, TF-2000 is. That being said the most important thing to remember with respect to any Turkish system is where the subsystems and weapons will come from. PN has Harpoon, yes, but which variant will it be and furthermore will the US be willing to give more Harpoons. Second, if there is a VLS who will supply it. If it is going to be Mk41 it will need to come from the US, and given how there is still no Mk41 on PNS Alamgir, i am willing to be US will not supply it or will not be willing to provide ESSM, at least not at a price PN can get. If that is the case what are the options?

Sylver A50 is similar in functionality and dimensions to Mk41. There my be Chinese options available as well. Weapons wise, PN may want the Atmaca or proceed with chinese weapons AShM/SAMs or even south african SAMs or if possible, CAMM from Italy/UK. . That may be why they are calling a a variant or new frigate "like MILGEM". It will likely have non-US components.
If the ship coming are with VLS tubes than I hope those VLS are MK 41 or ones which just like MK 41 can fire any missile
On Turkish navy ships, it would be Mk 41. But the French Sylver could be a versatile alternative. Otherwise, dedicated VLS related to specific missile (e.g. Umkhonto, Iris-T etc)

A TF-100 would be big gain for PN indeed howevre we were previously linked with ada class. TF 100 will be a different class and wil a plug a gaping hole in our surface fleet, AAW capabilities!
lets wait and see.
there was one big ship noticed at that fleet tanker launch vids and pics which have not been confirmed as what it is!
TF-100 is essentially an enlarged ADA class, with more SSM and VLS forward.
On Turkish navy ships, it would be Mk 41. But the French Sylver could be a versatile alternative. Otherwise, dedicated VLS related to specific missile (e.g. Umkhonto, Iris-T etc)

TF-100 is essentially an enlarged ADA class, with more SSM and VLS forward.
Yes! And that is what we will require or should i say, that is what will suite us better considering that improve AAW cover.

By people you mean Zavan, right? He wouldn't be able to tell a cow form a bull even if its balls were dangling right in front of his face.
Nai nai yaar,, we are already arguing on so many matter but seriously, it is NOTHING personal! I told that to him as well. So no it was not Zarvan in particular but as i said "people" As in, quite a few of them :lol:. Tum larwao gy hmain!!
Yes! And that is what we will require or should i say, that is what will suite us better considering that improve AAW cover.

Nai nai yaar,, we are already arguing on so many matter but seriously, it is NOTHING personal! I told that to him as well. So no it was not Zarvan in particular but as i said "people" As in, quite a few of them :lol:. Tum larwao gy hmain!!
He already quoted that post. You can see what I told him. I've got nothing against Zarvan. He a nice fellow. Can't imagine a PDF without him. :P

He already quoted that post. You can see what I told him. I've got nothing against Zarvan. He a nice fellow. Can't imagine a PDF without him. :P

Glad that it is all cool between you two bro, I do not think i am so lucky!! :lol:

Anyway, thanks for sharing that pic of Azmat class FAC in dockyard. I hope the "people" can now see how both of them are same and given this proofs and the current situation the bigger appearance of the ship in Fleet Tanker picture can be labeled as an illusion. I hope this will clear any doubts if there were any so thank you for that. :)

I think it was an Azmat-class FAC as well. It's worth remembering that the boat's displacement is still 560-tons and 60m+ in length, it isn't small. Heck, it packs 2x4 AShM.

As for this MILGEM business. I am inclined to believe that the PN is not going for a particularly large design, otherwise STM probably would have called it a frigate. That doesn't preclude the PN from incorporating reasonably solid AAW (e.g. Umkhonto EIR if and when available or CAMM or Aster-15), but there's too little information to judge.

That said, something based on the MILGEM-G would be ideal.
Sir aab bnda kitni bahis kray :( So i just adopted that "neither admit nor deny" approach for this one.

I just am not sure how many abuses are directed towards me on these issues so though better to be cool about this one! :P But i agree and now the pic by @RAMPAGE may also help everyone to understand what it actually was (see, still not saying the name :P )
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im thinking pakistan is looking at a tf-100 but without the murican mk 41 vls possibly with a Chinese alternative or even a south africain alternative and could get the umkhonto-r which is in development
On Turkish navy ships, it would be Mk 41. But the French Sylver could be a versatile alternative. Otherwise, dedicated VLS related to specific missile (e.g. Umkhonto, Iris-T etc)

TF-100 is essentially an enlarged ADA class, with more SSM and VLS forward.
If its French Sylver than I hope its A 70 version and I do hope we get these ships soon.
im thinking pakistan is looking at a tf-100 but without the murican mk 41 vls possibly with a Chinese alternative or even a south africain alternative and could get the umkhonto-r which is in development
Get a Turkish boat and fit it with Chinese weapons? Wont make much sense i would say. Why not go for those Type 54 frigates directly on this case but the idea seem to be developing a new supplier (and a good one) so i am not quite sure if we will actually see Chinese systems on these boats, that is, when and if we actually buy these.
A50 is adequate for a ship in the 3-4000t which is likely what this would be. A70 is for large ships (5000t +) which are used for land attack. Given the disparity in fleet strength between IN and PN these ships will NOT be ised for Land Attack but rather antiship/antisub/and light air defense (40-50km range missiles). They will he little to not use to attack India when subs and air/surface launched cruise missiles are far better suited for the job. Hence A50 is the most reasonable option in the sylver line.

Get a Turkish boat and fit it with Chinese weapons? Wont make much sense i would say. Why not go for those Type 54 frigates directly on this case but the idea seem to be developing a new supplier (and a good one) so i am not quite sure if we will actually see Chinese systems on these boats, that is, when and if we actually buy these.

There are a number of reasons why they may elect for a turkish boat with chinese weapons, first of them being they may not be satisfied with quality of chinese, but more likely, given large sub order they may not have enough credit with China for another large scale purchase and/or want to diversify suppliers and build up another alliance as well.
Get a Turkish boat and fit it with Chinese weapons? Wont make much sense i would say. Why not go for those Type 54 frigates directly on this case but the idea seem to be developing a new supplier (and a good one) so i am not quite sure if we will actually see Chinese systems on these boats, that is, when and if we actually buy these.
the Chinese have a huge array of weapons. combining the hq-16 with the tf-100 your looking at a bad@*** combo there for mid range altitude targets
^+1. But it would be better if they get a quad packable missile like CAMM (though the options are limited). Hopefully the ch8nese can come up with something based around Dk-10
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