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Starting a new operation in Waziristan?

I am Pashtun and its against my tradition to kill innocent people who ask for refuge. Its against my people to rape and loot but talibs are doing and did every thing which they wanted and used the name of tradition where ever they found good for their intrests.
Pashtun dies but never break his words but can you say same for TTP
I am Pashtun and its against my tradition to kill innocent people who ask for refuge. Its against my people to rape and loot but talibs are doing and did every thing which they wanted and used the name of tradition where ever they found good for their intrests.
Pashtun dies but never break his words but can you say same for TTP

I dont believe these talaban are pushtoon , most of them are uzbik or tajik.
Word Bhutto acutally taken from bhutta which is basically rajput clan of indian punjab,they dont have link with shia family but nusrat bhutto is from shia family.

"Bhutto was the eldest child of former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, a Pakistani of Sindhi descent and Shia Muslim by faith, and Begum Nusrat Bhutto, a Pakistani of Iranian-Kurdish descent, of similarly Shia Muslim by faith. Her paternal grandfather was Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto, who came to Larkana Sindh before partition from his native town of Bhatto Kalan, which was situated in the Indian state of Haryana
Benazir Bhutto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I dont agree with opening of two many fronts at a time will be successful ,PA should plan and target slowly but steadily.

It is long term gurrilla war may continue for many decades.

Pakistan should take help of UN and NATO to defeat them .

It cant go for decades, PA havent that much long planes.
Heard that Swat operation will be over before the end of June.
Fundamentalist is perfect, opening too many fronts in a short while does not seem to be a wise strategy.It is all done in haste, without any thorough planning and under intense US pressure. We have to understand that merely killing these so called terrorists is not the solution we are yearning for. We need a permanent solution.This ferocious killing of terroriste plus un accounted civilians will merely aggravate the problem. Already 2.5 million have been thrown out of their houses and are forcebly confined in NWFP only. Punjab and Sindh have denied to accommodate them.Its a pitty. Their hatred feelings against these provinces, against the govt and against Pak army are growing with each passing minute. They are just like a ticking time bomb and as the adventure prolonges, the youth from these camps only will generate another kind of Taliban.Lets come out of the US pressure and devise our own policies that best suit our populace.
Why is the PA stretching itself? Not to mention the people will start to flee the area and it will create another massive migration of the people which the govt is already having problems with.
There are reasons why they are not being let loose all over the country .. mostly security reasons .. Im sure it will be over soon .. but this has to be explained to them as well .. they are catching TTP members everyday within these camps .. and through the peoples help .. so we can make all the noise we want .. even they realize that the only way back is home ..
man they are everyone.....
afghan, tajik, uzbik, punjabi, sindhi, pashtun, arabs etc etc

after seeing talats program where he discussed the guys from saudi arabia; im not so amazed that the wahabis are still funding these bastards...
i think parliment should first approve this waziristan operation. othewise we wont achieve anything. waziristan is gonna be much more complicated
instead of starting new threads, pls post swat ops update in the swat ops stickey already started!

mods pls merge!
I dont agree with opening of two many fronts at a time will be successful ,PA should plan and target slowly but steadily.

It is long term gurrilla war may continue for many decades.

Pakistan should take help of UN and NATO to defeat them .

The announcement of a Waziristan Op was mentioned in the media 12 May.
You don't make such announcements unless you have it all planned out.

Yes this will be a long war and longer with reconstruction and administration matters.
NO you don't need UN or NATO help to do the fighting. That would be a HUGE mistake.
You do need international aid to help with rebuilding and make things better. But that has to be planned now.
Also you do not want foreigners on your soil to do this rebuilding. Bad Juju.
There is no point to a Waziristan operation until the government is comfortable that it can handle the refugees.

Second, how to minimize the refugees? Can it be done in any way that will preclude most of the innocents from lifting themselves lock, stock, and barrel from their homes?

I don't know. The U.S. and Iraqi armies struggle still with an insurgency in their midst in the semi-urban lands between the Euphrates and Tigris and, yes, there has been long-term IDPs as well as many who fled to Jordan.

Some have come home. Not all.

It is preferable but, clearly, it can't be done where absolute open mid-intensity conventional combat is taking place and this is a real concern. Waziristan is the final redoubt. The militants will, IMHO, defend this area with all of their being and, yes, it shall be fortified.

"Where" is the question? Everywhere? The hills and villages fortified? Certainly the hills. Maybe the villages.

I don't know what's really known by your nat'l and operational intelligence agencies but the FIRST thing I'd look at is a serious intelligence collection plan to identify tactical and operational intelligence requirements and then allocate assets of one form or another to start answering specific questions-to include refreshers on the tribal structures and relations among one another.

Each battle commander entering a specific area will need to know who the local players are...in detail along with other related information from the mundane (weather and drainage) to engineering (bridges-good and bad along with road conditions) mobility operations to improve transit.

Once collected and collated, you need a solid public information AND psychwarfare ops plan. You've got to win the battle of the message before the first troop hits the neighborhood and the first bullet fired.

As Petraeus and others say- the best bullet is often the one NOT fired.

Only then would I consider entering there.

As to American pressure, not from THIS American until these issues above have been satisfied AND SWAT/Buner have been handled, people returning, and forces allocated for those areas beyond the local cops to garrison these reaches.

I have no illusions that you will NOT get them all in SWAT. Too many ways to avoid combat if they wish. They worse it becomes for them, the more they'll do so. Better to live to fight another day.

So you can talk a lot about Waziristan or not but I'd be hesitant to move before my ducks were lined up in a row.


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