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Sri Lanka may stop preferential trade with India

Does this mean that there will no milanga and others cricketers playing in IPL?????
india now should put lankans in place. i have seen those videos of tamil being killed. i have lost friendship feelings towars lankans now. sri lankans are no differnt than bangladeshis in their hate towards india. if they want confrontation so be it.
I like to know the answer to this. Did Sri Lanka not win it's war against the Tamil terrorists with Indian military hardware and some actual military support?

And how many of Sri lankans would support hitler's genocide ?

Finally a word of caution to Indians. Just because you have some people in a govt suggesting policies, it does not mean that the govt itself has that attitude . Sometimes even PM's make saber rattling comments but no actual law is passed. I've read here where Indians have reaction to some stupid comment made by its politicians as " for internal consumption"

So called Bangladesh issues should be looked through the lens of internal consumption drama while reality says the relationship is good.
I like to know the answer to this. Did Sri Lanka not win it's war against the Tamil terrorists with Indian military hardware and some actual military support?

LTTE would never had been destroyed without India' help.

And how many of Sri lankans would support hitler's genocide ?

By the looks of it they would seeing their blind support for Rajapakse and Co.
I think Pakistan, Sri lanaka, Bangladesh and China should enter a free trade agreement.
China can provide anything you guys want.
yyes yes ..u can provide srilanka with all those cheap quality products!!go on!!we dont care buddy!
India double crossed Sri Lanka thanks to coalition politics.

This is exactly what the Tamil Nadu politicians would want you to believe, they"ll take credit the current decision taken by GOI for domestic political gains.

We have a bunch of idiots ruling this benighted country! Imbeciles who don't have the balls to face up to the West. And we call ourselves an emerging power!

Voting in favor of war crimes had nothing to do with Western pressure. but a consesus with the USA.(kinda of rare)

Ever wondered why the USA who once upon a time an ally of Sri Lanka, brought in this resolution.

A couple of wikileaks cable can give us a peak into the American thought process.


COMMENT ------- ¶9. (S) Accountability is clearly an issue of importance for the ultimate political and moral health of Sri Lankan society. There is an obvious split, however, between the Tamil diaspora and Tamils in Sri Lanka on how and when to address the issue. While we understand the former would like to see the issue as an immediate top-priority issue, most Tamils in Sri Lanka appear to think it is both unrealistic and counter-productive to push the issue too aggressively now. While Tamil leaders are very vocal and committed to national reconciliation and creating a political system more equitable to all ethnic communities, they believe themselves vulnerable to political or even physical attack if they raise the issue of accountability publicly, and common Tamils appear focused on more immediate economic and social concerns. A few have suggested to us that while they cannot address the issue, they would like to see the international community push it. Such an approach, however, would seem to play into the super-heated campaign rhetoric of Rajapaksa and his allies that there is an international conspiracy against Sri Lanka and its "war heroes." BUTENIS

Another one


(C) As Sri Lanka tries to move beyond the war, accountability for possible crimes remains a significant, though secondary, issue in Sri Lanka. Whether speaking of accountability for ongoing human rights abuses or for incidents occurring during the final stages of the war, the issue had not received much attention from either the government or the public before the recent flurry of activity following Fonseka's statement. Given their possible involvement in most if not all incidents investigated, top COLOMBO 00001180 003.4 OF 003 government leaders, in particular the Rajapaksa brothers, have not pushed for greater accountability. Indeed, given the risk of exposing his own involvement, it was surprising to many that Fonseka attempted to raise this as a campaign issue, and he will probably not do so again. We are unaware of any cases in which a sitting government has undertaken wholesale investigations of its own troops or leadership for alleged war crimes, and it is probably unrealistic to expect the current Sri Lankan government to do so. Nevertheless, at some point Sri Lankans will need to find a way to deal with the accountability issue to achieve national reconciliation and lasting peace. BUTENIS

Just like the USA , India too believes if the accountability for war is brought and the grievances of the Sri Lankan Tamil community is valued, the possibility of reemergence of LTTE extremism is mitigated.

The only reason Sri Lanka resists it so much is because of the level of involvement of GSI

We even ditched a country that's a fellow member of SAARC! That sucks to hell and high heaven! We pulled the rug from under their feet! WTF?

I won't be surprised if India is now treated as a pariah nation in South Asia. We ditched our own friend and neighbour! Jeeez! Can we be trusted by our neighbours in future? Simple answer: NO! The UPA should be sent packing post haste. They aren't fit to be members of even a village panchayat! Jeeez! :tdown:

Long run advantages always come at short term costs.

So it begs the question what the long term advantage for India or US might be? Guess?
Singapore could have been another Singapore in the 70s itself, if not for their misguided foreign policies which they are still pursuing today.

No offence buddy, but SAARC can go and screw themselves.

They aligned with the USA, why would anyone align with an impoverished and corrupt nation ?

Whats there to benefit from ?
well thats not good even if something like this is said thats enough to show that indian image to srilanka is not great.... india should work on better ties with neighbors so far no fans:p:P

oh ya??ur chinese brothers make very good quality products na??

believe it or not those products have made their economy high high

LTTE would never had been destroyed without India' help.

are you kidding me you people supported them considering if the succeed in srilanka the tamils in india would be happy it didnt help and i think in the end when srilanka himself told you to go you know what kind job you did:p:P
Good morning lankans........
Last i checked it is lanka that needs India big time and not the other way round:rofl:
Again good morning :rofl:
I like to know the answer to this. Did Sri Lanka not win it's war against the Tamil terrorists with Indian military hardware and some actual military support?

And how many of Sri lankans would support hitler's genocide ?

I'll answer for this.

Government of Sri Lanka took an action against a terrorist group called "Tamil Tigers" to protect its citizens from terrorism.
We didn't get military support from India, they blocked when we trying to buy 3D radar system from Israel and provided 2D radar system. Then we got 3D radar system from China.

We do not support any genocide! Sri Lankan army's target was Tamil Tigers but not the Tamil civilians. If we wanted to target civilians why Sri Lankan army need to wait for last 2 weeks? Why we need to keep 11,000 LTTE members and rehabilitated them and send back to society?

I have simple question to ask from you, what are the rights Tamils aren't have but Sinhalese and other minority ethnics are enjoying? If can mention those rights they don't have, I'm here to support you and them!!!
I'll answer for this.

Government of Sri Lanka took an action against a terrorist group called "Tamil Tigers" to protect its citizens from terrorism.
We didn't get military support from India, they blocked when we trying to buy 3D radar system from Israel and provided 2D radar system. Then we got 3D radar system from China.

We do not support any genocide! Sri Lankan army's target was Tamil Tigers but not the Tamil civilians. If we wanted to target civilians why Sri Lankan army need to wait for last 2 weeks? Why we need to keep 11,000 LTTE members and rehabilitated them and send back to society?

I have simple question to ask from you, what are the rights Tamils aren't have but Sinhalese and other minority ethnics are enjoying? If can mention those rights they don't have, I'm here to support you and them!!!

If you are right and sri lanka is innocent than why are you scared from Investigate it? Why not you open heartly welcome it and prove yourself Innocent? Sri lankan action prove that she done something wrong otherwise she had no problem.
are you kidding me you people supported them considering if the succeed in srilanka the tamils in india would be happy it didnt help and i think in the end when srilanka himself told you to go you know what kind job you did:p:P

You know nothing about this conflict.
I'll answer for this.

Government of Sri Lanka took an action against a terrorist group called "Tamil Tigers" to protect its citizens from terrorism.
We didn't get military support from India, they blocked when we trying to buy 3D radar system from Israel and provided 2D radar system. Then we got 3D radar system from China.

We do not support any genocide! Sri Lankan army's target was Tamil Tigers but not the Tamil civilians. If we wanted to target civilians why Sri Lankan army need to wait for last 2 weeks? Why we need to keep 11,000 LTTE members and rehabilitated them and send back to society?

I have simple question to ask from you, what are the rights Tamils aren't have but Sinhalese and other minority ethnics are enjoying? If can mention those rights they don't have, I'm here to support you and them!!!

We want justice done to Tamil civilians, thats it. If your country is innocent what is there to be afraid of.

This movement shall be internationalized!

All region shall unite against Indian crimes.

And you are requesting Petrol from us.
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