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Sri Lanka becomes a beacon for Pakistan

it was congress govt made him the hero in history books....

in reality tipu sultan was as brutal and religious intolerance towards other as any muslum ruller could be....

I knew why you have asked that question...

You didn't read my Last sentence
But I have met many Lanakns in Middle East & in North India (for their pilgrimage at Buddhist site). They are never so anti Indian as you are.
So don't Judge Relation between India & Sri Lanka on your personal Tragedy.

Let respective Governments decide whats best for their respective interest

Mate, A phone call from my friend saved my life, if my friend did not called me on that day; I will be on the same location where the suicide bomb went off.

Like I said I am lucky on that day, if not I won’t be here to chat with others.

Do you know how many Sri Lankan’s got killed for past 30 years?

Looks like until now you did not met any Sri Lankan with a Terror experience.

Let’s hope for better ties always…….
I knew why you have asked that question...
You didn't read my Last sentence

he , like any other ruller had no choice other then to fight , but in the course he actually invited french to invade india in the last attempt to save his crown...
yes sir.
I remember when my father was in Bangalore.........We visited the Mysore fort were Great Tippu was killed.
Its inscribed on Stone that Tippu was Killed there.... I tried to recollect the way he fought Britishers.

I admire him only for the way he fought bravely against Britishers.

I was astonished to hear a Keralite admiring Tippu as he caused vast amount of damages to Kerala.
he , like any other ruller had no choice other then to fight , but in the course he actually invited french to invade india in the last attempt to save his crown...

Then what will you say about Rani Lakshmi Bai...............
Every king / Queen fought against britshers to save their Respective Kingdom.
Then what will you say about Rani Lakshmi Bai...............
Every king / Queen fought against britshers to save their Respective Kingdom.

i has no docummentry evidence to support that Rani Lakshmi Bai as barberic towards the masses...
i has no docummentry evidence to support that Rani Lakshmi Bai as barberic towards the masses...

Tipu Sultan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tipu's gifts to Hindu institutions
David Baird, discovering the fallen body of Tipu Sultan after the Seige of Seringapatam in the year 1799.

In 1791, some Maratha horsemen under Raghunath Rao Patwardhan raided the temple and monastery of Sringeri Shankaracharya, killing and wounding many, and plundering the monastery of all its valuable possessions. The incumbent Shankaracharya petitioned Tipu Sultan for help. A bunch of about 30 letters written in Kannada, which were exchanged between Tipu Sultan's court and the Sringeri Shankaracharya were discovered in 1916 by the Director of Archaeology in Mysore. Tipu Sultan expressed his indignation and grief at the news of the raid, and wrote:

People who have sinned against such a holy place are sure to suffer the consequences of their misdeeds at no distant date in this Kali age in accordance with the verse: "Hasadbhih kriyate karma ruladbhir-anubhuyate" (People do [evil] deeds smilingly but suffer the consequences crying).[36]

He immediately ordered the Asaf of Bednur to supply the Swami with 200 rahatis (fanams) in cash and other gifts and articles. Tipu Sultan's interest in the Sringeri temple continued for many years, and he was still writing to the Swami in the 1790s CE.[37]

It should be noted, however, that these letters were written in the context of his precarious situation after the battles of the Third Mysore War, during which he suffered many setbacks, including having to deliver his two sons as captives (Captivity of children was a common custom even during the days of Akbar and his successors) to the British. It is possible that his letters to the Shankaracharya were therefore a result of his desire to gain support of his Hindu subjects.

In light of this and other events, B.A. Saletare has described Tipu Sultan as a defender of the Hindu dharma, who also patronized other temples including one at Melkote, for which he issued a Kannada decree that the Shrivaishnava invocatory verses there should be recited in the traditional form. The temple at Melkote still has gold and silver vessels with inscriptions indicating that they were presented by the Sultan. Tipu Sultan also presented four silver cups to the Lakshmikanta Temple at Kalale.[38] Tipu Sultan does seem to have repossessed unauthorised grants of land made to Brahmins and temples, but those which had proper sanads were not. It was a normal practice for any ruler, Muslim or Hindu, on his accession or on the conquest of new territory.

There is such evidence as grant deeds, and correspondence between his court and temples, and his having donated jewellery and deeded land grants to several temples, which some claim he was compelled to do in order to make alliances with Hindu rulers. Between 1782 and 1799 Tipu Sultan issued 34 sanads (deeds) of endowment to temples in his domain, while also presenting many of them with gifts of silver and gold plate. The Srikanteswara Temple in Nanjangud still possesses a jewelled cup presented by the Sultan.[39]

To another temple, Nanjundeswara, in the same town of Nanjungud, he gave a greenish linga; to Ranganatha temple at Seringapatam he gifted seven silver cups and a silver camphor burner. This temple was hardly a stone's throw from his palace from where he would listen with equal respect to the ringing of temple bells and the muezzin's call from the mosque.
maybe all of you should stop wasting your time on internet and start living in the real world, since neither of you seem to be mature enough to understand that opinions expressed in anonymity on the Internet rarely reflects what people in the real world thinks? i am truly disgust by people who change their opinions about an entire nation based on experiences from ridiculous internet-forums. If you are unable to distinguish between the internet and and the real world, you have a problem. i feel sorry for internet-warriors like you guys. stop being such loosers and get a life, Interact with real people outside of internet, and you will soon realize that pakistanis, indians, lankans, chineese etc, all are good people, quite different from the loosers you meet on these forums. just my two cents. now, continue with your idiotic rants and keep making fools of yourselves....and thanks for ruining a forum that a a couple of years back used to be a decent fourm with decent members.:wave:

Lot's of reading on this can be found on the internet. Just use Google Scholar if you're interested.
I was astonished to hear a Keralite admiring Tippu as he caused vast amount of damages to Kerala.

I know he was anti Hindu, Anti Christian and Anti - Kerala.

But please read my post I admire him for they way he Fought Britishers
Just like the way i admire Pazhi RAJA
I was astonished to hear a Keralite admiring Tippu as he caused vast amount of damages to Kerala.

why only a Keralite , we all read the same congress sponsered academic history books ..
why only a Keralite , we all read the same congress sponsered academic history books ..

We should study history for sure, but not to go by it as of today. It is everywhere in mankind. Attacking each other for money, power, caste, tribe etc. etc.
We will be better without India.........
so much unnecesary pride is not right thing man !,just becuse u guys have been pampered by china economically to built a secret listening post in hamborata ,u think u can sorround india with help of china ,forget it man .China just said some few ambitious words that attack on pakistan means attack on china ,u think china would also do the same with u ,forget it man .
Well u guys really forget the help india gave to u guys during Tsunami 2004 & who gave training to ur special forces in CIWS mizoram to kill LTTE ,CHINA!:lol:
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