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Spring between Turkey and Israel. Happy new Year

We have local newspapers in juhury(our caucasian Jewish language, like yiddish spoken by European Jews ) and Russian,
Azerbaijani or Turkish as much as I know we haven't.
I'm kinda interested in your story. So from what i can tell you are a Jewish Azeri Turk that lives in Israeli am i right? How long do you(or your family) lived there?
I'm kinda interested in your story. So from what i can tell you are a Jewish Azeri Turk that lives in Israeli am i right? How long do you(or your family) lived there?
You want the full story or just to know where I live( borned and live in Israel)?
The Iranians don't intervene with our internal affaire ? Sorry but PKK is own internal affaire, and Iran (and Syria) fund and help them before even my birth.
Worst they do it, knowing that if PKK is successful in Turkey they next target will be themself!

Repeating a lie over a million times doesn't make it a truth, even if many people are fooled with it.

PKK has no war with Iran, PJAK has, or better to say had, after they were kicked out of the country in just 3 months and also suffering heavy casualties including their commander in chief of operations.

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Repeating a lie over a million times doesn't make it a truth, even if many people are fooled with it.

PKK has no war with Iran, PJAK has, or better to say had, after they were kicked out of the country in just 3 months and also suffering heavy casualties including their commander in chief of operations.

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lol PJAK and YPG are nothing more than PKK syrian and Iran's branch.

Iran dosn't beat PKK with gun but with money, they gave them fund and money to ignore Iran and target Turkey, and PKK accep this deal because they know Turkey's territory is the only one which connect the kurdish area betwen Iran Syria and Irak.

This is coward's tactic.

Wich is why PKK leader take refuge in Iran or Syria during most of the dangerous time.
Full story. I have a habit of asking the stories of some members here :D

More than 2500 years ago when the ancient kingdom of Israel was conquered by the assyrians and babylonians one group was expelled from the area(like many other jews).
They passed through Assyria and Persia and moved beyond the mountains of darkness(Caucasus mountains) and sat there safely(today's Azerbaijan,dagestan,chechnya and more).this group called "the mountain Jews"(today we are 250,000 all around the world and 150,000 from us from the same ancient Israeli mom).during 2500 years the main goal was to wait till it's safe to come back to Israel and build the country again,but it wasn't possible,so we just sent money and gold to the Jews who stayed there.in the meantime,we developed our Caucasian jewish culture and knew,lived,ate and fought together with other Caucasian people-that's my connection to Azerbaijan and dagestan.
Then at the time of ataturk it was possible to return back to Israel and a lot of families went to Israel(under ottomans control) till the create of the Soviet union and their iron curtain.so again we sent money to Israel.
Then world war ll,the nazis advanced towards the caucasus and all the men drafted into the red army and went to war against the nazis.
Many of us were killed including all of my grandfather's family,but we were considered brave warriors,during the war we were liberated Jews in death camps and the first to break the Reichstag was mountain Jew.
After the war the state of Israel was established but the Russians didn't let us go there,they said that the Arabs destroy the Jews and the state of Israel no longer exists.
After six day war(we didn't knew about the war) some guy came to our mountains and looked for a woman who her son was disappeared,he told her that her son died in the war in Israel and is buried there.
She gained approval from the Soviets to leave the Soviet union and search for her son's grave,she didn't find him but she found that there is a safe country for jews,the Arabs lost the war,the Jews have a strong army,the desert turned green and the trees growing there,all watlands were drained and modern cities were built in their place,the mountain jews who came there in the 19 century are safe now, land of honey and milk.she returned to the caucasus and told everyone what she saw.a few years later the iron curtain fell and we began to immigrate to Israel.
For 2700 years in Passover the grandfather of the family said:"next year in Jerusalem! "After 2700 years in Passover when most of my family returned to israel my grandfather said:"we are in Jerusalem!"
Then I was born,then join the idf,served in Gaza,west bank,Egypt border and last year I finished my military service.
Hope it was interesting.
It was. :tup: So you arent descendant of Khazars but Semitic from Israel as far as i understood.

The theory about khazar origin of Jews was on "ashkenazim"European and Russian Jews,the khazar king converted to Judaism because of the mountain Jews in dagestan.
Anyway the khazar theory was wrong because the Russian-European Jews have the same genes like the Jews from Arab countries and Iran.
the same genes

It is a lot of bullshit of arguments. Genoms ?

You want see genome road map based on typical FMF Sami and Hami illness ?




Familial Mediterranean fever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And similar Hybernian FEVER :

TNF receptor associated periodic syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

THAT are proof for a common TRIBE !

Sami and Hami, Armenian and all Mediterranean people inclusive North Europeans are relatives ;

Runes are almost the same in Central Asia and Scandinavia and UK.
That disease is more and more analyzed cause there is no medicine existing except a poison called "Colchicine"
and it is a BILLION market on the globe.
Follow please the developments and you will see the road of our relatives :tup:

Mediterranean or Hibernian fever based on Genoms
That disease is more and more analyzed cause there is no medicine existing except a poison called "Colchicine"
and it is a BILLION market on the globe.
Follow please the developments and you will see the road of our relatives :tup:

Mediterranean or Hibernian fever based on Genoms
In the end,we all come from one person

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