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Split Discussion: Muhajir Identity

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What a unshamefull response!
Musharaf was bad because he was dictator!lol
What a reason? & who was responsible making an illegal appointment of another COAS gen.butt? & why?
Who was responsible oderring not to land his plane in pakistan?
BTW PPP was in demand at time for the militry takeover of musharaf & its workers & genrl public was seen distrbing sweets the day musharaf took the power?
& what about those musharaf supporters who aRe now in PPP & PMLn & other parties enjoying the luxries of life now?
Come on jst accept it, your biasd mind irks, when you even think that your gunjas-ul-sharifs were sent out of pakistan with pakistan economy destroyed , with karaz utaro mulk sanwaroo?
Who was sheikh rashid & faisal saleh hayat before the time of musharaf,s takeover??? & where are they now are they still afraid of musharaf?lol
Even today when a PPP seraiki governor took oath today, your PMLn showed their racism by not attending his oath? Why?
Ignorant of his you are, just check who was the one taking militry action against baluchi leadership? No you don't know cause you live your life on a laptop given by shabaz sharif croupt govt?lol let me tell you its was Z A bhutto who took frist militry action in baluchistan & there is no war in baluchistan its only sponsored terrorism by PMLn with the help of RAW?
Which is going on allover pakistan, hope you will remember salman tasser, GHQ attack , srilankan cricket team attack, & many others so, what it means there is a war going on in punjab???lol
I am not muhajir bt whats the problem giving them their due rights?
& dividing punjab into more smallar provinces, to create more unity?
There are smmallar nations living in pakistan , like hazara , seraikies, gilgities, with their seprete cultures. & languages, why shouldn't we give them equal opprtunity to serve the nation?
If a migrated spanish ,chinese,japanese,indian or pakistani can become american & british citizen & still can be called a spainsh american,chinese american,japanse british,indian british,pakistani british , why can't a pakistani hazara , seraiki , muhajir can't be called pakistani muhajirs, pakistani hazarans , or pakistani seraiki???
Just because we still are rulled by jageerdars who still want to rule us,like their hari,s & that's why they keep using hate, race, sects to make us live like sheeps & goats in their farm houses?
If we need to grow as a great nation, we should accept the rules of modren & civilized world?
Not using our superorty complexes, in the form of our hidden wishes to rule others with hate,racism,secternism with unlawfull & blind power?

What the heck are you going on about? I'll break it down to points so its atleast understandable:

- I asked you how your stance against PMLn and PPP is not racist while my stance against MQM is?

- In general you support dictators and here lecturing others about rights and representation, are you for real? You know they are opposing ideas, dictator and representation.

- Since general public was happy at NS ouster (by which you justify the shameful act) pray tell what was the stand of same general public after OBL debacle? They were asking for COAS and air Marshal's head, should we listen to them in this instance?

- All the Musharraf supporters will be going to public for mandate, people will decide.

- Bhutto did start the operation but we are talking about the condition now, who killed Bugti and started a proper insurgence in Baluchistan? And I can only laugh at the accusation that PMLN is sponsoring terrorism there with the help of RAW.

- PMLN showed up at Seraiki PM Gillani (due to differences with PPP they did not show up at Governors), you have no idea what you are talking about. PMLN has a good number of Siriaki leaders in their fold what they want at this time is to initiate the process at their term and get the credit for it.

- No one is against Mohajir rights, have you gone through the thread or just shooting through the hip. No one here said anything about hazara, seraiki or Muhajir.

- Dictators rule us as haris and if you have not forgotten Army in the first place exploited sectarian issues (remember Zia) and then trained and armed these guys (remember strategic depth). Infact both BB and NS were of the opinion that Pakistan should help Talibans only if they get elected democratically but were overruled by Army. Politicians have shown ten time more far-sight then these Gurus of strategic depths (Strategic depth - Afghanistan support for India about 80% for Pk about 18% Ha!)

- We are a great nation and we won't tolerate dictators. Take a look at whats happening to TuQ. Fact of the matter is that Army has failed to lead and shouldn't expect patriotism to mean that Public will support their illegal meddling in politics anymore. We love Army ... in barracks :coffee:
Are you kidding me? You just proved yourself a fool... let me correct you. The formation date of the ANP is 1986 so they weren't even there in 1947. And you don't know a word of anyone else's history, even political history. How dare you try to defile Pashtun history on the other thread?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...cussion-muhajir-identity-2.html#ixzz2HFm6LOCY


dude this alone demolishes your knowledge of history what so ever, such an utterly ignorant post completely summarises your knowledge of history what so ever

fatima jinnah tried to contest in 1965 elections during ayub khan's time it wasnt even in 1947, and awami national party's history goes long time before the separation of east pakistan or bangladesh, ANP was formed initially by the guys from bangladesh, it was supported by pathans from NWFP, those same pathans were sent to karachi by ayub khan in 1960s to suppress the mohajir vote bank of Fatima Jinnah, in Fatima jinnah's rally they shot gunfire

National Awami Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Personally I was a supporter of Musharraf in the old days... when ur family supports you do the same... thats for people without knowledge... when i developed a political conscience I distanced myself from him and looked at the damage he had done and how his NRO had undone everything useful and played a massive role in these corrupt murderers coming to power.

But the thing is those people who are running all this commentary about him being evil and how the army is responsible for all ills are quite surprisingly highly politicized. A simple look at Pakistani politics will reveal that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's rise came due to Ayub Khan under whom he served as foreign minister and was helped by Yahya when he lost elections threatening to break the legs of Bengalis (how democratic :lol:)... then there is the champion Nawaz Sharif who has served as Chief minister of Punjab. So Seqdal and Batmannow both of you are wrong and are part of the process.

You may deny it but Seqdal being from Punjab very typically votes for PMLN and Batmannow supports musharraf who was muhajir. The story of how Pakistanis vote can be read by the region they reside in unfortunately and all of us have become a part of the issue. One is always ready to condemn the other

Recently I watched a speech of Nawaz... it was as if he as a Punjabi was doing an ehsaan on everyone else. He constantly re-inforced his punjabi identity. It doesn't matter but its a mentality. Even in the army. Was surprised when I heard that this leiutenant colonel ( a guy who commands an entire battalion 0f 800+ men-mind you) was an MQM worker and real MQM supporter. Obviously even the army comes from people like us who aren't disengaged from race. No wonder we can't understand the conflict in northern areas... we just don't have the ability to think critically, the objectivity and the disengagement from race to do this.
Personally I was a supporter of Musharraf in the old days... when ur family supports you do the same... thats for people without knowledge... when i developed a political conscience I distanced myself from him and looked at the damage he had done and how his NRO had undone everything useful and played a massive role in these corrupt murderers coming to power.

But the thing is those people who are running all this commentary about him being evil and how the army is responsible for all ills are quite surprisingly highly politicized. A simple look at Pakistani politics will reveal that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's rise came due to Ayub Khan under whom he served as foreign minister and was helped by Yahya when he lost elections threatening to break the legs of Bengalis (how democratic :lol:)... then there is the champion Nawaz Sharif who has served as Chief minister of Punjab. So Seqdal and Batmannow both of you are wrong and are part of the process.

You may deny it but Seqdal being from Punjab very typically votes for PMLN and Batmannow supports musharraf who was muhajir. The story of how Pakistanis vote can be read by the region they reside in unfortunately and all of us have become a part of the issue. One is always ready to condemn the other

Recently I watched a speech of Nawaz... it was as if he as a Punjabi was doing an ehsaan on everyone else. He constantly re-inforced his punjabi identity. It doesn't matter but its a mentality. Even in the army. Was surprised when I heard that this leiutenant colonel ( a guy who commands an entire battalion 0f 800+ men-mind you) was an MQM worker and real MQM supporter. Obviously even the army comes from people like us who aren't disengaged from race. No wonder we can't understand the conflict in northern areas... we just don't have the ability to think critically, the objectivity and the disengagement from race to do this.

Believe it or not I have voted for PMLN, PTI and even in Musharraf's referendum (in his favor, but the referendum was an eye wash only persons for voting were me and a friend). I have seriously pondered and reached the conclusion that democracy MUST continue. It will only deliver when it matures. Unlike the myth there is always place for new political parties and Punjab and Sindh are not jageer of PMLN and PPP. PMLN missed on south Punajb and paid, PPP missed on interior Sindh and paid. PTI made its own niche meanwhile. So it will deliver but no more dictators please.
Personally I was a supporter of Musharraf in the old days... when ur family supports you do the same... thats for people without knowledge... when i developed a political conscience I distanced myself from him and looked at the damage he had done and how his NRO had undone everything useful and played a massive role in these corrupt murderers coming to power.

But the thing is those people who are running all this commentary about him being evil and how the army is responsible for all ills are quite surprisingly highly politicized. A simple look at Pakistani politics will reveal that Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's rise came due to Ayub Khan under whom he served as foreign minister and was helped by Yahya when he lost elections threatening to break the legs of Bengalis (how democratic :lol:)... then there is the champion Nawaz Sharif who has served as Chief minister of Punjab. So Seqdal and Batmannow both of you are wrong and are part of the process.

You may deny it but Seqdal being from Punjab very typically votes for PMLN and Batmannow supports musharraf who was muhajir. The story of how Pakistanis vote can be read by the region they reside in unfortunately and all of us have become a part of the issue. One is always ready to condemn the other

Recently I watched a speech of Nawaz... it was as if he as a Punjabi was doing an ehsaan on everyone else. He constantly re-inforced his punjabi identity. It doesn't matter but its a mentality. Even in the army. Was surprised when I heard that this leiutenant colonel ( a guy who commands an entire battalion 0f 800+ men-mind you) was an MQM worker and real MQM supporter. Obviously even the army comes from people like us who aren't disengaged from race. No wonder we can't understand the conflict in northern areas... we just don't have the ability to think critically, the objectivity and the disengagement from race to do this.

why shouldn't we give them equal opprtunity to serve the nation?
If a migrated spanish ,chinese,japanese,indian or pakistani can become american & british citizen & still can be called a spainsh american,chinese american,japanse british,indian british,pakistani british , why can't a pakistani hazara , seraiki , muhajir can't be called pakistani muhajirs, pakistani hazarans , or pakistani seraiki???
Why we in pakistan we hve identity crisis?
- Bhutto did start the operation but we are talking about the condition now, who killed Bugti and started a proper insurgence in Baluchistan? And I can only laugh at the accusation that PMLN is sponsoring terrorism there with the help of RAW.

Bugti killed himself by dinomiting his hiding place that is cave, the army officers went to the cave for negotioations totally unarmed and tried to convince him to give up to the authorities and stop this militancy of killing innocent pakistanis, Bugti thinking of the shame of arrest and jail blew himself up in the cave, because he didnt wanted to get arrested

Musharraf didnt kill bugti for all his crimes of slaughtering innocent pakistanis, being traitor(for which the punishment is death) and getting help from RAW in afghanistan

you are supporting a guy called bugti whose militants frequently blew up sui gas line, scum bag tried to incite the recial strive in balochistan by targetting innocent traders and working people from punjab and openly tried to call for separation, now tell me you being punjabi yourself what will you feel if you go to balochistan and you are racially and ethnically discriminated? have you seen the pictures of anti punjab wall choking?

PMLN has tried to support those same guys who openly call for separation guys like akhter mengal..
Believe it or not I have voted for PMLN, PTI and even in Musharraf's referendum (in his favor, but the referendum was an eye wash only persons for voting were me and a friend). I have seriously pondered and reached the conclusion that democracy MUST continue. It will only deliver when it matures. Unlike the myth there is always place for new political parties and Punjab and Sindh are not jageer of PMLN and PPP. PMLN missed on south Punajb and paid, PPP missed on interior Sindh and paid. PTI made its own niche meanwhile. So it will deliver but no more dictators please.

If you don't want to see a dictators, thn tell ganja sharif to go to grave of genrl zia & put all the mess he can find on it !lol
BTW he called himself a son of late gnrl?
Also tell him to stop buying properties,outside pakistan from the looted money of paistanis in pakistan!
why shouldn't we give them equal opprtunity to serve the nation?
If a migrated spanish ,chinese,japanese,indian or pakistani can become american & british citizen & still can be called a spainsh american,chinese american,japanse british,indian british,pakistani british , why can't a pakistani hazara , seraiki , muhajir can't be called pakistani muhajirs, pakistani hazarans , or pakistani seraiki???
Bugti killed himself by dinomiting his hiding place that is cave, the army officers went to the cave for negotioations totally unarmed and tried to convince him to give up to the authorities and stop this militancy of killing innocent pakistanis, Bugti thinking of the shame of arrest and jail blew himself up in the cave, because he didnt wanted to get arrested

Musharraf didnt kill bugti for all his crimes of slaughtering innocent pakistanis, being traitor(for which the punishment is death) and getting help from RAW in afghanistan

you are supporting a guy called bugti whose militants frequently blew up sui gas line, scum bag tried to incite the recial strive in balochistan by targetting innocent traders and working people from punjab and openly tried to call for separation, now tell me you being punjabi yourself what will you feel if you go to balochistan and you are racially and ethnically discriminated? have you seen these pictures?

PMLN has tried to support those same guys who openly call for separation guys like akhter mengal..

As I remember it, the politicians both PPP and PMLN usually negotiated their way out with Bugti usually by agreeing to some of his demands (and were called spineless by powers that be). He was doing the same things back then. Today Baluchis claim that Bugti was murdered (his body was not given to his next of kin, his coffin had a big lock on it for God sake) even if someone disagrees does it matter? How much did his demands cost us and how much is the continued operation costing us? The biggest cost being offending a normal Baluch.

Security apparatus has tagged everyone as traitor. Bengalis were traitors, Pashtoons are traitors (fear of reunification), Muhajirs are traitors (Jinnahpur) and Baluchis are traitors - Shias are traitors (Iran) now Salafis are becoming traitors (TTP). No one died and made them their mama (as in mamoon), leave the issues to political parties which will solve them at the end.

PMLN is again showing some foresight by keeping the negotiations open. Both Sindhi and Baluch national should be in mainstream. Politicians like always will have to clear the mess after adventurism of powers that be.

dude this alone demolishes your knowledge of history what so ever, such an utterly ignorant post completely summarises your knowledge of history what so ever

fatima jinnah tried to contest in 1965 elections during ayub khan's time it wasnt even in 1947, and awami national party's history goes long time before the separation of east pakistan or bangladesh, ANP was formed initially by the guys from bangladesh, it was supported by pathans from NWFP, those same pathans were sent to karachi by ayub khan in 1960s to suppress the mohajir vote bank of Fatima Jinnah, in Fatima jinnah's rally they shot gunfire

National Awami Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are seriously a hilarious member of this forum.

ANP and NAP are far different and their manifesto's totally different. You need to educate yourself. Those aren't the same parties. :lol: Your statement is very much like saying darkinsky and haviZsultan are exactly the same people just because they are by birth muhajirs. It discounts simple facts which a low IQ fails to register such as:
-darkinsky is a bigot raised from birth to be one, haviZsultan is a Nationalist adopting Pashtun culture for national unity and eliminating the ethnic issue other than various other reasons
-darkinsky has something in his bum that always makes him feel muhajirs are oppressed while haviZsultan wants to look beyond the we are oppressed cry.
-darkinsky believes no one has a right to be in Karachi except him and his nose which reaches up to the sky but havZsultan believes Karachi is for every ethnic group and anyone.

Man do you know a word about NAP or have you been reading up from Wikipedia all along just to defend MQM? NAP was not a Pashtun nationalist party but an amalgamation of various nationalist parties that promoted the same ethnic nationalism you promote. It later evolved into NAP-Wali when a number of factions within like that of GM Syed dispersed and Bhashani split. Historically it has been BANNED by Ayub Khan which you would have found out from the wikipedia source you gave me if you had had the brain to read being the highly educated, middle class Altaf-worshipp- sorry... person, middle class person you are compared to everyone else in Pakistan. So how can it be supported by Ayub Khan when this party was banned under him? These are just hollow allegations darkinsky.

Since you find your information from wikipedia which is basically the source of children to find information quickly when they hear of a new topic I will tell you that its survivor was NAP (Wali) which went on to win in 1970 in Balochistan and NWFP. During this time he was targeted by democrat champion ZAB and thrown in prison. Here is NAP (Wali) for the little baby who relies on wikipedia for his information:

National Awami Party (Wali) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then came the ANP in 1986:

Awami National Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do note the founding date is 1986 and can be found on the right side. The only time the party evolved purely Pashtun roots was late in the 60's and early in 70's which came with the split.

This is very solid advice for you. If you have racism to spread I will counter it in every thread. I am an ex-lord of the Pakistan Nationalist Association. We guys sacrifice our lives learning and studying Pakistan, scouring sources and seeking information, we are by every meaning of the word mad and our country is in our every breathe which is why we find it difficult to support a murderer who calls partition a mistake.

You cannot outsmart me darkinsky. You haven't met me personally, I can qoute numbers, figures, stats firsthand and no one can debate with me. There is a member on this site from whom you can confirm this. You will embarrass yourself and prove yourself a bigot. I suggest that unless you can prove your claim you do not make it as it will make you appear a very weak debater.
You are seriously a hilarious member of this forum.

ANP and NAP are far different and their manifesto's totally different. You need to educate yourself. Those aren't the same parties. :lol: Your statement is very much like saying darkinsky and haviZsultan are exactly the same people just because they are by birth muhajirs. It discounts simple facts which a low IQ fails to register such as:
-darkinsky is a bigot raised from birth to be one, haviZsultan is a Nationalist adopting Pashtun culture for national unity and eliminating the ethnic issue other than various other reasons
-darkinsky has something in his bum that always makes him feel muhajirs are oppressed while haviZsultan wants to look beyond the we are oppressed cry.
-darkinsky believes no one has a right to be in Karachi except him and his nose which reaches up to the sky but havZsultan believes Karachi is for every ethnic group and anyone.

Man do you know a word about NAP or have you been reading up from Wikipedia all along just to defend MQM? NAP was not a Pashtun nationalist party but an amalgamation of various nationalist parties that promoted the same ethnic nationalism you promote. It later evolved into NAP-Wali when a number of factions within like that of GM Syed dispersed and Bhashani split. Historically it has been BANNED by Ayub Khan which you would have found out from the wikipedia source you gave me if you had had the brain to read being the highly educated, middle class Altaf-worshipp- sorry... person, middle class person you are compared to everyone else in Pakistan. So how can it be supported by Ayub Khan when this party was banned under him? These are just hollow allegations darkinsky.

Since you find your information from wikipedia which is basically the source of children to find information quickly when they hear of a new topic I will tell you that its survivor was NAP (Wali) which went on to win in 1970 in Balochistan and NWFP. During this time he was targeted by democrat champion ZAB and thrown in prison. Here is NAP (Wali) for the little baby who relies on wikipedia for his information:

National Awami Party (Wali) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then came the ANP in 1986:

Awami National Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do note the founding date is 1986 and can be found on the right side. The only time the party evolved purely Pashtun roots was late in the 60's and early in 70's which came with the split.

This is very solid advice for you. If you have racism to spread I will counter it in every thread. I am an ex-lord of the Pakistan Nationalist Association. We guys sacrifice our lives learning and studying Pakistan, scouring sources and seeking information, we are by every meaning of the word mad and our country is in our every breathe which is why we find it difficult to support a murderer who calls partition a mistake.

You cannot outsmart me darkinsky. You haven't met me personally, I can qoute numbers, figures, stats firsthand and no one can debate with me. There is a member on this site from whom you can confirm this. You will embarrass yourself and prove yourself a bigot. I suggest that unless you can prove your claim you do not make it as it will make you appear a very weak debater.

why shouldn't we give them equal opprtunity to serve the nation?
If a migrated spanish ,chinese,japanese,indian or pakistani can become american & british citizen & still can be called a spainsh american,chinese american,japanse british,indian british,pakistani british , why can't a pakistani hazara , seraiki , muhajir can't be called pakistani muhajirs, pakistani hazarans , or pakistani seraiki???
Why we in pakistan we hve identity crisis?
You are seriously a hilarious member of this forum.

ANP and NAP are far different and their manifesto's totally different. You need to educate yourself. Those aren't the same parties. :lol: Your statement is very much like saying darkinsky and haviZsultan are exactly the same people just because they are by birth muhajirs. It discounts simple facts which a low IQ fails to register such as:
-darkinsky is a bigot raised from birth to be one, haviZsultan is a Nationalist adopting Pashtun culture for national unity and eliminating the ethnic issue other than various other reasons
-darkinsky has something in his bum that always makes him feel muhajirs are oppressed while haviZsultan wants to look beyond the we are oppressed cry.
-darkinsky believes no one has a right to be in Karachi except him and his nose which reaches up to the sky but havZsultan believes Karachi is for every ethnic group and anyone.

Man do you know a word about NAP or have you been reading up from Wikipedia all along just to defend MQM? NAP was not a Pashtun nationalist party but an amalgamation of various nationalist parties that promoted the same ethnic nationalism you promote. It later evolved into NAP-Wali when a number of factions within like that of GM Syed dispersed and Bhashani split. Historically it has been BANNED by Ayub Khan which you would have found out from the wikipedia source you gave me if you had had the brain to read being the highly educated, middle class Altaf-worshipp- sorry... person, middle class person you are compared to everyone else in Pakistan. So how can it be supported by Ayub Khan when this party was banned under him? These are just hollow allegations darkinsky.

Since you find your information from wikipedia which is basically the source of children to find information quickly when they hear of a new topic I will tell you that its survivor was NAP (Wali) which went on to win in 1970 in Balochistan and NWFP. During this time he was targeted by democrat champion ZAB and thrown in prison. Here is NAP (Wali) for the little baby who relies on wikipedia for his information:

National Awami Party (Wali) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then came the ANP in 1986:

Awami National Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do note the founding date is 1986 and can be found on the right side. The only time the party evolved purely Pashtun roots was late in the 60's and early in 70's which came with the split.

This is very solid advice for you. If you have racism to spread I will counter it in every thread. I am an ex-lord of the Pakistan Nationalist Association. We guys sacrifice our lives learning and studying Pakistan, scouring sources and seeking information, we are by every meaning of the word mad and our country is in our every breathe which is why we find it difficult to support a murderer who calls partition a mistake.

You cannot outsmart me darkinsky. You haven't met me personally, I can qoute numbers, figures, stats firsthand and no one can debate with me. There is a member on this site from whom you can confirm this. You will embarrass yourself and prove yourself a bigot. I suggest that unless you can prove your claim you do not make it as it will make you appear a very weak debater.

you are a funny guys, you haave zero knowledge

please enlighten me the totally different manifestos of NAP and ANP :lol:

both followed the guys of bacha khan, both are socialist parties and both founders are the same, wali khan who was the head of NAP was the founder of ANP thus history of NAP and ANP are the same

its like saying the manifestos of mahajir qoumi movement and mutehda qoumi movent are different

ANP came into being after the separation of two NAP factions, the east pakistan and west pak faction
I will say only one thing that terrorist MQM (Altaf Hussain) is spreading false propaganda that the Muhajirs were & are getting tortured, where as terrorist MQM is killing it’s people so that the propaganda spreads fast & people are forcefully forced to believe in this constructed lies.

I have 6 cases from DSP here that confirm what you say. They even kill MQM workers that intend to quit. 87% of those target killed in Karachi are associated with other political parties and DSP added that in 90% of these cases its a MQM target killer thats involved. But there is the 13%. Among them are MQM workers who served other parties before or other cases where MQM decided to eliminate for various reasons but there are a number that have been targetted by the PPP. That aspect is often ignored for some reason and only the MQM is blamed. Its not the only party involved. Even a person I know-distant relative was kidnapped by men who claimed they were loyal to Zardari... had to pay a big some to ensure his release...
you are a funny guys, you haave zero knowledge

please enlighten me the totally different manifestos of NAP and ANP :lol:

both followed the guys of bacha khan, both are socialist parties and both founders are the same, wali khan who was the head of NAP was the founder of ANP thus history of NAP and ANP are the same

its like saying the manifestos of mahajir qoumi movement and mutehda qoumi movent are different

ANP came into being after the separation of two NAP factions, the east pakistan and west pak faction

Man is that a brain you have in there. Even the President of NAP (Wali) was different. It was Ajmal Khattak not Wali. I will explain this when I have slept as you can very quickly turn a person's head into halwa. The discussion was Muhajir identity but basically the blame has to be shifted. You have already been proven wrong by the fact that these parties have gone through severe persecution by both civilian dictator and military dictator. You are a child.

Go play computer games for a while until I can explain to you the basic differences between various parties.
As I remember it, the politicians both PPP and PMLN usually negotiated their way out with Bugti usually by agreeing to some of his demands (and were called spineless by powers that be). He was doing the same things back then. Today Baluchis claim that Bugti was murdered (his body was not given to his next of kin, his coffin had a big lock on it for God sake) even if someone disagrees does it matter? How much did his demands cost us and how much is the continued operation costing us? The biggest cost being offending a normal Baluch.

Security apparatus has tagged everyone as traitor. Bengalis were traitors, Pashtoons are traitors (fear of reunification), Muhajirs are traitors (Jinnahpur) and Baluchis are traitors - Shias are traitors (Iran) now Salafis are becoming traitors (TTP). No one died and made them their mama (as in mamoon), leave the issues to political parties which will solve them at the end.

PMLN is again showing some foresight by keeping the negotiations open. Both Sindhi and Baluch national should be in mainstream. Politicians like always will have to clear the mess after adventurism of powers that be.

there is hell of a difference beteween baloch nationalist and baloch separatist

guys like jamali are called baloch nationalist, organisations like BLA, BRA etc are called baloch separatists

the situation of balochistan has been created by people like zulfeqar bhutto who was a democratic guy, if musharraf inherited the baloch anger due to the failure so so called democracy to provide justice to baloch people, then its not musharraf's fault, and as i said any traitor is punishable to death, unless he changes his stance

musharraf brought more progress in balochistan then you can imagine, your nawaz shareef did nothing for people of balochistan and not even baloch president zardari is doing for the balochs
Man is that a brain you have in there. Even the President of NAP (Wali) was different. It was Ajmal Khattak not Wali. I will explain this when I have slept as you can very quickly turn a person's head into halwa. The discussion was Muhajir identity but basically the blame has to be shifted. You have already been proven wrong by the fact that these parties have gone through severe persecution by both civilian dictator and military dictator. You are a child.

Go play computer games for a while until I can explain to you the basic differences between various parties.

so what are the different manifestos of NAP and ANP :lol:

you still didnt answered my question

the NAP was called national awami party-wali for a reason dumb guy
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