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Split Discussion: Muhajir Identity

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You are gullible, but maybe it is just convenient because you are a Musharraf apologetic because he was an Urdu-speaker.

Easy there mate , where are you taking the discussion to ? :what: ... Most people here on PDF like Musharraf because of his policies and development in his era - not to mention trying to rectify Zia's mistake by trying to promote new ideologies of " Pakistan First " and " Enlightened Moderation " ... Bugti the traitor was bombed to oblivion , what else should he have done for an enemy of our country ?
I was just trying to reply the author in his own words..no generalization here but no sympathy with MQM walas either!

I think it was reply to one of your previous posts , honestly what do you expect when you make comments like that ?

what contribution did these so called "parha likha" muhajir made toward Pakistan?
Do we have even some grievances like that in the first place ? :what: ... I do no think so ... Those people complain because of unequal opportunities and little development in their province and no improvement in their quality of true ... Will the same be true for us ?

ohh bro dont raise your eye brows, balochistan is easily the most backward province, so they are grieving the most
ohh bro dont raise your eye brows, balochistan is easily the most backward province, so they are grieving the most

Why are you comparing Baluch and Muhajir's in the first place ? My original intended question was that ! This isn't a Baluch grievances thread otherwise even a Bengali can come here and take a shot at the country's partition in '71 ...
Please don't lump us all with the Urdu Speaking people, that's a majority, but there are others.

Sadly, all Muhajirs are seen as Urdu Speaking MQM supporters who support the Bhatta Mafia and other killings
Sadly, all Muhajirs are seen as Urdu Speaking MQM supporters who support the Bhatta Mafia and other killings

Now , that would be the saddest part of all honestly , people usually like to generalize , but I am sure that is just because of some misconceptions ... I , for one do not associate myself with any political party rest of all - the traitor Altaf !
Continuing on the same topic, there is no Muhajir culture, there is no Muhajir unity. It's a sham used to get votes. There were massacres over 20-30 years ago, I admit. However, it's time we put it behind us and vote in the best interests of Pakistan. Ironically, the only province to have done that so far is the one that's denied everything, the Balochis
im routing for PTI, but im not so sure because the IQ of their internet fans and the dynamics of PTI, their politics i dont really see any difference at all
Continuing on the same topic, there is no Muhajir culture, there is no Muhajir unity. It's a sham used to get votes. There were massacres over 20-30 years ago, I admit. However, it's time we put it behind us and vote in the best interests of Pakistan. Ironically, the only province to have done that so far is the one that's denied everything, the Balochis

Yeah , there is rivalry in the different races in Muhajirs too , we aren't a big happy family thinking we exist due to MQM and Altaf Hussain is our savior ... People generalize too much , that makes the problem worse because " little knowledge is very dangerous " ... So , basically again an idiot played the ethnic card and we all fell for it ... Vote for whom , if I may ask ?

im routing for PTI, but im not so sure because the IQ of their internet fans and the dynamics of PTI, their politics i dont really see any difference at all

At least he's all for nationalism , mate !
why shouldn't we give them equal opprtunity to serve the nation?
If a migrated spanish ,chinese,japanese,indian or pakistani can become american & british citizen & still can be called a spainsh american,chinese american,japanse british,indian british,pakistani british , why can't a pakistani hazara , seraiki , muhajir can't be called pakistani muhajirs, pakistani hazarans , or pakistani seraiki???
Why we in pakistan we hve identity crisis?

Does anyone read my posts like ever????? This is the entire issue.

Read post 5. It explains why there is nothing such as a muhajir. This is being said by a person of muhajir birth himself. Muhajir was a temporary term and those who came were supposed to settle and as Jinnah said these identities would disappear in time for the greater Pakistani identity. Seeing how people would cross the Indian ocean to defend Altaf Hussain who called the partition the greatest blunder in history proves well that the Pakistani identity instead has become expendable at the gates of ethnic politics.

Ethnicity and religion mixed with politics can only weaken a Nation, never strengthen it.

so what are the different manifestos of NAP and ANP :lol:

you still didnt answered my question

the NAP was called national awami party-wali for a reason dumb guy

The discussion is changing route? You did not respond to the allegations against MQM and my comments on the term muhajir but your only concern is ANP and making ridiculous statements. ANP did not exist at Fatima Jinnah's and Ayub Khan's election fight time but somehow someone else has to incriminated here for the idiocy the MQM promoted.

Fatima Jinnah was a national heroine and a relative to Jinnah. For the entire country there was no other choice to accept her will. There is no muhajir vs the rest scenario here but Pakistanis vs a horrible dictator under whom Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was nurtured and later went on to break Pakistan. My job is not to defend NAP or ANP as I am a supporter of neither.

What I want is you guys to look within... but in this entire conversation you have not once been willing to criticize the MQM and think about the fact that you are a bigot. I will no more be responding to your posts.

NAP initially was a (ethnic) nationalist party to promote the interests of a variety of ethnic groups and their leadership base in Dhaka would tell you that. With the split which occurred in around 70 NAP Wali came into being and that party could claim to be Pashtun nationalist rather than a unification of various parties including the khudai khidmatgars and GM Syed's group which had historically fought the elections against the Muslim League too.

Why are you comparing Baluch and Muhajir's in the first place ? My original intended question was that ! This isn't a Baluch grievances thread otherwise even a Bengali can come here and take a shot at the country's partition in '71 ...

Thanks for saving the thread from being diverted.

Anyone wishing to join this debate must read post 1 and post number 5. I am not a herald whose job is to repeat messages for his freaking majesty all the time so that the common people may hear it. Read post 5 and read post 1. Then join the debate.
I think it was reply to one of your previous posts , honestly what do you expect when you make comments like that ?

It was sarcastic comments toward MQM walas!
I forgot to include middle class in there!
It was sarcastic comments toward MQM walas!
I forgot to include middle class in there!

Kindly , read it yourself again and see what it seems like and next time make yourself clear instead of making comments that incite hate without any intention on your part , mate ... What with the " middle classes " now ?
I think culture would be bit different like for example my freinds mother is from Rampur U.P and his father is from Bhopal I had attended many marriages of there families. They don't take baind baaja in there baarat they say it is not allowed in Islam.(Exceptions you will found every where) And I am from eastern U.P. here without baaja gaaja no baarat you will see. Eastern U.P and Bihar culture is quiet similar.Even food served during waleema is also different I rarely saw biryani in Bihari waleemas.where as in every occasion of my friends family Biryani is must.
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