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Special unit for Pakistan border on the cards

What about us Sikhs? did you arrogant hindus plan a plot for us too

Dude Sikhs are now just above 1% population and slowly they are sort of becoming mixed Hindu-Sikh. Come to South especially in Hyderabad, 90% Sikhs got married to Hindus and settled. Once they are out of Punjab, they are pretty much Hindus. Like it or not, that's the reality.
Dude Sikhs are now just above 1% population and slowly they are sort of becoming mixed Hindu-Sikh. Come to South especially in Hyderabad, 90% Sikhs got married to Hindus and settled. Once they are out of Punjab, they are pretty much Hindus. Like it or not, that's the reality.
then those traitors will pay too once our Azad Khalsa is established
I chose my words carefully because I wanted them to be correct. I explained why they were freedom fighters who with our help founded a nation. Terrorists only destroy, they don't build. The freedom fighters we trained built a nation that still stands.

And I also explained how the people on who's behalf they fought loved them and wanted the PA gone, and in fact the IA had to protect the PA from the vengeance of those they oppressed. So don't play that old canard of freedom fighter v/s terrorist here, because sometimes it's quite clear who is what.
Yeah, one nation's freedom fighter is another's terrorist. To me India trained and funded terrorists, and is now trying to do the same with the BLA. Your using your own personal definition of freedom fighter, when it reality your moral compass has little to do with facts.

The IA played a political move to gain as much capital from it as possible, I doubt that the IA actually cared about what would have happened to the PA.

What you call oppression, I call suppression of an insurgency.
According to Indian media, it's always Pakistan's fault. Tell me, how true do you think this is? In all honesty, I think India is just as guilty. The only reason why India is winning the narrative war is because of India's growing global influence.
Who stops you from winning or expanding your global influence? did we? your ally usa accuses you of sheltering mullah omar, osama bin laden and other taliban.if your ally has such view of you,then god help your global influence.
Who stops you from winning or expanding your global influence? did we? your ally usa accuses you of sheltering mullah omar, osama bin laden and other taliban.if your ally has such view of you,then god help your global influence.
What a stupid reply, honestly, I can't believe you actually said something this poorly thought out.

Do you even understand how geopolitics works? If you did, you wouldn't even have said this.
Who stops you from winning or expanding your global influence? did we? your ally usa accuses you of sheltering mullah omar, osama bin laden and other taliban.if your ally has such view of you,then god help your global influence.
u are hereby accused of the 84 and 92 riots.
What a stupid reply, honestly, I can't believe you actually said something this poorly thought out.

Do you even understand how geopolitics works? If you did, you wouldn't even have said this.
these thickheaded hindus are good for 1 thing only, to flush them down the toilet
Well, international pressure, and perhaps one loss. I'd point out that Kargil was a disaster for India, and Pakistan could have won if Nawaz didn't panic like he did. Hell, Pakistan still has control over some territory that India still has not managed to get back.
Its actually literally 1 peak that Pakistan has.
The entire Kargil episode physically yielded 1 peak for Pakistan.

And Kargil as a whole turned out to be a god send for India, strategically speaking.
Funny, slowly Sikh population will fall way below 1% in coming years. Don't dream too much, you will hurt later.
did you take to account the Growing Sikh population abroad?

Its actually literally 1 peak that Pakistan has.
The entire Kargil episode physically yielded 1 peak for Pakistan.

And Kargil as a whole turned out to be a god send for India, strategically speaking.
Thanks to our Sardar Warriors, you hindus were hiding behind your lungis
Yeah, one nation's freedom fighter is another's terrorist. To me India trained and funded terrorists, and is now trying to do the same with the BLA. Your using your own personal definition of freedom fighter, when it reality your moral compass has little to do with facts.

The IA played a political move to gain as much capital from it as possible, I doubt that the IA actually cared about what would have happened to the PA.

What you call oppression, I call suppression of an insurgency.

An insurgency which began due to oppression in the first place, when their voice was stifled. Also, counter insurgency is abouut killing insurgents and sparing civilians and winning the latters' hearts an minds. Going on a murderous rampage against intellectuals and committing atrocities like Op searchlight are not suppression of insurgency, it falls under genocide.

Your definition of terrorist seems to be anyboy you don't like. If everybody in Balochistan wanted independence and BLA was fighting for that, and only attacked enemy soldiers, then they would not be terrorists. They would be freedom fighters. If the people on who's behalf they claim to be fighting don't want ''freedom'', then they are not freeom fighters. But Bangladeshis wanted freedom. That's an incontestable fact.
Its actually literally 1 peak that Pakistan has.
The entire Kargil episode physically yielded 1 peak for Pakistan.

And Kargil as a whole turned out to be a god send for India, strategically speaking.
Pakistan pulled back because of international pressure, not because of India. If Nawaz hasn't run off, Pakistan would have more territory than that it currently has. It also holds point 5353, only because India broke the ceasefire and disengagement agreement, and Pakistan retaliated by securing this position.

Kargil was a disaster for India, but it did help India plan better strategies.
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