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SP Tahir Dawar Murdered in Afghanistan by ISIS.

Please tell that to his family.
The fact is even the US with all their immense resources and capabilities cannot always prevent attacks in their cities, schools, discos etc does this diminish the professionalism of their law enforcement agencies, I argue not, the facts are Pak security agencies have made significant progress in dismantling multi-pronged threats such as RAW/NDS terror apparatus in Pak, does this mean we are 100% foolproof in our security "NO" and neither is any other nation including the likes of USA, UK and Israel, nevertheless our agencies are working tirelessly day and night to keep us all safe despite having limited resources to work with, if today the ISI is in the "eye of the storm" it is because they are clearly irking our enemies both home and abroad. I for one applaud their dedication and impressive performance.Kudos Sir

Sir don't waste your time on these senseless, brainless,and extremist libralls ,in my research of last two years here on PDF I have found this forum no where near to the defense of Pakistan, I am 100 percent sure it's just a deception, the think tanks, elites, etc here don't have a fun**"k insight or depth of informations or intellect, they are just so called librals, either proud of being alcoholic and **** viewer, and proud of abusing Mullah on every matter without differenciating between true and false, infact Mullah was a mujahid when their papa Sam invited them in white house, but that Mullah is terrorist when they don't support uncle Sam, mullah is terrorists when Pakistan negotiate with then but same mullah is a political reality for them when their papa lick their *** in Qater and Russia, these librals like monarchy in UAE KSA and socialism in Iran and Egypt but mean while they want democracy in China and Russia, but no democracy in Aljazire and Egypt, they support butcher of Gujart on the name of democracy,but wanted to topple democratically elected Ardgon, their days are over soon the Monopoly of USA is to end، soon there will be again a multipolar world ، with less funds for puddles,
With all due respect Sir I beg to differ, the folks running this forum are thoughtful and patriotic folks and their are a mosaic of opinions, that is why it is such a great platform for debate.
The fact is even the US with all their immense resources and capabilities cannot always prevent attacks in their cities, schools, discos etc does this diminish the professionalism of their law enforcement agencies, I argue not, the facts are Pak security agencies have made significant progress in dismantling multi-pronged threats such as RAW/NDS terror apparatus in Pak, does this mean we are 100% foolproof in our security "NO" and neither is any other nation including the likes of USA, UK and Israel, nevertheless our agencies are working tirelessly day and night to keep us all safe despite having limited resources to work with, if today the ISI is in the "eye of the storm" it is because they are clearly irking our enemies both home and abroad. I for one applaud their dedication and impressive performance.Kudos Sir

With all due respect Sir I beg to differ, the folks running this forum are thoughtful and patriotic folks and their are a mosaic of opinions, that is why it is such a great platform for debate.

Brother, you can't simply even kidnap a Sargent and ship him out to a neighboring country from US, you can't even do that in India I believe. We can't give such lame excuses to his family and kids. Who'd be seeing his tortured body and hopelessness of the state which let one of its senior cop get slipped into Terror. Please Sir, we can't just keep saying that. Can we imagine what his kids are going to believe when they grow up? They'll laugh when you're going to tell them how competent our institutions are ..
Niaz Bhai Checkpost is a sensitive issue for our Tribal people
I am talking from our die-hard patriot Pakistani pashtons who say how they are insulted and degraded on these posts
having their women searched is out of question. I have had a recent discussion with my class fellows and friends on the subject of Manzoor Pashteen . these friends of mine are native to waziristan and Sawat valley... they have detailed the humiliation they have faced at the checkposts and security operations the discrimination by Punjabis and Sindhis while escaping into Punjab and Sindh to get away from war torn area

this murder has a motive which I just cant understand but I suspect that it is planned with a purpose of state making a mistake and our security forces being harsh and excessive towards the pashtons which can only aid the PTM movement and anti Pakistan sentiment

Hon Irfan Baloch Sahib,

Totally agree with you that we are in a quandary.

Remember Sandy Gall, the journalist who became famous for reporting war in Afghanistan and started a charitable trust to help disable Afghans; I heard him in a TV program that he managed to film inside Taliban controlled Afghanistan wearing burqa.

One of the ‘Sahih Sitta’, the Sunan Ibn Daud, includes the following Hadith narrated by the mother of the believers Hazrat Ayesha (RA).

Veiling according to the hadith tradition

Of the thousands of reports included in the canonical hadith collections, only one can be said to address explicitly the requirement of women’s covering. This hadith is reported by the ninth-century hadith compiler Abu Dawud (d. 888).

Book 32, Number 4092

This hadith is narrated by Aisha (the youngest wife of the Prophet) and reports an incident involving an encounter between the Prophet and Asma who is the daughter of Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s closest friend and first Caliph at the death of the Prophet:

Asma, daughter of Abu Bakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma’, when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands.

This hadith is included only in Abu Dawud’s late ninth-century compilation and is considered to be the single most explicit and authoritative source for the belief that women are required to veil in Islam.



Allama Iqbal believed that we are stuck in a dogmatic time warp because Ijtihad was banned at the end of Abbasid Caliphate in 1258. That was 700 years ago. In the light of the above Hadith, it can be argued that covering of the face is not a ‘Sharia’ issue but more of a cultural tradition. Therefore a council of the Islamic scholars thru Ijtihad could issue a fatwa that covering of the face is not mandatory. But this is not likely to happen any time soon.

Undoubtedly it is a sensitive issue with the Pashtuns; no one, especially a man, would dare ask a Pashtun burqa-clad lady to reveal her face. Nevertheless, we cannot escape the fact that burqa has been used to hide the identity of men as well as women. The fact that the son of Salman Taseer, son of Yusuf Raza Gilani as well as the SP Tahir Dawar, while being kidnapped in Pakistan ended up in Afghanistan despite efforts of the security forces was most probably because they were forced to wear burqa. Regrettably, this problem is not likely to disappear in the foreseeable future and such tragic incidents would probably recur.

Security of the life & property of all Pakistanis is the responsibilities of the State and the State needs to train more female police on a priority basis to check the face of the burqa clad ladies.
Brother, you can't simply even kidnap a Sargent and ship him out to a neighboring country from US, you can't even do that in India I believe. We can't give such lame excuses to his family and kids. Who'd be seeing his tortured body and hopelessness of the state which let one of its senior cop get slipped into Terror. Please Sir, we can't just keep saying that. Can we imagine what his kids are going to believe when they grow up? They'll laugh when you're going to tell them how competent our institutions are ..
Bhai, lets wait for all the facts to be ascertained before we can determine whether he was kidnapped or perhaps lured to his demise, whatever the case their need to be serious consequences for the swines who perpetrated this heinous act.Kudos bhai
Hon Irfan Baloch Sahib,

Totally agree with you that we are in a quandary.

Remember Sandy Gall, the journalist who became famous for reporting war in Afghanistan and started a charitable trust to help disable Afghans; I heard him in a TV program that he managed to film inside Taliban controlled Afghanistan wearing burqa.

One of the ‘Sahih Sitta’, the Sunan Ibn Daud, includes the following Hadith narrated by the mother of the believers Hazrat Ayesha (RA).

Veiling according to the hadith tradition

Of the thousands of reports included in the canonical hadith collections, only one can be said to address explicitly the requirement of women’s covering. This hadith is reported by the ninth-century hadith compiler Abu Dawud (d. 888).

Book 32, Number 4092

This hadith is narrated by Aisha (the youngest wife of the Prophet) and reports an incident involving an encounter between the Prophet and Asma who is the daughter of Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s closest friend and first Caliph at the death of the Prophet:

Asma, daughter of Abu Bakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma’, when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands.

This hadith is included only in Abu Dawud’s late ninth-century compilation and is considered to be the single most explicit and authoritative source for the belief that women are required to veil in Islam.



Allama Iqbal believed that we are stuck in a dogmatic time warp because Ijtihad was banned at the end of Abbasid Caliphate in 1258. That was 700 years ago. In the light of the above Hadith, it can be argued that covering of the face is not a ‘Sharia’ issue but more of a cultural tradition. Therefore a council of the Islamic scholars thru Ijtihad could issue a fatwa that covering of the face is not mandatory. But this is not likely to happen any time soon.

Undoubtedly it is a sensitive issue with the Pashtuns; no one, especially a man, would dare ask a Pashtun burqa-clad lady to reveal her face. Nevertheless, we cannot escape the fact that burqa has been used to hide the identity of men as well as women. The fact that the son of Salman Taseer, son of Yusuf Raza Gilani as well as the SP Tahir Dawar, while being kidnapped in Pakistan ended up in Afghanistan despite efforts of the security forces was most probably because they were forced to wear burqa. Regrettably, this problem is not likely to disappear in the foreseeable future and such tragic incidents would probably recur.

Security of the life & property of all Pakistanis is the responsibilities of the State and the State needs to train more female police on a priority basis to check the face of the burqa clad ladies.
the kidnap and taking to Afghanistan for a brutal torture and assassination was meant for shock purposes
and show the reach of Daesh
I dont envy the people manning the posts or the long ques of loyal and proud tribal people that have to go through these check posts some of them have been removed

our biggest issue is the discrimination and insults we have faced at the hands of Punjabis mostly and to some extent by the Sindhis. Pashton or Baloch are singled out harassed and mocked and stereo typed for being criminals smugglers and terrorists that doesnt help also when scumbags like Manzoor Pashteen pickup such incidents and use it against the state of Pakistan
aik agency hoti thi dunya ki number 1 kisi ko yaad hai ?
Wo sirf pdf wala shahzadoon ki nazar main hain. That's all.
Ager waqai number 1 hoti , tou Jo last 10 years terrorism dekha , Wo na hota.
Yes yeah Wohi hain Jinhoon ne operation se terrorism roka aur janoon ki qurbaniyan bhi di . Magar aisa hons kyun diya in first place .

And abhi bhi daily waqaiat.
No 1 agencies are not like this.
If news is true which in my opinion sadly it is. Two things need to be done How on earth they managed to kidnap our officer and take him to Afghanistan when even border is being sealed. Some one needs to answer for this secondly time to send JF-17 loaded with bombs and be as ruthless as we should be
with current week state of affairs you cant simply open another headace..
ultimatley sending afghans back or regularizing them+ fencing is the solution at hand
with current week state of affairs you cant simply open another headace..
ultimatley sending afghans back or regularizing them+ fencing is the solution at hand
Sorry killers have to answer. We can totally afford what we can't afford is not answering to these thugs which would only result in more attacks.
Sorry killers have to answer. We can totally afford what we can't afford is not answering to these thugs which would only result in more attacks.
strong nations and countries have this luxury..we are a country supporting thugs and killers as our leaders
Yes, I think that is how the late SP was smuggled out of Islamabad and into Afghanistan

Mohtaram sir g, that may have been the modus operandi ...... however, this still doesn't provide a good excuse for incompetence and inefficiency of security apparatus ...... why?

1. because they still failed to check the documents. Being in burqa doesn't mean you are exempt from carrying an identification card / document. Anyone who feels insulted at state ordering to lift the veils ....... should curse their own, who have misused it. It wasn't only Laal Masjid's cleric using burqa to escape ........ during Swat operation burqa wearing terrorists were also arrested, even some of them had clean shaven their faces to escape the crack down. If they can find the excuse in Islam to misuse burqa, remove their beards and booby trap corpses and copies of Quran ...... then State holds more moral authority to use similar excuse for safety and security of many. There is no Mehram and non Mehram for state, all of them are her children.

2. A SP goes missing without any trace and still security check posts are not alerted to thoroughly check traffic crossing those points.

SP wasn't abducted from his home. He willingly walked into that trap, ignoring all the precautions. Now it can be ISIS, smugglers (Raziq of Afghanistan staged killings of people, with whom his tribe had feud over controlling the routes), drug traffickers, TTP, tribal feud or whatever ........ nobody asked for ransom. Gillani's son was abducted in day light for reasons not mainly involving terrorists .... it would be huge favor for whole of Pakistan if the FATA walay cooperate and get properly documented and registered, along with whatever business they are carrying ....... Kabuli spare parts are still a huge business in Pakistan auto industry.
So now daesh have such a great reach...…… fak man
To do list
  1. Fence the border , trench it and mine it full border ASAP.
  2. More checkpoints ……
  3. More UCAVs 48 on order
For now send JF-17 and bomb hell out from them...………. use old abdali missiles
And can someone please explain me "Why the fu*ck Govt is on silent mood"???????
Salman Taseer and Gillani's sons were kidnapped from Lahore and Multan and taken to Afghanistan for years so why its such a surprise ? The kidnappers and facilitators are probably Pakistanis.

Mullana Samiullah Haq was murdered in a brutal manner near Islamabad. Probably there is a silent concentration of militants in Isl/Pindhi area. Security authorities should launch a fresh intelligence operation on immediate basis and such incidents won't stop.

Also what happened to Shahbez Sharif 'safe city' projects. Islamabad is completely under camera surveillance so why there is no headway yet in the kidnapping and murder of Mullana ?
Salman Taseer and Gillani's sons were kidnapped from Lahore and Multan and taken to Afghanistan for years so why its such a surprise ? The kidnappers and facilitators are probably Pakistanis.

Mullana Samiullah Haq was murdered in a brutal manner near Islamabad. Probably there is a silent concentration of militants in Isl/Pindhi area. Security authorities should launch a fresh intelligence operation on immediate basis and such incidents won't stop.

Also what happened to Shahbez Sharif 'safe city' projects. Islamabad is completely under camera surveillance so why there is no headway yet in the kidnapping and murder of Mullana ?
both were abducted at a time when we had enemy among our ranks, Tangos roaming in our streets,no IBOs, no Op in NWA, no Safe City Project, no Surveillance, no Counter Terrorism capability........we do not stand in that place anymore( or perhaps am mistaken).....Safe CIty Projects started only 2 yrs ago or may be later...we developed our counter terrorism capability today...so please do not compare two timelines......we have a gap in our System today and it needs to be worked on.....and you have said correctly in your second para.....

Elaborating further on it, i am of view that we managed to develop our Counter Terrorism capability with a very tunnel like approach and did not consider other measures or factors. Our efforts on capacity building of the Police Units have been focused on "Reactive" measure ..... Let me give here example of a simple Bow Tie Analysis Technique.....
bowtie 1_535x338.jpg

Many forces across the country developed their Counter Terrorism units as well as Special Protection Units and ensured that those Units stay on top of their skills through continuous training & development. Scope of this is not limited to CT Units but also development of Forensic Labs. More emphasis was given to handling the high risk situation arising out of an "Event". In above picture, "Event" is in the middle of the Bow Tie, we developed our capacity on Mitigation - thats how we have improved response times to an event, a better coordination b/w different departments, use of latest Forensic techniques in evidence collection etc. Through all this we were able to lower the potential consequences......

However, what we should do and must act upon is to give due focus on the "Initiating events" and develop measures to "Prevent" those events from taking place. Some of them we worked on and some of them are being worked on. But the biggest failure or the slack we have shown is in the development of Fusion Intelligence Cell & Intelligence gathering capacity at the grass root level, we have to develop this very crucial capacity. Intelligence Units across the country need to undergo some serious reforms. each report should be analyzed adequately and passed on to Fusion Cell thats where it will be analyzed along with input from other departments. Capacity building of Intelligence Unit should not only be focused for Police units but also for other departments which includes Customs intelligence, ANF Intelligence.

An increased activity of Drug trafficking when viewed with an input from Customs & ANF will have a different meaning to Analyst at the Fusion cell then to those sitting in their respective stations .....i hope we get to work on this sooner before it is too late

@RescueRanger chief what's your input on this?
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