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SP Tahir Dawar Murdered in Afghanistan by ISIS.

Its Indians not Isis as mentioned in title.
Only RAW is influential in Pakistan and is in close connections with politicians and bureaucrats.
I love PDF, only lace where RAW is given so much importance,
for Rest of world, RAW is bunch of fat and lazy government officers doing 9-5s
Okay you all are screaming on this abduction and you all have right to do so and I agree with you law and order of Islamabad should be given to military because civil cannot manage it. Just like in past abduction of Gilani's son also happened from a civil govt controlled area. Which govt was it please remind me I don't recall that well. And abduction of governor Punjab son happened from a well protected city like Lahore. Which govt was in that time please remind me I don't recall it.
I thought this present government were non corrupted professional people which are here to bring change and impose law and order in Pakistan with the past experience of MISALI KPK Police
not all afghans are Pakistans enemy non pashtun northern alliance (current rulling elite) is against Pakistan and they know how cowardly our rulling establishment is how corrupt and immoral they are that they will never respond to their threats or action and who are easy to buy!!
Don't fool yourself with this delusion. Stop trying to differentiate Afghans based on ethnicity, they are the same. Anyone from our Pashtuns who sympathises with them can simply join them. There shouldn't be any in-between of whether they are Afghan or Pakistani or simply "Pashtun". The same goes for Balochis. Do Punjabis, Sindhis or other ethnic groups have this problem? No.

Afghanistan is ruled by Pashtuns and non-Pashtuns alike. Their bloody PM is a pathan for goodness sake. Even before northern alliance, Afghandus rejected us joining the UN and it was one of these animals that assassinated our first PM. These wounds will never heal, until proper revenge it taken. Pakistan pursued strong relations with Iran and Afghanistan as it wanted unity in the Ummah and rightfully wanted to take its place as the leader of the Muslim world after the Ottomans. What did we get in return? Afghandus followed their nature and betrayed us, while Iran had their idiotic Kharijite revolution. Now Pakistan has to go on its own on a very difficult path.
The body has been handed over but what they did at the border is not acceptable. We need to give them a reply which their generations will remember.
Is our behaviour in this regard acceptable to you? Did you heard of the govt official's interview with VOA?
This is second incident during the last few days in and from the heart of Pakistan and we are only blaming others. We must first look into our own deficiencies and weaknesses.

What would you say on it if the martyred body was not transferred to Afghanistan? Is our security their responsibility?

We must first do such an investigation to find out the culprits, bring them to justice and show the world we can do.it is impossible without anyone from inside.
Regarding your reply which their generations will remember, do you remember Kulbushan?
I thought this present government were non corrupted professional people which are here to bring change and impose law and order in Pakistan with the past experience of MISALI KPK Police

Have I any where denied that law and order responsibility don't falls on PTI? It falls on them I cannot deny that but lest pick up crime rate of past years and compare it.
Is our behaviour in this regard acceptable to you? Did you heard of the govt official's interview with VOA?
This is second incident during the last few days in and from the heart of Pakistan and we are only blaming others. We must first look into our own deficiencies and weaknesses.

What would you say on it if the martyred body was not transferred to Afghanistan? Is our security their responsibility?

We must first do such an investigation to find out the culprits, bring them to justice and show the world we can do.it is impossible without anyone from inside.
Regarding your reply which their generations will remember, do you remember Kulbushan?

Here is some thing you missed.

Your MNA Mohsin Dawar and his friend Imtiaz wazir. This idiot imtiaz wazir thinks he can oppose my country and it people and wage a war on us. Here are views of PTM this tweet should make every one clear what happened actually.

Will compare it after a year or so
Sure bro do them because making decision for our democratic future on correct data is the best thing we can do for this country.

@Muhammad Omar sure bro you want to use SP's abduction for politics do it you are not my concern. This is nothing new many times before there has been politics over dead bodies in Pakistan.

My main concern is the hybrid war being launched against Pakistan from Afghanistan and I will fight that I have no objection on your criticism you have all the right to do it. But please don't let the anti Pakistan forces wage a war in the cover of your criticism. I don't want to defend PTI here and your criticism will help improve the law and order situation but separate your criticism from the hybrid war being launched from Afghanistan and expand your criticism in the actual direction as well not just for political gain. It is your duty to do so. Criticise PTI for lack of administration but also point your finger at PTM for this act.

Thank you.
Here is some thing you missed.

Your MNA Mohsin Dawar and his friend Imtiaz wazir. This idiot imtiaz wazir thinks he can oppose my country and it people and wage a war on us. Here are views of PTM this tweet should make every one clear what happened actually.

Sure bro do them because making decision for our democratic future on correct data is the best thing we can do for this country.

@Muhammad Omar sure bro you want to use SP's abduction for politics do it you are not my concern. This is nothing new many times before there has been politics over dead bodies in Pakistan.

My main concern is the hybrid war being launched against Pakistan from Afghanistan and I will fight that I have no objection on your criticism you have all the right to do it. But please don't let the anti Pakistan forces wage a war in the cover of your criticism. I don't want to defend PTI here and your criticism will help improve the law and order situation but separate your criticism from the hybrid war being launched from Afghanistan and expand your criticism in the actual direction as well not just for political gain. It is your duty to do so. Criticise PTI for lack of administration but also point your finger at PTM for this act.

Thank you.
What do you mean by your MNA mohsin dawat?
What do you think opposing or not supporting someone or a state is waging war?
Why are you making others to be responsible for our own deficiencies?
Think of people who already had waged war on our country and don't waste your energy on people like imtiyaz wazir, who can't do more than only opposing our country.

Our official is kidnapped from Islamabad, crosses Punjab then crossing KPK and after that entry into Afghanistan.
A journalist from another country thousands kms far asks our govt official and that bit.h laughs at the journalist that we know and you don't know.
After that we come to know of the death when the pics are circulated.
We start blaming another country that it is their fault to not have any patrol on their side of the border.

Do you know the stance of PTM on this matter? What do you think this killing is by PTM or Afghanistan?
What do you mean by your MNA mohsin dawat?
What do you think opposing or not supporting someone or a state is waging war?
Why are you making others to be responsible for our own deficiencies?
Think of people who already had waged war on our country and don't waste your energy on people like imtiyaz wazir, who can't do more than only opposing our country.

Our official is kidnapped from Islamabad, crosses Punjab then crossing KPK and after that entry into Afghanistan.
A journalist from another country thousands kms far asks our govt official and that bit.h laughs at the journalist that we know and you don't know.
After that we come to know of the death when the pics are circulated.
We start blaming another country that it is their fault to not have any patrol on their side of the border.

Do you know the stance of PTM on this matter? What do you think this killing is by PTM or Afghanistan?

Oh really PTM has to do nothing here?

Yes sure. So what was the problem why PTM halted the transfer of his remains and also try to insult his death there. What were Mohsin and Imtiaz talking about while the body of a shaheedd was waiting in sun?

My friend PTM needs a pile of dead bodies to play their politics on so they aided this whole thing.

What imtiaz wazir did at torkham is some thing we will never forget and this will have consequences.
Oh really PTM has to do nothing here?

Yes sure. So what was the problem why PTM halted the transfer of his remains and also try to insult his death there. What were Mohsin and Imtiaz talking about while the body of a shaheedd was waiting in sun?

My friend PTM needs a pile of dead bodies to play their politics on so they aided this whole thing.

What imtiaz wazir did at torkham is some thing we will never forget and this will have consequences.

Consequences? Did you mean death of more people and then blaming others?
Consequences? Did you mean death of more people and then blaming others?

I think yes that's what he means...

Listen Afghanistan is gutter of humanity ... there are no schools colleges universities... no hospitals ... woman and children are at mercy of warlords and bacha baaz corrupt police no law no order ... no national grid no electricity...

Technology factories economy police and army ... u are talking about equivalence of an 1000 year old hamlet

This wet dream of conquering half a nuclear state needs to end ...this delusionof being racially superiors while your kids are being kept as bachay in police check posts have gone far enough. there is that much u can do to negotiate with people who live in a constant belief that they will conquer you...
So yeah there will be consequences.... quiet severe ones indeed .... Afghanistan will burn and burn and then burn again till they come out of racial superior delusions .. like it has burned so many times since 1979 to reach the point it has today

When they tell that its pak fault that their country is in a shit hole ... kindly ask them to reflect upon their own behavior as well
Consequences? Did you mean death of more people and then blaming others?

That is what ptm wants death of more people to do dead bodies politics.

I was pointing about the Afghan delegation which was coming to Islamabad. We can halt talks and become a bit stubborn on many issues and that will not play good with current Afghan govt which is already in trouble.
Here is some thing you missed.

Your MNA Mohsin Dawar and his friend Imtiaz wazir. This idiot imtiaz wazir thinks he can oppose my country and it people and wage a war on us. Here are views of PTM this tweet should make every one clear what happened actually.

Sure bro do them because making decision for our democratic future on correct data is the best thing we can do for this country.

@Muhammad Omar sure bro you want to use SP's abduction for politics do it you are not my concern. This is nothing new many times before there has been politics over dead bodies in Pakistan.

My main concern is the hybrid war being launched against Pakistan from Afghanistan and I will fight that I have no objection on your criticism you have all the right to do it. But please don't let the anti Pakistan forces wage a war in the cover of your criticism. I don't want to defend PTI here and your criticism will help improve the law and order situation but separate your criticism from the hybrid war being launched from Afghanistan and expand your criticism in the actual direction as well not just for political gain. It is your duty to do so. Criticise PTI for lack of administration but also point your finger at PTM for this act.

Thank you.
I'm not doing politics over it bro . But we have the right to criticize the loop holes of the government
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