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South Koreans react online to Japanese character traits demonstrated in hostage crisis

What are you talking about?China have lost a big part of its land during KMT time,not ccp.KMT is extremely coward and useless,that's why Chinese people have kick it out.

On this regard we might need to study how Manchu dynasty gradually lost the soil in the late stage (pre-1911, prior to ROC). Let's not further derail this thread and start a new thread shall we brother? It's would be useful to review what are the goods and mistakes of both KMT and CCP, pure academics.
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On this regard we might need to study how Manchu dynasty gradually lost the soil in the late stage (pre-1911, prior to ROC). Let's not further derail this thread and start a new thread shall we brother? It's would be useful to review what are the goods and mistakes of both KMT and CCP, pure academics.
well. from a nomal chinese stand, pcc and kmt are chinese parties,respectively they made some contrubutions for china in every respect. we descendants should not be disproportionately remarks
Lool Looks like we finally agree on something. Its true China was the mother of East Asian civilization(from Vietnam to mongolia to korea to Japan etc, all these countries where all influenced by Chinese civilization/confucious teachings/language), that was the time of pax sinicana.lol. But things indeed Changed when the country collapse(QING Dynasty),closed itself from the outside world and went into turmoil/conflict/civil wars/occupation. It got even worse when Mao's CCP initiated/launched it senseless/foolish Cultural revolution, which basically destroyed many of Chinas traditional cultural relics and permantly affected/damaged Chinas culture itself. Luckily the KMT government looted/carried lots/most of traditional Chinas cultural relics to Taiwan when they fled, and Taiwan still maintains its traditional Chinese Mandarin, unlike the modified simplified Chinese spoken in the mainland. Also funny enough the KMT was very nationalstic indeed unlike what many of us think, They are still for a one China(under their rule though), and they basically imposed/forced the Taiwanese natives to speak madarin and made it compulsory to everyone by force, reason Taiwan today is totally sinitized, there are basically no ethnic /social problems of minority ethnic groups/ favorable advantage/priviledges for 'minorities' unlike the Communist system mainland China copied from the Soviet Union, which made it possible for there to be a Tibet/Uygur issue today, since Communist always tend to want to create favors for 'minorities' which instead brings more divisions/problems/seperatisms than otherwise. Imagine the U.S/Australia gave minoritiy rights/favors/preferences/'prtotection then today they will still be facing social problems/tension because of that. lool . Had it been the KMT government, these ethnic minority groups would have longgggg been sinitized, without any word from us in the west/U.S of course(since we would have been allies.lol). China should learn from its little brother Taiwan. hihihihihihihihiihih. Thats politics baby.:D

he thinks China is ahead of everything/everybody, so they dont need to learn from anybody. ahahahahah....he should listen to his brother shortgunner advice and recognise/admit when they lag behind(no shame in that).IMO :cheers:

The most martial Chinese was in Pre-Qin period. At that time, Chinese was a martial race. Even the intellects were martial in spirits.

The Orphan of Zhao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Voltaire once translate a REAL life story of Zhao Orphan in ancient China as a drama. It was a big hit.

The real down set of China martial spirit got something to do with China unification by Qin and Han. When country is unified for 2300 years, you do not need so much warriors. Also too much warriors were security threats towards the central government.

Confucianism has been used to control and strike a balance between martial spirit and rule by intellect.

I think Japan Bushido has to do with the fact that Japan for quite a long time is under warring states.

Mao did destroyed Chinese culture but one thing Mao has done is he manage to mobilize entire China and for a small part revive the martial spirit of Chinese. Mao is a very toxic chemo therapy and we may need centuries to see if Mao's therapy is good. If CPC survive for 1000 years, then people will have different opinion about Mao.

Actually I prefer Taiwanese culture and it is softer and more closer to traditional Chinese culture. Taiwanese has also more moral values.

PRC culture is very different. She discard a lot of moral values with sole aim of achieving goals. I have worked in PRC. People are extremely political and it is a jungle world.
The Japanese have weird culture, even among the Asian countries, don't they?

That is right. The traditonal East Asian culture is very prude and hypocritical about sex. Why prude? The East Asian peasants are supposed to have very strict sexual conduct.

Why hypocritical? The East Asian male elites are able to have a lot of sexual resources. China emperors were well known to have access to 3000 concubines. Then they cut the peasants' cok and create a lot of eunuch.

The whole system sucks big time.

Japanese are different in the way that they are downright pervert and anyhow screw. But Japan do not have eunuch. Japanese imperial concubines are cuckooing the emperor like crazy. Its a fair play unlike other East Asian.

Somehow I am more sympathetic to Japanese way.

While anyhow fuc is bad, it is far better than a system of 3000 concubines and hundred of thousands of Eunuch.
everything/everybody, so they dont need to learn from anybody. ahahahahah....he should listen to his brother shortgunner advice and recognise/admit when they lag behind(no shame in that).IMO :cheers:

What are you talking about?China have lost a big part of its land during KMT time,not ccp.KMT is extremely coward and useless,that's why Chinese people have kick it out.

It was the KMT that fought Inperial Japan. They bore the brunt of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War. They suffered incredible losses as well as gave the Imperial Army a hard time from completely conquering all of China. If it was not for the KMT, no doubt China (all of Her) would have been included into the Empire of Japan.

That is right. The traditonal East Asian culture is very prude and hypocritical about sex. Why prude? The East Asian peasants are supposed to have very strict sexual conduct.

Why hypocritical? The East Asian male elites are able to have a lot of sexual resources. China emperors were well known to have access to 3000 concubines. Then they cut the peasants' cok and create a lot of eunuch.

The whole system sucks big time.

Japanese are different in the way that they are downright pervert and anyhow screw. But Japan do not have eunuch. Japanese imperial concubines are cuckooing the emperor like crazy. Its a fair play unlike other East Asian.

Somehow I am more sympathetic to Japanese way.

While anyhow fuc is bad, it is far better than a system of 3000 concubines and hundred of thousands of Eunuch.

lol , in simple words: Real Man has Balls.

Japanese people are a role model for everyone. Humble, disciplined and hard working.
there is nothing humble about them they are very proud and sure of themselves
dont take polite for being humble. and there is nothing bad about it.
their own self restrain after WW2 is keeping them in check otherwise they can open a can of woopass on ISIS
i'm temporarily off wifi. T.T
can't join your discussion......
there is nothing humble about them they are very proud and sure of themselves
dont take polite for being humble. and there is nothing bad about it.
their own self restrain after WW2 is keeping them in check otherwise they can open a can of woopass on ISIS

You are right. The Japanese have so much pride and think they themselves are very good race while others are not so good-- not unlike the German.

But there is a conspiracy of Japanese not to show their pride in public, but instead, behave as polite as possible.

Nevertheless, I think these folks deserve to be proud of themselves and they indeed are very good race.

I know these folks very well. I speak their languages and have a lot of Japanese friends.

It was the KMT that fought Inperial Japan. They bore the brunt of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War. They suffered incredible losses as well as gave the Imperial Army a hard time from completely conquering all of China. If it was not for the KMT, no doubt China (all of Her) would have been included into the Empire of Japan.

lol , in simple words: Real Man has Balls.

I mean mongol,nothing to do with japan,it's russia.
You are right. The Japanese have so much pride and think they themselves are very good race while others are not so good-- not unlike the German.

But there is a conspiracy of Japanese not to show their pride in public, but instead, behave as polite as possible.

Nevertheless, I think these folks deserve to be proud of themselves and they indeed are very good race.

I know these folks very well. I speak their languages and have a lot of Japanese friends.

Pride? I don't like that word. How about --- Confidence. Confident -- yes. :)
The value of individual life vs the country & authority is very different in Japan than in anywhere else. This is the exact character trait that make Kamikaze pilots possible, and if asked to do it all over again, the Japanese people will follow their order just like before, precisely due to this trait.
What's the problem to respect the royal family?They are respect as the model of japanese and represent them.It's nothing about their power or authority.It's completely healthy and it helps to unite the nation,I don't see any bad.

first cousin marrying first cousin. Brother and sister incest. That's the royal family. You don't see anything wrong with that?

you write so much sentence is just for proving how standard/right your ideas are,it is all
Someone who is more educated can write what he wrote in three sentences.
The most martial Chinese was in Pre-Qin period. At that time, Chinese was a martial race. Even the intellects were martial in spirits.

The Orphan of Zhao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Voltaire once translate a REAL life story of Zhao Orphan in ancient China as a drama. It was a big hit.

The real down set of China martial spirit got something to do with China unification by Qin and Han. When country is unified for 2300 years, you do not need so much warriors. Also too much warriors were security threats towards the central government.

Confucianism has been used to control and strike a balance between martial spirit and rule by intellect.

I think Japan Bushido has to do with the fact that Japan for quite a long time is under warring states.

Mao did destroyed Chinese culture but one thing Mao has done is he manage to mobilize entire China and for a small part revive the martial spirit of Chinese. Mao is a very toxic chemo therapy and we may need centuries to see if Mao's therapy is good. If CPC survive for 1000 years, then people will have different opinion about Mao.

Actually I prefer Taiwanese culture and it is softer and more closer to traditional Chinese culture. Taiwanese has also more moral values.

PRC culture is very different. She discard a lot of moral values with sole aim of achieving goals. I have worked in PRC. People are extremely political and it is a jungle world.

Hey, I have seen a movie about this. It’s called sacrifice. In Chinese is called 赵氏孤儿 or Zhao Shi Gu Er.
Good movie.

The Trailer

Full movie
You are right. The Japanese have so much pride and think they themselves are very good race while others are not so good-- not unlike the German.

But there is a conspiracy of Japanese not to show their pride in public, but instead, behave as polite as possible.

Nevertheless, I think these folks deserve to be proud of themselves and they indeed are very good race.

I know these folks very well. I speak their languages and have a lot of Japanese friends.

I remember in the 70s Japanese athletics that lost a game would be slapped in public.
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