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South Korea: Dependence in the Age of OPCON

The only good Muslims in the world today is the Chinese Muslims, Hui or Panthay. No one harass Panthay, even in Myanmar. For a long time, Muslims have been orgasming on their gangsterism. They are not victim of others, they are gangsters and trouble maker.

Panthay Muslims protect their name

He said the residents of the Panthay quarter on 80th Street worked hard to keep good relations with their Buddhist neighbours, and added that much of the anger ostensibly directed against Muslims was in fact aimed at ethnic Indians.

“There have always been frictions between the Indians [and the Myanmar],” he said, adding the Panthays managed to stay outside the fray.


Mandalay’s Chinese Muslims Chilled by Riots

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Chinese Muslims in Mandalay Are Fearful as a Radical Buddhist Movement Spreads

MANDALAY, Myanmar — When hundreds of Buddhist men carrying clubs and swords marauded through the streets of this old royal capital earlier this month, the owner of a Muslim-Chinese restaurant took down the Koranic scriptures and the image of Mecca hanging above the cashier and removed the Arabic writing from signs on the street.
  • “I don’t know when I will put them back up, maybe never,” said Jian Hao Yang, whose restaurant is a short walk from the mosque where Chinese Muslims have worshiped for close to a century and a half.

    Mandalay, the city that evokes the romance of Kipling for Westerners, has been a center of Buddhist learning since its founding in the 19th century by a broad-minded Burmese Buddhist king. It has also been a conglomeration of complexions, religions and ethnicities, a trading post and halfway point between the great civilizations of China and India.
    But the historical tolerance shown by bygone Buddhist rulers is unraveling in Mandalay, the country’s second largest city, as antipathy between Buddhists and Muslims continues to spread across Myanmar, fomented by a radical Buddhist movement that is partly based here.
    Mandalay, Myanmar

    The riots in Mandalay, which left two people dead and prompted a nighttime curfew, brought religious hatred to the doorstep of one of the country’s best assimilated minorities, Chinese Muslims known here as the Panthay.

    The Panthay are distinct from the broader Muslim population, which is in large part made up of Indian Muslims. But in a measure of how ubiquitous antipathy toward Muslims has become today, the Panthay, after decades of lives interwoven into Burmese and Buddhist society, now fear for their safety.

    “We are now among the hated,” said U Maung Maung Lay, the great-grandson of a Panthay leader who moved here from southern China in the 1850s.

    For a week after the riots, the board of trustees of the Panthay mosque, among them jade merchants, a pediatric surgeon and timber barons, suspended the festivities that normally accompany the breaking of the fast during Ramadan. They also turned down the volume of the loudspeakers announcing the call to prayer.

    The mosque has since resumed the ceremonial breaking of the fast, but the celebration is muted and more sparsely attended than in years past.

    “We are now living a lower profile,” said U Win Aung, one of the trustees of the mosque. “It’s for our own good.”

    The Panthay mosque, with thick, fading ocher walls and a minaret built from Burmese hardwood, was erected in the 1860s with the blessings of a great Burmese king, Mindon, who although a devoted patron of Buddhism, welcomed the Muslim community and provided the land where the mosque remains.

    Mandalay today is a sprawling city dotted with Buddhist pagodas, churches and mosques. But it is also home to the radical teachings of Ashin Wirathu, a monk who has preached hatred toward Muslims and is the spiritual leader of a movement to boycott Muslim businesses.

    When bands of young Buddhists prowled the streets carrying clubs and shouting anti-Muslim slogans on the night of July 1, Mr. Maung Maung Lay, the descendant of the Panthay leader, fled to a hotel with his family.
    He advised Panthay women to remove head coverings and told Muslim friends with beards to shave.

    “I told them: ‘Shave it off. It endangers you. The beard is not important. What is important is how you practice your religion.’ ”

    Violence against Muslims in Myanmar began two years ago along the border with Bangladesh, as a dispute between Buddhists and the million-strong community of Muslims known as Rohingya.

    Many Rohingya have lived in the country for several generations but are considered illegal immigrants by the Burmese government, denied citizenship, and seen as a demographic threat by Buddhists, who make up the vast majority of the country’s population of about 60 million.

    Anti-Muslim riots have spread to towns and villages across Myanmar as old resentments toward Muslim immigrants that were buried during five decades of military rule resurfaced amid the new freedoms of the country’s budding democracy.

    The riots in Mandalay signaled a new level of threat in the religious strife: for the first time a big metropolis was at risk.

    “No one really knows how the violence could escalate and who could be the next target,” said Thant Myint-U, one of the country’s leading historians. “There’s deep-seated prejudice against many minority communities, extremely high unemployment, rampant rumor mongering and a lot of general anxiety about the future. It’s an environment that’s very easy for anyone to exploit.”

    U Thein Win Aung, the imam of a mosque on the outskirts of Mandalay, says the city “is like a pile of wood ready to burn.”

    “It will take just one spark,” said Mr. Thein Win Aung, who is active in interfaith groups that are trying to stave off conflicts in the city.

    The violence in Mandalay, which was set off by unconfirmed reports on Facebook of a rape of a Buddhist woman by two Muslim men, could have been much worse had it not been for the intervention of a Buddhist monk and former political prisoner, Mr. Thein Win Aung and others say.

    The monk, Galonni Sayadaw, approached the roving bands of young Buddhist men and urged them to return to their homes. The monk also publicly exhorted the chief of police, who as in previous bouts of religious unrest did not immediately intervene, to disperse the crowds.

    At the end of two nights of violence, the damage to property was not as severe as in some other cities racked by religious violence: a number of cars in Indian Muslim neighborhoods had been burned and mosques had been attacked with stones but were not seriously damaged. But the two men killed — a Buddhist, U Tun Tun, and a Muslim, U Soe Min — were brutally murdered. The body of the Muslim man was identifiable by his wife only by a distinctive blemish on one of his toes.

    In an interview, Galonni, the monk, expressed the widely held view that the violence was backed by forces allied with conservative factions of the government that are trying to slow the country’s moves toward democracy ahead of landmark elections next year. “As we come closer to elections there will be more conflict,” he said.

    Mr. Thein Win Aung, the imam, says religious strife is also being aggravated by what he describes as radical Muslims trained in India and the Middle East, who are preaching separation from Buddhist society.

    Moderates in the city, both Muslims and Buddhists, are resigned to the reality that its live-and-let-live ethos, the greater tolerance of years past, is gone for now.

    The restaurant owner, Mr. Yang, says that as tensions have risen over the last two years, he hides his religion from all but the closest of his Burmese friends. “If they serve pork, I say, ‘No, I can’t eat it — I’m allergic.’ ”

    Mr. Yang, who also has a Burmese name and whose family has been in Myanmar for several generations, says he feels most comfortable within the Panthay community, which is feeling increasingly ostracized by the Burmese.

    “We feel like foreigners,” he said, “and they treat us like immigrants.”

  • David Scott Mathieson, an analyst with Human Rights Watch in Myanmar,wrote after the Mandalay riots that it appeared that the “violence was not just an organic eruption of communal resentment” and noted that it may have been linked to a planned visit to Mandalay on Sunday by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the opposition leader. Burmese analysts have speculated that the violence might be associated with efforts to slow her ascension in politics and ultimately derail her attempts to become president.
This is what SE Asian non Muslims perceived

Malaysia do not even allow a single apostasy
Malaysia's Lina Joy loses Islam conversion case| Reuters

Malaysia shiitting on Shia
Malaysia arresting Shiite families, infants, instead of finding plane | Communities Digital News

Over 100 people arrested in latest crackdown on Shia Muslims - The Malaysian Insider

Malaysia Malay hold conferences and scholastic seminar telling everyone Chinese are killing Malays everywhere and robbing their gold

Chinese influx in Malaysia part of ‘southbound invasion’, says historian - Yahoo News

Thai Southern Muslims kills teacher to make themselves more stupid to cry racism

Thailand: Separatists Targeting Teachers in South | Human Rights Watch
Teacher Killed in Thai South | Terrorism.com

Malaysia Malay take away Sabah wealth to impoverish them

The roots of poverty in Sabah, Sarawak in Malaysia exposed! | Malaysia Today
I do not praise Myanmar Army against Rohingya. In fact, I hate Myanmar army gangsterism. I just want to point out that there will be no Jihad in Myanmar because Myanmese are more gangster than Thai.

The Tsarist Russia and USSR had serious racial issue. But I see the current racial situation not that unacceptable compared to places like Pakistan. In Pakistan there is a real "genocide" hazara. There is death on apostasy. There is conversion by rape on gentiles.

Below is Grozny Chechenya.



Even in Chechen Russia, they let Chechen handle their affairs and practice their Islam.

These are your words:
South Korea: Dependence in the Age of OPCON | Page 6

"The real man today is Myanmar. I can assure you no big Jihad will occur in Myanmar despite they have larger Muslim population than Thai in percentage. And despite the fact is Myanmar kill more Muslims than Thai.

The reason is Muslims are gangster. They bully. When they see sissy Thai army, they kill and kill.

Myanmar army are real man. They kill and rape and do whatever thing. When jihadist commit terror, the Myanmar does not care to find the culprit. The myanmar will expel the entire population and those who refuse to leave will be killed or rape.

So when there is naughty Jihadist around, the entire Muslim village will be burn. Myanmar Muslim will beg Jihad to leave. They may even sell out Jihadist.

Similarly the world has seen Stalin man handle Chechen and central asian Muslim. During Stalin time, everything is peaceful.

The Islamic world must thank Stalin for killing the most radical mullah in central asia, and now central asia is peaceful. Unfortunately or fortunately, Stalin works are not so completed in caucasus. So there is trouble."

Essentially what you are promoting is collective punishment of killing and raping:
Collective punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every belief system has their idiosyncracies, I don't see you picking on any other groups, like you do with Islam and Muslims. Like I said before, you need therapy to get a handle on your hatred issues.

@Aeronaut are the Hazara's discriminated because of their race or because they are Shia, or is it a mixture of both? Uzbeks are similarly mongoloid, but I don't see them being discriminated and looked down on.

@Nihonjin1051 here is a Singaporean, the product of one of the best and most developed education system in Asia, how do you explain the case of Lux de Veritas, our resident Wirathu follower, an outlier perhaps?
These are your words:
South Korea: Dependence in the Age of OPCON | Page 6

"The real man today is Myanmar. I can assure you no big Jihad will occur in Myanmar despite they have larger Muslim population than Thai in percentage. And despite the fact is Myanmar kill more Muslims than Thai.

The reason is Muslims are gangster. They bully. When they see sissy Thai army, they kill and kill.

Myanmar army are real man. They kill and rape and do whatever thing. When jihadist commit terror, the Myanmar does not care to find the culprit. The myanmar will expel the entire population and those who refuse to leave will be killed or rape.

So when there is naughty Jihadist around, the entire Muslim village will be burn. Myanmar Muslim will beg Jihad to leave. They may even sell out Jihadist.

Similarly the world has seen Stalin man handle Chechen and central asian Muslim. During Stalin time, everything is peaceful.

The Islamic world must thank Stalin for killing the most radical mullah in central asia, and now central asia is peaceful. Unfortunately or fortunately, Stalin works are not so completed in caucasus. So there is trouble."

Essentially what you are promoting is collective punishment of killing and raping:
Collective punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every belief system has their idiosyncracies, I don't see you picking on any other groups, like you do with Islam and Muslims. Like I said before, you need therapy to get a handle on your hatred issues.

@Aeronaut are the Hazara's discriminated because of their race or because they are Shia, or is it a mixture of both? Uzbeks are similarly mongoloid, but I don't see them being discriminated and looked down on.

@Nihonjin1051 here is a Singaporean, the product of one of the best and most developed education system in Asia, how do you explain the case of Lux de Veritas, our resident Wirathu follower, an outlier perhaps?

I am not promoting collecting punishment or whatsoever. I am stating a fact of why there is large scale Muslim insurgencies in Thailand and why there none of this sort in Myanmar. BTW there is still ongoing Rohingya insurgencies in Myanmar but it is at very low level.

Rohingya rebellion in Western Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a hypothetical experiment, what if Thailand is ruled by Myanmar type? Go figure out.

And I have already said many times, Myanmar gangterism is wrong.
I am not promoting collecting punishment or whatsoever. I am stating a fact of why there is large scale Muslim insurgencies in Thailand and why there none of this sort in Myanmar. BTW there is still ongoing Rohingya insurgencies in Myanmar but it is at very low level.

Rohingya rebellion in Western Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a hypothetical experiment, what if Thailand is ruled by Myanmar type? Go figure out.

And I have already said many times, Myanmar gangterism is wrong.

In a hypothetical experiment, where Thailand was ruled by Myanmar type genocidal maniacs who would rule by genocide, ethnic cleansing and collective punishment, would then be effective to stop insurgencies. This would then justify use of collective punishment and ethnic cleansing and genocide as a perfect antidote to stop insurgencies. Isn't that what you are saying?

Why do you try to call it wrong, while you justify these actions that brings results?
Malalay has a large Chinese population,it seems the city is owned by the ethnic Chinese(the Yunnanese Chinese)
In a hypothetical experiment, where Thailand was ruled by Myanmar type genocidal maniacs who would rule by genocide, ethnic cleansing and collective punishment, would then be effective to stop insurgencies. This would then justify use of collective punishment and ethnic cleansing and genocide as a perfect antidote to stop insurgencies. Isn't that what you are saying?

Why do you try to call it wrong, while you justify these actions that brings results?

How many times you want me to say Myanmar junta is wrong? I am just giving a hypothesis.

Also I point out a important thing, Muslims insurgencies can only occur if

1) USA support (Assad is tough but not as tough as Myanmar type and USA back Islamist)
2) On a kinder society

And Thailand has no antidote of Muslims insurgencies. Sending the kids to schools is not even a solutions because the Islamist like to kill teachers. The Islamist want Muslim to be uneducated and stupid. So how?

One more thing is Muslims countries treated minorities worst. But when they are minorities, they have high chance of waging insurgencies.
Hi @Contrarian ,

From your post and from my own independent research/ reading on Bangladesh and Indian relations, it seems that there are some issues that come to the fore. For one, the recent UN Arbitration that concluded in favor of Bangladesh apparently has been a thorn that has affected the two nations' relations; almost 4 decades long. Since we have seen the resolution to this territorial difference, it is plausible to eventually see an official demarcation between India and Bangladesh. Tho i know that it requires India to pass a Congressional Resolution by amendment , i believe that if this is passed, it would definitely be a confidence building measure.

I try to remain neutral in regards to the relationship between India and Bangladesh, namely because both sides have very potent points. This is why I will stress the necessity for both Bangladesh and India to develop cross border trade. Economic development is always the catalyst to political reform. This said, I think that it will be to the best interest that the new Bangladeshi PM , in the future, will enact a 'Bangladesh First' Policy. I don't think it will be impossible to maintain a 'Bangaldesh First' initiative while at the same time maintaining a healthy rapport between Dhaka and New Delhi.

Thanks for sharing with me the Indian point of view.

There is no doubt that there are some issues between India and Bangladesh. What is noteworthy however is that we are enroute to resolving our disputes as peacefully as is possible on the planet. Both India and BD have shown a commitment to each other that you rarely find in most parts of the world.

Our land boundary has already been demarcated with Bangladesh. India just needs to pass the Constitutional amendment. You should gauge our commitment by actions and not words on an online forum. The agreement between India and BD gives away 10,000 sq acres of land additionally to Bangladesh by India.
India to lose 10,000 acres in land swap deal with Bangladesh - NDTV

Our maritime boundary is now already clear under UNCLOS. Though we lost maritime territory, all of us India and BD were happy that it was resolved as best as possible.

Basically after the LBA is passed, Indo-BD relations would have just a minor couple of irritants left. I agree that BD PM's Bangladesh first initiative will not cause India any harm. Similarly how any India first policy of Indian PM will not cause BD harm. However we make compromises when it comes to helping the other out. An example would be India agreeing to give away so much land to BD that it required a constitutional amendment(if it was a small amount, it would not have required the amendment and would have already been passed by India). India and BD trade is also increasing. India gave a $1 billion line of credit to BD last time our PM went to meet them. In fact Indian companies are involved in many projects in Bangladesh. As an example - both India and Japan are involved in helping BD build Dhaka Metro.

There is an inherent need in jamaati's who tried to undermine Bangladesh to paint BD as some sort of despotic and desperate state, it is not. It is simply the frustration coming out because they are losing in Bangladesh - they lost the war, they lost the public support, they lost in the courts, they lost in the International tribunal. Now they are reduced to conspiracy theorists on forums(like saying BD is an open air prison like Gaza:lol:) and criminal gangs in Bangladesh.
Last edited:
Sawat Di Krap Kun @somsak

Peun, Kap kun mak sam rabh ka meun kong khun.

First and foremost, I would like to say thank you for bringing up your view, and i can empathize with your viewpoint, considering the current situation in Thailand's southern provinces of Pattani, Songkhla and Nakhon Si Thammarat. These southern provinces are understandably different to the provinces in Central Thailand and even in the North, to a certain degree. Most of Central , Northern and Northeastern Thailand are predominantly Thervada Buddhists, in fact, this is one religious affiliaiton that Thailand has in common with Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. I don't include Vietnam in this because Vietnam does not practice the Thervada School of Buddhism, but, practices the Mahayana School of Buddhism, as did China and the rest of East Asia.

The southern provinces of Thailand, in particular Nakhon Si Thammarat, Pattani, Songkhla have a rather rich demography. The ethnic groups are composed of Malays, and Thai ethnics (Tai-Mon-Khmer). I'm sure you know this already but before southern Thailand was united with Siam during the 16th century, it was an independent Kingdom , a Malay Kingdom known as Negara Sri Dharmaraja. This kingdom, along with other Malay princely states populated Peninsular Malaysia. And like the Malay states, had converted to Islam ,as did the Sultanate of Malaccas. So that is a fundamental religious difference. As to this day, southern Thailand remains Muslim.

Thank you for the clarification. You are right, Indonesia's population is at 260 million, with some 88% of the population belonging to the Islamic Faith. The rest are either Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. And at 88%, that puts some 228 Million Indonesians who are Muslim. Let us examine Malaysia; Malaysia's population is about 30 Million and of that amount some 61% practice Islam. So about 18 Million Malaysians are Muslims. Brunei has a population of about 417,000 and of that around 63% is Muslim, so about 262,000 are Muslim. Let's look at the Philippines, which has a very large Christian population. The Philippines' overall population is at 100 Million, of that amount about 10% are Muslim, so around 10 Million Filipinos are Muslim. Let's look at Thailand shall we? Thailand's population stands at 66 Million, and of that number some 5% are Muslim, so around 3 Million Thais are Muslim. Let's look at Myanmar, with a population of some 61 Million and of that number around 4% are Muslim, so about 2.5 Million are Muslim. Let's look at Singapore, a nation of 5 million and has a muslim population of 14%, so about 700,000 are muslim. Let's combine the total Muslim population of South East Asia, shall we? (Note that I did not include Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam because these countries have negligible Muslim population)

228 Million -- Indonesia
18 Million -- Malaysia
10 Million -- Philippines
3 Million -- Thailand
2.5 Million -- Myanmar
700,000 -- Singapore
262,000 -- Brunei
Total : 263 Million Muslims

Let us use some Quantitative Statistics, shall we? Let's compare the number of Muslims in South East Asia to the overall population of the countries that make up South East Asia.

260 Million -- Indonesia
100 Million -- Philippines
89 Million -- Vietnam
66 Million -- Thailand
61 Million -- Myanmar
15 Million -- Cambodia
6 Million -- Laos
5 Million -- Singapore
417,000 -- Brunei
Total: 602 Million South East Asians

Let us divide the number of Muslims by the number of the overall population sample:
263 Million ÷ 602 Million = .43 x 100% = 43% are Muslim.

Now, that is actually quite a large sum , almost half of the population of South East Asia are Muslim, quantitatively.

In light of the quantitative data that I have demonstrated with you, we can see that the demography indicates a fusion and a milieu of religious domination(s) in South East Asia. True, there have been clashes with peoples of different faith backgrounds, but the catalyst of this is usually due to ignorance on the persecutors' part. And I would deign to say that your examples of Myanmar is not a good example. In fact, collectively, Myanmar persecutes all its minorities, not just the Muslim Rohingya or the Arakanese. The Myanmar Junta persecutes the Shan, the Chin, the Wa, the Karen, as well as Rohingya. This is the very reason why Thailand, currently, has over 150,000 refugees in its territory who are originally from Myanmar.

Please refer to:
Burmese Refugees in Thailand

Let me ask you this, If Islam is such a hostile religion, then why has there been no unilateral action on Indonesia's part to subjugate Thailand, or Myanmar, or the Philippines? I mean, She (Indonesia) has the man power, the resources to do so. Technically, and objectively, the Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) could hammer the armed forces of most south east asia. But it didn't did it? I mean, the only country that Indonesia had a confrontation with was with Malaysia and that was during the birth of the country, which lead to the Konfrontasi. Subsequently, Indonesia ceased any nationalist expansion outside of its territory. The same with Malaysia. Malaysia didn't expand militarily or conducted policies of absurdity and subversion in continental south east asia. In fact, Malaysia had worked in trying to be the middle man with the Philippines and the latter's foibles with the MNLF (Moro National Liberation Front) and the MILF (Moro Independence Liberation Front). In fact, it was through Malaysia that the PHilippines concluded a lasting peace treaty with the MILF. So you can see that one muslim nation was acting to obtain regional peace, in the case of the Philippines, which had battled insurgency for a long time.

Dare I even say that the Muslim countries in ASEAN , Malaysia and Indonesia, were one of the original founders of ASEAN. Inf act it was through the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore that ASEAN was birthed. A replacement of the defunct SEATO.

Give the vibrant contribution countries in ASEAN with a large muslim population, can we suspect potential states who have an interest in ASEAN, per se Bangladesh? I think not. Bangladesh , in its history has not started a war of aggression on its neighbors.

On the contrary, ASEAN hasn't descended into civil war, or obscurity due to prevailing differences in faith systems, political systems, military platforms. These rich dichotomies in standards of operations provides ASEAN with the opportunity to test out their interoperability, and an example for the rest of the world to see how civilisation(s) with unique characteristics and social contracts can work together to find and meet mutual benefit.

Why are you listing Sri Lanka? The current social catastrophe , the civil war, that had plagued Sri Lanka was not catalyzed by muslims, my dear. No. The Civil War in Sri Lanka was between the Sinhalese Government which waged a war with the separatist Tamils of northern Sri Lanka. It was an ethnic-based war.

Do research on the Sri Lanka Civil War before you relegate blame on the wrong populatory demography. Btw, the Singhalese of Sri Lanka are Buddhists, and the Tamils are Hindu.

BBC News - Sri Lanka country profile - Overview


From reading @kalu_miah 's posts for quite some time now, the man never once showed his position on brutal conquest, but rather, has opined and championed regional integration, and the respect of the rule of law. So i don't see your accusation at all, in fact, it might even reflect on your own personal bias.

The remainder of your post are a reflection of your personal experiences and point(s) of view(s), which are not objective in nature, but rather, from the tone of your stance(s) is rather subjective.I encourage you to have a more broadened and enlightened view.

Sincerely I Remain,
Ph.D. Candidate, I&O Psychology, Quantitative Stats Specialization
O hi yo
Ok. Let me list down.

Philliphines - Abu Sayyaf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thailand - Jemaah Islamiyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Myanmar - Rohingya rebellion in Western Burma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Take a look at Myanmar who is the nearest of SE Asia states to Middle East, their bellingents include Mujahedeen from Pakistan. And You know BD was called Eastern Pakistan.
Malaysia - supports & export JI_islamiyah
Indonesia - http://www.cfr.org/councilofcouncils/global_memos/p32772?cid=rss-fullfeed-indonesia’s_struggle_against_t-041114 Indonesia was attacked by Islamic terrorist.

Country with No terrorist group.

You can see. Country who has high % of Muslim tends to get terrorists while those who do not border Muslim country don't), statistically.

There are some different between terrorist and separatist. Though terrorists usually are separatists, but separatists are not terrorists. Terrorists --> Rape/Kill innocent people for their political goal. Separatists --> fight manly with government soldiers.
Vietkong are seperatists but not terrorists. Shan separatists in Myanmar are separatists but not terrorists. Why muslim seperatists normally became terrorists? You must read Quran.
Because Qing China has done something bad Muslims, who wanted to create Islamic State around Xinjiang.

Look at this Dungan Revolt.
Revolt objective: create an islamic country.

Dungan revolt (1862–77) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Qing China heavy handedly crush down the revolt. Thanx gifted general Zuo.

Not all Muslim in China were rebels. But the rebel force were muslim who want to create Islamic country.
Sound familiar?
The Dungan revolt happened in Shaanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Ningxia and Xinjiang.And you can include the Panthay revolt led by Du Wenxiu(known in Britain as Sultan Suleyman).Those rebellions are disasters for people in northwest and southwest China,both muslims and non-muslims suffered.In 1861 AD,the population of Gansu is 19.459 million,and after the Dungan revolt,the population declined to 4.955 million,more than 70% people lost their lives.Then look at Shaanxi,before the Dungan revolt,the population is 13.94 million,after the revolt,the population down to 7.72 million,44.6% people lost their lives.before the revolt,there are 2 million Huis in Shaanxi,and 5.5 million Huis in Gansu,together it's 7.5 million.make up 25% of the population of Shaanxi and Gansu,in that war,surely more Han Chinese died,but muslims also lost in big,the muslim population of Shaanxi nearly wipe out by the Qing army.
And General Zuo's policy is not to difference the Huis and Hans,but the good people and bad people.Before Zuo,it's General Dolongga(a Duar of Hurlate clan) lead the Qing army against the Huis,and he pushed the Huis out of Shaanxi,but he is very cruel toward Muslims,he killed all of them he can found.But General Zuo is different,he accept the surrender of Cui Wei,Yu Deyan and Bi Dacai.He accept the surrender of Ma Zhan'ao.And you can see in the boxer rebellion,the muslims from Gansu were most brave sodiers fought for their country,you can see General Ma Fulu died in boxer rebellion to defend Beijing.And you can see in the second Sino-Japanese war,the muslim warlord of Qinghai and Ningxia sent their army to the east to against the Japanese invaders
The bottome line is we should learned the past mistakes,make sure those tragic events not happened again.
When did I say Muslim will conquer the world? Can you quote where I said this?

If you don't like to live in Muslim countries, just don't go there. Who is forcing you to go to Muslim countries?

If you are in ASEAN, you are already living with Islamic culture.

- I infer from this
"ASEAN+ region has around a billion people and is also around 40% Muslim and will be majority Muslim by 2050. If this regions Muslims can lead the rest of the Muslim world, then that will provide additional means of security:
Muslim Population Worldwide Data"

If you are not so proud about % of Muslim why do you say so? I infer from the fact that you are a muslim and said such a thing. I infer from Quran that "fight until all the belief is nothing else but god" . and that Quran said "There are 2 houses, house of peace and house of war" together I infer that you speech on % Muslim is so that "until all the belief is nothing else but god".

- I didn't know. I never know and did expect nothing from Muslim country except go to work!. My employer sold some systems to these 2 countries and I will have to get it installed. At that time I know nothing about Country with Muslim majority. My conclusion about I don't like Muslim culture came from my experience that time.

"If you are in ASEAN, you are already living with Islamic culture."
- No I don't. I drink algohol, go to night clubs, eat pork, have a dog. Many girls in Bangkok don't wear Hijab, instead wear miniskirts, minishorts, and sexy little shirts. These cultures are prohibited in Islamic country.
- I hate fasting time at 5:00 am and some pray song at the morning woke me up. Eating in front of Muslim at that time is a crime! There is nothing here in Bangkok. I never heard those songs. I eat wherever and whenever I want.
You know what? If a Musjeed is to be built near any area, the land price drops sharply.
Sawat Di Krap Kun @somsak

Why are you listing Sri Lanka? The current social catastrophe , the civil war, that had plagued Sri Lanka was not catalyzed by muslims, my dear. No. The Civil War in Sri Lanka was between the Sinhalese Government which waged a war with the separatist Tamils of northern Sri Lanka. It was an ethnic-based war.

Do research on the Sri Lanka Civil War before you relegate blame on the wrong populatory demography. Btw, the Singhalese of Sri Lanka are Buddhists, and the Tamils are Hindu.

BBC News - Sri Lanka country profile - Overview


Sri Lanka civil war has ended with decisive victory of the government. Tamil separatists all lost.

The reason I listed Sri Lanka is because of this.
2014 anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes. This is my "unbias comment" from my experience. In other words, it is a biased comment given my experience.
The Dungan revolt happened in Shaanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Ningxia and Xinjiang.And you can include the Panthay revolt led by Du Wenxiu(known in Britain as Sultan Suleyman).Those rebellions are disasters for people in northwest and southwest China,both muslims and non-muslims suffered.In 1861 AD,the population of Gansu is 19.459 million,and after the Dungan revolt,the population declined to 4.955 million,more than 70% people lost their lives.Then look at Shaanxi,before the Dungan revolt,the population is 13.94 million,after the revolt,the population down to 7.72 million,44.6% people lost their lives.before the revolt,there are 2 million Huis in Shaanxi,and 5.5 million Huis in Gansu,together it's 7.5 million.make up 25% of the population of Shaanxi and Gansu,in that war,surely more Han Chinese died,but muslims also lost in big,the muslim population of Shaanxi nearly wipe out by the Qing army.
And General Zuo's policy is not to difference the Huis and Hans,but the good people and bad people.Before Zuo,it's General Dolongga(a Duar of Hurlate clan) lead the Qing army against the Huis,and he pushed the Huis out of Shaanxi,but he is very cruel toward Muslims,he killed all of them he can found.But General Zuo is different,he accept the surrender of Cui Wei,Yu Deyan and Bi Dacai.He accept the surrender of Ma Zhan'ao.And you can see in the boxer rebellion,the muslims from Gansu were most brave sodiers fought for their country,you can see General Ma Fulu died in boxer rebellion to defend Beijing.And you can see in the second Sino-Japanese war,the muslim warlord of Qinghai and Ningxia sent their army to the east to against the Japanese invaders
The bottome line is we should learned the past mistakes,make sure those tragic events not happened again.

The main land Chinese PRC has completely different from SE Asian Chinese on Muslim issues. The SE Asian Chinese think PDF PRC too naive and you guys especially WholeX even give me hell lot of negative ratings. PDF even ban me many times.

The SE Asian Chinese can easily align among ourselves with view of Islam.

Recently in Singapore a Malay Muslim girl was fired by a department store by refusing to take down hijab. The Muslims community cry Chinese racism and curse us.

Sales assistant allegedly asked to leave Isetan for wearing 'TUDUNG'

It is like Muslims go to Champ-Elysees working in LV/Prada with hijab and rant racist when their manager firing her for hijabing. Not a single Muslim cry racism when middle eastern airlines like Emirates, Ethihad, Qatarairways or even Malaysia airline impose a ban on hijab.

Many times, Muslims are street smart. They rant racist on gentile. They will not sabotage their own kind like Middle Eastern airlines.

When their self-victimization reach a critical mass, they will start to kill gentiles, and justify their killings with the wet dream that "Muslim is victim".
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