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South Korea: Dependence in the Age of OPCON

What Japan failed in the past was to win the heart and mind of the native people in their land.
Hard military strength can won the territory. How to use the territory in to Japan's advantage, they must win the heart/mind of the people. According to our history book, when Siam waged War to protect Cambodia from Vietnam aggression, what we always concern was normal Cambodian markets around the war area. Are those Cambodian near occupation feel happy in the marketplace? Are they more happy to go to Vietnam's market place, etc. By winning heart and mind of the people, they come legitimacy of the ruler.
Let me be clear, Nippon. I don't consider you a friend (and Japanese people as a whole) even if we have mutual good friends like the Turks or the same security alliance with the Americans.

Japan has some peculiar definitions of whats a chingu. If this is what Japan does to its "friends", it goes without saying that my people want no part of it. However, keep trying to "friend" my people to see how we'll lash out.

Japan asks South Korea to lift ban on seafood products ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

This is on top of Japan's refusal to negotiate regarding the colonisation era and WW 2.

Btw, you can converse with me in English since your typing of my language sounds garbled (no offence). It's not like I can't understand "Ingrish, lol."

@Red Mahura

Tell that to our murdered ancestors that those Nippons have callously killed (Admiral Yi Sun Shin, Empress Myeongseong, along with many others)

Hi @sEoulman556 ,

The history between Japan and Korea is a thing of the past. Why should we have to delve into matters that our grandparents' generation were responsible for? My grandfather served in the Imperial Japanese Navy and had served in sinking of American escort destroyers, as well as bombard allied shipping throughout the war. When the war ended, he did not retain his animosity for the Americans or any of our enemies --- that was a thing of the past. In fact, when he was alive, he used to attend veterans' organizations that had both veterns of the IJN and the USN. Its an example of how to bridge old animosities.

In regards to Korea, I believe that the past governments did try to bridge the old wounds between Kankuko and Nihon. Do I believe there can be more to foment greater understanding between Nihonjin and Kankukojin? Of course, and I think this is what our Government , unfortunately, needs to put emphasis on.

If you analyze our geopolitical stance(s), there really is not much that Japan and Korea have differences on. One will call in mind Takashima and Dokdo -- but that can be overlooked. I feel that you have much animosity and grudge on my country and my people. I hope that this is something that can be changed in time. And I do hope that there are more Koreans that share the same open minded mentality as @Red Mahura . Despite it tho, I still respect your view and opinion, @sEoulman556 . I wish all the best between Korea and Japan, and more prosperity for Korea.


I respectfully remain,

What Japan failed in the past was to win the heart and mind of the native people in their land.
Hard military strength can won the territory. How to use the territory in to Japan's advantage, they must win the heart/mind of the people. According to our history book, when Siam waged War to protect Cambodia from Vietnam aggression, what we always concern was normal Cambodian markets around the war area. Are those Cambodian near occupation feel happy in the marketplace? Are they more happy to go to Vietnam's market place, etc. By winning heart and mind of the people, they come legitimacy of the ruler.

Hi @somsak ,
Thank you for sharing your input about the Thai and Cambodian equation. Kind regards.
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Moreover, Talking about Korea - Japan relationships, it is economic revival of Japan to end this cruel relationships between two. As far as I know, the anti-Korean symptom and reactions has started since 1990, when the Japanese 'lost 10 years' (though, now its lost 30 years D: ) started after the break of the bubble economy. Korea's anti-Japan symptom was also dwindling to nothing after Kim Dae Jung's administration when he widely opened the door between Japan and Korea. Japanese culture influenced otakus were also created and people started to buy Japanese products, though the emotion of anti-Japan once showed up since 2000s.

Like as you mentioned above, there were several tries of making close relationship between the two like Korea - Japan Comprehensive Military Information Protection Agreement which make both Korea and Japan to share the information about N.Korea. Also, annually both countries carry out celebration of special days like the JSDF Organization day celebrated in Lotte Hotel in S.Korea (important Korean figures also takes place) (though this time it has been cancelled by cruel misunderstandings of media and citizens + the current atmosphere worse than before between Korea and Japan. I apologize this as Korean, to you and every Japanese who sees this thread.) or commemoration of the memorial day that takes place in Japan (Also important Japanese figures of JSDF takes place). Also when Korea and Japan bought the SPY-1D Aegis Radars, they bought this as group purchase.
Even though I just wrote it really simple, this is a really complicated and important problem that should be solved.

I hope that one day, I would be able to see Japan-Korea cooperative R&D on weapons and close political / economical / military alliance between them. Who knows? maybe the F-4 / KFXX will be cooperative fighter jet program of Korea and Japan?

Solid point(s), my friend. A Japan - South Korean R&D Partnership would be a gamechanger for both our two honorable nations. And I am in support of this, in fact, this is is a logical step.
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