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The greedy Chinese have set up some oil blocks in the for Vietnam UN approved economic limits?

UN doesn't have Type 052D with land-attack cruise missiles. Keep hoping somebody will come save you. :lol:
China maritime vessel "Haixun 31" to visit US

09-05-2012 00:21 BJT

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Chinese Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) ship the ’Haixun 31’ will arrive in Hawaii for a 5-day visit at the invitation of the US Coast Guard.

The Haixun 31 is to be met by a parade of ships that include the Coast Guard Cutter Galveston Island and a fireboat from the Honolulu Fire Department, the "Moku Ahi." The Chinese Maritime Safety Administration and the US Coast Guard are scheduled to conduct a joint search and rescue table top exercise and an on-water exercise in Honolulu. These exercises will serve as the building blocks for a cooperative partnership and facilitate discussions on maritime search and rescue and environmental protection.

When commenting on the first visit to the US by a chinese maritime vessel, Commander of 14th Coast Guard District Rear. Adm, Charles Ray called this an opportunity to strengthen the two sides’ relationship on a number of common maritime missions. He added that the "historic engagement further improves the coordination of search and rescue operations at sea".

China, US conduct sea exercise in Hawaii

09-07-2012 20:21 BJT

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A Chinese Maritime Safety Administration ship has made a historic visit to Honolulu of the United States to improve civilian maritime cooperation. The Chinese ship, together with the US coast guard, has conducted a joint search and rescue exercise.

China’s Haixun 31 patrol boat pulls out of Honolulu harbour, with U.S. Coast Guard officers as well as officials from China’s Maritime Safety Administration, or MSA, on board.


Visiting Chinese Maritime Safety Administration ship, Haixun 31, and the U.S. Coast
Guard conducted a joint search and rescue excise at 10 a.m., on Sept. 6 (U.S. local
time) in Honolulu. This is the first time that the two sides have teamed up to
conduct sea exercise. (People's Daily Online Photo)

The Hiaxun 31 is in Hawaii on a historic visit - the first by an MSA ship to the United States - to conduct this search-and-rescue drill with the U.S. Coast Guard. As part of the exercise, two MSA officers travelled on the Coast Guard’s ship, the Galveston Island.

A few hours earlier, the Coast Guard left a dummy adrift in the Pacific Ocean to act as a hypothetical stranded person. A search helicopter from the Haixun 31 scoured the waters until the crew located the dummy and brought it back to the Chinese ship, where a Coast Guard helicopter later lifted it to safety.

The idea of course is that cooperation between the two countries will go well beyond controlled situations just a few kilometers off the coast of Hawaii. Under international maritime agreements, the United States has rights to patrol thousands of kilometers of the Pacific Ocean, as does China, so there is huge scope for these kinds of joint operations in the future.

The benefit today is the development of communications we need in order to effectively manage rescue at sea.

Captain Jonathan Rice, US coast guard, said, "Doing exercises like these will help lay the groundwork for better communications and coordination in the future.”

There are no scheduled plans as of now, but the next step for the Chinese-US maritime relationship could be for a Coast Guard to make a similar visit to China.

Chinese navy completes military drill in the Pacific

The North Sea Fleet of the People's Liberation Army Navy has completed a military exercise in western areas of the Pacific Ocean.

The exercise was the first large-scale action aimed at testing the coordination between different forces.

A seven-vessel fleet participated in the exercise, China Central Television reported. A number of records were broken in the exercise, which was conducted in early and mid October, the report said.

The exercise focused on defense techniques against warplanes and submarines, according to the PLA Daily.

The fleet, with the Harbin as its commanding ship, conducted multi-disciplinary training in different areas of the west Pacific after it entered the ocean through the Miyako Strait, an important waterway linking the East China Sea and the Pacific.

Chinese navy completes military drill in the Pacific - People's Daily Online









Even though they are preparing for combats but are unlikely to be used. Our CMS are capable enough to handle the enemies in the SCS and East China Sea.
Chinese navy completes military drill in the Pacific

The North Sea Fleet of the People's Liberation Army Navy has completed a military exercise in western areas of the Pacific Ocean.

The exercise was the first large-scale action aimed at testing the coordination between different forces.

A seven-vessel fleet participated in the exercise, China Central Television reported. A number of records were broken in the exercise, which was conducted in early and mid October, the report said.

The exercise focused on defense techniques against warplanes and submarines, according to the PLA Daily.

The fleet, with the Harbin as its commanding ship, conducted multi-disciplinary training in different areas of the west Pacific after it entered the ocean through the Miyako Strait, an important waterway linking the East China Sea and the Pacific.

Chinese navy completes military drill in the Pacific - People's Daily Online









Even though they are preparing for combats but are unlikely to be used. Our CMS are capable enough to handle the enemies in the SCS and East China Sea.

Wow excellent intel thank guys
China is going to uproot the small islands on SCS

There are too many small island on SCS, when PLA take them back, China decided to uproot them by giant machines, and willl collect the rocks and sands to build up one bigger island in some good position.



this is sand collect ship, 166 meter long, propelled by 22320kw engine, can collect sand 29830 tons in an hour from the 90 meters deep.



this is rock digger ship, propelled by 19700kw engine, see its head digger, which has 4200kw power, can eat coral reef like cracker.

both ships can transport sands and rock they collect to indicated position, now we can choose a good position to build a good big island in SCS.

in the next 30 years, SCS will have an other look.

of course it is none of U.S. business. thank god if U.S. can get rid of its financial crises without China help.
China speeds up construction of newly founded city of Sansha

09-29-2012 22:15 BJT
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VIDEO: Construction work in Sansha City well underway

SANSHA, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- Authorities with the newly established city of Sansha, located in the South China Sea, on Saturday began mapping out development plans for four infrastructure projects and started a housing program as the building of the island city revs up.


Photo taken on July 24, 2012 shows a coast of Yongxing Island, south China's Hainan Province. A ceremony marking the inauguration of Sansha, China's southernmost city, took place Tuesday on Yongxing Island. The island, the largest of the Xisha Islands and in the South China Sea, is the seat of the municipal government of the newly established archipelago city.

The infrastructure projects include road construction, water supply and drainage on Yongxing Island, where the city government is seated.

According to the plan, seven roads with a total length of five kilometers will be repaired or built to improve the island's traffic situation.

Meanwhile, a desalinator capable of processing 1,000 cubic meters of seawater a day will be built on the island to ensure fresh water supplies.

The projects also include the construction of inter-island transportation and a dock, as well as the development of Zhaoshu Island.

On Saturday, Mayor of Sansha Xiao Jie announced the beginning of a housing construction program with a total investment of 18.7 million yuan (2.97 million U.S. dollars).

Sansha was officially set up on July 24 on Yongxing Island to administer the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha islands and their surrounding waters in the South China Sea.

Over the past two months, the government has been working to build the island into a city of harmony between human and nature, said Zhang Geng, executive vice mayor of Sansha
Infrastructure boost planned for China's youngest city

10-26-2012 15:45 BJT
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HAIKOU, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) -- Plans have been announced to speed up infrastructure construction in the newly established Sansha City in the South China Seato fully tap into the island city's rich natural resources.

"We will accelerate construction projects in Sansha in sectors including traffic, telecommunication, water and electricity supply, logistics and sewage treatment," said Jiang Dingzhi, governor of China's southernmost province of Hainan, home to Sansha.


Speaking at a conference on oceanic exploitation on Thursday, he said the province will also prioritize building service bases for resource development.

Further support will be given to develop the fishery, tourism, gas and oil sectors, according to the governor.

China's youngest city, officially set up in July on Yongxing Island to administer the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha islands and their surrounding waters, is planning four infrastructure projects and started a housing program last month.

The projects include road construction, water supply and drainage on Yongxing Island, where the city government is seated.
Ancient documents prove Vietnam’s control over Paracel Islands (photo)

VietNamNet Bridge – Many documents dated back to the 18th and early 20th centuries, which are published in the Hoang Sa (Paracel Islands) Yearbook, demonstrate Vietnam’s uninterrupted management over this archipelago.


An instruction issued by a general of the Tay Son Dynasty dated February 14, 1786, instructed the Hoang Sa flotilla to send four boats to Hoang Sa to carry gold, silver, bronze and seafood products to the capital.


A document discovered in My Loi village, Phu Loc district in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue with contents of a lawsuit between My Toan and An Bang wards over the dispute of a broken ship of the Hoang Sa flotilla which drifted into the shore. According to this document, the Hoang Sa flotilla operated in 1760, under the reign of King Le Hien Tong. This flotilla was responsible to manage and explore specialties from Hoang Sa Archipelago. The document was in Chinese scripts, on day do (do paper).


A four-page document preserved by the Dang family on Ly Son Island of the central province of Quang Ngai, which noted that on April 15, 1834, Quang Ngai officials sent three ships to guard Hoang Sa Archipelago. Researchers said that this document contains valuable information, including the names and the hometown of each soldier.


A wood-block of the Nguyen Dynasty, in the Dai Nam Thuc Luc Chinh Bien De Nhi Ky historical book, 1836, noted that Hoang Sa was part of Vietnam’s territory.


One of the reports of Da Nang authorities dated June 26, 1830, sent to the court said that Vietnamese soldiers on Hoang Sa archipelago rescued a French cargo ship in Hoang Sa waters.


A report to King Minh Mang dated July 13, 1837 about a trip to Hoang Sa of the Hoang Sa flotilla.


Another report dated June 21, 1838, to the King about the exploration and mapping of Hoang Sa Archipelago.


Instruction No.10 of King Bao Dai on the transfer of Hoang Sa Archipelago from Quang Ngai province to Thua Thien province’s management.
unfortunately,east sea,all documents you show here are in Chinese, you can not read them, understand them. should i translate for you?
Wow excellent intel thank guys

You're very much welcome, Bro. You see, by show you our cards, we want sound judgements from Aquino so that he won't go over his head thinking of some irrational actions. No matter how much arms he buys will not be enough to counter us but it should be enough to deter Vietnam from further infringe on you precious properties though.
Ancient documents prove Vietnam’s control over Paracel Islands (photo)

VietNamNet Bridge – Many documents dated back to the 18th and early 20th centuries, which are published in the Hoang Sa (Paracel Islands) Yearbook, demonstrate Vietnam’s uninterrupted management over this archipelago.


An instruction issued by a general of the Tay Son Dynasty dated February 14, 1786, instructed the Hoang Sa flotilla to send four boats to Hoang Sa to carry gold, silver, bronze and seafood products to the capital.


A document discovered in My Loi village, Phu Loc district in the central province of Thua Thien-Hue with contents of a lawsuit between My Toan and An Bang wards over the dispute of a broken ship of the Hoang Sa flotilla which drifted into the shore. According to this document, the Hoang Sa flotilla operated in 1760, under the reign of King Le Hien Tong. This flotilla was responsible to manage and explore specialties from Hoang Sa Archipelago. The document was in Chinese scripts, on day do (do paper).


A four-page document preserved by the Dang family on Ly Son Island of the central province of Quang Ngai, which noted that on April 15, 1834, Quang Ngai officials sent three ships to guard Hoang Sa Archipelago. Researchers said that this document contains valuable information, including the names and the hometown of each soldier.


A wood-block of the Nguyen Dynasty, in the Dai Nam Thuc Luc Chinh Bien De Nhi Ky historical book, 1836, noted that Hoang Sa was part of Vietnam’s territory.


One of the reports of Da Nang authorities dated June 26, 1830, sent to the court said that Vietnamese soldiers on Hoang Sa archipelago rescued a French cargo ship in Hoang Sa waters.


A report to King Minh Mang dated July 13, 1837 about a trip to Hoang Sa of the Hoang Sa flotilla.


Another report dated June 21, 1838, to the King about the exploration and mapping of Hoang Sa Archipelago.


Instruction No.10 of King Bao Dai on the transfer of Hoang Sa Archipelago from Quang Ngai province to Thua Thien province’s management.
good ,these pictures can prove vietnam was part of China.
You're very much welcome, Bro. You see, by show you our cards, we want sound judgements from Aquino so that he won't go over his head thinking of some irrational actions. No matter how much arms he buys will not be enough to counter us but it should be enough to deter Vietnam from further infringe on you precious properties though.

So what? like you guys can do anything but just say bad talk to other people! You still don't get do you you never have any effective control over the west sea why? because its impossible you have a lot of people in that area are you telling me you people are willing to kills all of Asia to have a body of water plus your actions are now building a higher anti chineses sentiments on key players in the area expect your client states , The only thing saving you people are foreign investments your country which by the why sir is moving out of china since your pay roll is on the rise so that shield of yours is not being remove so keep this up your threats and again thanks for the intel our MPAC's and our new CF18 will know who and how now hehehehehe

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