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South China Sea Forum

I don't who should I believe, you or you fellow compatriot Viet, because he said no and you say yes. But no matter, as I said before, Taiwan is arming Taiping to the teeth and if Vietnam tries to start something she might loose a couple of islands in the SCS.

The Vietnamese government repeatly declares, it does not seek a military solution and does not threaten using force. All current disputes are subject of negotiations. End of the story.
I was in a cold sweat for your declaration of war.if we both want to solve the dispute by war,god knows what hell will happen.but at least i am sure that no insurance company will give you guarantee that vietnam will still in the world map after the next war,especially if the opponent is China.

as for myself ,i hope every of our bombs are made for japan and one day bloom beautiful flowers there.Our army did not practice for too long a time.the next sparring is destined to be the most tragic.hope Vietnam's luck is not so bad!

That doesn´t sound nice to me. Care your words!

Personally I don´t see any risks of armed confrontations between us and all other claimants in this f... dispute. Not yet and nor in the future. A war between China and Japan is more likely. Again, the official policy of Vietnamese government is a peaceful approach.
I was in a cold sweat for your declaration of war.if we both want to solve the dispute by war,god knows what hell will happen.but at least i am sure that no insurance company will give you guarantee that vietnam will still in the world map after the next war,especially if the opponent is China.
That's why,people don't highly appreciate China's IQ here,lots of Chinese clowns like you, Hongwu,Sino Challenge etc :coffee:

My suggestion is: read again 'Story of Ah Q ' if you forget your national character
That's why,people don't highly appreciate China's IQ here,lots of Chinese clowns like you, Hongwu,Sino Challenge etc :coffee:

My suggestion is: read again 'Story of Ah Q ' if you forget your national character

whether you agree what i told you ,it is truth.accept it........as you accept born in vietnam.something in the world are unchangeable for us.
history show us a warlike Vietnam.No matter how you hide it.....
whether you agree what i told you ,it is truth.accept it........as you accept born in vietnam.something in the world are unchangeable for us.
history show us a warlike Vietnam.No matter how you hide it.....
Yeah, I also accept that Ah Q's character (big mouth and coward )is your national character :lol:
The story traces the "adventures" of Ah Q, a man from the rural peasant class with little education and no definite occupation. Ah Q is famous for "spiritual victories", Lu Xun's euphemism for self-talk and self-deception even when faced with extreme defeat or humiliation. Ah Q is a bully to the less fortunate but fearful of those who are above him in rank, strength, or power. He persuades himself mentally that he is spiritually "superior" to his oppressors even as he succumbs to their tyranny and suppression. Lu Xun exposes Ah Q's extreme faults as symptomatic of the Chinese national character of his time. The ending of the piece – when Ah Q is carted off to execution for a minor crime – is equally poignant and satirical.
US remains neutral in S. and E. China seas


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Australian Foreign Minister Senator Bob Carr Wednesday reaffirmed their countries' neutrality on territorial disputes across the South and East China seas.

In the official AUSMIN 2012 Joint Communique, the United States and Australia said both nations sought a peaceful resolution to South and East China sea disputes while also welcoming a "strong, prosperous and peaceful China, which plays a constructive role in promoting regional security and prosperity."

Senator Carr told reporters in Perth that the meetings included "no language of containment" regarding China and that the United States and Australia "do not take sides on competing territorial claims."

The official communique stressed the importance of respecting sovereign territory.

"We reaffirmed that we do not take a position on competing territorial claims in the South China Sea. We share a common interest, with other members of the international community, in the maintenance of peace and stability, respect for international law, freedom of navigation, and unimpeded lawful commerce."

"We reaffirmed that we do not take a position on competing claims for sovereignty in the East China Sea and urged that the issue be resolved through peaceful means."

Clinton also stressed that increased cooperation with China is mutually beneficial to all stakeholders in the Asia-Pacific.

"So this is not a zero sum competition," she said, adding "The entire region can benefit from a peaceful rise of China and as I' ve said many times we welcome a strong and prosperous China that plays a constructive and greater role in world affairs."

"The Pacific is big enough for all of us," Clinton also said.

AUSMIN is the annual forum for bilateral consultations, held alternating between Australia and the United States.

US remains neutral in S. and E. China seas - China.org.cn

The Dow has plunged since the reelection of Obama and haven't have a single up day as of today. The 'big money' will not fully participate in the market until there are signs that the US and China are on the same track economically and geopolitical.

China has always welcome the US as a partner and hopefully, this is the first sign the US wants to reciprocate in kind since the election.
US remains neutral in S. and E. China seas

The official communique stressed the importance of respecting sovereign territory.

"We reaffirmed that we do not take a position on competing territorial claims in the South China Sea. We share a common interest, with other members of the international community, in the maintenance of peace and stability, respect for international law, freedom of navigation, and unimpeded lawful commerce."

Just the things above will be done. Southeast Asian countries and Japan welcome these things.

Bravo to the world police!
US remains neutral in S. and E. China seas

"So this is not a zero sum competition," she said, adding "The entire region can benefit from a peaceful rise of China and as I' ve said many times we welcome a strong and prosperous China that plays a constructive and greater role in world affairs."
"The Pacific is big enough for all of us," Clinton also said.

I hope all the best for a peaceful rise of China, and find the remark from the US secretary of States of "The Pacific is big enough for all of us" very interesting. I believe it is the first time that someone from the US government said it. A clear goahead sign for China.
SPECIAL REPORT | Subic: It looks like a US base, it acts like a US base, but is it a US base?
By: John O'Callaghan and Manuel Mogato, Reuters
November 14, 2012 1:21 PM

SUBIC BAY, Philippines - From his office window, Roberto Garcia watches workers repair the USS Emory S. Land, a submarine support vessel that is part of a US military buildup as Washington turns its attention to fast-growing Asia and a newly assertive China.

The Philippines, Australia and other parts of the region have seen a resurgence of US warships, planes and personnel since President Barack Obama announced a "pivot" in foreign, economic and security policy towards Asia late last year.

Washington insists the shift is not about containing China or a permanent return to military bases of the past. But it is sometimes tough to tell the difference at Subic Bay, a deepwater port near vital sea lanes and border disputes in the South China Sea that have raised tensions between China and Southeast Asian nations.

"Every month we have ships coming. A few weeks ago, we had the submarines, we've had the aircraft carriers," said Garcia, chairman of the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority, which oversees an economic zone built on the former US base. "They cannot find this kind of facility anywhere else in Asia."

The territorial tensions and the US shift towards the region will be high on the agenda when Obama visits Southeast Asia in coming days.

The Pentagon says the United States has "no intention of re-establishing bases in the Philippines."

But activity in Subic, a breezy coastal city about 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Manila that has the feel of a tidy American suburb with shopping malls, fast-food outlets and well-lit streets, resembles a buildup.

As of October, 70 US Navy ships had passed through Subic, more than the 55 in 2011 and the 51 in 2010.

The Pentagon says more than 100 US planes stop over each month at Clark, another former US base located between Manila and Subic.

"It's like leasing a car as opposed to buying it - all the advantages of ownership with a reduced risk," said James Hardy, Asia-Pacific editor of IHS Jane's Defense Weekly.

"If you look at Subic, the US will be leveraging Philippine bases and assets, privately owned assets, and all at a fraction of the monetary and political price of taking back ownership of the base. It gives the US the same strategic reach that basing would have done but without all the hassle."

US forces were evicted from Subic and Clark, the last and largest of their bases in the Philippines, in 1992. They revived close ties from 2000 with war games, frequent visits and by helping against communist and Muslim insurgents.

Emphasizing Subic's renewed role , South Korea's Hanjin Heavy Industries, which has invested $2 billion in the port's shipyards, signed an agreement this spring with AMSEC, a unit of Pentagon contractor Huntington Ingalls Industries, to set up a maintenance and logistics hub to serve US warships.

As a Pacific power, the United States has an interest in freedom of navigation, stability, respect for international law and unimpeded, lawful commerce across sea lanes, said Major Catherine Wilkinson, a Pentagon spokeswoman.

"Our military presence in the region helps to maintain peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific," she told Reuters.

SPECIAL REPORT | Subic: It looks like a US base, it acts like a US base, but is it a US base? - InterAksyon.com
I hope all the best for a peaceful rise of China, and find the remark from the US secretary of States of "The Pacific is big enough for all of us" very interesting. I believe it is the first time that someone from the US government said it. A clear goahead sign for China.

LOL I like the way you and Bach Dang pick a line or two from her speech and alter the whole meaning of what she's saying. The whole purpose of her speech is to tell every party that's concerned she'll not be involve in these disputes and support peaceful resolutions. She neither said the US is going to be the policeman nor there's a need to to police this area, after all, these water is not the off shores of Somalia.

Simply put, leave us alone on your petty disputes, we have better things to do.

Just as everyone expected her tone changed as soon as the election is over - from a tiger lady to a pu sy cat whereas China is concern.

US or China? Clinton says Australia needn't choose

Australia -- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton assured Australians they do not have to choose between the United States, their most important security ally, and China, their primary trading partner, as she ended a visit to the important Pacific ally Thursday.

Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta were attending an annual security summit with their Australian counterparts, Foreign Minister Bob Carr and Defense Minister Stephen Smith, aimed at deepening military links as the United States shifts its might to the Asia-Pacific.

She used her final speech in Australia in the city of Adelaide, the heartland of Australia's military manufacturing industry, to reject criticisms that Australia's enhanced ties with the United States would come at the cost of its burgeoning relationship with China.

"I know there are some who present a false choice: That Australia needs to choose between its longstanding ties to the United States and its emerging links with China," Clinton said.

"Well, that kind of zero-sum thinking only leads to negative-sum results," she added.

Clinton's comments followed a speech on Wednesday by former prime minister Paul Keating, a hero of the ruling Labor Party, in which he said Australia's "former sphere of influence is diminishing."

Keating blamed a lack of foreign policy independence, arguing that Australia had "rolled backed into an easy accommodation with the foreign policy objectives of the United States."

Speaking hours before China's new leadership was announced in Beijing, Clinton said the United States supported Australia's foreign policy objectives in the Asia-Pacific region.

"We support Australia having strong multifaceted ties with every nation in the Asia-Pacific, indeed in the world, including China, just as we seek the same," she said.

Full story: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/asia/australia/2012/11/15/361080/US-or.htm
US is strong but far, China is near and big mouth but weak, so No one need to chose either US or China.

Shake hand with VietNam to build up an 'ASEAN + +' solidarity is the best choice for all :coffee:

Actually the choice belongs to your generation. Your elders made the mistake and chose the wrong backer in Soviet Union in the late 60s because its name bears the resembling of 'so Viet'. If they had chosen China the war against the US would've won much earlier with less fatalities and there would no 1979 war as well. The Paracel might become Friendship Isles now a days. :tup:

And your GDP probably at least triple than what's now.
Actually the choice belongs to your generation. Your elders made the mistake and chose the wrong backer in Soviet Union in the late 60s because its name bears the resembling of 'so Viet'. If they had chosen China the war against the US would've won much earlier with less fatalities and there would no 1979 war as well.

And your GDP probably at least triple than what's now.
Their mistake was that They couldn't capture Chinese-Thai King in Bangkok, so now, we have to do it again to kick bad Chinese out of ASEAN region for the benefit of 'ASEAN + + 'solidarity:coffee:
The Paracel might become Friendship Isles now a days. :tup:
Thanks, but no thanks the Paracel belong to us all .
Their mistake was that They couldn't capture Chinese-Thai King in Bangkok, so now, we have to do it again to kick bad Chinese out of ASEAN region for the benefit of 'ASEAN + + 'solidarity:coffee:

Thanks, but no thanks the Paracel belong to us all .

Lol, seems Viet is the leader of the ASEAN, but in fact, no one seriously takes Viet as a player even in ASEAN, i think this time , viet will be disappointed in this summit again.

Wait and see.
Lol, seems Viet is the leader of the ASEAN, but in fact, no one seriously takes Viet as a player even in ASEAN, i think this time , viet will be disappointed in this summit again.

Wait and see.

Cambodia friend can play something to get money from China. China can pay, wait and see. In future Cambodian can say about such Loan from China that: There is dirty money, like Hussen said about such Loan from USA in the past.:enjoy:
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