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by JOHN J. XENAKIS 4 Jun 2014


China's belligerent military actions in the South China Sea, annexing regions that have historically belonged to Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines, have drawn worldwide criticism, and caused Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines to form a military alliance to oppose China. The criticism is so sharp that a number of analysts have openly questioned why the Chinese would act so belligerently, if doing so incurred such criticism. These questions are extremely naive, but here are the answers from the point of view of Generational Dynamics:

  • The Chinese people are nationalistic almost to the point of hysteria, and believe that their military can beat anyone, including the US.
  • China is desperate for energy, and doesn't want to share South China Sea oil and gas deposits with anyone.
  • The "China Dream" is to replace the US as the major power of the world, though the Chinese people want to do it with thuggery and conquest and not, as the US did, by simply taking responsibility for the well-being of other nations.
  • The Chinese people hate the Vietnamese, Philippine and Japanese people. The feeling, incidentally, is mutual in each case.
Chinese actions towards the Vietnamese have been acts of war, or pretty close. News reports of Chinese ships using water cannons on Vietnamese ships seem to convey a benign impression. But these water cannons are being directed at doing maximum danger, to force the ships to return to port for repair. And that's only part of it. Chinese ships have been ramming smaller Vietnamese ships with the purpose of sinking them or damaging them beyond repair.

According to unconfirmed reports, Vietnam is developing an aggressive strategy to country Chinese belligerence. The strategy develops in stages:

  • Vietnam's Coast Guard maintains a continuous perimeter around China's armada, and broadcasts daily reassertions of Vietnamese sovereignty.
  • Vietnam is considering legal action against China. This might take the form of support for the Philippines at the U.N. Arbitral Tribunal now in session.
  • Vietnam's aim is to avoid a direct confrontation, but to deter China by creating circumstances where China would have to accept the status quo or escalate. On Vietnamese proposal is to conduct surveillance patrols and exercises jointly with the Philippines and Japan, so that China would have to attack three countries at once. These patrols would be accompanied by unarmed U.S. Nave maritime surveillance aircraft already stationed in the Philippines.
  • Finally, a "mutually assured destruction" strategy to be applied only when relations with China have deteriorated to the point of armed conflict. Vietnam would launch ballistic missiles at China's merchant shipping and oil containers, with the objective of causing maximal psychological and economic damage. The next step would be to launch missiles at China's cities.
Once again, we have a strategy that's extremely naive. The strategy is "creating circumstances where China would have to accept the status quo or escalate." If this were 20 years ago, China would accept the status quo. But today, given a choice between accepting the status quo or escalating, China will escalate.

And if Vietnam launches any ballistic missile at any China asset or city, China will clobber Vietnam, quickly spiraling into world war.

One way or another it's clear that Vietnam is not going to tolerate much longer China's annexing of Vietnamese property and attacking and crippling Vietnamese ships, without a substantially escalated response.

World View: Vietnam Develops Increasingly Dangerous Strategy to Counter China
Vietnam so STRONG, China scared ! :lazy2:

According to unconfirmed reports, Vietnam is developing an aggressive strategy to country Chinese belligerence. The strategy develops in stages:

  • Vietnam's Coast Guard maintains a continuous perimeter around China's armada, and broadcasts daily reassertions of Vietnamese sovereignty.
  • Vietnam is considering legal action against China. This might take the form of support for the Philippines at the U.N. Arbitral Tribunal now in session.
  • Vietnam's aim is to avoid a direct confrontation, but to deter China by creating circumstances where China would have to accept the status quo or escalate. On Vietnamese proposal is to conduct surveillance patrols and exercises jointly with the Philippines and Japan, so that China would have to attack three countries at once. These patrols would be accompanied by unarmed U.S. Nave maritime surveillance aircraft already stationed in the Philippines.
  • Finally, a "mutually assured destruction" strategy to be applied only when relations with China have deteriorated to the point of armed conflict. Vietnam would launch ballistic missiles at China's merchant shipping and oil containers, with the objective of causing maximal psychological and economic damage. The next step would be to launch missiles at China's cities.
Vietnam needs long range ballistic missiles if we want to bomb Shanghai or Beijing.
we have enough cruise missiles to target all vessels in the SC Sea and Southern China.

Vietnam so STRONG, China scared ! :lazy2:
we are too poor, and therefore have nothing to lose.
by the way, the article is written by a foreigner, but it comes very close to what we are thinking.
Vietnam so STRONG, China scared ! :lazy2:
It's just a view from analysts, but their view is quite exact:
  • The Chinese people are nationalistic almost to the point of hysteria, and believe that their military can beat anyone, including the US.
  • China is desperate for energy, and doesn't want to share South China Sea oil and gas deposits with anyone.
  • The "China Dream" is to replace the US as the major power of the world, though the Chinese people want to do it with thuggery and conquest and not, as the US did, by simply taking responsibility for the well-being of other nations.
  • The Chinese people hate the Vietnamese, Philippine and Japanese people. The feeling, incidentally, is mutual in each case.
It's just a view from analysts, but their view is quite exact:
Chinese have $4 trillion, but they rob some few dollars from Vietnam to get richer.
Now the world knows who they are.
Small boy cry foul. Vietnam being small does not make you look innocent in this small scene. China offer natural reserve sharing with all the partner but the greedy Vietnamese and Pinoy say no and want everything. See who is the greedy one?

Chinese have $4 trillion, but they rob some few dollars from Vietnam to get richer.
Now the world knows who they are.

Are you jealous of our 4 trillion reserve? :lol:
Vietnam needs long range ballistic missiles if we want to bomb Shanghai or Beijing.
we have enough cruise missiles to target all vessels in the SC Sea and Southern China.

That long range ballistic missile from Vietnam to China ShangHai, the range >300km, forbid in《Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC)》no nation will sell >300km ballistic missile to u and U.N's economic sanction wil come.

If no >300km ballistic missile limit in the weapon market, China would sell DF missiles to every foreign customer.
Does the tribunal has the jurisdiction to settle territorial dispute without the consent of all parties concerned ?
If yes, this is an unprecedented godsend for world peace. There won't be arm conflicts anymore only arbitrations. It would be better for the tribunal to give priority to those bloody conflict starting with Israel/Palestin by compelling them to submit their cases too.

All hail the Tribunal aka Capitol, to hell the Mockingjay !
UN court is a joke.
in fact the UN is a joke

United Nation of few countries in which US and their puppets particular who want to impose their objective agenda on others that what actually UN shit is..
That long range ballistic missile from Vietnam to China ShangHai, the range >300km, forbid in《Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation (HCOC)》no nation will sell >300km ballistic missile to u and U.N's economic sanction wil come.

If no >300km ballistic missile limit in the weapon market, China would sell DF missiles to every foreign customer.
Vietnam maintains a close relationship with North Korea. And as everybody knows Vietnam has hundreds if not thousands of scub-b balistic missiles in the arsenal. there are speculations that the nice uncle Kim has transfered missile techs to Vietnam.

if you haven´t noticed: N Korea short/medium/long range nuclear missiles are based on Scud technology.


Vietnam maintains a close relationship with North Korea. And as everybody knows Vietnam has scub-b balistic missiles in the arsenal. there are speculations that the nice uncle Kim has transfered missile techs to Vietnam.

N Korea nuclear missiles are based on Scud technology.
To develop a long range ballistic missile, it's not as simple as u talk here. For example Guide of ballistic missile, American has GPS / Russian has GLONASS / Chinese has BeiDou satellites positioning system, Vietnamese ZERO.

LOL, Scud ! I remember Saddam also had them. How many Scud missiles VPN has now ? Do today Vietnamese can produce 60s Scud missiles in Vietnam factory ?

BTW do u wanna Vietnam become 2nd North Korea ?
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VIETNAM is NOT a superpower okay? LOLOL
No, as the article speculates the strategy of Vietnam is "creating circumstances" where China would have to accept the status quo or escalate.

We will push you to start the world war III. the G7 will answer by invasion of China.
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