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South China Sea Forum

Exactly, it's mutual. You're the one who brought it up, not me. I didn't make any such threat talk. You did sir.
did I talk to you? you shuold first let viets not borrow your 7th fleet to threat us.
did I talk to you? you shuold first let viets not borrow your 7th fleet to threat us.

No, you didn't. I was responding to your talk threat to USN. Only saying that an attack on USN would result in a massive response. I was only responding to your threat, I did not threaten first. As for you saying Viets borrowing 7th fleet, such a thing has not happened has it? No it hasn't. 7th fleet will not be 'borrowed' by anyone sir.
No, you didn't. I was responding to your talk threat to USN. Only saying that an attack on USN would result in a massive response. I was only responding to your threat, I did not threaten first. As for you saying Viets borrowing 7th fleet, such a thing has not happened has it? No it hasn't. 7th fleet will not be 'borrowed' by anyone sir.
My post is the respose to the one of viets above me. did you read this whole thread?
My post is the respose to the one of viets above me. did you read this whole thread?

Yes, like most threads in this section, there is bellicose talk between all sides unfortunately.
The writer is a warmonger, nut neocon.

So Chinese are not warmonger, nut neocon!? :rofl:

Vietnam is like a feisty little dog, like a chihuahua, that thinks he's much bigger than he really is, barking at big dog China, who's a great Dane, in comparison. The Great Dane can walk around and lounge anywhere in the Chihuahua's yard, as it pleases, and all the Chihuahua can do is bark some more.

Good! Two dogs are barking, biting each others for Uncle Sam's benefits hehehe ....


The status quo? The current status quo is that China set up an oil rig off its Paracel Islands, which Vietnam hasn't been able to do anything about, despite crying about its fictitious territorial claims everyday. It's certainly a status quo we can accept :rofl:.

Don't be naive kiddo ... it is Vietnam's strategy "crying about its fictitious territorial claims everyday" to alarm the World's view on China's aggressive warmonger nation. Then Eight Nations Alliance once again (history repeats) invade China. Sad future for China kiddo ...
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we obey the rules in our way
Hmmm...So it's my way or the highway! International rules, laws and resolutions be damned! Strange way for a country to behave more so being a permanent member of the UN Security Council. You got to lead by example. But you're making your own rules which needless to say is setting a bad precedent.
Hmmm...So it's my way or the highway! International rules, laws and resolutions be damned! Strange way for a country to behave more so being a permanent member of the UN Security Council. You got to lead by example. But you're making your own rules which needless to say is setting a bad precedent.

Sigh...don't you people read through the posts? Go read post #43. We are following UNCLOS strictly. It is not our fault that it turns out international laws doesn't work in your favor.
You sound stupid. If you launch cruise missiles at China, do you honestly expect anyone to help you when China erases Vietnam? We would have a legitimate casus belli.
More like china is getting erased from history books and the world. Like Genghis Khan did to your people about 1000 years ago.
More like china is getting erased from history books and the world. Like Genghis Khan did to your people about 1000 years ago.

Genghis Khan erased us from history? So how do we still exist then :rolleyes:?

Evidently, the US hasn't devoted enough funds to educating their refugees. That must make it hard for creatures reared in the jungle to adjust to American life.
Of course, but we are .. the US! Okay hehehehe ...
haha,yes, you are, you can put on a tag of super power touting around, just like your present shouting : yes, we can, we US can be the world leader for the next 100 years.

Do we care? abolutely not. enjoying your self-rubbing.
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