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Are you Chinese ?
I could say, no civilian vessels have the right to legally ram to sink other civilian vessel. That's murder.
And everyone could point out that the site is not belong to any country territorial water.

Or Chinese consider The Oil Rig has it own territorial water and EEZ ? Is it a new tool for Chinese neo-imperialism ?
why are you whinning? first, your boat blocks our way, so we are unable to stop. second, our boat is also a fishing boat. so if you want to play this game next time, bring a bigger one.
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haha,yes, you are, you can put on a tag of super power touting around, just like your present shouting : yes, we can, we US can be the world leader for the next 100 years.

Do we care? abolutely not. enjoying your self-rubbing.

Can't predict that far out for the next 100 years but in the next 20 years we US still are the SUPER POWER :usflag:, not CHINA :rofl:
Can't predict that far out for the next 100 years but in the next 20 years we US still are the SUPER POWER :usflag:, not CHINA :rofl:
enjoy it, moron. by the way, we never claim we are super power, don't worry too much.
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Actually, the Oil Rig is a vessel, like oil tank vessel, for example ... There's no special policy for it.
Why Chinese keep stating that any other vessels must stay away 8-10nm from their Oil Rig, while their armed fighters approach as near as 30 meters to Japanese unarmed aircrafts ? or Chinese fighter even hit to US aircraft in the international air zone ?
cause it heavy damage and must process emergency landing ...
and in latest news, Chinese civilian ships chased and ram to sink much smaller Vietnamese ship.

China doesn't respect others but forced others to respect security of their ships ( like the Hai Yang Shi You 981 Oil Rig vessel )
Because this rig is worth more than all your navy combined, of course we will take special care of it. Do you have problem with that?
No, you didn't. I was responding to your talk threat to USN. Only saying that an attack on USN would result in a massive response. I was only responding to your threat, I did not threaten first. As for you saying Viets borrowing 7th fleet, such a thing has not happened has it? No it hasn't. 7th fleet will not be 'borrowed' by anyone sir.

Absolutely correct. The USN has the capability to destroy the PLAAN's North, East, and South Fleets.
we join the organization to protect our interrest. not to obey stupid rules.
you just $hit of $wine.

Well you have to comply and your bigger moron not knowing that? And wow real orginal oh what your chinese you have no orginality at all

Phillipines have been colonized for eons by Spanish, Chinese, now Americans. You should get used to it by now.

Wow why off topic and eons really way too off but coming from you am not surprise at all your kind is always full of b$ when they run out of lies and excuses to tell folks

Sigh...don't you people read through the posts? Go read post #43. We are following UNCLOS strictly. It is not our fault that it turns out international laws doesn't work in your favor.

Wow so way off and thats our line
Genghis Khan erased us from history? So how do we still exist then :rolleyes:?

Evidently, the US hasn't devoted enough funds to educating their refugees. That must make it hard for creatures reared in the jungle to adjust to American life.

He erased 60 million chinese. That's a lot of chinese that didn't fight back. lol!!
Actually China has done the US a great favor. It's actions have opened the door for a bigger US presence in the region and the renewed the use of military bases in the Phillipines. Thank you China!

Now start actually attacking our allies in the region instead chest thumping from planting flags on deserted atols with no defenders. And you might find out how paper tiger the US is. Remember to Obama will most likely be out of office in about 7 months.

If you think a bigger US presence anywhere in the world with renewed military bases is good for the US then you don't know what over-extension means. Come to think of it, China might want the US to devote more resources in military expansion. Afterall, China send couple patrol boats, and US has to counter by spending billions in building bases & patrols half way around the world. More interestingly, China would borrow that billions to the US with interest of course, and paid back with bullions eventually.
Vietnam needs long range ballistic missiles if we want to bomb Shanghai or Beijing.
we have enough cruise missiles to target all vessels in the SC Sea and Southern China.

we are too poor, and therefore have nothing to lose.
by the way, the article is written by a foreigner, but it comes very close to what we are thinking.

Keep being calm will be better than acting like a keyboard warrior.
you views US as god, we don't.

As I watched on TV yesterday evening, Vietnam Deputy Minister of Defense blamed Chinese after they rammed and sunk Vietnamese fishing boat and never think about throwing a liferaft or something to the site. It looks like they didn't attention to the fact that they just sunk a ship with dozens of on board fishermen. It's murder.

And, the Deputy Minister of Defense stated that Vietnam could severely response to China aggressive military acts.
Vietnam has the ability but we still not use that way. But that doesnt mean we would not dare to use it.

He want to invite Chinese media reporters onto Vietnam Coast Guard ships and promise to give them the good conditions to observe the reality on sites, he expect Chinese media would have the different view about the incidents.
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